Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 109: The Birth of the Chimera

Lynn's instincts immediately sparked, compelling him to put some space between himself and his adversary. The sudden turn of events triggered a sense of unease and caution, sending warning signals reverberating through his mind.

Knott's body had already undergone a profound metamorphosis, poised to unleash something malevolent. The procedure had progressed beyond the point of no return, rendering any attempts to neutralize him futile.

As he swiftly and gracefully retreated several meters, his intuition proved accurate. The abrupt halt in the merchant’s erratic transformations was merely the calm before an impending tempest.

Suddenly, the unsettling silence was shattered with a bone-chilling roar. The sound distorted into an eerie, multi-tonal screech that ominously echoed throughout the ritual chamber.

Lynn winced, the hairs on the back of his neck standing on end at the unearthly cry. Before his eyes, the enemy’s humanoid form began to contort and expand, his flesh rippling as an intense surge of energy pulsated within.

Veins bulged against his skin, darkened and prominent like snakes writhing beneath the surface. Muscles swelled and stretched grotesquely, warping his frame into a misshapen mass of distorted sinew and pulsing ligaments.

It was as if something monstrous was growing inside, struggling to break free from its confining shell. The body convulsed violently, reaching a climactic breaking point and unleashing a torrent of blood in a chaotic spray.

The chamber was filled with a crimson vapor, transforming the surroundings into a haunting scarlet tableau. Tiny droplets clung to every surface, their presence undeniable.

With narrowed eyes, Lynn watched the scene unfold, prepared for whatever horror was about to emerge. When the explosion occurred, he immediately sprang into action, lifting Bloody Reaper, and aiming it steadily at the spot where Knott had stood just moments before.

Despite the gruesome sight of sanguine and bodily tissues erupting in a spectacular display, suggesting that the crazy merchant had met his demise, Lynn remained unconvinced.

He was certain that something was still alive within the crimson haze that enveloped the area. He didn't need to wait for it to settle to confirm that; the pulsating energy he sensed within betrayed the presence of a living entity.

"Maybe it can't be called Knott anymore," he muttered to himself, his voice barely audible. "But that thing is certainly born from him."

Just as he was preparing to discharge a few rounds into the crimson mist to examine what it was hiding.  The immobile entity unexpectedly stirred, as if sensing his intentions.

At that very moment, he experienced a jolt within his chest, his heart skipping a beat, and a wave of warning washed over him. The target his gaze was locked on thanks to his spiritual vision abruptly disappeared.

Simultaneously, a towering figure suddenly appeared, charging at him, effortlessly slicing through the sanguine fog with explosive speed. It stood over three meters tall, its powerful frame rippling with taut, corded muscle.

"No, it's too fast," Lynn exclaimed in his mind, a sense of urgency gripping him. He barely managed to move his blade upward before a powerful force slammed into it.

The impact sent him stumbling backward, his feet skidding across the chamber floor. The force behind the attack was immense, far surpassing his expectations. His arm trembled under the strain.

But before he could react, the towering monster’s powerful tail lashed out, striking him across the chest causing an immense impact, akin to the unstoppable force of a wrecking ball.

As the wind was forcefully expelled from his lungs, Lynn gasped in pain, his face contorting in a grimace. Momentarily immobilized by the sheer force, he was sent hurtling backward. The direct hit rattled his bones, causing some of them to fracture, creating a network of cracks.

"Dammit..." he groaned, his teeth clenched tightly together, as he fought to regain his composure. In an instant, he made the decision to use his unique talent.

With [Gemini Soul] activated, the shockwave of pain reverberating through his chest, momentarily threatening to overwhelm his senses, instantly disappeared.

Gone were all traces of emotions, replaced instead by a profound sense of sharp focus and an unparalleled clarity of mind. As the transformative power of his talent surged through him, his senses ascended to extraordinary heights.

Time seemed to stretch, affording him a meticulous observation of the unfolding events. The world around him shimmered with vibrant clarity as every detail came into focus. 

Lynn easily perceived the subtle change in the surroundings. He immediately noticed the shift in the air, signaling his imminent encounter with an anticipated stone wall.

Additionally, he keenly detected the relentless pursuit of the formidable creature, its presence reverberating in his ears as a foreboding reminder of the danger closing in.

With his heightened perception and unwavering focus, he rapidly assessed the situation. His sharpened mind worked at an impressive pace, formulating strategies to confront the impending threat.

He had just a few seconds before the collision to think and take action, but in his current state, that was enough. He instantly summoned [String Threading], manifesting razor-sharp threads from different parts of his body.

With extraordinary reflexes, he rapidly maneuvered the agile strands toward the walls and ceiling, deftly penetrating the stone surface, and establishing a secure and immovable anchor.

Using the anchoring threads as a solid foundation, he gracefully contorted his body in mid-air. Displaying impeccable coordination, he skillfully adjusted his position until his legs were directed towards the wall, and his gaze locked onto the oncoming abomination.

In that fleeting instant, Lynn's vision granted him a clear view of the adversary. The once-merchant Knott had shed his humanity entirely, irreversibly consumed.

What stood in its place was an abomination forged from the synthesis of countless monsters and the evil corruption of spiritual pollution. it fused and created a single powerful entity.

The creature possessed an exoskeleton composed of interlocking chitinous plates that provided it with a formidable defense. Its body was further enhanced by a long, sinuous tail that trailed behind, adorned with scales that shimmered with a venomous gleam. At the tail's tip, a lethal stinger was poised, capable of delivering a deadly dose of toxins with a swift strike.

Four muscular limbs supported its hulking frame. The two in the front seemed to be armored spider legs while the others were reptilian. The juxtaposition of arachnid and reptile anatomy created an unsettling fusion, hinting at the countless assimilations that had culminated in this aberrant creation.

Lynn surveyed the grotesque entity, absorbing every detail with his enhanced perception. The creature's head resembled a wolf skull protected by an armored carapace. Soulless black eyes focused on him with predatory intensity.

"Indeed, a chimera,” he noted in his mind calmly, devoid of emotion.

With only milliseconds to spare before impact, he bent his knees slightly and channeled [Cell Proliferation] into his legs. They instantly swollen to disproportioned size, the muscles expanding and tightening as if injected with a powerful stimulant.

As his feet made contact with the unforgiving stone wall surface, he unleashed a precise burst of power. The wall cracked under the sheer force, fragments of stone breaking away and crumbling to the ground.

The explosive force propelled him forward like a projectile, launching him directly toward the hulking creature that barreled toward him. Before impact, Lynn funneled spiritual energy into Flame Edge, causing the blade to glow fiery hot. The sword ignited, unleashing a brilliant flare that illuminated the surroundings.

Heat radiated from the weapon in shimmering waves, scorching the very air around it. His eyes narrowed with steely focus as he angled the flaming sword, aiming it directly at a joint between the armored plates shielding the creature's chest.

With flawless precision guided by his extraordinary senses, the searing point pierced through the narrow gap just as their collision occurred. Razor-sharp steel sank into the vulnerable flesh beneath the hardened carapace, eliciting an unearthly shriek of agony from the chimera.

The deafening cry reverberated through the chamber, shaking dust from the walls. Yet Lynn remained unfazed, his expression betraying no hint of emotion. Calm and calculating, he proceeded with surgical precision, forcefully dragging the burning blade through the creature's torso, slicing it open from chest to abdomen.

Dark viscera gushed forth as the intense heat instantly cauterized the edges of the gaping wound. The pungent stench of scorched flesh permeated the air. His strike had been strategically calculated, inflicting tremendous damage by penetrating a weak spot in the armor.

Capitalizing on this effective attack, he swiftly propelled himself backward before the thrashing chimera could retaliate. With graceful acrobatics, he maneuvered mid-air and landed nimbly on his feet.

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