Nightmare Mode (DBZ Gamer!SI)

Fight to Survive









Last Chapter: “You even weakened each other, just for me? I’m truly touched!” Kolra shouted, aiming an open palm at the planet below them. A blast of Ki whipped toward Gray faster than he could react, but he wasn’t the target.


[Party member: Ken has died!]


We are so fucked.




Why do I hear boss music?


Gray’s breathing was heavy, and he could still hear his heart pounding in his ears. He glanced down at the large crater where Ken’s body had once been. He gritted his teeth as he glared at Kolra. 


I only met Ken a few days ago, but he was a good guy—a friend. I’ll kill this bastard for you Ken, no matter what.


That’d be a lot easier said than done. Even if he used up the last of his available points he’d probably still stand no chance. Retreating, hiding in the tunnels for a few days, and killing more dwarves would be the best plan. However, Gray had no intention of doing that. 


Ba-dump. Ba-dump. Ba-dump.


His heartbeat was pounding in his ears, his blood rushing throughout his body, adrenaline coursing through his veins. Most importantly, pure rage was growing in his gut. His Saiyan pride wouldn’t allow him to back down.


This feeling… I haven’t felt it since the first night in this world. The night Dareth went after Asia. Anger at Kolra… pride demanding that I avenge Ken… I can’t run away.


“Tamari,” Gray shouted through gritted teeth, “Take Asia. Go back down into the tunnels.”


“You can’t be serious, Gray! There’s no way-” Tamari started through panted breaths, but was cut off.


“He’s an A-Class Saiyan. I know you want to fight, but Asia will die if she stays here. You’re much faster than she is. Take her and go.” He said. He wanted both of them to leave so they’d be safe, but he couldn’t just say that and stomp all over Tamari’s pride.


“How valiant, young warrior! Trying to protect your friends! Truly touching. I’ll let them go since I’m so moved!” Kolra shouted down to Gray, a smile on his face.


Tamari looked indecisive for a moment, then glared at Kolra and sighed, “Fine. Don’t get yourself killed, alright?” 


“I don’t plan on it.”


I don’t plan on dying. In fact, I don’t have a plan at all, but I can’t retreat after he just killed Ken.


“You’re not going to tell me to run? Should I be offended?” Celia’s said from behind him.


“You’re only useful because you’re smart, right? Do something smart to help me out here, or we’re all dead.” He said simply, floating towards the two near-dead C-Class Saiyans who were arguing with Aikon. 


“You really think I’d team up with a privileged B-Class asshole like you?!” Arlic said loudly to Aikon, who was stretching his right arm while gripping his shoulder with his other hand.


“At least one of you meatheads has figured it out already. As much as I’d rather fight him alone, I’d rather not commit suicide. We need to work together.” Gray said, glad that Kolra seemed content to let them talk instead of just blitzing them.


“We all received the same mission, right? Exterminate all the lifeforms on this planet. Only two Saiyans can leave alive. It was three for you guys, right? And probably five for you.” Aikon said, jutting his chin in Gray’s direction, “We’ve all lost team members now. We take this A-Class bastard down together, and whoever's alive at the end can be my plus-one off this planet.”


“As if, you prick. Whoever’s alive between the two of you can be our third.” Arlic said, glaring at Aikon.


“We can figure that out after we beat him, alright? We’re all exhausted and injured. It won’t be easy. I’ll do most of the work, just hit him when you can, alright?” Gray said as he evenly distributed his remaining 135 points into AGI, STR, and END. He grinned as he suddenly felt nearly fresh and ready for battle. He glanced at his new HP.


HP: 23,285/29,350


It’s a strange feeling - suddenly going from exhausted to feeling like the fight just started.


“I don’t like it, you F-Class trash, but you seem the least injured of us all. Take a few blows before you kick the bucket, alright?” Aikon growled.


“Would being in your Ozaru form for the fight be helpful?” Celia’s voice resounded behind him. He turned around and looked at her with a raised eyebrow.


“Yeah, but even if the moon, which we haven’t seen since we got here, came out right now Kolra would also be an Ozaru,” Gray said, shooting down her idea.


“Huh? You F-Class bastards really are idiots! If we were Ozaru’s, then these injuries would feel like scratches. The bruises all over your body feel a lot less painful when you’re a 100-foot-tall monkey. These weaklings could also take more than one hit before they lose their usefulness.” Aikon said, his tail swishing and pointing at Dakon and Arlic.


I don’t know if what he’s saying is true, but I’ve also never been a giant monkey, so I guess it’s worth a shot. I also have an 11x multiplier compared to Kolra’s 10x from [Perfect Ozaru], and that could grow even higher during the battle. I’ll gain a slight edge. Worst case scenario: We’re fighting Ozaru Kolra instead of normal Kolra. Either way, he’s way stronger than me. 


“I guess it’s worth a sho- wait, this is pointless. We can’t transform into our Ozaru’s anyway. Unless…?” He trailed off, glancing over to Celia, “You’ve found a way, haven’t you?” 


She nodded and placed her palms a few inches from each other. A small ball of flashing white Ki started forming between her hands. 

“W-What?! Is that… an artificial moon!? How can a Class-F brat like you do that? That technique is only passed down to members of the royal family!” Aikon exclaimed, looking in shock at the artificial moon forming in Celia’s hand.


“You can worry about that if you survive,” Celia said simply, tossing the large ball of Ki into the air and then immediately flying towards the tunnel they came out of. Gray understood why, as he felt the transformation overcome him near-instantly.


“Impressive!” Kolra’s voice shouted, sounding like a mix between a human and a monster’s voice as he transformed as well. All around Gray, the Saiyan’s bodies grew and changed. His muscles were torn apart and then remade again. They became taller, towering nearly a hundred feet over the planet’s surface below them, hair growing from every inch of their bodies, and their power levels spiking. He glanced at his new stats as his transformation finished.


Gray Tanaki (Ozaru Form):


[Saiyan F-Class Recruit 1]


Age: 15


Wallet: 26,150 Coins


Lvl: 8 (12,956/30,000 XP)


PL: 70,787,200


Available Points: 0


HP: 526,935/533,000


TKI: 269,925/269,925


STR: 500 (+305)


AGI: 300 (+80)


END: 500 (+350)


INT: 215 (-50)


CHA: 45


LUK: 55


KI: 1,255 (+1,000)


HREG: 560 (+500)


EREG: 560 (+500)


Skills: [Observe LVL 4], [Running LVL 6], [Determination LVL 4], [Ki Control LVL 9], [Ki Gun LVL 5]. [Ki Enhancement LVL 4], [KI Suppression LVL 5], [Ki Sense LVL 2], [Pushup LVL 4], [Punch LVL 4], [Kick LVL 4], [Jump LVL 4], [Flight LVL 4], [Prediction LVL 1]


Perks: [Gamer’s Mind], [Gamer’s Body], [Double-edged Sword], [Legendary Super Sayian], [Perfect Ozaru], [A Cute Pawn], [A Humble Master], [Ladies Man]


Party: Tamari, Asia, Celia


Gray Tanaki is a Sayian in training on Planet Vegeta. 


He glanced at Kolra’s new power level, which was just over 150 million. 


I should’ve checked my power level after I used those points. He’s a bit over twice my power level now and was over 7x stronger before I used my points. I’m not sure if I’ve caught up any with [Perfect Ozaru] or not.


“Wait… how can we tell which one is Kolra?” A shorter ape from next to him questioned. He cast observe and saw it was Arlic.


“We can’t, but he can’t tell us apart either!” Dakon responded confidently, his ape form being even shorter.


“You moron. He doesn’t have any allies here, so he can just attack any Ozaru he sees!” Aikon said in annoyance, glaring at the smaller monkey. He was taller than both Arlic and Dakon, but still shorter than Gray. True to his words from earlier, the Saiyans looked more energetic than before they transformed. Granted, it wasn’t hard to look more energetic than they had been before, as they had looked as if a small gust of wind would finish them off.


We do all look pretty similar as apes, but there’s a pretty big difference. I know I killed the two smart Saiyans already, but these meatheads should be able to figure out this much!


“You’re all morons. He’s huge, as in way taller than all of us. Just attack the tallest ape.” Gray said, glad to receive nods at his words.


“Alright, you’ve gotten your last words in! Enough talking!” A massive beam of Ki exploded from Kolra’s giant ape hand. Gray could see it coming and would’ve had time to dodge, but he wasn’t the target. Dakon wasn’t as lucky, and his life ended in an instant as the beam tore through his chest.


“Scatter! Try to get some hits in where you can!” Gray’s monstrous voice shouted as he rushed at Kolra, sending a Ki-enhanced fist towards his face. Kolra easily dodged, tilting his head to the side, and counterattacked with a hand-chop aimed at his side. Gray managed to bring his arm back down in time to intercept it, grabbing Kolra’s wrist, but grunted in pain as the hand he was holding switched into an open palm and shot a Ki blast directly into his side.


-10,592HP! (516,343/533,000)


Gray kept his grip tight on Kolra’s wrist and attempted to pull off a WWE-esque move as he slung Kolra’s arm over his shoulder, grunting in pain when Kolra’s other fist slammed into his stomach as he did. 


-6,278HP! (510,065/533,000)


Gray grunted as he used all his strength to drag Kolra’s body over his shoulder, intending to slam him back-first into the ground. As Kolra’s body rose over Gray’s head, Kolra’s other hand gripped the top of Gray’s head to prevent gravity from dragging him toward the ground, and his legs shot out and slammed into Gray’s chest. Gray let out a scream of pain as Kolra’s feet pushed off his chest, having to let go of Kolra’s wrist as he was flung across the sky. 


-16,590HP! (493,475/533,000)


Gray immediately launched himself toward Kolra again, his fists a blur as he through an array of punches at Kolra, who easily dodged all of them. Kolra ducked under one of his punches like a boxer, pushing his body within Gray’s guard, and unleashed a flurry of his own punches into Gray’s stomach. Gray was stunned by the force of the punches and ended up caught off-guard by Kolra’s large leg roundhouse kicking him toward the ground, moving far faster than an ape that size had any business moving.


-8,560HP! (484,915/533,000)

-8,560HP! (476,355/533,000)

-8,560HP! (467,795/533,000)

-8,560HP! (459,235/533,000)

-8,560HP! (450,675/533,000)

-8,560HP! (442,115/533,000)

-8,560HP! (433,555/533,000)

-15,925HP! (417,630/533,000)


Gray growled as he stood up from the crater his body had created in the ground and glared up at Kolra. He glanced at Arlic and Aikon, who were both floating nearby on either side of Kolra. Judging from Arlic’s bewildered look, he and Kolra were moving too fast for him to keep track of, so they couldn’t find a time to intervene.


Gray shot himself toward Kolra again, his Ki-enhanced fist being dodged again. Kolra’s fist slammed into his face in return, sending Gray sputtering. 


-10,960HP! (406,670/533,000)


He’s too fast, I can’t hit him. I have to hope this works.


Kolra dashed toward Gray this time, his fist slamming into Gray’s gut. Spit flew from Gray’s mouth as a silent scream of pain came out.


-9,980HP! (396,690/533,000)


Kolra was momentarily distracted as a flurry of Ki blasts came at him from the side, and his other hand swiped up to block Aikon’s attack. Gray grinned at the distraction and accepted the punch to the gut as his arms wrapped around Kolra’s body, gripping onto his tail. He gripped as tightly as he could, but his plan was ruined quickly as Kolra’s tail ripped itself out of his grasp. Kolra’s face flashed with anger as his fist flashed out, slamming into Gray’s nose, “You think I’d have an untrained tail? Are you mocking me, warrior?!” 


-18,250HP! (378,440/533,000)


Gray grunted as he backed up, his hand covering his nose as it bled lightly, “Worth a shot.”


It didn’t work, but it gave me another idea.


Kolra was still pissed, and he blitzed himself toward Gray, a flurry of punches coming with him. Gray managed to dodge the majority of them barely, only getting grazed by a few. He allowed one to slam into his cheek, not trying to dodge. 


-7,460HP! (370,980/533,000)


Gray grabbed Kolra’s wrist as his fist slammed into Gray’s cheek, and Gray’s head flew forward in a headbutt. He tried to utilize the same strategy he’d used against Sarada of trading blows, but quickly realized it wouldn’t work as he saw the damage his headbutt inflicted.


-2,460HP! (358,520/533,000)


1,200HP! (434,500/435,700)


That hurt me more than it hurt him. 


Gray shot backward out of Kolra’s reach to avoid a counterattack, landing on the ground of the planet and looking up at the giant floating ape in front of him.


This might be my only shot.


Gray grinned as he cupped his hands by his side, and a pitch-black ball of energy started forming between his giant hands.


I’ve never tried this before, but what better time to create my iconic technique than now?


“Oh? You want to go head-to-head with me? Very well, I won’t hold back, valiant warrior!” Kolra’s distorted voice shouted down to him, his arms stretching out in front of him. The bottom of his palms touched together while his fingers spread outward from each other, a ball of Ki forming in the gap between his hands. 


Wait, what do I name my technique?! This is a big deal. The name will follow me for the rest of my life.


Gray’s ball of Ki grew bigger, the light around him seemingly being pulled into the dark orb as he pushed more Ki into it, charging the beam that would follow. Kolra was doing the same, seemingly waiting for him to shoot his beam first.


Nightmare blast! No, no, that’s lame. Destruction beam! Nah, too generic. Kameha- no, wait, Goku’s technique. Power cannon! Also lame. Galick gu- no, that’s Vegeta. Why’d they have to take all the good names?!


“Don’t bow out on me now, valiant warrior!” Kolra shouted down to him with a blood-thirsty grin on his face, misunderstanding the stress on Gray’s face.


Think, Gray, think! Cool name… cool name… cool name… wait. I got one. 


Gray flooded more Ki into the ball, which grew bigger and bigger in his hands. He thrust his arms out, shooting the black beam out in a similar style to Goku’s Kamehameha wave, “[Kokuyo]! (Black Night!)”


[Kokuyo] Skill unlocked!


+100 XP (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])


[Kokuyo] LVL 1 - Your signature move.


+10 KI for unlocking a Ki-related skill! (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])


“A strong name, warrior! I will respond in kind! [Midori No Tanken]! (Green Dagger!)” The large green beam shot out from Kolra’s hands, slamming into Gray’s dark black beam. They clashed between the two of them, the planet shaking from the impact. The blasts clashed in the middle for a moment, seemingly even as neither side pushed past the other, before Kolra’s blast started pushing Gray’s back toward him. 


Gray grunted as he pushed Ki into his beam, using all his strength to push back against Kolra’s blasts to no avail. Kolra’s beam slowly grew closer to him, the bright green light filling more and more of his vision.


“Any time now, jackasses!” Gray yelled in pain as he desperately pushed against Kolra’s beam, and his shout was answered as Arlic and Aikon fired off Ki beams of their own toward Kolra. Their beams slammed into Kolra and Gray felt relief flood through him as his beam started pushing back Kolra’s. His relief was short-lived, as he tensed again and fought off the beam pressing towards him desperately. It was easily overpowering Gray now and was only a few feet away from him.


“HAHA! Good try, but you’ll need a bit more than that! You’ll end up like your friend if you don’t try harder!” Kolra’s laughing voice boomed throughout the planet, his beam slowly overpowering Gray’s. His hair looked a little tusled, and his armor scuffed, but he looked completely fine otherwise. Gray gritted his teeth and glared at him.


You bastard. I won’t die so easily.


The rage within Gray renewed itself with vigor as the man mentioned Ken again, and he screamed as he pressed against Kolra’s beam, “YOU BASTARD! I’LL MAKE YOU PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO KEN!” 


[Kokuyo] level up! (10/10)


+10 KI for leveling up a KI-related skill! (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])


+100 XP (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])

[Determination] level up! (1000/1000)


+10 END for leveling up a END-related skill! (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])


+100 XP (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])

[RAGE] Skill unlocked!


+1000 XP (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])


[Rage] LVL 1 - Rage flows through you. 10% boost to all combat stats.


+10 STR, END, AGI, INT, KI for unlocking a stat-boosting skill! (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])


Kolra’s eyes widened as Gray’s beam pushed back against his, then grunted as another Ki beam slammed into his side, courtesy of Aikon, but he ignored it in favor of pressing more Ki into his own attack. The beams evened out again, Kolra’s blast still only a few feet from Gray but no longer pushing any closer as the two poured everything they had into the battle of beams. 


A flurry of Ki blasts slammed into Kolra as Aikon and Arlic mercilessly attacked the distracted man. They weren’t strong enough to do any significant damage to the man, but they were enough to distract Kolra as Gray’s beam started pushing his back.


“You… You truly are a great warrior! I would hold no shame in losing to you, but there are bigger things planned for me! I can’t die on this planet, so you must!” Kolra roared at him, his beam growing stronger once again and pushing Gray’s back. 


This bastard… It’s been taking everything I have to push him back, and he’s still been holding back?!


Gray’s Ki was thoroughly drained from the constant struggle, and his vision started blurring as he desperately held off Kolra. Spots filled his eyes, and his blinks seemed to take twice as long. His Saiyan pride flared up within him as he saw Kolra’s beam overpower his own, growing closer and closer to him, and he gave one final scream, “KOLRA! I’ll kill you no matter what! I swear it on my pride as a Saiyan!”


I know how Vegeta felt now.


The large green beam slammed into him, and his body was consumed in a flash of light. He felt as if his entire body was on fire. The adrenaline in his veins was replaced with a burning sensation, and his heartbeat was suddenly too faint for him to hear.


-358,510HP! (10/533,000)


WARNING: You have fallen below 1% HP.


WARNING: You are about to die.


“Damn it, you brat! Now we’re all fucked!” Aikon shouted, staring with a hint of fear at the huffing Kolra. 


“You die with honor, warrior!” Kolra said, looking down at Gray’s burnt ape body, “I will remember your name… I never learned your name, so I won’t, but I will remember our battle for the rest of my life!”


Gray’s entire body felt like it was burning, and he felt unconsciousness trying to pull him into its warm embrace, but he forced his eyes to stay open as a single thought raced through his head.


I won’t die here. I won’t die.


He pushed his fingers into the ground in front of him and pulled himself forward.


I won’t die here. I won’t die. 


His huge body barely even moved a foot as he weakly pulled himself forward. 


I won’t die here. I won’t die.


His right hand dragged him a foot forward, then his left dragged him another. 


I won’t die here. I won’t die.


His vision was blurred, but he could see the hole they’d come out of in front of him.


I won’t die here. I won’t die.


He continued slowly dragging his body forward.


I won’t die here. I won’t die.


Explosions rang out around him, but he couldn’t hear them, his focus solely on moving forward.


I won’t die here. I won’t die.


Voices rang out around him as Aikon and Arlic continued the battle with Kolra, but he couldn’t make out the words they were saying.


I won’t die here. I won’t die.


He couldn’t hear anything.


I won’t die here. I won’t die.


He couldn’t see anything.


I won’t die here. I won’t die.


Just the hole slowly getting closer to him.


I won’t die here. I won’t die.


He was so close. It was right there.


I won’t die here. I won’t die.


Tamari was in there. Asia was in there. Celia was in there. They would help him. He wouldn’t die.


I won’t die here. I won’t die.


A giant hairy foot landed in front of his face. He barely managed to drag his eyes up to look at the figure in front of him.


I won’t die here. I won’t die.


The man said something, but Gray couldn’t hear it. He dragged himself forward, ignoring the foot blocking his path.


I won’t die here. I won’t die.


He had to get to the hole. He had to live.


I won’t die here. I won’t die.


The man raised his hand and shot a blast into the sky. Gray’s large body shrunk, but his pain-addled mind couldn’t remember why.


I won’t die here. I won’t die.


“Your friends went down there, didn’t they?” Kolra asked, but Gray gave no response. His arm weakly pulled himself toward the hole.


I won’t die here. I won’t die.


He was so close. It was only a few feet away. He made it. He would live.


I won’t die here. I won’t die.


“I respect your struggle for life, warrior. I’ll allow it to continue, even though you have no chance of survival.” Gray gave no response.


I won’t die here. I won’t die.


“If you’re hoping your team will save you, you will be sadly disappointed. I must kill them.” The man said simply, turning from Gray’s crawling burned body.


I won’t die here. I won’t die.


The man hopped down the hole, and Gray’s hand clawed his body behind him. His hand reached the edge of the hole, and with one final tug, his scorched body plummeted down the hole. His vision went black as his body fell freely through the air.


WARNING: You have fallen below 5 HP!


WARNING: You will not receive the [Zenkai Boost] skill if you are dead.




Thanks for reading! You can read the next chapter (Actually, the next 5 chapters) on my Patreon right now (! As always, updates daily until the story is caught up.




No character sheet here this time :)

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