Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 120: Ancient Language

[Monster Whispering Manual]

[Evaluation: An in-depth guide to one of the extraordinary paths of the tamer profession. Contains profound rituals and techniques to subjugate, control, and enhance creatures.]

Lynn's eyes widened with astonishment as he absorbed the findings of the evaluation. "This could be incredibly valuable," he realized, unable to contain his excitement.

His extraordinary knowledge was always lacking, hindered by the absence of a clear source to properly learn and expand his understanding.

The mysterious Nightmare Paradise provided only sparse insights, limited to what was necessary for his survival during the chaotic trials.

Everything he grasped was pieced together bit by bit through experience and intuition alone. But this book offered something unprecedented - systematized, in-depth knowledge of an extraordinary path.

Of course, this unexpected boon was not without its limitations. After all, he was not a [Tamer], but that didn't render the information completely irrelevant to him.

As his sharp mind churned through possibilities, he became certain that the wisdom encased within these pages could illuminate his ignorance and provide a stepping stone to greater heights.

With eagerness, Lynn gently cracked the guide open, treating it as a precious artifact. The faded pages rustled faintly as he peered inside, his senses heightening with anticipation.

His eyes alighted upon the first page, adorned with exquisite calligraphy, each stroke of ink meticulously crafted. The title positioned at the top [Introduction to the Taming Path] captivated his interest.

It began with a brief overview of the fundamentals behind the mystical [Tamer] class, one of the many basic professions that could be awakened by certain individuals.

They possessed a natural affinity that allowed them to communicate on a deep level, forming pacts and relationships with animals both mundane and extraordinary. 

Some advanced classes even enabled them to draw out a beast’s hidden potential, enhancing and evolving their attributes and abilities.

As for the [Monster Whispering] profession sequences, it was a specialized branch that took a radical approach. Rather than relying on controlling creatures, it focused on assimilating them to transform the body.

By amalgamating the strengths of multiple monsters, one could sculpt their flesh into the ultimate vessel, transcending limitations. This process allowed the fusion of physical attributes, abilities, and even extraordinary characteristics.

Lynn poured over the intricate details with great interest. This alternative approach aligned closely with what he witnessed Knott attempt through his depraved occult rituals. 

However, a critical difference existed. His ceremony was built upon foundations of madness and corruption, driven by the spiritual pollution that had seized his mind.

As he delved deeper into the ancient tome, turning page after page with intense focus, hours passed by unnoticed. Lynn was completely enthralled, unable to tear his gaze away.

Occasionally, he would emit sounds of astonishment as questions that once troubled him were effortlessly resolved. Concepts that were previously vague notions in his mind became clear.

However, the knowledge presented slowly grew increasingly advanced and complex. The more he read, the clearer it became apparent that this would require immense dedication and time. 

He thought about activating his unique talent, [Gemini Soul], to maximize the intake of information. In that state, he could absorb and process knowledge at an accelerated rate, absorbing entire chapters in mere minutes.

Yet caution gave him pause. The climactic battle against the chimera in the previous dungeon had pushed that ability to its utmost limits. He could still sense the lingering drain it had inflicted on his emotions.

Fortunately, his unwavering perception and formidable intelligence enabled him to quickly skim through the book, extracting the key points and absorbing the essence of the information presented.

In this manual, every aspect of the [Monster Whispering] path was covered. From the awakening of the initial class to the sublimation rituals, it provided detailed instructions at every step of the profession sequences, outlining the necessary skills and rituals to learn as a qualified tamer.

It even hinted at the processes required to progress beyond the extraordinary phase, to what it referred to as the [Transcendent Phase].

"Transcend the limitations of the physical realm, manifest an extraordinary form, and enter the spiritual world," the text read. "This marks the beginning of the transcendent phase, where one's existence surpasses the constraints of mortal flesh."

Lynn repeated these new words to himself, struggling to envision what such a stage of power might entail. These fantastical concepts were far away from his current concerns. 

Closing the ancient tome, he took a moment to let out a deep exhale, his mind swirling with thoughts. Although he had only scratched the surface of the vast wisdom it contained, the insights gained were invaluable.

A complex expression covered his face as his gaze lingered on the worn cover, fingers tracing the intricate illustrations etched into the leather bindings.

"It would have been wonderful if this book focused on the class [Doctor] instead of [Tamer]," he remarked with a tinge of disappointment.

Carefully returning it to his inventory, he rose from the couch, joints popping pleasurably after sitting still for prolonged hours. He made his way over to the window, the old floorboards creaking underfoot.

As he opened it, a soft breeze brushed against his face, gently tousling his hair. Inhaling deeply, he filled his lungs with the crisp, refreshing air, which helped clear his mind.

The sun descended from its zenith in the azure sky, casting a warm golden glow over the land below. Its vibrant rays gently bathed the rows of tired houses and apartments.

A glint of determination flickered in his eyes as he gazed out at the tranquil neighborhood. The night was slowly approaching, and preparations needed to begin for the expedition into the lawless abandoned district.

Just as he was about to turn away from the window, something was caught by his peripheral vision. Perched on a nearby tree was a pair of birds, their feathers gleaming brilliantly in the afternoon sunlight.

Fluttering gracefully amidst the foliage, they engaged in an exchange of melodious chirps, creating a harmonious symphony. Seeing them, Lynn suddenly felt a surge of inspiration.

He decided to put his recently acquired knowledge to the test. Closing his eyes, he regulated his breathing and centered his mind, just as the instructions had directed.

Visualizing the energy flowing through his body as delicate thin strands of ethereal light, he carefully began to channel it, guiding it along pathways within him. 

With each deliberate movement, he directed the flow, shaping it into minuscule points of radiant light. Then, from these luminous particles, he skillfully formed familiar enigmatic symbols. 

[el sO id uIY]!

Throughout his journey, he had often encountered these strange markings that seemed to elude his understanding. He finally got the response in the manual.

They represented an ancient language whose name had long been forgotten. It possessed profound and mysterious powers, capable of forging connections with forces from beyond.

These runes served as conduits, allowing one's spiritual energy to resonate through them and manifest supernatural effects. Right now, Lynn was trying to utilize the skill [Hypnosis].

The delicate symbols etched began to resonate in harmony as he channeled his spiritual energy through them with unwavering focus. He could feel them trembling as if coming alive.

The moment he opened his eyes, the air around him seemed to change, and a subtle hypnotic force started permeating every fiber of his being. His attention turned to two birds outside his window.

As his gaze settled upon them, their melodious chirping gradually faded. The creatures stilled, their heads cocking to the side as if hypnotized by an unseen force. Their beady eyes took on a vacant, glassy appearance. 

“Success!” Lynn could barely contain his excitement. He had just performed hypnosis for the first time relying purely on the instructions from the ancient manual, without any assistance from the system. 

However, he knew this was merely the first step. The true test would be attempting to exert control over the enthralled creatures before him.

As he opened his mouth, ready to command the entranced beasts, the runes suddenly wavered and dissipated, abruptly canceling the trance that had seized the small animals.

Lynn froze, mouth agape in surprise. The two birds, no longer under his hypnotic influence, paused for a brief moment, seeming confused, before swiftly taking flight into the azure sky above.

"What went wrong?" he muttered with a frown after recovering from the initial shock. He wracked his brain trying to figure out what had caused the unexpected failure.

His sharp mind calmly analyzed what had just transpired. When attempting to exert control over the entranced creatures, his concentration must have wavered for the briefest instant. 

"It's completely different from using skills learned through the memory crystal," he realized with a small sigh, as he watched the two birds' retreating forms grow smaller until they vanished from view completely.

When a skill crystal imprinted knowledge directly into his mind, utilizing the new ability became almost second nature. The crystal granted innate proficiency, bypassing countless hours of rigorous training.

“I wonder if there is an advantage to learning a skill through direct experience and practice,” Lynn pondered.



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