Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 135: Destined Savior

The grueling procedure took Lynn an hour to remove all traces of spiritual pollution from the old man’s arm. You could distinctively see the skin color had changed from a sickly, dark hue to a healthier, pinkish tone.

Putting aside his tools, he released a long breath. He could feel the exhaustion settling in from the constant concentration, the exertion of his abilities to their limit, and the consumption of his energy reserves.

It was clear to him that if he hadn't already reached the maximum level currently attainable for his class, this treatment alone could have allowed him to level up multiple times.

Outside the room, Alfred paced back and forth impatiently. The muffled sounds of the operation being performed only heightened his anxiety. Time appeared to crawl at an agonizing pace.

As soon as the door opened, he stepped inside without hesitation, a look of eager anticipation and underlying worry etched across his wrinkled features. "How did it go?" he inquired anxiously.

Lynn regarded the butler with a tired gaze. "Sir Feng’s condition is too severe, but this first session went smoothly. I've managed to remove the spiritual pollution from his arm completely."

Glancing at his sleeping master on the bed, the frail arm was now bare of the diseased flesh that had plagued it for so long. No signs remained of the horrific decay that had festered there before.

Although the results were obvious, he still needed a professional to confirm the situation. He waved at the other people gathered outside the bedroom door, gesturing for them to enter.

Among them was the private doctor. Lowering his head, not daring to look at Lynn, the bald middle-aged man quickly entered and joined the others in conducting a thorough examination.

“Doctor Lynn seems tired, please escort him to the living room and greet him properly,” the old butler instructed, addressing one of the pretty maids beside him. She promptly nodded in compliance.

Lynn smiled in appreciation and followed the woman to a lavishly decorated living area. One entire wall consisted of floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked the sprawling gardens.

He was mildly surprised to see Anton already present, seated on one of the leather couches. As he sat next to him, the maid asked if he needed a drink or some refreshments.

Gratefully accepting the offer, he asked for a cold glass of water to quench his dehydrated throat. She nodded and left the room, promising to return shortly with his request.

As the pair were left alone, his escort slightly leaned toward him to say something, voice lowered to a soft murmur. "Didn't Boss Reggie tell you to not make a move if you're not sure? It'll stir up trouble."

His tone was stiff, reflecting the inner apprehension that weighed heavily on his mind. He was extremely afraid that Lynn’s actions would cause trouble and backfire, unavoidably involving him as well.

Patting his shoulder to reassure him, he replied calmly, "Relax, I'm fairly confident about this." However, the man remained unconvinced, shaking his head and looking helpless.

"Fairly confident isn't good enough when dealing with these kinds of people. One wrong move and we'll have a target on our backs." With a subtle gesture, he directed the attention towards the distant exit doorway.

There were several big men in suits standing just outside, their gazes glancing in from time to time, watching the two seated figures intently. They were clearly assigned to observe them.

"It better to be alright. If something does go wrong with the old rich man, we're not getting out of this manor today," Anton said with a grave tone, his eyes flickering with a mix of worry and determination.

Lynn understood the concerns, but he was much more serene. Even if something went wrong, he was confident in his strength and abilities to handle whatever situation might arise.

After drinking water and resting for a moment, footsteps approached down the hall outside. The old butler walked over with a broad smile on his face. Seeing this, the last trace of tension in his heart dropped.

Approaching the two seated figures, he gave a deep bow of gratitude. “Doctor, you have my deepest thanks, Master Feng’s health has improved. This wouldn’t have been possible without you.”

“Sir Alfred, you are too kind,” Lynn responded politely, a faint smile emerging on his lips. “I'm glad to hear that I was useful, although much work remains to be done."

“Speaking of which… Please, come with me. I'd like to speak with you privately for a moment," the steward requested, beckoning for Lynn to follow him into another room where they could talk more freely.

As they changed place to a small study, the door closed behind them, sealing away any prying eyes and ears. Alfred turned to face him, his formerly exuberant smile had faded, replaced by a solemn expression.

"Doctor, you've accomplished something we never dreamed possible. For the first time, there is real hope that the master's affliction can be treated. I beg you, please stay and see the treatment through to the end."

The butler looked at him with earnest eyes, his voice genuinely imploring and pleading. In his words, he could sense the sincerity and the weight of responsibility this man carried for his master's well-being.

"I appreciate your trust and gratitude," Lynn replied, his tone calm and composed. "It is estimated that three more sessions will be needed to get rid of the spiritual pollution, but we can't be in too much of a hurry.”

“Your master is too weakened, let him adapt for three days first. Supplement more nutrients and let his body regain some stamina before proceeding to the next treatment,” he explained, outlining his proposed plan. “I plan to fully treat him in the next two weeks, provided there are no complications."

Alfred listened attentively to the arrangements, nodding in agreement. "Thank you, Doctor Lynn. We will follow your instructions and ensure Master Feng receives the necessary care and rest."

"About the payment… There is something I need to make clear. The things I use for my treatment are precious and rare, so you can't treat me poorly in terms of compensation," Lynn continued, intending to ask for more reward.

"I understand that. Don't worry, as long as you can get rid of the pollution in the master's body, he will definitely not treat you poorly," the butler assured him with conviction.

“Also, don't be in a hurry to leave today. Once Master wakes up, it would be appreciated if you could give him a final body check," he suggested, to which Lynn easily acquiesced.

The two returned to the living room, smiling and laughing. The old butler's attitude towards him made a hundred-and-eighty-degree turnaround, becoming warm and enthusiastic compared to when he first met him.

His client slept for one more hour before waking up. Alfred checked his physical condition again, confirming that there was no mistake before informing Lynn to come over for a check-up.

"Doctor, you are truly my destined savior," the old man declared, gratitude evident in his tone. "For the first time in years, I feel... lighter. As if a tremendous weight has been lifted from my soul."

As he spoke, he gingerly lifted his right arm, rotating it and flexing his fingers experimentally. Though still skeletal thin from age and illness, there was a new vitality to the previously withered limb.

"I'm merely doing my job after taking your money, so you don't need to thank me too much. If you want to thank someone, you have to thank your butler. if he didn't find me in the abandoned district, I wouldn't have had the chance to cure you," Lynn responded while checking the patient’s vital signs.

The body check-up continued, and the three discussed the treatment plan going forward. He took this opportunity to ask about the source of the pollution, maybe it could be his third sublimation material.

However, the old man remained tight-lipped, insisting that it was a complicated matter and not something that could be easily explained. Unwilling to say more, he diverted the conversation to other topics.

Lynn was wise enough not to press the matter further. Though his curiosity burned to know the origin of the severe spiritual pollution plaguing this elderly gentleman, he held his tongue.

For the moment, he was not in a hurry to uncover this particular secret. If the central district didn’t hold the sublimation material he needed, he contemplated investigating the matter.

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