Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 143: The Invitation Card Burned

Having witnessed the resilience of the thick metal slab firsthand, the participants remained riveted, curious to see how this demonstration would showcase the purported effects.

"Now for the true test," Lenson declared, voice echoing through the hall. Retrieving one crimson potion already prepared for this spectacle, he turned toward one of his assistants.

Instructing him to step forward, a young man of average build moved to stand on the brightly lit stage. “Drink it," the auctioneer ordered, presenting the opened flask containing the alchemic concoction.

The eyes of the helper widened briefly, but he didn't dare disobey, especially not with the intense stares of the hundreds gathered in this grand space all fixed upon him, awaiting this moment.

Reaching out with a slightly trembling hand, he accepted the bottle. Its contents seemed to glow ethereally, glinting under the harsh spotlights. Drawing a deep breath to steady his nerves, he downed the liquid in one gulp.

A shocked gasp escaped his lips as an instantaneous surge of energy flooded through him, setting his veins ablaze. It felt like liquid fire now coursed within, the heat rapidly spreading to his extremities.

Goosebumps erupted across his flesh as a violent tremor wracked his frame. Every fiber of his being felt stimulated and invigorated. The muscles coiled and flexed beneath his skin, quivering with barely contained power.

Excited whispers broke out from the attendees in the auction room after seeing the sudden transformation unfold before their eyes. Those previously skeptical now appeared wholly convinced. 

Capitalizing on the moment, Lenson gestured grandly to the thick metal block. “Approach the slab, let us see a demonstration of your brand-new strength. Use all your might to strike the resilient steel!” 

The young man needed no further urging. He briskly stepped up to the steel surface, sucking a deep breath as he shifted into a wide stance. Unleashing a guttural shout, he drew back his fist and slammed it.

A loud clang reverberated as an explosion of force erupted from the point of impact. Spiderweb cracks raced outward across the entire steel block. Chunks of metal peeled away, exposing jagged fissures in its wake.

Gasps of astonishment arose from the enthralled onlookers, accompanied by enthusiastic whoops and applause. The efficacy was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, showing a strength no ordinary man could match.

"As you've just witnessed, this strength enhancement liquid is the real deal. No trickery or illusions here, simply an authentic alchemical concoction imbuing the drinker with herculean power."

"I think all of you cannot wait. Let's start bidding!" Lenson declared triumphantly into the microphone, eager to capitalize on the excitement generated by the riveting demonstration.

"Thirty thousand dollars!"

"Forty-five thousand!"

" "Sixty-eight thousand!"

The bids came fast and furious as people clamored to get their hands on the enticing potions. The starting bid of 20,000 dollars was left far behind as the numbers rapidly escalated.

In the private viewing booth overlooking the stage, Lynn noticed the situation and could not help but feel secretly impressed by the ability of this man to control the crowd and ignite their enthusiasm.

Within a few minutes, the price had already neared the two hundred thousand. At this point, only a select group of bidders remained in play, the rest unable or unwilling to match the exorbitant sums.

Observing the relentless ascent of the bids, he decided it was time to intervene. Leaning over, he pressed a small button next to his seat. Moments later, a staff member entered the private suite.

"Does your establishment accept payment in gold?" Lynn inquired directly, turning his face to the smartly dressed woman who had just arrived. She looked momentarily surprised by the question but quickly calmed down. 

Clearing her throat, she responded politely, "Of course, esteemed guest. We gladly accept a wide range of different payment methods here, including precious metals and gold."

He nodded, internally pleased by the response. Because of Lenson’s spectacle, the price of the potions slightly exceeded the money at his disposal, causing him to consider alternative sources of funds.

While nightmare coins were the standard currency circulating within Nightmare Paradise's system, their value was next to worthless in the real world. However, they were easily exchanged against gold in the [Trading] section, often at a surprisingly affordable rate set by other players.

With a swift motion from his hand, Lynn pressed another button positioned on the armrest to activate his bid. A faint beep emanated from the speaker built discreetly into the extravagant suite.

On the auction stage, the enthusiastic voice of the auctioneer continued to echo throughout the grand hall. "I have two hundred and twenty thousand dollars! Do I hear two hundred and three thousand?" His eyes scanned the seated crowds eagerly.

At that moment, a subtle beep in his ears grabbed his attention, drawing his eyes towards the private rooms overlooking the central platform. His gaze quickly settled on one in particular.

With a practiced smile, he inclined his head slightly in acknowledgment. "It seems we have a new contender joining the fray, an esteemed VIP bidding from the premium suites!" he declared theatrically into the microphone.

"Two hundred and sixty thousand dollars… Two hundred and sixty thousand dollars …," Lenson repeated enthusiastically. "Will anyone care to raise the stakes?" His voice rang clearly through the speakers.

A brief lull settled over the grand auction hall as the remaining bidders exchanged unspoken looks, trying to gauge whether they should continue vying for the alchemic potions against this wealthy entrant.

The silence stretched, and his gaze swept the hall, searching for any last challengers. "Going once...going twice..." he began the countdown, ready to confirm the sale.

But no further bids were forthcoming. The atmosphere subdued, patrons murmuring amongst themselves about this mysterious big spender. "Sold!" the auctioneer declared, his hand striking the podium with finality.

Lynn leaned back against the plush velvet sofa, a satisfied smile on his lips. "Please inform the auction house I will pay the amount owed now. Have my items delivered up here shortly," he commanded.

The young staff member nodded briskly. "Right away, sir. I'll make the arrangements immediately." She swiftly departed the suite with a polite nod, leaving him to his thoughts.

Without hesitation, he grabbed the two money briefcases containing the remaining funds from the old man's treatment. He also added some gold bars he had just bought in the [Trading] section, exactly meeting the bid amount of 260,000 dollars for the potions.

The woman returned shortly, wheeling a metallic cart containing the prized alchemic potions into the room. But her eyes immediately widened in undisguised astonishment at the sight.

"Is there something wrong?" he inquired casually, his tone betraying no emotion. The worker quickly composed herself, her professional demeanor returning as she responded, "No, sir, everything is in order.”

“Please appraise this gold and convert its value along with the federation dollars to the bidding amount," he instructed calmly, gesturing for her to inspect the small fortune on the table.

The stunned staff could only dumbly nod as she collected the bars of precious metal and briefcases with trembling hands. Bowing deeply, she rushed off to have them verified and tallied by the in-house appraisers.

After carefully inspecting the goods, Lynn stowed them into his inventory for safekeeping. He aggressively outbid the competition not only for their combat utility but also for the insights he aimed to extract by studying them.

After completing the transaction, he settled back into the couch, observing the excitement continue to unfold in the grand auction hall below. The extravagant bidding wars showed no signs of slowing.

The event ending was fast approaching, and the auction lots gradually dwindled, but the passion still gripped the gathered crowds with each new item unveiled, reaching a climax when the deed of ownership to the iron ore mine appeared.

Soon enough, the expansive room emptied as patrons funneled toward the exits, the conclusion of the extravagant auction marked the end of this monthly event for most attendees.

Sensing the shifting ambiance, Lynn understood that the highly anticipated Midnight Rose Exchange was about to unfold. The enigmatic assembly he had eagerly sought was on the verge of commencement.

As if to confirm his expectations, the invitation in his chest pocket abruptly heated up. His heartbeat instantly surged, muscles coiling with tension as he decisively sprang into action.

Swiftly retrieving the card, he grabbed it between his fingers, observing intently as the black surface shimmered with a silver blaze, the delicate rose motif dissolving into wisps of smoke.

Simultaneously, an unnoticed entrance, concealed until now even from his extraordinary perception, mysteriously appeared within the private suite. A rush of nervous excitement flooded his veins, realizing that this was the pivotal moment he had long awaited.


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