Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 108: The Descent into Madness

Lynn barely had a moment to contemplate the full extent of the twisted assimilations before the creature let loose another feral roar that reverberated menacingly throughout the ritual chamber.

The guttural cry served as a foreboding herald, signaling the imminent wave of relentless assaults. Drawing upon the abilities of the various monsters he had absorbed, Knott underwent rapid and disturbing transformations.

His body rippled and convulsed, seamlessly shifting between beastly configurations, each bringing forth a new set of deadly appendages and grotesque features.

His legs throbbed as its bones twisted and reshaped, transforming into slender, sinuous limbs tipped with talons that gripped the cold stone floor. This allowed him to lunge forward with astonishing speed.

As he propelled himself across the ritual space, his limbs blurred into a wild frenzy of movement. Mid-leap, his hands transformed into enormous pincers that could snap a person's spine with ease.

Reacting swiftly, Lynn rolled to the side, evading the crushing blow. The deadly pincers slammed into the ground where he had been standing mere moments before, gouging out chunks of stone.

Without missing a beat, he quickly regained his balance, executing a graceful pivot as he firmly grasped his extraordinary firearm, Bloody Reaper. He prepared to unleash a fierce counterattack

However, his intentions were abruptly halted by a thick and powerful tail that lashed out towards him. Coiled muscles rippled beneath hardened scales as it hurtled through the air.

He hardly managed to raise Flame Edge just in time, bringing the blazing blade crashing against the formidable limb. As the two forces clashed, a shower of sparks burst forth, casting a brilliant light within the depths of the underground sewer system.

The impact of the blow sent shockwaves coursing through Lynn’s arm, causing a numbing sensation to spread across his muscles. Gritting his teeth, he immediately used [Cell Proliferation].

With a surge of spiritual energy, he directed the flow to specifically enhance the muscular power of his arm, consciously guiding the cell growth to increase strength and explosive force.

He could feel it swell and tighten as the fibers expanded. An exhilarating sensation of raw power surged through him. With a burst of energy, he managed to deflect the tail to the side, avoiding a direct hit.

The creature let out an agonized shriek as the blunt force traumatized the scales and underlying flesh. Blood oozed from newly formed cracks, staining them a dark shade of crimson.

Seizing the moment, Lynn pressed forward with his initial attack. He rapidly discharged three consecutive rounds, each thunderous blast echoing through the ceremonial chamber as the hefty bullets hurtled toward the abomination's chest.

With surprising reflexes, Knott crossed his pincers in front of his torso just in time. The initial bullet collided with the defense, producing a reverberating clang as it burrowed into the exoskeleton, causing it to start cracking under the sheer force of the impact.

Without pause, the second bullet followed suit, finding its mark in the already weakened pincers. Splintered fragments of the armor broke away, creating a vulnerable opening through the protective barrier.

Lynn's eyes gleamed with determination, swiftly adjusting his aim and firing the third and final bullet, aiming for the exposed area. It broke through the fractured armor, sinking deep into the abomination's flesh.

Although Knott tried to use his abilities in the last moment to protect himself, the projectile still caused severe damage. A guttural roar of pain erupted from the twisted form as the force of the impact sent him backward.

Capitalizing on the situation, Lynn astutely identified an opening. The powerful explosion had temporarily incapacitated his opponent, granting him valuable seconds to take action.

His arm muscles, which had previously swelled due to cellular proliferation, returned to its normal state. The focus of his energy shifted towards his legs, causing them to tighten and throb.

Using [Quickstep], he moved with astonishing speed, propelling himself forward. He crossed the distance between them in an instant, Flame Edge was lifted overhead, ready to inflict a deadly strike.

As the blade descended, Knott's instincts kicked in, anticipating the imminent danger. His body contorted, avoiding the devastating arc. However, despite his impressive evasion, the attack was not without consequence.

A sickening sound filled the air as the blade made contact, the razor-sharp edge sliced through the fractured defense, nearly severing the hand from his arm. An excruciating pain pierced through his being, causing him to emit a pained screech that echoed in the vicinity.

Fully anticipating the crazed merchant to create distance and possibly retreat to tend to his wound, Lynn prepared to press on with his relentless attacks.

However, to his surprise, Knott defied all expectations. Instead of retreating, the abomination turned to face him, displaying a defiant refusal to back down. The bestial eyes flashed with violent intent.

The creature's jaws unhinged, expanding to a freakish proportion. His grotesque maw opened wide, intending to clamp down on Lynn's torso. Rows of jagged teeth glinted with saliva.

Lynn instantly responded, delivering a forceful kick to Knott's midsection before his jaws could snap shut. Reinforced by [Cell Proliferation], the blow reverberated through the creature's body with a sickening crunch.

The air resonated with the creature's anguished cry, echoing through the surroundings as its body was forcefully propelled, crashing into the hard surface with great impact, causing cracks to form on the stone walls.

Lynn ceased his relentless assault, his brow furrowing in contemplation as he observed the creature writhing in agony on the cold floor. There was something wrong.

Despite possessing the clear advantage in the battle, an unsettling feeling stirred within him, giving him pause. Knott's attacks were becoming increasingly agitated and vicious with each exchange.

With each passing moment, the adversary he faced increasingly resembled a savage bloodthirsty beast, ready to do anything to kill him. The merchant's humanity seemed to slip further away with each passing second.

As he pondered this, the sound of scraping interrupted his thoughts. The creature that now barely resembled a human had managed to rise to his feet. Dark blood oozed from his wounds, dripping onto the floor.

"Why...why can't I devour you?" Knott snarled, his voice distorted by pain. Frustration and fury twisted his face.

Lynn observed with keen eyes as the injuries began to regenerate swiftly before him. The deep gashes inflicted by his sword started to close, the damaged flesh knitting itself back together.

"So he possesses rapid regeneration abilities as well,” he noticed, his grip tightening on his weapons as he closed the distance between himself and his opponent once again. He knew that he couldn't let up the pressure, not even for a moment.

Each crushing impact landed with pinpoint accuracy, eliciting screams of rage and agony. Lynn's relentless assault pushed Knott to the brink, bombarding his imperfect body and preventing any chance of counterattack.

He deftly parried and dodged the blows, utilizing both sword and pistol. His movements flowed smoothly like water, turning his adversary's strength against him.

Weapon and flesh collided repeatedly in a deadly dance. Searing flames and gunsmoke filled the air, obscuring the combatants. However, Lynn's extraordinary senses remained sharp, allowing him to anticipate the enemy’s every attack.

Knott let out a frustrated hiss as his efforts were continuously thwarted. "Why won't you just die?!" He bellowed, his voice distorted with rage. His body seemed to twist and contort, lashing out with uncontrolled fury.

His sanity seemed to slip further away, as he descended deeper into a state of primal rage. No longer was there a shred of reason or logic guiding his actions. Pure madness now consumed his entire being, overriding any semblance of rational thought.

His physical form was undergoing increasingly erratic transformations, warping and morphing between twisted configurations in constant flux.

One moment his torso resembled a furred beast, the next it shifted into an insectoid carapace, and then into scales. Knott's humanity was gradually being devoured from within, replaced by a nightmarish patchwork of monstrosities.

Lynn observed this disturbing metamorphosis, his expression stern yet tinged with unease. "He's completely losing himself," he muttered.

Knott's eyes had grown wild, their pupils dilated and movements jittery. "I'll devour you! I'll consume every last bit!" he shrieked, spewing globs of acidic saliva.

Under the effects of [Spiritual Vision], Lynn’s keen perception noticed a disturbing development unfolding within the twisted amalgamation of creatures that constituted Knott's body.

The various forces and spiritual essences that composed him were unstable, churning, and writhing within the flesh. It was as if they were engaged in a chaotic internal battle for dominance and control.

Just as he was about to let out a sigh of relief, thinking the situation was finally under control, a strange phenomenon occurred. All the essences suddenly seemed to contract, swirling and compressing in on themselves.

The various monstrous features that had sprouted erratically across the body began to recede, smoothing over until only a humanoid form remained.

"This isn't good," muttered Lynn when he noticed the abrupt change. His eyes narrowed, sensing that this surprising development foreshadowed imminent danger.


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