Nightmare Mode (DBZ Gamer!SI)

How To Kill A Mini-Boss (15.2)









“No way…” Raditz muttered, staring in shock at the blinding ball of light floating above the mountain landscape. A large shadow was cast over him, as both Gray and the crowd of surrounding squad members grew larger. 


“Good luck, fucker,” Gray grounded out, his voice becoming deeper and monstrous as his body grew larger, the stone under him crumbling under the weight of his giant ape body, creating craters under his feet.


Gray Tanaki (Ozaru Form):


[Saiyan D-Class Recruit]


Age: 15


Wallet: 46,150 Coins


Lvl: 10 (33,000/75,000 XP)


PL: 796,950,200


Available Points: 0


HP: 82,060/1,035,150


TKI: 52,852/609,625


STR: 1035 (+700)


AGI: 770 (+120)


END: 1000 (+700)


INT: 405 (-50)


CHA: 145


LUK: 455


KI: 1505 (+1100)


HREG: 756 (+550)


EREG: 756 (+550)


Skills: [Observe LVL 4], [Running LVL 6], [Determination LVL 4], [Ki Control LVL 9], [Ki Gun LVL 5]. [Ki Enhancement LVL 4], [KI Suppression LVL 5], [Ki Sense LVL 2], [Pushup LVL 4], [Punch LVL 4], [Kick LVL 4], [Jump LVL 4], [Flight LVL 4], [Prediction LVL 2], [Zenkai Boost LVL 1], [Cognitive Acceleration LVL 1], [Ah! Lord Freiza! LVL 1], [Mouth-Beam LVL 1], [Ki-Blade LVL 1]


Perks: [Gamer’s Mind], [Gamer’s Body], [Double-edged Sword], [Legendary Super Sayian], [Perfect Ozaru], [A Cute Pawn], [A Humble Master], [Ladies Man]


Fighting Styles: [Boxing Style: Kolra LVL 2]


Party: [Saeko, Celia]


Gray pushed himself upwards, feeling more energetic now that his HP had been refilled slightly. He huffed, feeling blood drip from his giant monkey maw.


I wish I’d had a chance to do that before I was almost dead.


Despite his power level growing 12 times higher instantly, he was still under 10% HP, even if said HP was nearly what his full HP used to be. His body felt sluggish, and his injuries were still racking his body, even if they felt more manageable.


The Saiyans around him finished growing, their armor growing with them as a noticeable lack of rampaging occurs.


Can’t be an elite without being able to control your transformation, huh? Fair enough.


Gray stared down at Raditz, who was momentarily stunned as he stared up at Gray’s giant form towering over him.


[Rough] Raditz:


[Saiyan Elite]


Age: 29


PL: 281,750,200


HP: 257,600/490,100


TKI: 206,780/262,600


Reputation: -2500/5000 (Hated)


[Rough] Modifier - Individuals with this modifier will be naturally talented in “rough” situations, such as training, sports, etc.


280 Million? No wonder this bastard was beating my ass. 


Gray stared down as the man stood stock-still in shock as the giant crowd of Ozaru’s grew around him.


Honestly, he should’ve killed me near-instantly. Cognitive Acceleration combined with him being slow is the only reason I even got him down to half health. 


Gray opened his giant mouth, his teeth bearing at Raditz from above.


Now it’s my turn!


A ball of Ki formed in his mouth, firing down with a vengeance at Raditz. The huge Ki blast slammed into the mountain, blasting faster than even Gray had expected. His Ki tore through the ground, destroying the floor that the Saiyans had been standing on. The crowded Ozaru Saiyans ascended into the air around him as the mountain under them was reduced to a giant hole. Dust shot up, covering the sky, and Gray couldn’t see the older Saiyan anymore.


He’s not dead already, right?


Gray’s thoughts were right, as no damage notification appeared.


[Saturday Crush!]” 


A large pink ball flew from the ground, careening toward Gray’s head, and Gray’s instincts suddenly screamed at him to dodge. He took a step back, leaning his head backward so the ball flew inches past his face. He grimaced as he felt some of the fur on his face get singed off, the ball speeding into the sky. It continued upward, becoming a small dot in the sky before it abruptly exploded, turning the morning sky into a fireworks show. 


Don’t get cocky. He’s only now pulling out Ki attacks - he wasn’t taking me seriously before. I’m way stronger than he is in this form, but I’m still almost fucking dead. My body is sluggish, and I don’t have much HP.


Gray looked down at the ground again as the smoke blocked his vision. Abruptly, Raditz shot out of the smoke, his fist launched towards Gray’s monkey maw. Gray’s monkey mouth formed a predatory grin as he watched the man speed toward him.


You’re extra slow now, huh?


Gray had already slightly outspeeded Raditz before he transformed, and now Raditz looked even slower in comparison. Gray’s hand flashed upwards, slapping the front of Raditz’s body and sending him careening back onto the floor.


25,000! (232,600/490,100)


The Saiyan captain didn’t stay down long, launching upwards immediately. He raced upwards toward Gray, his hands blurring as a barrage of small Ki blasts followed him. Gray raised his hand, coating his giant paw in Ki as he swiped it sideways and easily deflected the army of Ki-balls in one motion. Raditz took the momentary distraction to change his trajectory as he evened out, heading directly towards Gray’s stomach.


Honestly, this isn’t fair anymore.


Gray’s leg launched out, swiping upwards and slamming into the flying Saiyan before he had a chance to react. 


30,000! (202,600/490,100)


Raditz was flung to the side, his body slamming into the giant chest of an Ozaru’s Saiyan armor. He yelled out in pain from the impact and then plummeted towards the floor as he bounced off one of the surrounding Saiyans.


“Is that really all you got, Captain?” Gray laughed as he couldn’t help himself from mocking the previously arrogant man, his Saiyan pride flaring as he easily handled the Saiyan Captain.


“Shut up, brat!” Raditz’s response came as he steadied himself in the air, floating a couple dozen feet below Gray, “Try to deal with this, you bastard!”


Gray watched as the man held both of his arms out stiffly in front of him, and he sensed his energy spike abruptly. Two pink balls flickered as they appeared in each hand.


“You really wanna try this?” Gray grinned confidently, his hands cupping at his side. A small black orb formed in between his palms, flickering in and out of existence as the light around him was sucked into his palms.


Raditz’s arms jutted out as he aimed directly at Gray, the pink balls forming fully and darkening in color, “[Double Sunday!]


Gray responded in kind, the pitch-black orb fully forming in his giant paws, “[Kokuyo]! (Black Night!)”


The twin pink balls of Ki blasted upwards, meeting the pitch-black beam that left Gray’s hands. The beams slammed into each other, stalling out for a moment as the dangerous beams tried to overpower each other. Gray grunted as he forced more of his pitiful amount of remaining Ki into the beam, willing it to press Raditz’s attack back. The black beam inched forward for a moment, and then shoved Raditz’s attack back roughly. Gray watched as the man’s face twisted in strain, glaring at the beam closing in on him. 


Raditz shoved his hands forward, a scream ringing out as he pushed more Ki into the twin beams, but to no avail. Gray’s blast slowly overpowered him, pressing closer and closer to Raditz, until eventually, the Saiyan had no chance to push back. 


The black beam slammed into Raditz, his left shoulder pad being burned away as he hastily threw himself to the side and abandoned the Ki-beam clash.


75,000! (127,600/490,100)


The beam brushed past Raditz as he narrowly saved himself from being consumed. He stumbled in the air before stabilizing, looking in a lot worse condition than before. The entire left half of his long flowing hair was burned away, now looking messy and unkept as the ends of his hair were blackened and burned. His left shoulder pad was gone, and the top left of his chest plate was shattered - showcasing his muscular chest underneath, which was now blackened with a huge burn. He floated in the air, glaring hatefully at Gray as he cut off his Ki from the [Kokuyo]


“How’d you like that, captain?!” Gray shouted down, his monstrous voice shaking the air around him. Despite his words, Gray wasn’t thrilled with the results.


That needed to finish him off. It’s a good amount of damage, but my Ki is kinda fucked now. I can’t do that again.


Gray’s Ki had been rapidly consumed by the giant Ki beam, now resting just under 15,000 after he’d been forced to pump more power into the blast to overpower Raditz.


Speaking of Raditz, the man shot forward again, apparently not dissuaded in the slightest from the beatdown he’d been receiving. The bruised and bloody man shot upwards, two more pink energy balls appearing in each hand.


He… he can’t be using that again already, right?


Gray’s concerns were well-found, as Raditz thrust out his arms, “[Double Sunday!]


Gray grunted, forced to fly his body to the side and dodge the twin energy beams. The momentary dodge gave Raditz the chance to reach him, the large Saiyan barreling towards his face with a fist pulled back.


…I was almost worried for a second there.


Gray’s hand shot upwards with a speed Raditz couldn’t dream to match, the captain grunting in pain as the bottom of Gray’s hand slammed into his back, swatting the Saiyan away like a fly. Raditz was flung past Gray’s large shoulder, disappearing into the section of floating apes watching the battle around them.


15,000! (112,600/490,100)


This is winnable. Even a small blow like that does a lot of damage, and he’s so slow that he can’t dodge. He also just keeps charging at me like a moron.


The older Saiyan seemed to handle the impact well, as he stabilized himself in the air and launched back at Gray. A pink ball of Ki formed in his hand as Raditz launched the ball at Gray, flying directly behind it to use it as cover.


[Saturday Crush!]” Gray flew to the side, easily dodging the orb as he raised his hand, opening his palm and launching a large Ki beam at Raditz. Raditz swerved to the side, gliding right on the edge of the beam as he flew directly at Gray’s face. He cocked his hand back, another pink ball of Ki appearing in it as he was only a few feet from Gray, but never got the chance to throw the ball as Gray opened his mouth. A wave of Ki burst out from his monkey maw, slamming into the Saiyan Captain and sending him back into the surrounding crowd again. A cloud of smoke filled the air from the Ki-beam’s impact, filling the air around Gray.


52,000! (67,100/250,100)


This transformation is fucking awesome.


Gray raised his giant monkey hands, clapping loudly and dispelling the smoke from the area. He glanced around, not spotting Raditz anymore after the man was flung into the circle of apes. 


“You’re not dead yet, right captain?” Gray shouted out, his eyes circling the area around them as he waited for the Saiyans response.


But one never came.


Gray glanced around, seeing the other Saiyan-apes around him also looking in confusion for where Raditz had gone. 


Don’t relax. He could come from anywhere. It might only take one good hit for me to go down.


Gray squinted his eyes, trying to lock in on Raditz’s energy, but was unable to. The surrounding Ozaru’s overwhelming power was camouflaging Raditz’s, and Gray wasn’t familiar enough with the man's signature to find him. After nearly 2 minutes of standing there and looking furiously for the tiny Saiyan, Gray got annoyed. 


“Where are you, bastard? I know you’re not dead!” Gray yelled, his eye twitching in annoyance as he continued to scan the snowy landscape under him.


I know he’s not dead. Did he run? No way, right? If he was too prideful to run from a literal ambush, there’s no way he would run from an almost-dead me. Did he get knocked out, and he’s laying around in the snow somewhere?


Gray’s eyes continued scanning his surroundings and after another 2 minutes, he finally relaxed.


“He was calling me a rat earlier, but then he just runs away mid-fight?” Gray said incredulously, looking over the slimmer Ozaru floating to his left, which he knew was Asuna.


“Yeah… this isn’t like the captain…” Asuna said, a worried look on her face as she also glanced around.


“He wouldn’t-” Celia, also a giant ape, started to say from somewhere behind him, but was cut off. 


[Double Sunday!]” Two pink beams of Ki wrapped around a large Saiyan Ape to his right, circling around him as they shot toward Gray. One wrapped around the right side of the Ozaru, the other wrapping around the left. Gray swiped his hands upward in a panic as the beams sped toward him, a Ki sword forming as he slashed through the beam. The beams slammed into Gray’s Ki-blade, pushing him back momentarily before they dispersed into the air.


“The fuck…” Gray grit his teeth, staring at the huge ape who had acted as cover for Raditz. Said ape looked just as confused as Gray was, spinning around as he looked around him.


[Double Sunday!]” Another pair of beams shot out from behind him, this time coming from around Asuna as Gray hurriedly slashed his Ki sword at the incoming attacks.


“This bastard…” Gray spat, “You keep calling me a rat, and now you’re using your own men as cover?”


[Double Sunday!]” was the response Gray got, as another pair of twin pink beams came from behind one of the surrounding apes. Gray swiped his Ki sword up again, his eye twitching as his Ki dropped dangerously low. The Ki-blade on his hand wavered before disappearing.


[Double Sunday!]” Gray twisted to the side, barely dodging the twin beams. His eyes squinted as he focused, trying to discern where the next attack was coming from.


Fuck. I guess he’s a captain for a reason. Maybe he’s not as stupid as I thought.


[Double Sunday!]” This time, it came from behind, and Gray turned into a gymnast as he folded his body in half, letting the two pink beams fly over his bent back.


[Double Sunday!]” Gray wasn’t given a moment of reprieve as Raditz flashed to the side, two more beams firing at him from the side. The beams swirled through a gap between two large apes, flashing at Gray as the Saiyan Captain disappeared into the crowd again. Gray grunted, willing a Ki-blade to form again as he swiped his hand through the Double Sunday. The blade barely formed in time, wavering for a moment before it slammed into the beam. Gray grunted as the blade stalled against the beams, eventually breaking through as it slashed them in half. Gray thanked whatever deity was watching over him as he barely cut through the attack, the Ki-blade dispersing less than a second later.


Fuck. Under a thousand Ki - I can’t maintain a Ki blade anymore.


Gray’s mind whirled as he stared at the circle surrounding him, trying to think of a plan, but nothing came to mind. His brain was stalling from the constant information flooding it - the pain racking his body from his injuries, his eyes racing between the surrounding apes as he searched for Raditz, and the empty feeling in his body as he barely had enough Ki to keep his huge body functioning.


[Double Sunday!]” Gray swiftly leaned his head back, a pink beam streaming under his neck.


[Double Sunday!]” Gray launched upwards, allowing the beams to pass under his legs.


Gray glared as he spotted the blurring form of Raditz fly between the surrounding crowd of Saiyan apes, using them as cover as he fired beams around them, using a peek-a-boo strategy. Gray launched himself upwards, flying a couple dozen feet into the air as he tried to get a vantage point to find Raditz.


[Double Sunday!]


[Double Sunday!]


[Double Sunday!]


[Double Sunday!]


Gray grunted as it became even harder for him to spot Raditz, the flurry of beams shooting up from between the crowd circle under him. He felt fatigue rake his giant body, barely leaning back to dodge two beams streaming up at him. Gray groaned, forcing his exhausted body to move as he leaned to the side, another pair of pink twin beams flashing past him.


The other Saiyans won’t stop him from using such a bitchy strategy, since I was hiding amongst them earlier.

Gray mashed his teeth together, deciding that he couldn’t keep up the endurance battle. He floated back down into the circle, realizing the high ground wasn’t doing him any good. Gray yelled, hoping to bait out the prideful Saiyan, “Who’s the rat now, Raditz?! I’m on the verge of death and you’re still hiding like a little bitch, huh?! Come the fuck out!”


A chilling voice responded almost instantly, sending a wave of dread down Gray's spine.


“I’m right here!”


Gray’s heart skipped a beat as a sudden, overwhelming sensation crashed over him. Time seemed to bend, the world slowing to a crawl as the sun's light stretched ominously across his face. He snapped his neck to the side, looking over his shoulder as dread built. His eyes locked onto the source of the voice.


Raditz floated just a few feet behind him, his small frame levitating at the edge of the circle. His armor was stained with blood, shadows veiling his eyes as dark red rivulets dripped down his face. His face was twisted and burnt from the earlier blast, and his hands were cupped in front of his body. The insane grin plastered across Raditz’s face told Gray all he needed to know—this was the moment Raditz had been waiting for.


In his cupped hands was a singular pulsating pink Ki orb, shimmering with a malevolent glow. Raditz’s grin stretched wider as he held the deadly sphere, the wind howling around him as his half-mane of wild hair whipped violently in the storm of power he was conjuring. The air itself seemed to flee from the orb, sucked in and swallowed by the growing chaos within.




The very light around Gray seemed to distort, bending as it flowed into the ball of pure destruction. Beneath Raditz, the ground shook violently, the snow vibrating and losing its color, as if drained of life itself. Lightning sparked and coiled around Raditz’s hands, his skin glowing as an envelope of white Ki surrounded him. The sphere of Ki pulsed dangerously, sending out waves of energy that made the air crackle with tension.

Raditz’s grin warped into something monstrous, his eyes glazing over, pupils consumed by a ghostly white as raw power surged through him. His body trembled violently, muscles straining, barely able to contain the furious energy contained between his palms. The ground was a dozen of feet beneath him, but it still splintered from the power, cracks spiderwebbing outward from where he hovered.

Suddenly, with an unearthly scream, Raditz thrust his hands forward.





Gray’s world erupted in a blinding, suffocating pink inferno. Raditz’s attack wasn’t a beam—it was a cataclysmic wave of pure, unrelenting destruction. The blast tore through the air with a deafening roar, an avalanche of Ki that devoured everything in its path. Gray couldn’t even bring himself to scream, his mind shocked as the tidal wave of power slammed into him, igniting the very air around him in a hellish blaze. An overwhelming heat seared every inch of his body. 






No stat sheet this time - cya Wednesday!

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