Nightmare Mode (DBZ Gamer!SI)

The Giant (18.2)









“So annoying…” Dorro sighed, staring down at the trio of Saiyans plus Ranfan, Nam, and Saeko, “Why do you have to be here…”


Is… is my reputation with him so low because he’s just pissed he had to walk over here?


While the man himself was the biggest concern, Gray couldn’t help but notice the large array of 19 men floating around him. Aside from two of them, they all looked eerie alike: Large muscles, stupid grins, a biker jacket, and a tuff of orange hair.


I can sense their energy this time. But… it doesn’t match their power levels.




[Artifical Intelligence]


Age: 1


PL: 42,000,000


HP: 420,000/420,000


TKI: 100/100


Reputation: 0/0 (Neutral)


Modifier - This individual has no modifier.


When Gray used [Ki-sense] to get a rough gauge of their strength, they felt closer to Saeko’s new power. In reality, they were over double that.


“Androids,” Gray muttered. Along with the army of floating Funf’s, there were two men who looked very different. One had a long, purple round head, that fit with his skinny purple alien body. He was kitted out in the typical Cooler Force combat armor - which wasn’t very different from Saiyan armor. Purple undercloths replaced black ones, and the front chestplate was less bulky. The chest plate was green instead of black, and the right shoulder pad was missing, making the armor unsymmetrical. 


[Calculative] Prufen:


[Modified Cooler Minion]


Age: 24


PL: 69,000,000


HP: 175,000/175,000


TKI: 200,000/200,000


Reputation: 0/0 (Neutral)


Modifier - Individuals with this modifier will be naturally calculating in all aspects of life. They will gain INT 5% quicker.


His stats are so flat.


Gray noted, looking at the man's HP and Ki, which were both a flat number. 


Must have something to do with that ‘modified’ title. I thought this was the Red Ribbon Army we were fighting, but it’s Cooler. This doesn’t make sense.


The other man looked much more human-like, with a square face. He had short black hair and a muscular frame. 


He could pass as a Saiyan. He’s not one, right?


[Hard] Kohl:


[Modified Cooler Minion]


Age: 31


PL: 99,000,000


HP: 220,000/220,000


TKI: 125,000/125,000


Reputation: 0/0 (Neutral)


Modifier - Individuals with this modifier will be naturally hard. Take that as you will.


“So, what do you want?” Gray yelled up bluntly, “You’re here to fight, I take it.”


“Hmm?” The towering Dorro looked down at him, “Hmm… yeah… I was supposed to. But I don’t really feel like it.”


Gray blinked, his body relaxing as he felt strangely disappointed, “So… we’re not fighting?”


“Boss, we gotta fight!” One of the Funf’s yelled directly next to his ear, “That’s Dore’s orders!”


“Aw… but it’s so… tiring…” Dorro sighed. The man stood still for a moment, and then, abruptly, fell backwards. His large frame smushed all the trees around him, and one Funf, as he fell flat on his back.


“You guys deal with it. I don’t wanna…” Dorro groaned, “I’m so tired from walking here…”


“Dorro! Just because you’re a Lieutenant doesn’t mean you can be so useless!” The purple alien, Prufen, yelled down at him, “These guys are with Frieza! If you won’t deal with them, then Dore’s gonna send us all the way across the ocean to wipe out the other ones!”


“That far?” Dorro groaned, flipping onto his side as he rolled over, “Man, just thinking about it is making me tired… I’m taking a nap…”


“Dorro! Ah, this lazy bastard!” Kohl yelled down at him, then turned to the other Funf’s flying around him, “Whatever, we don’t need him! Funf’s! Take the two strong girls. Prufen, we’ll take the boy. The rest of you robot fuckers, go get the sword girl and the two Earthlings!”


“Actually!” The high-pitched voice of a Zwei yelled out from the darkness, “Our orders were just to keep them here until Sir Dorro arrived! We’re going back to base now!”


“What?! You can’t just leave!” Prufen shouted.


“The fuck is going on?” Gray said, glancing at Celia.


“No clue.”


“Well, might as well take advantage of it.” Gray raised his hand into a Ki-gun, pointing it at the huge lying form of Dorro.


My pride hates doing such a bitch move, but I can’t deal with that 400 Million PL.


The bullet fired from Gray’s finger, slamming directly into the back of the giant's head and…


Did nothing.


“Huh?” Gray blinked.


0! (1,000,000/1,000,000)


“Fuck off, man,” The voice of a Drei rang out, fading as the army of robots surrounding them left, “I don’t take orders from you. You guys can die for all I care - give Unit 3 a chance to shine. Talk to the general if you care so much.”


“Fucking bastards,” Kohl screamed, a vein popping out of his forehead, “We’d already have those fucking balls if the Lieutenants could get along.”


“In-fighting,” Celia deduced, staring at the remaining floating forms of the two men and 17 Funf’s, “Our job just got easier. For now, at least.”


Gray nodded, but his focus was on something else.


0! (1,000,000/1,000,000)


0! (1,000,000/1,000,000)


0! (1,000,000/1,000,000)


His finger flicked, sending Ki-bullets into different parts of the man, but they all had the same result. Dorro didn’t seem to even feel them, just lying there with his eyes closed as he napped.


“New plan,” Gray said, gritting his teeth as he spoke, “I’ll take the two strong ones. You can handle the Funf’s. They’re slow as fuck, just stay out of reach and you’ll be fine. Be careful though, they’re stronger than their energy signal shows. Last until I finish those two off, then we run before this big guy cares enough to get up.”


Gray hated the words as they flowed from his mouth, his body recoiling as he stared at the giant man. His power was overwhelming, and the lack of damage was a mystery. His body recognized the man as a strong opponent, and it wanted to fight.


…But that would be stupid. I don’t even know how to damage him.


“Got it,” Asuna and Celia nodded, while Saeko simply unsheathed her sword.


“Ranfan, Nam, you know the Kami guy, right?” Gray asked, getting a nod from Nam, “Fly up there. Just stay away from the fighting area. The Funf’s are too slow to chase, and I’ll keep the other two off you.”


Ranfan and Nam nodded in agreement.


“Be careful,” Ranfan said, looking at him with slightly worried eyes, and then both she and Nam shot up into the sky, attempting to get past the towering trees.


“You’re not going anywhere!” Prufen shouted, flying at them but stopping as a Ki-bullet whizzed past his face.


“You’ll be fighting me,” Gray said simply, his face twisted slightly as he looked at the alien's round squishy face, “I don’t wanna have to look at your ugly mug any longer, so let’s get this over with.”


Wow, that was mean. Is that how Guldo felt when he was looking at me?


Gray pushed his thoughts away, shooting upwards at Prufen. Prufen swiped his hand sideways, an array of purple round Ki-balls appearing in his path. They shot forward, but Gray simply dodged around them. He closed in on Prufen but stopped his trajectory abruptly as he raised his hand behind him, firing a Ki blast down at Kohl as the man tried to launch at Saeko.

Playing dirty, huh?


Kohl pushed back mid-air, dodging the Ki blast, and then shot forward again at Saeko.




Gray changed his target, blasting down toward Kohl as he launched a Ki-coated fist at him, forcing the man to stop in his tracks again. 


I need to save as much energy as I can, just in case that big guy gets up.


Gray shifted down into his boxing stance, his face behind his arms. He shot forward, jabbing at the man as Kohl’s head blurred, dodging the flurry of punches until he couldn’t keep up anymore, a fist slamming into his cheek and sending him flying back.


 10,000! (210,000/220,000)


Gray zipped forward, ready to follow up on the flying-back man, but was forced to stop as he held his palms up. Behind him, a rain of purple ki blasts rained down at Celia as the Saiyan Princess danced away from a Funf’s.lunging at her. Gray shot a flurry of his own, slamming into Prufens as he intercepted the attack. Then, he turned back to Kohl, but the man had recovered already. His hands were raised, sending a volley of his own at Gray. Gray blitzed forward, his immense speed from dumping so many points into it against Raditz allowing him to easily dodge through them. 


Gray appeared in front of Kohl again, his fists blurring as he idly tilted his head, letting a purple Ki ball fly just over his shoulder. Gray launched into another volley of punches, moving too fast for Kohl to handle as the man tried to dodge around them. None of them connected completely, but the man was slowly being exhausted from the brushes of Gray’s fists.


1,000! (209,000/220,000)

1,000! (208,000/220,000)

1,000! (207,000/220,000)

1,000! (206,000/220,000)

1,000! (205,000/220,000)

1,000! (204,000/220,000)

1,000! (203,000/220,000)


“Fuck off!” Kohl screamed, opening his palms as he tried to point-blank blast Gray. Gray simply leaned down, letting the two Ki blasts fly over his back as he stepped into Kohl and slammed a Ki-enhanced uppercut into his stomach.


 25,000! (178,000/220,000)


It’s crazy that these intergalactic planet-busters can’t deal with a bit of boxing. Kolra would’ve been OP if I didn’t kill his ass.


Gray shot backward, not following up as he got both out of Kohl’s reach, and spun around to fire a Ki blast at Prufen as he went to go after Asuna.


“Never thought I’d miss fighting Saiyans,” Gray clenched his teeth as he shot forward at Prufen, “They at least respect a good fight. You fucking cowards just keep trying to go around me!”


Gray could acknowledge it was a smart strategy - split his attention in two as he was forced to both fight one of them and prevent the other from going after his team, but it was still annoying.


Prufen raised his hands again as he saw Gray approaching, firing twin purple beams at him, but Gray easily dodged around them as he blitzed in front of the alien, his Ki-coated fist slammed into his face.


 25,000! (150,000/175,000)


Prufen’s head reeled back as a purple liquid sprouted out from it, and Gray shot forward and followed up by raising his leg up high, slamming it into the top of his head and sending him plummeting into the ground below.


 30,000! (120,000/175,000)


I’m doing decent damage. This is going well, even if they are annoying.


Gray blinked as he turned around, a figure flying at him. He held his hands out, catching Asuna as she body-slammed into him. Gray looked down, the girl panting as she stabilized herself, her hand over her stomach. 


[Emotional] Asuna:


[Ex-Vice-Captain of the Raditz Squad]


Age: 17


PL: 44,760,900


HP: 34,200/94,200


TKI: 45,000/110,250


Reputation: 400/1000 (Liked)


[Emotional] Modifier - Individuals with this modifier will highly value their emotions, doing whatever it takes to follow them.


Gray blinked in surprise as he looked at her HP.


She got stronger after we beat those other robots, but she’s still losing? She’s quick, she shouldn’t be struggling with the Funf’s.


“S-Sorry, Gray,” She huffed, her hand gripping her stomach.


“It’s fine,” Gray said as his opened his palm, idly sending a large Ki blast down at a Funf that was chasing after her.


 10,000! (390,000/420,000)


This one’s barely taken any damage either.


“Are you alright?” He asked simply, shooting forward as the Funf ignored the blast and continued upwards. Ken’s leg lashed out, moving far too fast for the slow robot to dodge as it was flung back down to the ground below.


10,000! (380,000/420,000)


“I’m just a bit tired from chasing that other one earlier,” She explained, then winced as she looked down at her stomach, “There’s also a lot of them, and they hit like a truck.”


His attention was dragged away from Asuna as Kohl shot at him from the side. Gray wrapped his arm around Asuna, moving the girl with him as he dodged the man’s flurry of punches. Then, he flipped back mid-air, his foot launching up and uppercutting Kohl’s chin, sending the man spinning upward.


 15,000! (163,000/220,000)


Gray shot back, dragging Asuna with him as he guarded the girl. He opened his mouth to say something but had to stop instantly as he swiped his hand up, launching a volley of Ki blasts to block Prufen’s own volley.


“This isn’t working, Gray,” Celia’s voice rang out, the girl panting as she flew up at him, two Funf’s following close behind. Gray shot forward past the girl, slamming one of his palms on each of the Funf’s faces as he shoved downwards, sending them careening downwards.


10,000! (360,000/420,000)


10,000! (340,000/420,000)

[Survivalist] Celia:


[Saiyan Princess]


Age: 16


PL: 46,850,220


HP: 39,500/78,160


TKI: 500,670/1,252,000


Reputation: 800/1000 (Liked)


[Survivalist] Modifier - Individuals with this modifier will do whatever it takes to survive.


She’s not doing great either.


“There's too many,” Celia huffed, “They’re pretty slow, but not slow enough that I can dodge five at once while fighting back. My attacks are barely phasing them, and I doubt I’d live more than two or three blows.”


Gray glanced down to Saeko as the fight in the air stalled momentarily, Kohl raising his hands as he, Prufen, and a collection of floating Funf’s around them stared at the trio, waiting for their next move. Saeko was on the floor, ducking under a huge fist as she started to launch her sword up, but stopped mid-swing as she rolled over to dodge another fist.


“Saeko! Get up here!” Gray shouted down, and the girl nodded, kicking off the ground and shooting up to them.


[Masked] Saeko:


[Galatic Sword-Collector]


Age: 17


PL: 27,250,500


HP: 40,900/60,600


TKI: 52,000/52,000


Reputation: 725/1000 (Liked)


[Masked] Modifier - Individuals with this modifier will be adept at masking their true personality and emotions.


She’s taken the least damage. Ironic, considering she’s the weakest. She really is skilled.


“Change of plans, “Gray said bluntly, “Fly up, all of you. Follow Ranfan and Nam.”


“They’ll chase us,” Saeko breathed out, the girl also breathing heavily from the constant dodging.


“I’ll keep them off,” Gray said simply.

“You don’t mean you’re staying down here, right?” Asuna asked, looking at him with wide eyes, “We’re not just leaving yo-”


“Just go up,” Gray cut her off, “No offense, but honestly, you guys are in the way. I can’t focus on fighting and protecting you at the same time.”


“You want us to ask Kami for help?” Celia asked.


“Hah, I doubt he’ll do shit for us,” Gray shook his head, “We’re his enemies. Just have Ranfan and Nam vouch for you. Us saving them should be enough for them to at least not kill you when you go up.”


Kami’s still a good guy. He won’t make the effort to come down and help me since we’re still invaders, but he won’t kill them. 


“I’ll be fine,” Gray spoke again as he saw Celia open her mouth again, “I’ll come up after. As long as Dorro doesn’t get up, I can handle these guys. Don’t argue - these guys won’t just watch us talk forever.”


Celia relented, finally nodding. 


“Be careful!” Asuna said as the trio of girls started to fly up.


“Don’t die,” Saeko said simply as they shot up.


“Don’t let them get away!” Prufen shouted, “Get them, Funf’s!”


The crowd of Funf’s around them shot up towards the girls, moving even slower than the trio in their injured states. Gray shot up, floating just below the girls as he spread his arms out.


“Not so fast!” A grin slipped onto Gray’s face. He channeled his Ki, letting two Ki-balls form in his hands. Then, he channeled it outwards, recreating the feeling in the air around him. One by one, an array of Ki-balls formed, filling the sky around him as they separated the tree line from the escaping women.


[Ki Array] skill unlocked!


+100 XP (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])


[Ki-Array] LVL 1 - Summon an Array of Ki-balls around you.


+10 Ki for unlocking a Ki-related skill! (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])


Gray grinned, his blood pumping as adrenaline started to flow through him. His heart pounded in his ears. Despite all the previous fighting, for first time that day, Gray felt alive. His arms tensed, his grin growing even wider as he stared down at the army of Funf’s streaming up at him.


“It’s a 20v1…” His grin grew even wider, turning near-maniacal, “Don’t lose, alright? It’d be embarrassing.”


He flicked his hand down.



AN: Thanks for reading! The next chapter will be out Saturday, or you can read the next three right now at !


Gray Tanaki:


[Saiyan D-Class Recruit]


Age: 15


Wallet: 164,650 Coins


Lvl: 15 (8/350,000 XP)


PL: 162,225,200


Available Points: 50


HP: 205,782/231,850


TKI: 300,265/347,725


STR: 515


AGI: 700


END: 450


INT: 515


CHA: 205


LUK: 505


KI: 675


HREG: 466


EREG: 466


Skills: [Observe LVL 5], [Running LVL 6], [Determination LVL 4], [Ki Control LVL 9], [Ki Gun LVL 5]. [Ki Enhancement LVL 4], [KI Suppression LVL 5], [Ki Sense LVL 3], [Pushup LVL 5], [Punch LVL 5], [Kick LVL 5], [Jump LVL 4], [Flight LVL 4], [Prediction LVL 2], [Zenkai Boost LVL 1], [Cognitive Acceleration LVL 1], [Ah! Lord Freiza! LVL 1], [Mouth-Beam LVL 1], [Ki-Blade LVL 1], [Cooking LVL 1]


Perks: [Gamer’s Mind], [Gamer’s Body], [Double-edged Sword], [Legendary Super Saiyan], [Perfect Ozaru], [A Cute Pawn], [A Humble Master], [Ladies Man]


Fighting Styles: [Boxing Style: Kolra LVL 2]


Party: [Saeko, Celia, Asuna, Ranfan]

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