Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 132: Mysterious Illness Revealed

Large green trees were planted on both sides of the white path, their thick trunks rising high into the air. Lush branches and leaves stretched outward, forming a natural canopy that blocked the sun.

This created a pleasantly shaded road that made the journey more comfortable. Behind these rows of verdant trees on either side, meticulously tended gardens could be glimpsed.

A rainbow of vibrant flowers bloomed in abundance, their petals unfurling to embrace the warm glow. The floral arrangements and patterns were impeccably designed and maintained.

As they walked, Lynn spotted gardeners dressed in neat uniforms moving among the beds of blossoms. They pruned stems, snipping away dead leaves and spent blooms to encourage new growth.

After strolling down the path for a short while, the figure of a grand mansion came into view before them. He observed the architecture with great interest as they approached.

The building had three floors, its style old-fashioned with an aged facade of weathered bricks and climbing ivy vines that lent it an air of antiquity. It seemed this vintage aesthetic was deliberately cultivated.

The butler led them through the imposing wooden doors into the manor's grand foyer. Entering the palatial space, their footsteps echoed on the polished marble floors and the plush carpeting.

Several young women dressed in maid uniforms were diligently cleaning and tending to the expansive living space. They were all attractive, seeming to be in their early twenties at most.

Lynn couldn't help but sigh in awe at the opulence and beauty around him. Everything here practically screamed wealth and extravagance. It was a level of luxury he couldn't even fathom.

However, the pair refrained from contemplating the surroundings for too long. In silent unison, they trailed behind the old butler as he ascended a staircase leading to the upper level.

Eventually, the group stopped in front of an open double doors. Their eyes immediately focused on the splendid balcony that lay beyond. A pleasant breeze drifted through, carrying with it the scent of flowers from the gardens below.

There, lounging comfortably on a soft couch and basking in the warm glow, was an elderly gentleman who seemed to be Lynn’s client. Beside him, a young and beautiful maid was attending to his needs.

"Master," the butler announced respectfully, gesturing for the two guests to remain still as he walked up to the old man, leaning over and bowing. “A new doctor has come to treat you.”

The mansion’s owner opened his eyes weakly. “Are there still doctors who are ready to come? My disease is incurable, can't you let me enjoy the rest of my life quietly?” he spoke in a lazy voice, tinged with resignation. 

The loyal steward straightened and looked at his master persuasively. "These people are already here and have traveled a long way. It would be rude not to at least meet with them."

A momentary stillness settled in the room as the old man immersed himself in deep thoughts, his weary eyes gazed into the distance, lost in a labyrinth of memories before finally sighing softly.

“Alright! Since they’ve come all this way, we can't let them make a trip for nothing," he acknowledged, nodding in agreement. Using his walking cane for support, he prepared to stand up from his seat, while the butler and maid swiftly positioned themselves by his side, ready to assist.

The client slowly turned around, revealing a head of gray hair that was thinning a lot, and a face covered with black age spots. The eyeballs were cloudy and the body seemed to be nothing more than a skeleton draped in skin. 

With a single glance, Lynn sensed that this man couldn’t be healed. He looked like a dying old man, his condition seemed not to be a disease but rather a sign that his life was coming to an end.

The master gave him a feeble glare. “You're the new doctor here to treat me, huh? Are you sure you can cure my disease?” he asked with a smile laden with skepticism.

“That seems unlikely now,” Lynn shook his head, replying with doubt. His extraordinary perception picked up on something, causing his nose to twitch subtly in response to a faint, familiar scent in the air.

"Hahaha, you're pretty honest. I've been to most hospitals in this city, and even some famous doctors from other regions tried to cure me, but they couldn’t do anything. My condition is a bit special, it's a waste of time for you to come here today," The old man said with a resigned and apologetic chuckle.

Lynn remained silent for a moment contemplating these words. Although his initial observation didn’t notice any illness, he sensed that there could be underlying conditions that were not immediately apparent.

"It doesn't matter, just think of it as a chance to see the world. Such a beautiful mansion is a rare sight in the abandoned district," he responded lightly, not wanting to discourage the client.

"Interesting young man, you're already here why don't you take a look? Who knows, maybe you'll have a solution," the elderly gentleman’s lips turned up in a faint smile as he responded to the tactful words.

"Let's take a look then," Lynn nodded in agreement, his curiosity had been piqued. There was no harm in at least examining the man to determine the extent of his problem.

The butler helped his master sit on the couch, adjusting the pillows to support his frail frame. The man grimaced as he was moved, his brittle bones clearly paining him.

Once settled, he stepped back and asked the maid to leave and Anton to wait outside so the doctor could examine his employer privately. Soon, only Lynn and the two old people remained in the room.

As he prepared to approach the patient for examination, he was abruptly interrupted. The steward fixed him with a stern gaze, his expression conveying a mix of caution and warning.

"Let me make this absolutely clear. You are strictly forbidden from divulging the master’s illness once you see it. If I discover that you have disclosed this information to anyone else, I guarantee you that your end will be miserable," he stated with a firm tone.

"Maybe It's better not to see it then," Lynn replied calmly, maintaining an outward display of composure. But internally, his curiosity started growing as he slowly realized that his initial speculation might be wrong. 

"Alfred, don't scare the doctor," the old man waved his hand for the butler to stop talking. "Young man, don't be nervous, it will not hurt to take a look, maybe you're my destined savior."

Lynn hesitated briefly but quickly nodded solemnly. After the cryptic warning, he already had an idea of what the problem could be. Just a quick look wouldn't hurt, he thought. 

He approached carefully, taking slow measured steps towards the couch. The butler named Alfred stepped forward to assist his master, gently rolling up the right sleeve of his loose-fitting silk robe.

Lynn’s eyes widened slightly as he saw the fully exposed arm. it was skeletal thin with the skin appearing almost desiccated. Distinct blackened patches marred the pale flesh, spreading across the surface in uneven blotches.

As expected, after only one brief look, he already knew - this was unmistakably the trace of spiritual energy pollution. Having witnessed the twisted mutations on numerous occasions, he instantly recognized it.

The skin resembled the bark of a long dead tree rather than living human tissue. He leaned in, scrutinizing the symptoms clinically. "May I?" he asked politely, looking to the old man for permission before making contact.

At the faint nod of approval, he lightly pinched the darkened, discolored area between his fingers. It felt brittle and dry, entirely devoid of elasticity or moisture. This meant it was necrotic.

Upon closer inspection, Lynn frowned as he noticed something. There were craters in the arm caused by rotting skin that had been well treated to stop the rot from spreading.

The edges around them looked carefully cauterized as if someone had meticulously burned the decaying flesh to prevent further deterioration. But it was only a temporary measure at best.

"See the problem?" The elderly gentleman asked with a smile, his tone flat and unconcerned about his condition. But in reality, he had already reached a point of despair that left him in a state of resignation. 

"A severe case of spiritual energy pollution, causing necrosis and decay in the flesh," Lynn declared casually, immediately revealing his extraordinary knowledge. "Such serious contamination shouldn't just be limited to the arm, right?"

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