Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 114: Class [Fighter]

While Lynn fought valiantly inside the dungeon, accomplishing missions in another world, the unyielding passage of time-pressed forward unabated on Blue Star.

As the evening unfolded, the sky above H City experienced a gradual transformation, painting a mesmerizing tableau of darkness. The sun slipped below the horizon, its radiant glow fading as dusk embraced the land.

Wisps of clouds were tinted with soft hues of purple and orange, reflecting the sunset's final luminous rays. But soon, they also surrendered their vibrancy, taking on a somber gray tone as night descended.

A luminous full moon ascended amongst the glittering stars. The pale orb floated weightlessly in the sky, a beacon of serenity gazing down upon the restless cityscape.

In the center of the city, amidst the forest of blinking lights, stood an imposing construction that served as the headquarters of the H City Special Investigation Bureau. The building towered over its surroundings, its sleek glass exterior glinting under the moonlight.

Due to the unique nature of the work being done here, even in the middle of the night, there should have been many people actively moving around, with the sounds of keyboards typing and papers being shuffled filling the air.

Especially in recent times, the world has seen an upsurge in bizarre and inexplicable cases, bearing the potential involvement of extraordinary powers.

But today, the entire structure was silent. Not a soul roamed the sleek corridors lined with offices. The spacious central space, typically bustling with activity, was devoid of life.

However, in one of the multiple underground floors, a tense atmosphere prevailed. The place was filled with a heavy silence as all eyes remained fixed on a particular spot in the room.

Everyone present stood unmoving, observing something with unwavering focus. Their breathing was slow and measured, as if afraid to disrupt the delicate moment.

Various researchers wearing pristine white lab coats were scattered around the edges of the spacious chamber. Their hands moved swiftly across flashing keyboards as data streams poured across the screens before them.

Furrowed brows and frown lines creased their faces, betraying the anxiety and apprehension simmering beneath their composed exteriors. They continued reviewing the incoming information.

Two people seemed to stand out in the middle of the tense crowd. They wore casual clothes instead of the black suits or lab coats that dominated the room.

They were the extraordinary investigators of this branch, the raven-haired woman with a high ponytail named Amber. Beside her was Ethan, the young man from whom Lynn extorted the information about the werewolves and the existence of the abandoned district.

Unlike the others, the two were seated in chairs off the side, observing the scene unfolding before them. Their posture appeared relaxed, but their eyes were sharp, intently focused on the same focal point captivating everyone else.

At the very center of the expansive chamber was the object responsible for the room's strained ambiance - an enormous display screen that dominated the space. It was at least ten meters in height and stretched across almost the entire far wall.

"Do you think the captain will be fine?" Ethan asked, a hint of apprehension detectable in his voice as his eyes remained fixed on the motionless figure on the monitor.

Amber turned to him, her sharp gaze softening. " You worry too much," she responded gently. " Have faith, you know how strong he is.”

"More importantly, you need to observe carefully. One day, you'll have to go through a similar process if you wish to advance your abilities. This is a pivotal moment that every extraordinary individual must experience”

Ethan nodded his head in acknowledgment, but his lips were tightly pressed, a sign of his inner tension. His leg bounced with nervous energy, betraying his attempts to appear calm.

If Lynn was here, he would have immediately recognized the scene displayed on the massive screen - it depicted a sublimation ritual in progress. But unlike the twisted ceremony he had recently witnessed in the dungeon world, this one was being carefully controlled and monitored.

Multiple camera angles provided views into a full white chamber located elsewhere in the underground facility. The scientists could control all variables and precisely track the subject's vitals.

At the center of the sterile room stood the only person missing from the observation chamber - Simon, the captain of this branch of the Special Investigations Bureau.

His muscular physique was entirely on display, showing the fruits of many long years spent refining it through rigorous training. Scars both faded and prominent littered his toned frame, trophies from his numerous battles.

A complex and elaborate pattern composed of mysterious symbols and lines covered his entire body. They started from the chest, spreading outward and winding around his frame.

At the core of this intricate design, embedded deeply within the flesh, rested a deep red stone. Its presence was accompanied by a subtle pulsating glow, emanating a swirling energy within.

This mysterious gem was the sublimation component - it had been sent directly from the capital by the higher-ups of the Special Investigation Bureau along with meticulous instructions about the ritual to perform.

With closed eyes and a steady yet shallow breath, Simon was constantly trembling, minute tremors wracking his muscular frame. His jaw was tensed, his hands balled into tight fists at his sides as he struggled to maintain control.

The power within this extraordinary item was gradually extracted through the markings, which served as conduits. The energy manifested as radiant tendrils that snaked across his skin like elongated earthworms burrowing just beneath the surface.

His muscles tensed, veins bulging against his skin as he struggled to contain the immense power flooding his body. With each surge, his muscles tore and mended in an instant. Every cell was simultaneously deconstructed on a molecular level before instantly reconstructing.

As the ritual unfolded and progressed, his previously stoic expression slowly began to contort into a strained grimace, and his brow furrowed in response to the discomfort. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead.

The sudden change in his condition did not go unnoticed, everyone in the observation chamber reacted to it. However, their responses suggested that they had anticipated this development.

Amidst the commotion, one of the researchers called out, his voice filled with urgency, "The fusion rate has reached a critical threshold." He closely monitored the streams of data displayed on the screen before him.

Amber glanced over at the rapidly changing numbers and diagrams flashing across the monitor nearest to her. With a determined nod, she made a decisive gesture. "Start the second phase," she commanded.

Responding to her instructions, several lab assistants sprang into action, moving swiftly to their designated stations around the chamber's perimeter.

With nimble fingers, they began entering commands into various consoles. A low hum reverberated through the air as powerful mechanisms embedded in the walls and floors came to life.

Ethan's eyes widened with uncertainty, his brow furrowed in confusion. He looked between Amber and the screen displaying the ritual chamber. "What's happening?" he asked nervously.

Her expression remained calm and collected, her gaze fixed steadily on Simon. "It's part of the ritual," she replied in a composed manner. "The captain is a [Fighter]. To undergo his transformation, he requires a fight that could push him to the limits.”

"A fight? What do you..." Ethan began to question, but quickly his voice trailed off as realization struck him. He noticed the sudden change in the environment displayed on the monitor.

Part of the walls in the ritual chamber started slowly rising, sections sliding upwards into recesses in the ceiling. Five openings slowly appeared like doors beyond which opponents awaited.

Piercing howls of fury cut through the sterile air as five figures emerged from the shadowy confines behind the unlocked gates. The creatures stepped forward in the brightly lit ritual chamber on all fours, their movements predatory and shoulders hunched.

Their bodies were covered in fur that gleamed under the bright light. Sharp claws protruded from their paws, and their snarling mouths revealed rows of menacing teeth.

Recently, the city experienced several extraordinary incidents involving werewolves. These ones were captured in an attempt to study them and hopefully discover their origin.

Days of confinement had taken a toll on the captives, pushing them to the brink of madness. Devoid of sustenance and hydration, their emaciated frames were driven solely by an insatiable bloodlust.

Inside their eyes, any trace of sanity had been replaced by feral and murderous intent. Saliva dripped from their jagged fangs, hinting at their ravenous hunger and primal instincts.

Ethan's heart pounded in his chest as he watched the scene unfold. "This is insane!" he exclaimed, his voice trembling with disbelief as his hands involuntarily clenched into tight fists.

Amber's expression remained unwavering, betraying no hint of emotion. “There are always risks involved in our work," she responded calmly. "Extraordinary circumstances require extraordinary measures. This kind of risk is a small price to pay for gaining strength."


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