Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 113: Peace, for Now

Lynn remained motionless for several seconds, focusing on taking deep breaths to regain control of his senses. The effects of [The Chimera's Feast] ritual gradually subsided, allowing him to steady himself.

"Not yet," he whispered, his gaze fixed on the notification for leaving the dungeon. Without hesitation, he made a decisive choice, selecting [No].

A part of him yearned to depart this place and return to the tranquility of Blue Star. He craved rest after the intense battle. However, there's still one last thing to take care of here.

[Player will leave the dungeon in 2 hours. Please prepare in advance.]

His eyes widened with pleased surprise as he read the new notification. The last time he had declined to leave a dungeon, the countdown had been a mere 30 minutes. It seemed the upgrade to his authority rank had provided some additional minor advantages.

Gradually, he rose from the ground, his injuries protesting with every movement, causing him to wince in pain. The intense battle had taken its toll, leaving his physique battered and drained.

Remnants of bruises and partially healed cuts marred his skin, while his arm bones pulsated with an ache that refused to subside. But the most severe damage had already been mended. Although far from a complete recovery, it was sufficient for now.

He was sweeping his stare over the macabre scene surrounding him. The chamber was in complete disarray, bearing the marks of the intense confrontation that had just taken place. Splatters of blood painted the walls and floor. Chunks of stone littered the ground where claws and blades had furiously collided.

His brows suddenly furrowed as Lynn remarked something before him, and instantly alarm bells went off in his mind. The chimera’s corpse was nowhere to be found.

"My sublimation material, where did it go?" he exclaimed aloud, his heart pounding as his gaze anxiously scanned the vicinity. The once-massive body and its severed head had inexplicably vanished, leaving no trace behind.

Pausing for a brief moment, he closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath to soothe the turbulent chaos within his thoughts. When he opened them again, they gleamed with sharp focus.

Kneeling, he inspected the spot where the remains had previously lain. The cold stone beneath his knees was slick with the remnants of spilled crimson fluid, leaving more stains on his clothes.

"It's still fresh," he murmured to himself, his voice barely audible as he cautiously ran his fingers along the floor, tracing the chilling sensation of a thick, coagulating puddle of blood. The metallic scent filled the air.

He also noticed peculiar scorch marks on the ground. The area was charred, as if exposed to intense heat, probably from Flame Edge. It was still warm to the touch.

His eyes narrowed as his mind churned through the possibilities. Every detail supported the notion that the corpse had vanished mere moments ago, precisely during the brief instant he was trapped in the ritual.

A sudden realization struck Lynn as the pieces clicked into place. He uttered two words that held the key to unraveling this puzzle: “Nightmare Paradise”. It was the only other party that could have done this.

In a swift motion, he accessed the [Missions] section of his panel. His eyes darted across the list, focusing on the two assignments that he had yet to claim the rewards.

[Monsters’ Lair]
[Hidden Mission: Explore the monsters' lair and uncover its hidden secrets. 100% Explored.]
(Redeem reward)

[The Chimera's Feast]
[Hidden Mission: A duel to the death, where the winner devours the loser, assimilating everything they possess. Defeat Knott to survive the ritual!]
(Redeem reward)

He delved into profound contemplation. The two hidden missions were now completed. The successful progress of the exploration owed much to the sheriff and his officers.

Their diligent work and efforts contributed significantly to the overall exploration percentage. Lynn had just to discover the ritual chamber to finish the job. But it was the second task that interested him more.

He had speculated that he was never meant to absorb the chimera through the sinister ritual. The creature's remains were likely claimed by Nightmare Paradise and transformed into a reward for this mission.

However, the loss of the corpse was still a significant blow. Even without the sublimation material, the chimera represented a complex fusion of numerous assimilated monsters and abilities.

Meticulously dissecting it could provide valuable experience, and insights into the twisting spiritual pollution that had created it, and potentially unlock new paths for his own growth.

Gazing at the mission panel before him, the moment had arrived to either affirm or refute his speculative theory. He tapped on the option to redeem the reward for [The Chimera's Feast].

His fingers trembled slightly, betraying his anxiety, as he whispered under his breath, a blend of anticipation and apprehension, "I hope I didn't get scammed out of my spoils of victory."

Instantly, several notifications flooded his mind. Absorbing the information, his body finally relaxed, and a profound sense of relief washed over him, prompting a deep sigh.

[Chimera's Essence] *3

[Bestial Heart]

[Skill Memory Crystal] *2

[Monster Whispering Manual]

“It's not a complete loss. The second sublimation material was acquired,” he declared silently as the tension that had gripped his muscles dissipated, leaving him feeling lighter. A slow, contented smile crept across his face, reflecting his inner satisfaction.

Although he couldn't help but feel a twinge of regret for not being able to collect the chimera corpse, Lynn recognized the favorable nature of this outcome. It was undoubtedly preferable to the alternative of the ritual, a risky endeavor that could have resulted in spiritual contamination.

As he graciously received the rewards, they found their place in his inventory. An eager anticipation welled up within him, and he wanted to inspect the newly acquired items in depth.

However, his actions were suddenly interrupted by the faint sound of footsteps approaching. His senses immediately heightened, his tired muscles tensing instinctively, but they quickly eased as he realized who was coming.

He turned to face the open tunnel entrance. The glow of a flickering flashlight preceded the arrival of several figures, moving swiftly yet cautiously through the sewer passage.

The familiar faces of the sheriff and his team of officers greeted him. Cooper’s keen eyes quickly assessed the messy state of both Lynn and the chamber itself, reading the signs of a ferocious battle. His gruff voice rang out, laced with concern, "Sir Lynn, are you okay?"

"I'm alive and in one piece, just a bit battered," Lynn replied, his tone was reassuring despite his exhausted appearance. "It was a fierce battle, but the threat has been neutralized."

Though he quickly frowned as a thought crossed his mind. "If you could come here, what happened to the horde of monsters?" he inquired, his tone filled with curiosity. Something significant must have occurred to abruptly end the creatures' relentless assault.

The sheriff stroked his stubbled chin. "We encountered a peculiar situation," he recounted. "We were prepared to hold out as long as necessary, although the ammunition was running low. But then, around half an hour ago, they exploded. It happened without warning, all of them simultaneously."

Lynn fell silent, his eyes narrowing, reflecting Cooper’s confusion. “Half an hour ago…” he muttered in his heart. It aligned closely with the timing of Knott starting the sinister ritual.

A guess crossed his mind about the potential cause behind this unexpected event, but he didn’t delve deeper into it. The mastermind was already dead and the situation was under control.

After a prolonged moment of silence, he gave a brief description of what had transpired in the ritual chamber. However, he was intentionally selective with the details he decided to share, concealing information that might give away his secrets.

"I see," Cooper nodded thoughtfully as he absorbed the account. "Regardless of the specifics, it's clear that you accomplished something extraordinary down here. The town owes you a great debt."

Lynn waved off the sheriff's gratitude, his expression modest. "I was merely carrying out my duty," he responded. "It is you and your men who deserve praise for their valiant efforts. If not for your assistance in drawing the creatures away, I would not have succeeded."

"Let us speak no more of debts or gratitude," he continued gently. "What matters is that the threat has been eliminated, and peace can return to this town."

His reassuring words seemed to lift Cooper's spirits. The sheriff's expression softened, gratitude shining in his eyes. The young man's wisdom and empathy were equally remarkable to his combat skills.

"You're right," Sheriff Cooper affirmed. "Thanks to you, our people can rest easy once more." He turned to address his men. "Come, let's return above ground."

Their journey back was far less fraught with peril. The creatures that had previously flooded the passages were nowhere to be seen. An eerie silence hung in the stale air as their flashlights illuminated the way forward.

They emerged into the opulent bedroom and stepped over the makeshift barricades. Lynn noted the signs of fierce combat—dents and scratches on the walls, floors littered with empty bullet casings. He was glad his absence hadn't doomed the officers.

At last, they exited the manor and stepped into the pale glow of dawn. The fresh air was a welcome relief after the stagnant stench of the tunnels. As he took a deep breath, the tension eased from his shoulders.

Sheriff Cooper turned to him, gratitude and concern reflected on his weathered face. "Get some rest. Once you recover, I insist on properly celebrating our victory and honoring your role."

Lynn managed a faint smile. "You're too kind, but I should be going soon." He glanced meaningfully at the notification panel only he could see, counting down the time left. He was ready to exit this world.

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