Nightmare Mode (DBZ Gamer!SI)

How To Kill A Mini-Boss (15.1)









[Hidden Quest Alert]


Survive the fight with Raditz




+100 Attribute points (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])


+10,000 Coins


+100,000 XP (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])






Bonus Rewards:


+1 [Skill Token] for bringing [Raditz] below 75% HP.


+25 Attribute Points for bringing [Raditz] below 75% HP. 


+25,000 Coins for bringing [Raditz] below 75% HP. 


+100,000 XP for bringing [Raditz] below 75% HP. 








+2 [Skill Token] for bringing [Raditz] below 50% HP.


+50 Attribute Points for bringing [Raditz] below 50% HP.


+50,000 Coins for bringing [Raditz] below 50% HP. 


+200,000 XP for bringing [Raditz] below 50% HP. 








+2 [Perk Token] for bringing [Raditz] below 25% HP.


+100 Attribute Points for bringing [Raditz] below 25% HP.


+100,000 Coins for bringing [Raditz] below 25% HP. 


+500,000 XP for bringing [Raditz] below 25% HP. 








+5 [Perk Token]’s for killing [Raditz].


+300 Attribute Points for killing [Raditz].


+500,000 Coins for killing [Raditz]. 


+1,000,000 XP for killing [Raditz].









[Rough] Raditz:


[Saiyan Elite]


Age: 29


PL: ?


HP: ?


TKI: ?


Reputation: -50/100 (Negatively-Viewed)


[Rough] Modifier - Individuals with this modifier will be naturally talented in “rough” situations, such as training, sports, etc.


I can’t even see his power level yet, but I still have a way to win.


Gray almost laughed to himself.


Putting my life on a plan that might not even work? I really am becoming a true Saiyan.


Gray promptly dumped his remaining 300 points into AGI.


Gray Tanaki:


[Saiyan D-Class Recruit]


Age: 15


Wallet: 46,150 Coins


Lvl: 10 (34,262/75,000 XP)


PL: 59,377,700


Available Points: 0


HP: 90,960/91,450


TKI: 179,825/179,825


STR: 315


AGI: 650


END: 290


INT: 435


CHA: 145


LUK: 455


KI: 395


HREG: 206


EREG: 206


Skills: [Observe LVL 5], [Running LVL 6], [Determination LVL 4], [Ki Control LVL 9], [Ki Gun LVL 5]. [Ki Enhancement LVL 4], [KI Suppression LVL 5], [Ki Sense LVL 2], [Pushup LVL 4], [Punch LVL 4], [Kick LVL 4], [Jump LVL 4], [Flight LVL 4], [Prediction LVL 2], [Zenkai Boost LVL 1], [Cognitive Acceleration LVL 1], [Ah! Lord Freiza! LVL 1]


Perks: [Gamer’s Mind], [Gamer’s Body], [Double-edged Sword], [Legendary Super Sayian], [Perfect Ozaru], [A Cute Pawn], [A Humble Master], [Ladies Man]


Fighting Styles: [Boxing Style: Kolra LVL 1]


Party: [Saeko, Celia]




[Rough] Raditz:


[Saiyan Elite]


Age: 29


PL: ?


HP: ?


TKI: ?


Reputation: -50/100 (Negatively-Viewed)


[Rough] Modifier - Individuals with this modifier will be naturally talented in “rough” situations, such as training, sports, etc.


He checked again and confirmed that he still couldn’t see Raditz’s stats after the power boost.


My power level just damn near doubled, and I still can’t see his. This won’t be easy.


“You don’t need to fi-” Asuna tried to speak as she held her hand up between the two men.


“Shut it, girl,” Raditz growled, staring down Gray.


“Saeko,” Gray said as his eyes glanced at the only non-Saiyan in the snowy landscape, “Take Ranfan and her friend. Run to the South.”


“Already scared you’ll lose, brat?” Raditz scoffed at him.


“You want me to run?” Saeko hummed, tilting her head at him as she held her sword, “You don’t want help?”


“If you help him, the rest of them are free to help the captain,” Celia said smoothly, gesturing to the crowd of Saiyans around them, “And, if Gray loses, they’ll kill you as well. You’re not a Saiyan - you’re only here because of Gray.”


“I don’t want your help anyway,” Gray said, his teeth bared as he grinned hungrily at Raditz, “This is a fight between Saiyans! He’s all mine! Just take Ranfan and Nam and leave. Oh, and take my sword with you.”


“You won’t need it?” Saeko asked as she caught the tossed blade.


As much as Gray knew the sword could be the difference between life and death, his Saiyan body screamed at him to throw it away. He was fighting Raditz, a fellow Saiyan. He would use his bare hands.


Honestly, I doubt it'll help much anyway. It takes so much Ki to even be usable. 


“Hah! You really are a Saiyan!” Raditz laughed, “Sayians don’t fight with blades, girly. We use our fists!”


As if to enunciate his point, Raditz shot forward, his fist aimed at Gray’s stomach. Gray crossed his arms, letting the fist slam into his guard to feel how strong the attack was.


-2,500! (88,460/91,450)


Damn. It was just a punch, and I blocked it, but it still did that much?


Gray swiftly leaned to the side as Raditz threw another fist at him, his hands blurring as a barrage of punches came at Gray. Gray smoothly maneuvered his upper body, slowly taking steps backward to dodge all the incoming fists, which were just barely too slow to connect. Gray had to put his full attention on avoiding the onslaught, meaning he wasn’t prepared when Raditz abruptly lunged forward, his arms wrapping around Gray’s waist and pinning his arms. His arms tensed, and suddenly Gray’s body was lifted upward by the muscular man.


Cognitive Acceleration


An influx of information suddenly flooded his brain, his mind whirling for a fraction of a second.


He’s gonna slam me down. He’s too strong, I can’t break out. I can’t enact my plan yet, my arms are pinned. I can’t just tank this hit, I need to at least do some damage in return. This will be a good test - if it doesn’t work, then my plan might be fucked.


Gray opened his mouth as wide as he could as he looked down at Raditz’s head, the large man swinging his body downwards so his back would slam into the floor. He channeled his Ki like he usually did when using [Ki Enhancement], but this time to a different location then his fist. A small ball of Ki formed in his mouth.


[Mouth-Beam] skill unlocked!


+100 XP (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])


[Mouth-Beam] LVL 1 - Launch a Ki blast from your mouth.


+10 Ki for unlocking a Ki-related skill! (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])


A blast of Ki shot out of Gray’s mouth, encompassing Raditz’s as the man slammed him back-first into the snowy rock floor. 


-12,500! (75,960/91,450)


15,000! (?/?)


Spit flew from Gray’s mouth as his back slammed into the floor, a crater forming around him from the impact. A cloud of dust shot up around the two men, both from Gray’s impact sending rocks into the sky, and from the Ki blasts impact on Raditz.


Gray’s eyes flicked to the left momentarily as he lay in the icy snow, spotting Saeko climb out from the hatch with Ranfan and Nam slung over her shoulders. His attention was quickly brought back to the fight as a singed Raditz stomped his foot downward, Gray rolling to the side and pushing off the floor to flip back onto his feet. He was put on the back foot again as Raditz shot a flurry of small Ki blasts at him from only a few feet away, Gray’s hands blurring to deflect all of them into the mountains around them. His vision of Ki blasts ended as Raditz used them for cover, stopping his barrage as he shot forward behind them. Gray crossed his arms again, blocking the uppercut from slamming into his gut.


-2,500! (73,460/91,450)


Gray slid backward from the impact but used it to his advantage, pushing off the floor and into the air to make space between him and Raditz, but the man was still too fast to get away from. He launched after Gray, a flurry of punches and kicks following as Gray barely dodged them, only getting brushed by a few.


-500! (71,960/91,450)

-500! (71,460/91,450)

-500! (70,960/91,450)

-500! (70,460/91,450)

-500! (69,960/91,450)


Gray waited for one of Raditz’s fists to barely brush past his face, the long-haired Saiyan leaning forward slightly and giving Gray the chance to drop downwards. He landed on the floor, his arm flicking up as his hand formed into a half-fist, his thumb up and his pointer finger pointing at Raditz. His finger glowed, the [Ki Gun] fired upwards at Raditz. The Saiyan man was floating a few feet above him and had room to counter - Raditz raised his hands and fired a volley of Ki blasts toward the bullets, intending to cancel them out with his own attacks.


Raditz had clearly never fought someone with a similar technique, as the small and tight bullets shot through his Ki blasts. He grunted in surprise as the weaker Saiyans' attack cut through his own. Raditz tried to dodge abruptly, but couldn’t avoid all of them. The bullets flew at Raditz, some missing, while others grazed him, and one made full contact.


11,000! (?/?)

14,000! (?/?)

2,000! (?/?)

25,000! (?/?)


Gray continued spamming his [Ki Gun], his Ki dropping quicker than he would’ve liked as Raditz struggled to dodge the fast-moving projectiles. Raditz glared down at him as he was unable to get closer, focusing solely on avoiding the bullets.


1,000! (?/?)

8,000! (?/?)

5,000! (?/?)

6,000! (?/?)


“You fucking rat!” Raditz screamed, angry as he was kept away, “[I’m A Top-class Warrior!]




Raditz’s voice sounded monstrous as it rang throughout the mountain range, the pure volume of it causing Gray’s ears to ring.


Raditz’s body disappeared, and suddenly the man was directly in front of Gray, his arm swinging forward as he clothes-lined him. Gray felt his throat close in on itself, spots appearing in his eyes as his head was flung downward into the snow, his body soon following.


-25,000! (44,960/91,450)


Gray didn’t have a moment of reprieve, barely rolling to the side as Raditz’s foot stomped down toward his body. Gray hastily rolled to the side, pushing himself up and leaning back instantly to dodge another punch. Gray coated his fist in Ki as he flung a punch toward Raditz, the knuckles of his hand slamming directly into Raditz’s as their punches connected. Gray resisted the urge to scream in pain as the impact rattled through his fist, even the Ki-coat unable to block out the impact.


1,000! (?/?)


-1,000! (43,960/91,450)


Gray swiftly pulled away from the punch, launching backward as his body leaned down, his fists held in front of his face.


Fuck. He just used a fucking ACTUAL skill. He’s a step above anyone else I fought. He’s a fucking boss battle. I don’t know If I’ll have a chance to…


Gray didn’t have much time to think as Raditz launched forwards.


Let’s hope your style works against a fucking mini-boss, Kolra.


“Funny-looking stance, brat!” Raditz mocked him, slamming a cocked-back fist into his guard. 


-3,250! (40,760/91,450)


Raditz paused for a split second, seemingly expecting more to come from his punch, and that was all the time Gray needed. He stepped forward, his body nearly flushed against Raditz as he stepped into his guard, and slammed an upper-cut Ki-covered fist directly into his gut.


“Guh!” Spit flew from Raditz’s face at the unexpected punch, and Gray utilized the momentary advantage to continue his onslaught.


2,500! (?/?)


Cognitive Acceleration.


Gray’s other fist followed, slamming into Raditz’s stomach and pushing the man back slightly.


4,500! (?/?)


I’m in close, he’ll try to grab me.


Gray flicked his foot, flinging himself backward as Raditz did exactly as he thought he would - moving seamlessly from his hunched-over position from Gray’s punches into a grapple.


His knee is open.


Gray’s Ki moved from his fist, flowing downward as it coated his boot-covered foot. Gray swept his leg outward, slamming the side of it into the back and side of Raditz’s knee. Raditz had no time to counter him from his hunched-over position, his arms extended in the barely missed grapple attempt.


5,000! (?/?)


Cognitive Acceleration.


Raditz grunted as his knee buckled under the force of the blow, collapsing to one knee, his hand slamming into the ground to steady himself.


One hand is on the ground. The others moving up - he’ll launch a Ki blast to create space. He can’t protect his face.


Time seemed to slow to a crawl, a wicked grin split across Gray’s face. The plan he intended to rely on vanished from his mind, replaced by something more primal. Something raw.


Fuck the plan.


What happened next occurred in less than a second, but felt like an eternity.


Gray’s arm snapped back, fist pointing away from Raditz, Ki coursing through every fiber of his being. His elbow cracked as his fist swung into position, aimed directly at Raditz.


I can win.


Gray’s fist trembled as he poured Ki into it, the energy searing through his skin like molten lava. Gray grunted as he ignored the pain, forcing more energy into his fist. A red aura ignited around his hand.


Right here.


Gray’s right foot planted firmly into the snow, his body coiling like a spring as he leaned back, the sheer force building in his arm causing the air around him to crackle with energy. The color drained from the landscape, the snow beneath him dimming from a brilliant white to a lifeless gray, as though the world itself coward before the power he was about to unleash on the kneeling Saiyan captain.


Right now.


Gray launched forward, twisting off his foot as he put the entire might of his body into the punch. He blitzed through the air as his hand swung forward, the air around him swirling, pushing against his fist as it tore through at Raditz with deadly precision.


You die, Raditz.


His arm shot forward, a deafening whistle splitting the air as his fist rocketed toward Raditz’s unprotected face.


Just as Gray predicted, Raditz’s other hand was already raised in an open palm, a small Ki ball forming on it. The mans eyes widened for a split second, but he had no opportunity to prevent what was coming. 


For a moment, the snowy landscape was silent. The entire battlefield was consumed in an eerie silence. The Saiyans surrounding them stopped their raucous cheers, and their jeers died in their throats. For a split second, all the Saiyans collectively felt their breath catch in their chest. Not even the birds flying above dared to make a noise. For just a singular second, the world was still, watching with bated breath.


Then, Gray’s Ki-covered fist launched point-blank into Raditz’s face as Gray stepped forward, the impact sending a resounding crack through the icy landscape.


100,000! (?/?)


[Titanic Punch] Skill unlocked!


+100 XP (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])


[Titanic Punch] LVL 1 - A punch that carries the user's willpower, delivering a blow that could kill a Titan.


+10 STR for unlocking a STR-related skill! (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])


Gray’s fist slammed into the Saiyan’s face, sending his head flicking backward. The wind blasted past Raditz, the force rattling through his head as the red aura blasted through him like a shockwave. Raditz’s nose exploded into a spout of blood, and his eyes glazed over as his pupils disappeared, leaving just the whites of his eyes. 


Honestly, it was a testament to the man's strength that his head didn’t cave in from the impact.


For a split-second, the mightly Saiyan captain remained still, frozen in the aftermath of the devastating blow. Then, as if in slow motion, the top half of his body began to topple, falling backward toward the snowy ground. His descent was agonizingly slow, the air thick with tension as he inched closer and closer to the icy floor. A large grin spread across Gray’s face, the surrounding Saiyans wearing various looks of awe and shock.


I win…


Then, with only an inch separating the man from a humiliating defeat, Raditz’s eyes snapped back into place, his pupils filling them. His hand flung backward at an incredible speed, preventing him from falling flat on his back as it held his weight up against the icy floor.


In one defiant move, Raditz held himself up, blood dripping down the warriors face as he refused to let the fight end.


…He lived, huh?


Cognitive Acceleration.


Gray was in no position for a follow up attack - his entire body was put into the punch, and he was left in a leaning-forward position from it. If he wanted to launch another one, he’d have to regather himself, which would give Raditz a chance to recover. Against a normal opponent, Raditz would’ve been able to create space in the second it took Gray to ready another attack. But - Raditz was not facing a normal opponent.


Who’s the Saiyan now, bitch?


Gray’s extended fist changed, morphing into a familiar gun shape instantly as he pointed at Raditz’s head. Gray was leaned forward, his hand extended abnormally far as his entire being leaned outwards. Being able to come up with a follow-up attack so seamlessly should’ve been impossible for Gray, especially when he’d had no time to think due his previous barrage of attacks, but [Cognitive Acceleration] gave him the split-second of thinking time he needed. 


Raditz was dazed from the attack - his brain rattled as he barely managed to stop himself from falling flat on his back. He had no way of recovering fast enough to dodge the fast-moving projectile. Gray’s [Ki Gun] fired off, the bullet covering the short distance between the two Saiyans faster than a human eye could track.


At that moment, Raditz didn’t see the Ki bullet. His eyes took in the sight, but his brain was unable to process it. Raditz had no inkling of the deadly bullet hurtling at him. However, while Raditz’s brain couldn’t comprehend the follow-up attack, his body could.


It was a testament to Raditz’s instincts, honed from years of fighting experience, that he didn’t die at that moment. Raditz's eyes never picked up on the bullet streaming toward him, but his body screamed at him to dodge. His instincts demanded that he move. Move, or die.


15,000! (?/?)


Raditz flung himself to the right, the Ki bullet barely missing his head as it flashed through his left ear, tearing it clean off.


“Grah!” Raditz screamed, his brain catching up with his body as he rolled to the side. His hands pushed into the snow, leapfrogging himself back to his feet as he dodged another two Ki bullets flying at him.


Fuck, that was my best chance.


Raditz spun around, shifting back into a fighting stance as the battle was reset, the two Saiyans standing a couple dozen feet from each other. Gray shifted back into his boxing stance as Raditz recovered enough to ready himself. Blood flowed down the side of the man's head, dying his hair red as it splashed into the snow.


Back to the original plan. I drained a lot of Ki there. I can’t use Cognitive Acceleration again. I should barely have enough left to make this work.


“Hey…” Raditz locked eyes with Gray, an unimaginable amount of anger flowing between their eyes as Raditz breathed heavily, “...I’m gonna kill you for that.”


“You can try.” Gray huffed, the battle taking a toll on him as well. 


[Boxing Style: Kolra] level up! (10/10)


+10 STR, AGI, END for leveling up a combat style! (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])


+100 XP (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])


I put everything I had into that punch, and yet he’s still standing. I can’t win head-to-head anymore. I just need a chance. Just one chance.


For a moment, the world stilled as nothing happened. Raditz glared hatefully at Gray, and Gray’s steeled face glared back. Then, Raditz shot forward, his arms raised in a two-fisted slam. 


Gray held up his guard again, letting the fists slam into it.


-5,500! (41,510/100,600)


Gray stepped forward, repeating his earlier setup as he invaded Raditz’s guard. His fist uppercutted again, slamming into Raditz’s stomach. 


2,500! (?/?)


Raditz also followed the same sequence as before, hunching over and launching his arms out to wrap them around Gray. Gray tried to side-step his grapple attempt, not needing [Cognitive Accerleration] to mimic his previous moves, but the man was ready this time. His massive arms barely caught Gray, wrapping around him as an inhumane strength trapped him between the huge Saiyan arms. 


“FUCK!” Gray in pain screamed as Raditz squeezed his arms, the monstrous strength crushing into Gray’s bones as Raditz squeezed him in the worlds most dangerous bear hug.


-10,500! (31,010/100,600)


“Regretting starting this fight now, brat?!” Raditz laughed mockingly, his arms squeezing Gray’s trapped body again. 


-9,250! (21,760/100,600)


“ARG-” Gray’s pained scream filled the valley, but cut off as a blast of Ki shot out from his mouth.


15,000! (?/?)


“Fucking brat!” Raditz grunted, loosening his grip and dropping Gray as a cloud of smoke flared up around them, blocking both his and Gray’s vision. Gray huffed, spit and blood flowing out of his mouth as he rolled over, flinging himself through the crowd of Saiyans around them. The smoke cleared, and Raditz glared at the spot he lunged through as Gray hid amongst the crowd.


“Hiding? You really are a rat!” Raditz screamed, his eyes scanning the crowd as Gray tried to blend in with the men around him to buy time.


I need to find an opportunity. Just give me one. Just one.


“Where are you, brat?! Someone point him out!” Raditz demanded, glaring around at the crowd.


Gray stared at Raditz around a fat Saiyan mans shoulder as he caught his breath, noting that the man looked in much better condition than he did. His breathing was heavy, his nose broken, and he had a bloody hole on the right side of his waist from the bullet that had connected, along with a missing ear. The man looked like he had taken a beating, but he was clearly far from defeated after recovering from the Titanic Punch.


On the other hand, Gray had been through the wringer. His back and throat were pulsating in pain, and he felt like he was going to puke from the internal strain Raditz’s cruel hug inflicted. His HP had dropped to under 20%, and his Ki was also dangerously low.


“He’s here! Get in there!” A man roughly shoved Gray from behind, sending him stumbling into the circle again.


“Finish him off, captain!”


“You ready to die, brat?” Raditz grinned arrogantly at Gray, turning away from him to look at the surrounding crowd as he raised his fists upward, “Get excited, boys! This is a traitor's execution!”


He’s this confident still, huh? I can’t see his HP, but it must be insanely high.








The crowd jeered at Gray, but Gray took Raditz’s distraction as an opportunity. 


You’re just going to leave yourself wide open, huh? I guess my plan will work!


He lunged forward, his hand being coated with Ki as he focused on extending it outward. The Ki coating his hand wavered for a moment before it shot outwards into the shape of a sword.


[Ki-Blade] skill unlocked!


+100 XP (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])


[Ki-Blade] LVL 1 - Form your Ki into a sharp blade.


+10 Ki for unlocking a Ki-related skill! (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])


Gray’s hand aimed toward Raditz’s waist, the Ki shooting out from his hand into the form of a sharp blade. Gray stared hard into the back of Raditz, having no way of seeing the smirk on the stronger Saiyans face.


[Behind You!]” Raditz’s back half suddenly floated upward, seemingly teleporting to Gray’s eyes. His body shifted into a flying pose as he hovered in place. As his legs rose, his right leg kicked backward, slamming upwards into Gray’s jaw before his attack could connect.


-15,000! (6,760/100,600)


[WARNING!] You have fallen below 10% HP!


Gray’s momentum was reversed completely, his jaw aching as he was flung backward, landing flat on his back from the force. He felt like a semi-truck had barreled straight into his face.


Fuck… How was I supposed to predict that?


“Hah! I knew you’d try a cowardly attack, you rat!” Raditz laughed loudly, smirking at Gray. Gray coughed, a mixture of blood and spit flying from his mouth as he struggled to sit up, his body feeling sluggish from the beating it had taken. He could feel his body shutting down, adrenaline being the only thing allowing him to move at all.


“Gray!” Celia whisper-shouted from behind him, kneeling at the edge of the crowd circling the two men, “Can you win?”


“Maybe…” Gray spit out, his lip busted and bleeding. His body was aching all over, and the Saiyan aspect of him demanding for him to stay conscious and continue the fight was the only thing that gave him an ounce of confidence.


“I can hide our power levels. We can-”


“Don’t interrupt,” Gray growled, coughing again as blood coated the snow around him. He started to push himself up but was slammed face-first into the ground as Raditz’s foot came down, stomping his head into the floor.


-5,000! (1,760/91,450)




Gray’s body rolled as it screamed in pain, and his hearing became muffled. He felt the snow around his face as blood flowed out of his mouth, and his thoughts were jumbled into a mess.


It hurts…


“Trying to save him, royal bastard?” Raditz laughed as his foot landed on Gray’s back, pinning the injured man to the floor, “He wanted this! I would’ve made it quick, too, if he wasn’t such a rat!”


Should… I ask her… for help…?


Gray didn’t hear Celia’s response, as his heart was beating in his ears, his face laying in the snow and his body groaning in pain. Despite his thoughts, his mouth refused to open. His brain was rattled - barely able to think a coherent thought. His brain was no longer in control. He was still alive purely from adrenaline and his Saiyan body. His body was in control now, and it refused to ask for help.


Fuck… I might…  die here…


His entire body was in pain, protesting even the smallest of movements as he lay in the snow, the cold weather nipping at his exposed skin. His breathing was ragged, every breath of the ice-cold air feeling like a searing flame on his near-collapsed throat. His back was screaming in pain as Raditz’s foot pressed down on his already sore bones, and his jaw felt like it was going to fall off. His hearing was flooded by the adrenaline flowing in his blood, his heart pounding loudly. He heard a muffled cheer, barely making out the words.











Gray felt Raditz’s hand on the neck of his armor as the man flipped his body over, staring down at Gray’s face, which was a snowy and bloody mess. Raditz’s grinned down at him.


No… f… ucking… Saiyan… body…


“I said I wouldn’t show you any mercy, kid. Even if you’re a fucking coward, you’re still a Saiyan, so I’ll make it quick!”


You… won’t… win…


Raditz turned his back to Gray, raising his fist upwards as the crowd cheered louder around him. He walked around the circle, gloating as he did a victory lap.


I’ll win… beca…use… I’m… smarter…


Gray’s hands pressed into the ground under him, ignoring his body’s scream of protest as he pushed himself upwards. He flung himself at Raditz, his body flopping pathetically forward. His hand swiped up with a blade of Ki extending out of it as his body slammed into Raditz’s legs. The force was too little to even knock the man over, and he just looked over his shoulder in confusion.


I’ll win… because…


“What?” He heard Raditz mutter, taking a step back as he looked down at Gray’s broken body laying behind him.




I’m not… really… a Saiyan…


Gray grinned, his face screaming in pain as he forced his jaw to open. A weight landed on his chest.


“...Tail.” Gray finished Raditz’s sentence, the severed tail laying on his chest, “Celia…”


I’m… fine… with playing… dirty…


“Got it,” Celia answered, realizing Gray’s plan as a near-blinding ball of light flew up into the air.


“...Raditz…” Gray coughed, feeling his bones scream as they were forcefully expanded, “...You ever fought an Ozaru?”




Gray Tanaki:


[Saiyan D-Class Recruit]


Age: 15


Wallet: 46,150 Coins


Lvl: 10 (33,000/75,000 XP)


PL: 66,330,200


Available Points: 0


HP: 1,760/100,600


TKI: 15,602/184,375


STR: 335


AGI: 660


END: 300


INT: 435


CHA: 145


LUK: 455


KI: 395


HREG: 206


EREG: 206


Skills: [Observe LVL 5], [Running LVL 6], [Determination LVL 4], [Ki Control LVL 9], [Ki Gun LVL 5]. [Ki Enhancement LVL 4], [KI Suppression LVL 5], [Ki Sense LVL 2], [Pushup LVL 4], [Punch LVL 4], [Kick LVL 4], [Jump LVL 4], [Flight LVL 4], [Prediction LVL 2], [Zenkai Boost LVL 1], [Cognitive Acceleration LVL 1], [Ah! Lord Freiza! LVL 1], [Mouth-Beam LVL 1], [Ki-Blade LVL 1]


Perks: [Gamer’s Mind], [Gamer’s Body], [Double-edged Sword], [Legendary Super Sayian], [Perfect Ozaru], [A Cute Pawn], [A Humble Master], [Ladies Man]


Fighting Styles: [Boxing Style: Kolra LVL 2]


Party: [Saeko, Celia]



AN: (Still dead from Raditz choke-slamming me through a table, but you can read the next half of this chapter, and up to chapter 18 (3 chapters ahead) at! )

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.