Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 144: Gathering in the Underground Hall

After contemplating for a moment, Lynn moved without fear toward the newly revealed entrance in the wall. Hidden stairs lay beyond, their depths shrouded in complete darkness.

Step by step, he descended into the unknown passage, noting how it spiraled down in a tight corkscrew motion. The light from above soon vanished as he plunged deeper, immersing in the oppressive gloom.

The temperature also dropped noticeably, and his senses heightened to their maximum limits. As his hands traced the damp walls guiding his descent, he faintly heard echoes of voices up ahead.

Emerging from the stairwell, he found himself in a cavernous space, very different from the wealthy areas above. The walls and floor were hewn from gray stone, and flickering lamps provided illumination.

At the center stood a large round table carved from black obsidian, its polished surface reflecting the light. Lynn noticed with surprise that three of the multiple seats encircling it were occupied.

The first figure coming into view was a woman draped in exquisite robes adorned with delicate gold trimmings. Her face, unfortunately, was hidden behind a carnival mask intricately inlaid with shimmering gems.

In stark contrast, the second stranger appeared gaunt and frail, garbed in tattered gray robes. Bandages wrapped around his head and limbs as if concealing wounds or deformities, and an aura of sickness clung to his hunched frame.

But it was the last seated person who immediately seized his attention. At first glance, he appeared the most normal of the three individuals sitting around the obsidian table.

Concealing his facial features was a ghostly white mask, the same distinctive one worn by the swordsman he had defeated a few days earlier. This coincidence caused him to tense reflexively, his body coiled and ready to spring into action.

However, he quickly calmed down. However, upon closer inspection, subtle differences suggested this was a different person who happened to wear a similar mask—likely a member of the same group or organization.

Before he could delve deeper into his thoughts, a mechanism resounded with three consecutive loud clicks. The stone wall grated as sections of it ascended, unveiling dark, arched passageways akin to the one he had just traversed.

Through each opened entrance, new cloaked figures emerged, their footfalls echoing eerily throughout the underground hall, confidently advancing toward the center.

"Did these people also receive an invitation card?" Lynn secretly speculated, joining the newcomer flux, and approached one of the many seats. His mind worked rapidly to assess the situation.

Settling into the chair, he could not help but detect the uncanny stillness that had befallen the chamber. The air was heavy with anticipation, and all eyes focused on the initial figure he remarked.

"Esteemed guests, I welcome you all to the sixth edition of the midnight rose exchange," a calm, authoritative female voice resonated, cutting through the silence and setting the stage for the event.

"I see some new persons here, so I'll reintroduce myself," she spoke slowly in a smooth and silky tone. "You can call me Silver Rose, the founder and organizer behind this unique gathering."

Her mask shone brilliantly under the wavering lights, its intricate decorations twisting and turning, seeming to writhe with a life of their own. Despite hiding her features, she exuded an otherworldly presence of elegance and enigma.

"Since the incident known as the dark eclipse, our world has started undergoing profound changes. The extraordinary door has creaked open, and forces beyond comprehension have been unleashed.”

"For the first time, humankind has glimpsed behind the veil obscuring the esoteric truths long concealed from mortal eyes,” she continued with reverence and awe in her speech.

"As one of the fortunate individuals who have peered into these hidden domains, my purpose is to unravel the mysteries of our reality. For extraordinary knowledge, I can exchange information, valuable artifacts, sequence paths, awakening rituals, and much more.”

These words smoothly dripped like honey, igniting excitement and tension among some of the persons gathered around the obsidian table. Even Lynn found his curiosity sparked despite his initial wariness.

Controlling his reactions, he swiftly regained his composure. His brain raced to process each information revealed, allowing him to confirm one of the previous speculations that had troubled him.

In the aftermath of this dark eclipse incident, Blue Star was experiencing a kind of "Spiritual Recovery". That would also explain the recent surge of unusual reports about strange events and occurrences proliferating online.

While this answered one mystery, it simultaneously opened up countless more questions. Trying to remember an event that could be called a dark eclipse, Lynn's mind delved deep into memories, searching for elusive clues.

In the cavernous hall, a hush fell as cloaked figures exchanged glances. No one dared move or speak first, each attempting to discern the intentions and stations of their fellow guests through shrouded gazes alone. 

Finally, someone stirred. Slow, deliberate applause resounded through the space, originating from the man with the ghost mask. His frame subtly undulated with each lazy clap ring glinting upon his fingers.

"Magnificent performance as always, Silver Rose," he calmly commented, his tone conveying grudging admiration. The clapping gradually faded into stillness as he lowered his hands.

Then, he directed his gaze towards the other seated guest at the table. “I am Ghost, a mercenary. For the right reward, I can do anything-” Before he could complete his introduction, the man was abruptly cut off.

"Ghost, I heard your people recently got in a fight with the special investigation bureau," another cloaked figure interjected, leaning forward with piqued interest. "Do not forget to complete my request."

The mercenary turned his attention toward the individual who had just interrupted him, his brows furrowing under the ghostly mask. “Alchemist… I didn't expect to see you here after all the commotion you provoked in the auction," he replied with a hint of displeasure.

Alchemist responded to the remark with a nonchalant shrug, indicating his indifference. “Making money is an important job," he said dismissively “I can’t unleash the full potential of my craft without it.” 

"In any case, have you collected the ingredients I requested yet?" he pressed. "I've been patiently waiting as agreed upon, but you are taking too long. I expect results for the price paid."

The other guests seemed perplexed by this discussion between the duo. Only a few in the crowd who participated in a prior exchange gathering probably understood the referenced agreement.

Listening intently to the discussion, Lynn quickly formed a guess on the content of the request. He could easily infer and deduce multiple possibilities based on the context clues provided.

"Ingredients... is this why the masked swordsman hunted down the werewolves?" he pondered silently, speculating about their dealing nature. That explained the confrontation with the Special Investigation Bureau.

"The task isn't finished yet," the mercenary honestly stated. "we are lacking a few more targets because of unexpected complications. But rest assured, I will fulfill my end of the bargain."

The eyes of Alchemist narrowed, a subtle flicker of annoyance passing over his hidden face. "You will have to do better than that if you wish to continue our previous agreement," he required coldly, fingers tapping impatiently against the polished surface.

A stoic nod was Ghost's only response. No excuses or justifications left his lips, for he knew words meant little. Results were the sole currency that mattered in their line of work.

Before the tense atmosphere could escalate further, Silver Rose spoke up again, cutting through the mounting disquiet. "Let us not dwell on this for now. The others haven’t introduced themselves yet.”

The room fell silent again as all eyes turned expectantly toward the remaining cloaked individuals seated around the obsidian table. The figures took turns introducing themselves in brief, starting from the one directly across from her.




As each person took turns speaking, they carefully avoided divulging real names or any elements that could compromise their identities. But Lynn still mentally noted each alias.

When it was his turn next in the ordering, all eyes turned expectantly toward him, waiting to receive his presentation. He took a deep breath, calmed himself, and spoke with a measured tone.

"You can call me Wanderer," he declared without further detail, ignoring their expectations and maintaining a deliberate vagueness to protect his secrets. The statement elicited a few murmurs from those gathered, no doubt disappointed by the lack of elaboration.

These introductions wrapped up quickly, and Silver Rose nodded graciously to each guest. "Once more, thank you all for coming. Now, let the exchange commence before the night wanes and the dawn breaks," she announced with a note of anticipation.


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