Nightmare Mode (DBZ Gamer!SI)

Dwarves, Saiyans, and Everything Inbetween









“So, how do we get down there?” Tamari asked, staring at the ground wearily.


“Shoot a beam straight down! It doesn’t matter if we hit any of them, since we’re killing them anyway!” Ken said excitedly, a small Ki ball appearing in his palm.


“That’s… actually not a bad idea. We just have to make sure we don’t accidentally blow up the planet in the process. Oh, and we also shouldn’t do it here, let’s move away from our base.” Gray said, gesturing to the area around them. “Base” was being generous, as all they had was a couple of rocks to use as chairs.


“I don’t suppose we could utilize our Ozaru’s down there, could we?” Tamari asked with a sigh. She was openly not happy about the idea of being in enclosed tunnels deep in the planet.


“Not unless you have a way to get the moon down there. Even if you could, one wrong step could cause an entire planet's worth of rocks to collapse onto you.” Gray said, taking flight and leading the group in the opposite direction he’d headed earlier when he ran into the C-Class Saiyans.


“Hopefully these guys got some food. I’m starving.” Ken said, placing a hand on his stomach as they flew.


I know the Saiyans’ are complete meatheads, but I thought someone would’ve considered putting food and water in the space pods. I understand why it took Nappa and Vegeta so long to reach Earth now. They had to keep stopping to find food.


“You can say that again.” Tamari nodded at Ken in agreement.

They flew until their makeshift base was out of sight, and they all landed on the barren ground. Gray held up his hand, a finger gun forming, then shot it straight down. A finger-sized hole appeared in the ground, going deep enough that Gray couldn’t see the bottom.


Well, we’re going to need a bigger hole than th-


+152XP! (+1 [Vargonion] Kill Count! (1/?)


+12 Coins


Gray stared at the hole in the ground.


Did… did I just kill one accidentally? 


He lifted his finger again and fired another shot into the floor.


+168XP! (+1 [Vargonion] Kill Count! (2/?)


+14 Coins


Gray’s finger blurred, firing off an armada of bullet-sized Ki blasts into the floor.


+132XP! (+1 [Vargonion] Kill Count! (3/?)


+11 Coins


+189XP! (+1 [Vargonion] Kill Count! (4/?)


+16 Coins


Level up!


[Shop] unlocked!


+192XP! (+1 [Vargonion] Kill Count! (5/?)


+16 Coins


+260XP! (+1 [Vargonion] Kill Count! (6/?)


+25 Coins


+162XP! (+1 [Vargonion] Kill Count! (7/?)


+14 Coins


+144XP! (+1 [Vargonion] Kill Count! (8/?)


+12 Coins


+110XP! (+1 [Vargonion] Kill Count! (9/?)


+8 Coins


“Gray, I think we’re going to need a bigger hole to get down.” Tamari’s voice pulled Gray out of his mindless shooting, and his head jerked back as he blinked. The ground was littered with tiny holes, looking like someone had been firing a machine gun at it.


That felt so… easy. So natural. 


Gray coughed as he cleared his throat, “Yeah, you’re right. Step back for a few minutes.”


Tamari nodded, and his team flew up into the air, floating a few hundred feet away.


Now, I’ll do this carefully so I don’t accidentally blow up the whole planet.


Gray closed both his hands into fists, a layer of Ki covering them. He slammed one fist into the ground, and a crater formed around him. His other fist followed, slamming into the crater and making it double in size. His fists picked up in speed as he got into a rhythm, his fists slamming one after the other into the crater around him.


+10 END for toughening your fists! (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])


Well, that’s one way to gain END.


The crater gradually grew bigger, and he sunk further into the planet as his fists made the crater deeper. The sonic booms his fists made with each punch roared in his ears, and adrenaline started flowing through Gray’s body as he sensed himself getting closer to the power levels under him. His thoughts strayed as he mindlessly punched the ground.


[Ki Enhancement] level up! (1000/1000)


+10 KI for leveling up a KI-related skill! (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])


+100 XP (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])


I unlocked the shop system when I leveled up a moment ago. I need to check that out when I have the chance.  I was wondering when I’d get to use these coins.


Gray grunted as his arm burst further into the ground than usual, the ground reaching up to his elbow. He ripped his arm out of the floor and stood up, floating slightly over the ground. He channeled Ki around his foot and stomped down, the floor around him crumbling and falling into the large tunnel below him. Judging by the flurry of XP he received, whatever dwarves had been living down there before weren’t anymore, as they were crushed by an avalanche of rocks flooding into the tunnel from the crater around him. 


Gray floated back up to the top of the crater, realizing on his way up just how deep down he was. He hadn’t realized it while he was punching the crater into the ground, but he was more than a few miles down from the surface. He emerged at the surface and looked at his team.


“You found them?” Asia asked, looking at Gray with her tilted cutely.


Gray nodded, “Yup. A tunnel full of dwarves. Well, that was full of dwarves, but I have the feeling following the tunnel will lead us to more of them.”


Tamari nodded in agreement, “Let’s go check it out.”


They all floated down the huge crater in the floor, arriving at the tunnel Gray had smashed into. There was a pile of rocks crushing pretty much everything, but Gray could make out signs of a city underneath. The tunnel was illuminated by white gemstones, and there were what looked to be small homes made of rocks, but Gray couldn’t make out any details as they were smashed to bits. The entire tunnel itself was rather small, being only a few hundred feet long, so the majority of it was destroyed by the falling boulders.


“You bastard! You’ll pay for-” A voice shouted towards Gray, and Gray only managed to glance at the short purple-skinned man for a second before a Ki blasts completely erased his body. He was surprised to see Asia’s outstretched hand was the culprit.


“You said not to give them a chance to talk earlier, right?” Asia said in response to Gray’s questioning look. Gray nodded and looked for any other power levels in the room. There were no others, as the man was the sole survivor of the avalanche. 


Gray scanned the room and saw a large opening on the far right of the tunnel, “Well, let’s get to looking.”


He floated to the opening and landed in front of it, walking down the large tunnel, which was lit up by the glowing gemstones placed on the walls. His team followed him, and they walked down the tunnel until they reached a crossroad. There were two paths to either side and a continuation of the path ahead of him. There were words carved in the side of the wall, but Gray couldn’t read them, as they seemed to be in a different language. He could sense power levels in each direction.


He glanced at his team behind him, “I guess we just pick one, right? Doesn’t matter which one, since we don’t know where they lead anyway.”


“I get the feeling that we’ll be getting very lost down here very quickly,” Tamari said with a sigh and started walking down the pathway to his right. They continued down the long tunnel for a few minutes and then came across another opening, which led into a city. It looked similar to the one Gray had dropped an avalanche on, with the main difference being that it wasn’t destroyed.


There was a series of small houses, made completely of rock, but formed into near-modern-looking infrastructure. The same white gemstones as in the tunnels lit up the city, which was more like a small village, as Gray could see nearly the entirety of it from where he was standing. The ceiling looked to be around a hundred feet high, with stalactites hanging on it. 


These rooms seem to be pretty small, with only 10-15 buildings. This must be more like a neighborhood than an actual city.


“Can we see if they have any food before we start blasting?” Ken asked, holding his stomach as it grumbled. Gray nodded in agreement and headed towards a restaurant-looking building. It didn’t have any traditional windows, but instead had holes in the wall of the rock building where the windows would be. A small rock with letters carved into it sat in front of the building.


Gray stepped through the door, which was just a small opening in the wall, and was greeted by a very primitive-looking restaurant. Rocks instead of chairs, taller rocks instead of tables, and a rock carved into a bar-like shape. They were all low to the ground, and Gray didn’t need to sit down to see that his legs wouldn’t fit under any of the tables. 


A short purple-skinned man sat behind the bar-rock, and Gray was able to get a good look at the species. The man was short, looking to be under 3 feet tall, and looked similar to a stereotypical dwarf if not for his purple skin.


[Mean] Dorat:


[Vorgonian Small-Kind]


Age: 98


PL: 2,950


HP: 1,125/1,125


TKI: 150/150


Reputation: -50/100 (Negatively Viewed)


[Mean] Modifier - Individuals with this modifier will be naturally mean.


The man looked up at them as they entered with a suspicious look, his voice rough and with a southern twang, “I ain’t never seen someone lookin' like y’all before. How’d you get here?” 


All the words I’ve seen carved on the wall are in a different language, and yet I can understand him?


Apparently, it wasn’t something special from his game system, as Tamari answered the man, “We’re just looking for some food. You sell that here, right?”


“Not to your kind, whatever y’all ugly bastards are. I’m not sure how y’all found this place, but we only serve small kind here. Get the hell out.” The man said dismissively, grabbing a small hammer from under the bar and holding it up threateningly. 


“There’s more than just you guys on this planet?” Gray asked the man.


“Of course, you’re here, ain’t yuh? What do ya mean by this planet? You’re one of those surface dwellers, aren’t you? Actually, I don’t give a shit, just get the hell out.” The short man hopped off the small rock he’d been sitting on and started walking towards them. He was stopped short as a Ki bullet, courtesy of Gray’s finger, blew his brains out.


“Let’s just ransack this place. Look for whatever food he was selling here. I guess we’ll be looking for more than just dwarves on this planet.” Gray said as they started searching the restaurant. They eventually found a room where the food was being held, but it was a collection of unrefrigerated meat that didn’t look very appealing.


Beggars can’t be choosers.


They sat on the rocks around one of the tables and started digging into the meat, ignoring the slumped-over corpse lying a few feet away. Gray tore the red meat off a large bone, which the game had labeled as “Carpquet meat.” He didn’t know what a Carpquet was, and considering how terrible the meat tasted, he didn’t want to find out. 


“It’s not very good, but still better than that slop they give us back on planet Vegeta, so I won’t complain,” Tamari said, ripping into her leg of meat. Gray nodded in agreement. At least this meat looked edible.


They eventually finished eating and brought some of the meat with them, leaving the restaurant and launching beams at the houses around it. The next few hours would bore Gray half to death, a feeling he didn’t imagine he’d associate with the massacre of an entire planet. They blasted houses, he watched his XP rise, and then they headed down the tunnels toward the next set of power levels and repeated the process. They continued for hours and didn’t find anything interesting, slaughtering village after village. 


Who would’ve thought committing genocide would be so boring? Or that I wouldn’t feel guilty in the slightest? 


Gray stared at his finger as a bullet flew from it into an unsuspecting dwarf’s head, unable to believe that just over a day ago he’d been unable now kill Dareth. Now he was committing genocide.


At least my [Ki Gun]’s gone up 4 levels, and I’ve leveled up three times myself. This is boring, but at least it’ll pay off later.


Planet Vargon was big, much bigger than planet Vegeta, but he suspected he’d be able to circle the whole planet in less than an hour with his speed. Crossing the planet through winding underground tunnels was much slower, and Gray felt like they’d be wandering the tunnels forever.


“Is everyone here going to be this weak? I thought we’d get to see some cool swords or something. Isn’t that what dwarves make?” Ken whined, also growing bored from the senseless slaughter. Even Saiyans seemed to have stories about dwarves. They were stood in another destroyed village, courtesy of their Ki blasts.


“We’ve dug into a residential area. There are likely large cities somewhere within these tunnels. That will be where we find soldiers. It would be easy to find them from the surface, but we’ll need to take out these small villages anyway to complete the exam.” Celia’s emotionless voice explained, and Gray nodded in agreement.


We’re in this planet's equivalent of the countryside. Nothing but civilians. No blacksmiths, no soldiers wielding magical swords. Just houses and restaurants. 


“We can’t continue like this, we’re just wandering around aimlessly down here, going from power level to power level.” Gray said, glancing at Celia, “We can sense their power levels from the surface. We’ll fire blasts down into the villages, then come down again if we find any power levels that are too high to deal with that way. We can also look for the other races that are on the planet as we do. We aren’t here to sightsee.”


+10 INT for coming up with a good plan! (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])


I came down here in hopes of finding a badass sword, but I won’t be able to find one in one of these little villages. I’ll come back down once we sense a larger city from the surface. 


Ken nodded hurriedly in agreement, “Anything to get out of these dim tunnels, man. I thought this exam would be fun, but I feel like I’m just doing laps around the academy.”


Ken faced his palm towards the ceiling, a ball of Ki forming on it, and then shot a beam directly into the ceiling. The ceiling crumbled around the blast, Tamari blasting the rocks that were falling toward them into dust. Ken’s beam easily cut through the span of rock between the tunnel they were in and the surface, and the group of Saiyans flew upwards in the hole he formed. Gray couldn’t help the smile that came to his face as he saw the sun directly above the hole, shining down onto them.


I never thought I’d be so glad to see the sun. I don’t wanna know how long we spent in those dim tunnels.


Gray blinked as the sun grew brighter. Then even brighter, and he shaded his eyes with his hand.


Is the sun… getting closer?


Gray’s hand shot up, firing a Ki blast into the rapidly approaching “sun.” The two Ki blasts connected, exploding in mid-air, and Gray launched himself up the hole faster, sensing the power levels waiting at the top. He quickly reached the surface and was met with three flying Saiyans staring at him. 


“Surprised to see me, little rat? It was real nice of you to send out a flare for me,” Arlic said, grinning at him.


Shit, I was so eager to get out of those damn tunnels that I didn’t consider this. Ken shot a large Ki beam straight into the air. Any scouter looking even remotely in our direction would pick up on it. I’m glad this dumb bastard didn’t just spam Ki blasts down the hole while we were coming up, or we’d be in real trouble.


Gray glanced at the other two Saiyans with him. The first one looked muscular but slim, like an elite athlete. He was tall, with a flowing mane of black hair falling down his back.


[Leader] Maiz:


[Saiyan C-Class Recruit #44]


Age: 20


PL: 818,876


HP: 12,760/12,760


TKI: 62,170/62,170


Reputation: 0/100 (Neutral)


[Leader] Modifier - Individuals with this modifier will be natural leaders. Individuals under their command will receive a 5% boost to all their stats.


The other one looked more similar to Arlic, being extremely muscular. He had muscles on his muscles, and looked nearly bald, with just stubs of hair on his head.


[Strong] Dakon:


[Saiyan C-Class Recruit #44]


Age: 20


PL: 796,996


HP: 16,890/16,890


TKI: 55,460/55,460


Reputation: 0/100 (Neutral)


[Strong] Modifier - Individuals with this modifier will be naturally inclined to pursue STR-based skills. 


An intelligent leader with his two muscley idiotic goons. How cliche.


Gray covered his fists in Ki, ready to hold them off until his team arrived to help, but his eyes widened as he sensed a duo of power levels rapidly approaching from behind the trio of Class-C recruits.


“Eh, you look scared, little rat! Am I that intimidating?” Arlic said, laughing loudly at Gray’s shocked look.


“I’m not looking at you, idiot! Turn around.” Gray responded, clenching his fist as he prepared for the fight of his life.


“Eh? What’re you talking about, you- ghuu!” Arlic's words caught in his throat as he turned to the men floating above them.


“Starting the party without me? How rude.” The male Saiyan said, grinning hungrily at the trio of C-Class Saiyans. The duo consisted of a male and a female Saiyan, with the male being a towering figure. His muscles were huge and well-defined, and he had a square face with a flowing mane of black hair behind him. The female couldn’t have looked more different, as she was much shorter, looking absurdly small for a Saiyan. Her body was thin, not looking very muscular, with a bob of short black hair on her head. She looked more like a young girl from Earth than a Saiyan.


[Confident] Aikon:


[Saiyan B-Class Recruit #42]


Age: 22


PL: 2,109,575


HP: 16,975/16,975


TKI: 92,250/92,250


Reputation: 0/100 (Neutral)


[Confident] Modifier - Individuals with this modifier will be naturally confident. They will gain 10% more CHA.


They look like complete opposites, and even their modifiers contrast each other.


[Timid] Sarada:


[Saiyan B-Class Recruit #46]


Age: 22


PL: 1,998,259


HP: 6,890/6,890


TKI: 196,119/196,119


Reputation: 0/100 (Neutral)


[Timid] Modifier - Individuals with this modifier will be naturally timid. They will gain 10% less CHA.


Gray’s mind whirled as he formulated a plan, his heart pounding in his ears. He didn’t even notice the rest of his team arriving behind him.


Ba-dump. Ba-dump. Ba-dump.


We’re the least threatening here. They’ll probably focus on each other. 


Ba-dump. Ba-dump. Ba-dump.


I can run. Even if one of them does decide to chase me, I can put points into AGI. I have a lot of available points from leveling up in the tunnels.


Ba-dump. Ba-dump. Ba-dump.


“You bastards think you’re tough just because you’re B-Class, huh? I hope you haven’t grown soft from those fancy training rooms you’ve got!” Arlic shouted as he engaged with the male Saiyan, he and Dakon launching themselves at Aikon.


We can run while they’re distracted. Head back into the tunnels. Farm more XP while they take each other out. It’s the smartest thing to do.


Ba-dump. Ba-dump. Ba-dump.


Gray turned his head to look at his team, his mouth opening to tell them the plan, but no words came out.


It’s the smartest option. The safest way to ensure we all make it out of the exam alive…


Ba-dump. Ba-dump. Ba-dump.


His gaze turned back to the battling Saiyans, Arlic and Dakon clashing with Aikon while Sarada was manhandling Maiz. A grin unconsciously formed on his face.


…why do I want to stay so badly? Why do I want to fight?


Ba-dump. Ba-dump. Ba-dump.


He turned back to the rest of his team, “I can’t promise I can protect you during the fight. Head back into the tunnel if you want.”


“Are you kidding me, man? It’s just starting to get fun!” Ken’s voice responded, a maniac grin even larger than Gray’s own on his face.


“Trying to keep all the good fights to yourself, huh? As if, jackass. I don’t need you protecting me anyway.” Tamari’s excited voice spoke up.


Of course. I’m such an idiot. I know why I want to fight so badly…


His heart was pounding in his ears, adrenaline flowing through his veins, and the feeling of pure excitement was forming in his gut. He felt like a kid in a candy store.


“I’ll provide support,” Celia said simply, and Asia nodded excitedly in agreement.


I’m a Saiyan. Of course I want to fight strong opponents.


“Don’t die,” Gray said, his grin growing even wider as he launched himself toward Sarada. His fist barely missed her face as she tilted her head to the side, her fist uppercutting at his gut in response. Gray shot backward, barely able to dodge her fist. She flew toward him, following up the punch with a roundhouse kick. Her hand shot up and caught Ken’s fist easily as he came at her from the side, but his distraction gave Gray enough time to cross his arms and block the kick.


-100HP! (6,875/6,975)


Gray grunted as he flew back, his arms aching from the force of the kick. His hand flicked up into a finger gun to intercept the flurry of Ki blasts she sent towards him with one hand as her other hand parried Ken’s punches. She disappeared faster than Gray’s eyes could see and appeared above Ken, a beam of energy appearing in her hand and sending Ken hurtling toward the ground.


That’s gonna hurt.


Gray shot back up towards Sarada, his flurry of fists being dodged easily by the quick girl. Maiz’s punches blurred with his own as he rejoined the fight, their duo of punches being dodged effortlessly by the girl. Ken seemed to be fine, as a moment later he appeared behind the girl, his attacks joining the mix. Gray realized how outclassed they truly were as the three of them formed a triangle around the girl, their punches blurring as they launched toward her, but none of them connected.


Gray saw Sarada’s arm tense, and he launched his leg up as her arm shot out towards Maiz. Her eyes widened in surprise as his leg slammed into the bottom of her arm mid-punch.


[Prediction] Skill unlocked!


+100 XP (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])


[Prediction] LVL 1 - Your ability to predict your opponent's next move.


+10 INT for unlocking an INT-related skill! (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])


Maiz took advantage of her momentary surprise, slamming his fist into her gut. Her body curled over his fist, and Ken followed up the attack with a 2-handed hammer slamming into her back and sending her careening towards the floor. Maiz nodded gratefully at Gray, then grunted in pain as Gray’s Ki-enhanced fist slammed into his face, sending him flying backward.


-1,200HP! (6,280/12,760)


“What are you doing, dumbass?! We need to work together if we want to beat her!” Maiz said as he steadied himself in the air, glaring at Gray. He was already covered in bruises from the beating Sarada had given him earlier, and he looked unsteady after Gray’s punch.


“Ehh? You thought we were working together or something?” Gray smirked at him, a huge grin filling his face as he shot a Ki bullet toward him and he dodged to the side, “We’re enemies. I don’t need your help. I’d much rather fight her alone!”


Gray felt a sense of pride well up within him as he battled against his fellow Saiyans, but didn’t have time to dwell on it as he barely managed to lean fly backwards and dodge Sarada’s flying uppercut. She focused on him with a flurry of punches, and he found himself moving too slowly to dodge them all. Her punches grazed him time after time, and when Ken tried to assist him he found himself the victim of a roundhouse kick as the girl simultaneously pressured him and launched Ken to the floor. Maiz launched a Ki blast towards her, seemingly deciding that she was still the more important target, but she swatted it away without missing a beat.


-125HP! (6,750/6,975)


-280HP! (6,470/6,975)


-110HP! (6,360/6,975)


-164HP! (6,196/6,975)


She’s too fast, her punches keep grazing me. She’ll wear me down like this.


Luckily for him, he was given a reprieve as two green disks of Ki flew towards the girl and she was forced to fly backward to dodge. Asia floated a few feet below him, her arms outstretched. Maiz launched towards the girl as she backed away from Gray, and she turned her attention to engaging with him.


Gray quickly put 25 points into AGI and another 25 into END, then glanced over to see how Tamari was fairing. She was dashing in and out of Aikon’s reach, utilizing the same strategy Capper had used against him while the two C-Class Saiyans went blow for blow with the large B-Class. He glanced down to see if Ken was still alive, and sighed in relief when he saw the Saiyan still had some HP left. His body was sitting in a crater on the ground and he seemed barely conscious, but he was still alive.


He was dragged out of his thoughts as a flurry of Ki blasts came flying at him, and he intercepted them with Ki bullets of his own. Sarada was firing at him, and Maiz was nowhere to be seen anymore. Gray blitzed towards her with his new increased agility, dodging her blasts as he appeared in front of her, launching a flurry of punches at her. She dodged them and returned with punches of her own, but they didn’t seem nearly as quick as before, and Gray was able to avoid them. 


“Just you now. Give up and I’ll make it quick.” She breathed out to him as they exchanged a flurry of missed punches.


“You wish,” Gray growled in response, an idea forming in his head. Sarada leaned forward as her fist sailed toward Gray’s face, and his Ki-coated fist uppercut into her gut as he tanked the punch, their fists colliding at the same time.

-592HP! (8,729/10,100)


 1,500HP! (4,140/6,890)


Gray grinned as he won the trade of blows, but his eyes widened quickly as Sarada’s fist shifted to an open palm and she launched a Ki blast point-blank into his face.


-2,850HP! (5,879/10,100)


He coughed as a cloud of smoke appeared around his face from the impact, and he shot backward from her. He glared at her as his face stung from the blast, steadying himself in the air as he breathed heavily. She was also out of breath floating across from him, her eyes narrowed at him.


Fuck it. I might regret this later, but she’s pissing me off.


He quickly tossed another 25 points into STR, AGI, and END as she regained her breath. He used nearly half of the available points he had left after the grinding they did in the tunnels, but he was too pissed off to care after receiving a Ki blast to the face.


He blitzed toward the female Saiyan again, and Sarada’s eyes widened in shock as he moved even faster than before. She barely managed to cross her arms to block his punch but grunted from the impact. His other hand shot out and grabbed her arm as she was launched backward from the force of his punch, holding her in place. She looked at him in surprise, trying to wretch her arm free from his grip, but her efforts were silenced as his head slammed down into hers, launching her body downwards. 


850HP! (3,290/6,890)


Her body was launched towards the ground from the impact of his head into hers, but he held tight on her arm and kept her afloat. She blinked away the pain and raised her other hand to launch a Ki blast, barely managing to get it off as his other hand slammed into her face, his fist covered in a layer of Ki.


1,850HP! (1,440/6,890)


-1,250HP! (4,629/10,100)


Her eyes nearly glazed over as smoke spread around them from the impact of her Ki blast. Gray grunted as his stomach burned from the impact, but kept his grip on her arm through it all, keeping her afloat a foot in front of him. He raised his hand, a finger gun forming as the girl's eyes refocused after the repeated blows to her head. Her eyes widened as she saw his finger pointed at her head, and tried to bring up her other arm to block.




+5,000 XP! (8,956/30,000)

+5000 Coins

+1 [Saiyan] Kill Count! (4/10)

+10 HREG (For winning a battle)

+10 EREG (For winning a battle)


Gray breathed heavily as he dropped the girl's corpse, letting it fall to the planet below. Blood dripped down the side of his face, and he could feel a large bruise on his abdomen, the armor on his stomach cracked from the blast. He felt exhausted.


I had to use over a hundred points, and even then I had to rely on trading blows to take her down. 


“Are you alright, Gray?” Asia’s soft voice asked from the side of him, and he nodded assuringly at her as she floated next to him, looking at him with a concerned face.


“I’m fine, just tired, but I need to help Tamar-” His sentence was cut off as he unexpectedly took a punch to the face, steadying himself in the air a second later.


-650HP! (3,979/10,100)


“Thought I was dead, did you? We’re still enemies, remember? As a thank you for dealing with her for me, I’ll make your death quick and painless.” Maiz said, breathing heavily and covered in bruises as he stared down at Gray. 


“You would’ve lived longer if you kept playing dead,” Gray huffed out, his breathing heavy and erratic from the culmination of attacks he’d taken.


The already half-dead C-Class Saiyan launched himself at Gray, but never managed to reach him as a green disk sliced through his neck, his head being lobbed off his body. Gray blinked in surprise and turned to Asia, who had another disk floating on her palm.


No one ever expects the cute little girl to be dangerous. I doubt it even crossed his mind that she’d interfere.


“Thanks for the assist, Asia,” Gray said gratefully, giving her a tired smile. She blushed and nodded quickly at him.


He glanced around him as he evaluated the situation.


Sarada and Maiz: Dead.


Ken: Unconscious in a crater.


Aikon: He’s got a few bruises, but looks mostly fine.


Tamari: Unharmed, but running out of steam. She looks exhausted.


Arlic and Dakon: Bloodied and bruised. They’ll be down before long.


Asia and Celia: Unharmed, but not very helpful except for a surprise attack.


Me: More than half dead and exhausted.


Gray steadied his breathing as he looked at Aikon, who was in the process of slamming a flurry of punches into Arlic, ignoring Tamari’s quick punches as she dashed in and out of his reach. 


This isn’t going to be easy. I’ll probably have to use more points.


He quickly checked over his stats again after his point usage.


Gray Tanaki:


[Saiyan F-Class Recruit 1]


Age: 15


Wallet: 26,150 Coins


Lvl: 8 (12,956/30,000 XP)


PL: 2,756,450


Available Points: 135


HP: 4,035/10,100


TKI: 19,825/67,675


STR: 150


AGI: 175


END: 105


INT: 265


CHA: 45


LUK: 55


KI: 255


HREG: 56


EREG: 56


Skills: [Observe LVL 4], [Running LVL 6], [Determination LVL 4], [Ki Control LVL 9], [Ki Gun LVL 5]. [Ki Enhancement LVL 4], [KI Suppression LVL 5], [Ki Sense LVL 2], [Pushup LVL 4], [Punch LVL 4], [Kick LVL 4], [Jump LVL 4], [Flight LVL 4], [Prediction LVL 1]


Perks: [Gamer’s Mind], [Gamer’s Body], [Double-edged Sword], [Legendary Super Sayian], [Perfect Ozaru], [A Cute Pawn], [A Humble Master], [Ladies Man]


Party: Tamari, Asia, Ken, Celia


Gray Tanaki is a Sayian in training on Planet Vegeta. 


My power level’s higher than even Aikon’s now. I’m exhausted and injured, but I should still be able to finish him off after he finishes with Arlic and Dakon. I’ll try not to use anymore points unless I need to.


He was brought out of his thoughts as a loud voice rang throughout the barren area. 


“All of you gathered in one place, just for me? I appreciate it. Truly, I do. I will make your deaths quick and painless to return your kindness.” A smooth voice rang out, and Gray looked up to see a man up in the air, his silhouette blocking the sun. His arms were outstretched, a large toothy smile on his face.


Electricity suddenly filled the air, and Gray felt a pressure settle on his shoulders. All the fighting stopped as everyones eyes simultaneously turned toward the new arrival.


A tall man floating in the air with a set of spikey black hair on his head. His face was incredibly handsome, angular with a sharp jaw, and his body looked like it was built for fighting. Muscles bulged from his armor, but his body looked lean enough to maintain a high speed. He looked how Gray expected elite Saiyans would, his body looking closer to Goku’s than any Saiyan he’d seen so far. A killing machine was staring down at them. Gray’s eyes nearly bulged out of his head as he cast observe on the man.


[Charismatic] Kolra:


[Saiyan A-Class Recruit #25]


Age: 21


PL: 15,678,852


HP: 62,600/62,600


TKI: 855,180/855,180


Reputation: 0/100 (Neutral)


[Charismatic] Modifier - Individuals with this modifier will be naturally charismatic, and will gain CHA 100% faster.


“You even weakened each other, just for me? I’m truly touched!” Kolra shouted, aiming an open palm at the planet below them. A blast of Ki whipped toward Gray faster than he could react, but he wasn’t the target.


[Party member: Ken has died!]


We are so fucked.



Read up to chapter 10 RIGHT NOW at ! 


Thanks for reading, I hope y’all enjoyed it! This chapter was also on the shorter end, but it was jam-packed with fighting. Don’t worry, there will be more with the dwarves in the future, Gray doesn’t have his badass sword yet!


Gray Tanaki:


[Saiyan F-Class Recruit 1]


Age: 15


Wallet: 26,150 Coins


Lvl: 8 (12,956/30,000 XP)


PL: 2,756,450


Available Points: 135


HP: 4,035/10,100


TKI: 19,825/67,675


STR: 150


AGI: 175


END: 105


INT: 265


CHA: 45


LUK: 55


KI: 255


HREG: 56


EREG: 56


Skills: [Observe LVL 4], [Running LVL 6], [Determination LVL 4], [Ki Control LVL 9], [Ki Gun LVL 5]. [Ki Enhancement LVL 4], [KI Suppression LVL 5], [Ki Sense LVL 2], [Pushup LVL 4], [Punch LVL 4], [Kick LVL 4], [Jump LVL 4], [Flight LVL 4], [Prediction LVL 1]


Perks: [Gamer’s Mind], [Gamer’s Body], [Double-edged Sword], [Legendary Super Sayian], [Perfect Ozaru], [A Cute Pawn], [A Humble Master], [Ladies Man]


Party: Tamari, Asia, Ken, Celia


Gray Tanaki is a Sayian in training on Planet Vegeta.

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