Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 131: Rich Man’s Residence

A few hours elapsed, and Lynn found himself once again inside the dilapidated building he previously took as a refuge. Inside, he meticulously organized the medical kit he had prepared beforehand, arranging surgical instruments, medicine, bandages, and other essential supplies.

Satisfied after one final inspection, ensuring it was neatly organized and easily accessible, he patiently awaited the arrival of his escort, who would accompany him to the mysterious client in need of assistance.

As he sat pondering the possibilities of what awaited him, the sound of approaching footsteps drew his attention. Glancing up, he was mildly surprised to see a familiar face appear a few moments later.

Emerging from the crumbling doorway was Anton, the same stoic man who had escorted him before to treat the injured gang leader. He stood at the entrance, casting a shadow against the daylight, his expression neutral as always.

He gave a slight nod in greeting as their eyes met and Lynn returned the gesture with a polite smile. "Anton? I wasn't expecting you to be the one coming to fetch me," he spoke first, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.

The man simply shrugged his broad shoulders. "Boss Reggie sent me. Said you'd be more comfortable with a familiar face." His gravelly voice seemed to echo slightly in the empty space.

Lynn nodded slowly, seeing the logic behind the choice. Having this guide did offer a sense of reassurance given the uncertainty surrounding this dubious job. At least he wouldn't be completely alone in unfamiliar territory.

"Well then, shall we get going?" he asked, standing up and lifting the medical bag. Anton nodded in response and stepped aside to allow Lynn to pass through the doorway into the abandoned district streets.

It was around noontime now, and the pale light filtering through the perpetual haze illuminated the otherwise deserted alleys. Most of the usual unsavory characters that called this place home only emerged when darkness fell, like roaches and other creatures of shadow.

Following closely behind his escort, Lynn kept alert as the stoic man led the way through the winding passages. Before long, they arrived at their destination - a small dead end tucked away in a particularly gloomy alley. 

Patiently awaiting their arrival, parked on the cracked pavement, was a nondescript black vehicle. Its windows were tinted, making it impossible to see inside. The sight of such a well-maintained car in this neglected realm seemed bizarrely out of place.

Anton approached it without hesitation, his steady footsteps echoing in the quiet area. Extending a hand, he delivered two decisive knocks on the window of the driver's side.

Momentarily, there was a pause, and then the glass smoothly descended with a subdued hum. Revealing himself from within the seat was a middle-aged man, his face coming into view.

His hair was neatly trimmed, cut short to the scalp, and he sported a subtle mustache on his upper lip. With a cautious glance, his eyes scanned the impassive figure before finally settling on Lynn.

"That the doctor?" he asked calmly, jerking his chin in his eyes’ direction. Anton responded with a simple nod. The driver's gaze narrowed slightly as he looked him up and down, seemingly sizing him up.

After a prolonged silence, the man finally grunted in acceptance. "Alright then, no time to waste. Hop in." The faint clicks of doors unlocking could be heard before he swung them open, gesturing for the two to enter.

The escort climbed into the passenger seat up front while Lynn slid into the plush leather backseat, settling in beside an intimidating-looking bodyguard. The man's cold eyes stared straight ahead, eyeing him briefly before dismissing him to resume scanning their surroundings.

With the two passengers secured, the doors closed and the window rolled up once more, sealing them in behind the darkened glass. The engine rumbled to life and the vehicle smoothly pulled away from the gloomy alley.

It cruised through the streets of the outer district before eventually reaching the perimeter. Lynn glanced out the tinted window as they passed the armed guards stationed around the boundary.

Unlike his previous stealthy entrance, this time they simply waved the car through without hesitation. Clearly whoever his client was had enough influence to ensure unimpeded access.

As they left the lawless zone behind, to Lynn’s surprise, it took merely a few minutes for the group to arrive at their intended destination. The residence of this rich client was situated on the outskirts of the city, close to the abandoned district. In terms of security, this kind of location was risky and unwise.

However, his wealth didn’t seem to be a joke. The entrance to the property was guarded by an imposing iron gate, surrounded by a towering stone fence and high walls separating it from the outside world.

Inside, the landscape was lush with an abundance of greenery, adorned by scattered trees that dotted the surroundings, and in the distance, you could see a large manor that stood as the centerpiece of the estate.

When the car passed through the heavily fortified gates and entered the sprawling compound, Anton's neutral expression couldn't help but transform. His eyes were brimming with envy, seeing the sheer opulence before him.

But he quickly composed himself and started straightening his appearance, adjusting his rumpled shirt and trying to smooth back his unruly hair. Lynn also took a moment to do the same thing.

Rich and influential people in the federation seemed to pay special attention to etiquette and presentation. If the duo wanted to make a good impression, It would not do well to meet the client looking disheveled.

The vehicle rolled to a smooth stop at the end of the long-paved driveway, its engine falling silent. Beside him, the bodyguard opened his door and stepped out without a word.

He walked around the car, opening doors for the other two passengers to exit. As they stepped out and started walking to approach the manor’s gate, two tall men in black immediately intercepted them.

Their waist noticeably bulged outward from underneath tight black suit jackets, suggesting they were carrying weapons poorly concealed underneath. Anton tensed instinctively, keeping himself positioned protectively in front of Lynn.

But they made no move for their firearms, instead stopping a few paces away. The man on the right spoke first in a deep voice. "State your business here." His tone was stern but professional.

The escort straightened up, meeting their gaze. He informed them of their intention to provide medical aid at the request of the client who resided here, keeping his explanation brief and to the point.

The two men listened, their expressions unreadable behind black sunglasses that obscured their eyes. After Anton finished, they exchanged a silent look before one of them turned and went inside to inform their superiors.

After a while, the man in black came with an old man in a tuxedo. He was tall and wore white gloves on his hands, his hair was meticulously combed. He walked in an unhurried, calm, and sophisticated manner.

Looking at his attire, it was clear that this was some kind of butler. The ensemble he wore reflected a certain wealth that couldn’t be bought without a few thousand dollars, worthy of a manor such as this.

The old butler looked at Lynn and Anton with an expressionless face. His gaze was sharp and assessing as he scrutinized the duo standing before him. "Which one of you is the doctor?" he inquired.

"That would be me," Lynn replied politely, stepping forward. The old man eyed him critically and frowned slightly, as if he was not satisfied, seeming unconvinced by his rather ordinary appearance. 

"Before entering you must first be searched. That's the rule here. I hope you don't mind," he stated in a clipped tone that made it clear refusal was not an option.

The two didn't resist as the subordinates approached to begin the search. Lynn kept his expression neutral, betraying no hint of apprehension. He only carried the medical bag on his person, everything else was safely stored in his inventory.

But the same couldn’t be said about Anton who tensed visibly as their hands patted along his sides and inner pockets. His small pistol and knives carefully concealed on his body were confiscated without a word.

Once satisfied they carried no further threats, the lead guard stepped back and nodded to the butler, indicating that they were clear to proceed. The old man gestured for the two guests to follow him.

"Very well. Come with me to see the master " he said, leading them into the mansion. A white path, adorned with meticulously arranged white stones, guided them deeper into the grand estate. 


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