Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 121: Shopping Spree

As the day drew to a close, the sun gradually descended beneath the horizon, its vibrant light fading rapidly. Shadows crept across the city, enveloping streets and buildings in a smothering dusk.

The once bustling energy of the daytime hours slowly dissipated, and the familiar sounds of traffic and lively chatter dwindled into a hushed silence. Only the occasional voice or vehicle now disturbed this tranquil atmosphere.

Amidst this encroaching darkness, little points of illumination emerged like flickering beacons, streetlamps and windows began to glow one by one, casting a warm and inviting light onto the dimly lit streets.

"It's time," Lynn murmured to himself as he observed the transformation of the cityscape from his window. He had been waiting for this moment.

Inside the rental unit, he prepared himself for the long night ahead. He intended to use the cover of darkness to infiltrate the lawless realm of the abandoned district once more.

This time, he knew that exercising extreme caution was paramount. Rummaging through his inventory, he gathered the necessary items for the upcoming trip.

That place was dangerous enough under normal circumstances. Still, with the mysterious black-market gates scheduled to open in less than three days, the already volatile area was bound to descend into further chaos.

This rare event acted as a magnet, attracting individuals from all walks of life who were enticed by the allure of forbidden goods. It would draw out the most dangerous elements from every corner.

It would attract not only common folk but also extraordinary individuals. The promise of acquiring rare artifacts or substances was too enticing for many to resist. It was akin to dangling a juicy steak before a pack of ravenous wolves.

Lynn first donned the nondescript black pants and jacket ensemble that provided an inconspicuous appearance. Next came the sturdy boots, followed by the gloves that shielded any glimpse of skin.

Once the core outfit was in place, he wrapped the dark hooded cloak [Veil of Shadows] around himself. As the silky fabric settled over his frame, its magic immediately took effect, dimming his presence.

Last but not least, he lifted the [Faceless Mask] from his inventory, carefully securing it over his features, transforming them completely. Casting a glance at the faint reflection in the window, he nodded at the unfamiliar visage staring back at him.

Satisfied with his preparations, he stepped out into the dusk-cloaked streets. Immediately, his senses heightened, on alert for any anomalous sounds or movements signaling danger.

The old neighborhood was deserted at this late hour. Only the faintest whisper of a cool breeze could be heard rustling dead leaves down the cracked pavement.

Keeping to back alleys where possible, Lynn navigated the route to the abandoned district with stealth. He had memorized the layout of the area, knowing the most concealed and hidden paths.

Occasionally, he used [Shadow Step] to avoid being noticed by unwanted eyes. Activating the ability the [Veil of Shadows] granted, his body seemed to dissipate, blending seamlessly into the darkness around him.

Soon enough, the familiar dilapidated buildings marking the outskirts of the abandoned district rose before him. This time, he navigated past the armed guards patrolling the perimeter with ease.

Under the cloaking effect, he passed by them unseen, nothing more than a fleeting whisper of darkness. Their vigilant eyes scanned past his vague silhouette without pause.

One person’s gaze lingered a moment too long, and a flicker of uncertainty crossed his face. "Did you see that?" he muttered under his breath to his companion.

His partner jolted in alarm, quickly raising his rifle and twisting to scan their surroundings. "What? Where?" he exclaimed, eyes darting around nervously.

The first scanned the dim surroundings intently. Just moments before, he could have sworn a shadowy figure slipped past their position. Yet no matter how hard he stared into the gloom, nothing seemed amiss.

After a prolonged silence, he finally shook his head. " Must have been a trick of the light," he said dismissively, though uncertainty lingered in his tone.

Lynn let out a quiet breath as the guards quickly dismissed the momentary alarm. The slender white threads he had swiftly deployed to immobilize them silently retracted into his body.

Now safely inside the boundaries of the abandoned district, he continued deeper into the winding back alleys of the outer district, his senses remaining on high alert.

When he found a moment of privacy, he deactivated the power of [Shadow Step]. The darkness enveloping him rapidly faded away, exposing his vague silhouette. The repeated use of this effect was draining his energy.

Fortunately, even without using this shadow-cloaking ability, the lack of artificial light sources in this decaying place ensured ample opportunities for stealth and concealment.

Most of the original streetlamps had long since burned out, leaving only intermittent ones still functioning to create sporadic oases of illumination amidst oceans of gloom.

The boarded-up facades of buildings blended in the murk, appearing almost monolithic in their indistinct shapes. Only the occasional flicker of candlelight escaping cracked windows gave any hint of habitation.

An acrid stench permeated the stale air, assaulting his nostrils - the bitter tang of smoke, the sour smells of alcohol, refuse, and other unidentifiable odors; they all mingled into a noxious blend. He wrinkled his nose in distaste but remained focused on his objective.

He discreetly integrated the furtive figures moving through the abandoned district's shadowy maze. Most paid him little heed, absorbed in their own shady affairs.

His first stop was the weapon shops along the main avenue. Many of the explosives and tools he had brought into the previous dungeon were used or lost during the fierce battles. He needed to replenish his stockpile.

He noted the striking contrast with his last visit, the avenue teemed with activity. Makeshift stalls and vendors had popped up along the perimeter, eagerly peddling their wares to take advantage of the influx of visitors.

Inside the shops themselves, customers browsed and haggled loudly over various weapons and supplies. Keeping his hood low and avoiding eye contact, Lynn weaved among the rowdy patrons towards the counter.

The burly shopkeeper was engaged in a heated negotiation with a customer but glanced up briefly as he approached. "Be with you in a minute!" The man called out gruffly before turning back to his impatient customer, waving a pistol in one hand and a sack of bills in the other.

He patiently bided his time as the merchant completed his previous transaction and then turned to him. "Alright, what can I get for you?" he asked in a deep voice, eyeing him with curiosity.

Lynn placed a list on the counter detailing what he required. The shopkeeper glanced over it and nodded. "Solid choices, you've got a good eye. Gimme a few minutes to get it all together."

As the burly man gathered up the requested items, he nonchalantly inspected some of the other wares, keeping one ear tuned to conversations around him. Scraps of gossip and rumors circulating could occasionally yield valuable insights.

"Did you hear? The Ashen gang got wiped out last night," a scrawny man whispered to his companion as they examined throwing knives. "They say there were no survivors...."

"Rumors are swirling that it was because of this new drug that's been circulating. I heard it gives you an intense rush of power. Wanna go try it?" The wiry man's companion replied, casting a furtive glance around before continuing.

"Are you crazy? Don't even think about it. Remember Jax? He got hooked on that new powder," the other dismissed with a warning. "He became mad as a rabid dog and disappeared."

Lynn's ears perked up at the conversation, but before he could glean anything interesting, the shopkeeper's return, carrying a large duffle bag, interrupted his eavesdropping.

He counted out the amount owed in federation bills and handed them over. "Pleasure doing business," the man said with a yellow-toothed grin as he fanned through the money.

With a curt nod, he easily lifted the heavy bag onto his shoulder and swiftly made his exit from the bustling shop out into the crowded street. He was ready to continue his shopping spree.

Moving from shop to shop along the avenue, acquiring explosives, tools, medical supplies, and anything else that might prove useful. He purchased as much as finances allowed, preparing for any eventuality.

In the end, he ducked into a deserted alley to stash away the final purchases into his personal storage space. However, he suddenly froze in his tracks, head swiveling toward a particular direction.

Through the din of activity in the abandoned district at this hour, he faintly sensed something in the distance. At first, it was indistinct, nearly imperceptible under the discordant rumble of voices and other urban sounds congesting the air.

But as he focused his attention and senses on the source, the distant commotion became clear.

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