Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 136: Unwritten Rules and Interest

Lynn completed the checkup of the client’s condition. Stepping back, he nodded with satisfaction. "The situation seems good so far. But the equipment I have available here is rather limited and basic," he remarked.

"I would strongly suggest that you go to the big hospital in the city as early as possible to undergo a full body examination and additional tests. That will allow us to monitor your progress more comprehensively."

The elderly gentleman nodded thoughtfully in response to the suggestion. He had already decided to do precisely that first thing tomorrow morning, even before the reminder was given.

He then directed the discussion toward finalizing the details of the treatment plan. "My butler has already informed me that you intend to utilize the next two weeks to eliminate the spiritual pollution contaminating my body, so I don't know how much you are asking for," he inquired.

“Four sessions in total, three hundred thousand federal dollars per session. On top of that, you must fulfill two conditions,” Lynn immediately stated firmly, having already considered the pricing while resting.

No expensive materials or resources were required or consumed on his end, just time and energy. But he wanted to make more, despite already being profitable without raising the price.

He needed to accumulate a substantial amount of money before venturing into the central district’s black market, and this was the perfect opportunity to do so. For someone as wealthy as this man, such amount was trivial. 

The two conditions were even simpler. “The matter of me getting rid of your pollution cannot be spread out and a copy of the Demon Suppressing formula. If you agree, I can continue to treat you,” he explained.

He asked for secrecy because he didn't want any trouble. This patient’s contamination could be said to be extremely severe. The fact he could get rid of it would certainly attract prying eyes from knowledgeable people.

As for the medicine formula, Lynn was very curious. It was the first item he encountered capable of temporarily suppressing the spiritual pollution, it represented a valuable piece of knowledge worth collecting.

Without any hesitation, the master of the manor accepted both the price and the specified terms. Wasting no time, he promptly instructed the butler to prepare the payment.

Seeing this swift agreement, Lynn couldn't help but regret slightly. It seemed that the price he had offered was too low, perhaps he should have pressed for more. But it was too late to renegotiate now.

Pushing aside this fleeting emotion, he graciously accepted Sir Feng's invitation, and extended with Anton, to stay for dinner. it was obvious that the old man wanted to express his deep gratitude and affection.



When they left the property, it was already six or seven o'clock in the evening, and the sun had begun to set. Alfred had prepared metallic briefcases containing the initial payment and a car to send them back. 

The cityscape was illuminated with the warm glow of lampposts and the streets were full of people heading home after a long day's work. This stood in stark contrast to the abandoned district nearby.

As the vehicle ventured deeper into the outskirts, the familiar decrepit buildings appeared. Entering the gloomy area of the outer district, the atmosphere subtly changed.

A group of individuals emerged from the shadows, their gazes filled with hostility and cupidity. They moved with a deliberate intent, positioning themselves strategically to block the path forward.

When the passersby saw this situation, all lowered their heads, indifferent, and left the place at a faster pace. This kind of robbery was a common occurrence, mostly practiced by members of various gangs.

Surviving and living in the abandoned district necessitated a constant state of vigilance to avoid getting involved in such encounters. A single misstep could lead to dire consequences

"My, my...ain't this a fancy ride for these parts," the group leader remarked, eyeing the sleek sedan. "Seems a couple of tourists have wandered a bit off the beaten path. But no worry, we'll happily guide you the rest of the way."

Lynn glanced through the windows, observing the people who forced the vehicle to stop. Among them, several brandished knives, while others boldly displayed a holstered pistol at their waist, ensuring the weapons were visible to all onlookers.

"Friends out there, I'm one of Boss Reggie’s men from the Whispering Serpent tavern. Give me a favor, can you let us pass?" Anton’s voiced out confidently, revealing his affiliation.

"Boss Regie? I don't know and I don’t care. Come out obediently and hand over the money on you and all your possessions. We only want what you got, give it and you can leave alive," the man said with menacing eyes.

These gangsters were used to preying on hapless travelers who wandered into their territory. They probably saw the vehicle and deemed it an easy target for quick and effortless gains.

But before they could do anything, a shot rang out, taking everyone by surprise. The loud sound reverberated through the air, momentarily silencing the tense atmosphere.

The sudden attack had originated from the front passenger seat where a bodyguard sent by the rich client had swiftly drawn his weapon and started firing off rounds without hesitation.

The driver seemed to expect the situation and was not caught off guard. He also grabbed a firearm hidden beside him and started shooting through the now-broken windshield.

The sudden burst of chaos caused the gang members to scatter in panic, several taking cover behind decrepit buildings and abandoned vehicles, ready to return fire and engage in the confrontation.

However, the driver skillfully maneuvered the car, abruptly accelerating toward the remaining gangsters blocking the road ahead. The sedan plowed forward, forcing the men to jump out of the way to avoid being run over.

One person was unlucky and didn’t react fast enough, the vehicle slammed into him at full speed. A sickening thud was heard as his body crunched against the hard metal frame of the grille.

The force of the impact sent the poor soul tumbling up onto the hood, leaving a crimson smear across the pristine black paint. As he rolled across the front of the speeding car, blood splattered everywhere before the wounded man was sent flying off the side.

Tires screeched as gang members shouted curses and fired a few parting shots after the fleeing vehicle, but it was soon lost from view as it raced away into the darkening streets.

In the backseat, Lynn observed the events unfolding with interest. He had not felt threatened by the attempted robbery. But the same couldn’t be said about Anton who let out a shaky breath.

"I thought that Boss Reggie was a bit of a celebrity in the outer district, it doesn't look like his influence worked out earlier,” Lynn commented, breaking the tense silence that had settled in.

Anton slightly shook his head while putting away his firearm, its barrel still emitting a faint wisp of smoke. "These people should be thugs from elsewhere. Over the past few weeks, unfamiliar faces started appearing everywhere.”

“They are very vicious and uncontrollable. They take out an already established gang and replace it. No rules at all. The boss thinks they might be part of an organized group," he explained his voice tinged with concern.

"But these people won't live for long. The outer district has its own unwritten rules, and breaking the rules and harming the interests of others will be greeted with the most ferocious retaliation."

As the vehicle continued its journey, Lynn listened intently, his curiosity piqued by the information shared. It seemed that the situation in the abandoned district was becoming increasingly volatile and dangerous.

The driver slowly brought the car to a stop, the tires crunching over bits of rubble and debris that littered the cracked roadway. They had arrived outside the Whispering Serpent Tavern.

Behind the bar, Boss Reggie stood polishing glasses. At the sound of their entrance, his lone eye visibly lit up in relief. "Lynn, Anton. You're finally back, I thought something happened to you?"

"Sir Lynn, we'll take our leave first," the bodyguard declared as their job was done transporting him safely back. Lynn nodded and thanked them, appreciating their protection and assistance.

Looking at the departing sedan, Boss Reggie quietly inquired, "Who was that man? He looks unusual." The vehicle’s black exterior was barely visible in the dim light, but the crimson smears stood out starkly.

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