Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 142: Alchemic Potions

True to Manager Jonah's words, the documents that contained the complete listings for this auction were quickly delivered. Lynn was impressed by the efficiency of the service.

Flipping open the cover, he began scanning through the neatly organized pages. Since the auction occurred only once a month, it naturally featured various items.

But most of the lots consisted of decorative antiques, extravagant luxuries, rare collectibles, and other indulgences suited to appease the desires of the wealthy elite gathered here.

Shaking his head, he continued reading, unimpressed by the parade of opulence so far. However, as he neared the end, the offerings gradually became more interesting and captivating to his taste.

In addition to the usual restricted substances, military-grade weaponry, and contraband technology, there were also some extremely intriguing and strange things presented.

The first one that made him do a double-take was a deed of ownership to a fully operational iron ore mine located deep in a remote mountain range nearby. The object itself wasn’t the reason for his pause, but the enigmatic circumstances leading to its sales, alluded to within the description.

Although Lynn was initially intrigued, his gaze rapidly moved on. The mine held no allure for him. However, he already envisioned the clamor it would incite among the shady businessmen gathered in this place

Instead, he focused on a second object further down the listings - a series of crystallized flasks holding a mysterious liquid, all housed within an intricately designed wooden case.

According to the information provided in the catalog, they were alchemic concoctions capable of inducing temporary miraculous and extraordinary effects when ingested or applied.

Leaning in, he scrutinized the photo and description provided. Each group of vials contained a differently colored substance that seemed to glow faintly, ranging from vibrant blue to deep crimson.

His eyes widened as he read the alleged properties: accelerated healing, enhanced night vision, and numerous other fantastical enhancements. But his expression transformed into a frown when he noticed something.

"Hein? The starting bid is just 20,000$?" Lynn quietly murmured; a little bit surprised and confused. The price was oddly low considering the extraordinary claims attached to these potions.

Nevertheless, the fact that they were being auctioned here implied that they had passed some form of scrutiny, at least this establishment’s staff should have already vetted their authenticity and safety.

As he made a mental note to be cautious if deciding to pursue this particular lot, the long-awaited event started, interrupting his thoughts and drawing his attention to the hall.

The lights in the grand hall dimmed, plunging the space into darkness. An expectant hush fell over the seated attendees, and moments later, spotlights flared to life, illuminating the central stage.

Rising from beneath, a podium etched with elegant scrollwork took shape. A sharply dressed man with slicked-back hair and a thin mustache strode to it, a broad smile plastered across his face.

Tapping the microphone lightly, the auctioneer cleared his throat before launching enthusiastically into his opening remarks, his voice booming through the entire space.

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Central District monthly event! As an old acquaintance of everyone here, I, Lenson, won't keep you waiting any longer. Let the auction officially begin!”

These words ignited an undercurrent of excitement among the participants. People adjusted in their seats, whispered to each other, and prepared themselves for the spectacle about to unfold.

"Without further ado, allow me to present our first item up for bid tonight," Lenson declared theatrically, gesturing with a flourish as the velvet curtains behind him parted.

The spotlight illuminated a stunning artwork piece —a mesmerizing painting that seemed to come alive with vibrant colors depicting pastoral scenes of birds soaring over snow-capped mountains.

"The exceptional masterpiece known as 'Wings of Majesty' that was thought to be lost in the infamous fire that burned the collection of the famous collector...” the auctioneer launched into an elaborate spiel extolling the painting’s rich history and artistic virtues.

"Let's begin the bidding at fifty thousand dollars. Do I hear fifty-five?" Lenson called out eagerly. "Sixty thousand!" someone else shouted from the crowd, and thus the bidding war commenced.

Up in the private viewing suite, Lynn regarded the fiery screams coming from the stage with indifference, sipping a drink on the table. He couldn't help but smack his lips, contemplating the unfolding show.

Under the guidance of Lenson, the event proceeded at a brisk pace. Bidding wars erupted frequently as wealthy attendees vied for exclusive possessions, each trying to one-up the other with eye-watering sums.

Even though Lynn had no hope of finding the third sublimation material here, he didn't forget to occasionally use [Spiritual Vision] as the auction progressed. Unfortunately, his efforts proved fruitless.

The procession of items became a blur, and he lost track of their count. There should have been a total of thirty-four items up for bid. However, apart from the alchemic potions, nothing else caught his attention.

With a resigned sigh, he settled deeper into the plush couch, periodically glancing at the clock on the wall. It wasn't until over an hour later that he finally straightened up again.

"...going once, going twice...sold! To the gentleman in the front row," the auctioneer declared with practiced flair after a fierce bidding war over a military-grade weapon.

The next item that emerged from behind the curtains was none other than the collection of flasks that had piqued his interest earlier. His gaze immediately fixed upon the polished wooden case.

He immediately confirmed their extraordinary nature. Even from the booth situated at a distance, [Spiritual Vision] could faintly discern the ethereal glow of energy emanating from them.

Frustration welled within him as he cursed under his breath, realizing he was too far removed from the central stage to properly utilize his [Evaluation] skill for a more in-depth analysis.

Oblivious to Lynn's problems, the auctioneer Lenson launched enthusiastically into his well-rehearsed sales pitch, ready to incite a bidding war over these enticing concoctions.

"Esteemed guests, feast your eyes on this rare collectible containing miracles in liquid form!" He proclaimed dramatically, lifting the case with both hands to prominently display its contents under the spotlights.

"Our establishment was fortunate to collaborate commercially with the master alchemist, whose recent rise to fame in our circle precedes him. I'm sure everyone here knows who I am talking about. "

"These potions are just a sneak peek of his latest creations before the official launch. With the fortifying potion, you can still feel energized even after a night full of activity! A strength potion…”

Excited and skeptical murmurs rippled through the crowd at the proclamations as the auctioneer continued his animated sales pitch, touting the alleged power of the substance in the bottles.

"That's why...," Lynn suddenly realized the reason behind the unusual price, a cunning glint flashing in his eyes. It was ingenious viral marketing at its finest, the alchemist had partnered with the auction house to generate publicity.

Get people talking for free simply by dangling an enticing product before them. Then, once curiosity was piqued, complete the commercialization through subsequent sales channels at full price.

But he remained unfazed at the discovery. If the promised effects were authentic, such items would be invaluable aids during dungeon attempts. Even at great personal cost, acquiring them could prove worthwhile.

The auctioneer continued talking, his showman persona on full display. "Since this is the first time a few of you have heard of these kinds of potions, we prepared a simple yet telling demonstration for you all tonight."

Upon his orders, the curtains parted once more, revealing two already prepared assistants. Together, they guided a steel slab onto the stage, carefully positioning and securing it at the center.

"First, allow me to prove the sturdiness and resilience of this block," Lenson declared. Retrieving a hefty sledgehammer, he proceeded to deliver several mighty blows against the metal surface for all to see.

The resulting clangs reverberated powerfully throughout the grand hall, but the steel block remained mostly unmarred. Not a single dent could be seen. Satisfied, he placed the tool in his hand aside.

Following the plan, the helpers quickly angled the piece towards the audience, offering them a clear view of its condition. Only faint whitish scratches could be discerned, barely visible under the bright lights.

"As you've witnessed, this is extremely hardy. No ordinary man can hope to damage it through brute force alone," he stated, eliciting murmurs of agreement from the onlookers.

Observing this unforeseen twist with curiosity, Lynn already pieced together the direction of the exhibition from its setup and the earlier descriptions of the potions' effects.

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