Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 150: Forcing The Hidden Watchers

"So, the werewolf invasions that have been happening...," Lynn spoke, attempting to probe further and satisfy his interest and suspicions. Shade, however, had no intention of continuing the conversation.

The monstrous form let out a guttural roar, reverberating through the ruined surroundings. "You have too much curiosity for someone who will soon die." He interrupted, voice echoing with a menacing tone.

His lips suddenly pulled back in a grotesque semblance of a grin, revealing rows of razor-sharp fangs. Without warning, the wolfish legs tensed, and he lunged forward, causing the ground beneath to crack.

Lynn barely had time to react, bringing Flame Edge up in a sweeping arc to block the oncoming charge. But the claws lashed out with stunning precision, batting the blazing blade aside as if it were a toy.

"This speed and strength... they are almost overwhelming," he clenched his teeth, feeling the impact forces rumble through his body as he struggled to maintain his footing and keep up with the relentless assault.

Even firing Crimson Bullets did nothing - the explosive, armor-piercing shots inflicted no noticeable damage. The monster simply endured the blasts, detonating against its thick hide with hardly a flinch.

Only bruises and scorch marks indicated the attack had any effect, and they quickly disappeared under the incredible regeneration ability. Lynn was completely suppressed after the transformation.

As his injuries began to accumulate, the situation only seemed to worsen. His mind was a whirlwind of frustration, desperately seeking any solution or vulnerability he could exploit and leverage.

"Is this the best you can do, Wanderer?" the enemy taunted, mocking and ridiculing his futile efforts. "I thought you would offer a more significant resistance and challenge."

Without activating his talent [Gemini Soul] and unleashing the full potential of [Cell Proliferation], Lynn knew he stood little chance against his formidable opponent. Even with these abilities, victory was uncertain.

Yet, he had no intention of relying on these powers. Instead, he maintained the current state of conflict, waiting for the opportune moment when something else would shift the balance in his favor.

Mistaking his silence as desperation, the transformed Shade let out a booming laugh. "Give up already. You cannot hope to defeat me. Surrender the knowledge you possess, and I might spare your life and allow you to join me in transcending the human form."

"Are they not going to intervene?" Lynn pondered internally, secretly scrutinizing a location from the corner of his eye. Since the confrontation began, he had felt the weight of watchful gazes upon him.

Thanks to the shared perspective of the temporarily tamed crow, he knew who they were - the people from the Special Investigation Bureau. That explained why, despite all the chaos and damage unfolding, no one dared to interfere or even approach the scene.

Lynn immediately recognized the familiar members—the two extraordinary investigators and their captain. They were hidden on top of a building, observing the situation develop.

If he were to unleash his full power, he would only be setting up a perfect opportunity for them to catch both Shade, who appeared to be the mastermind behind the werewolf appearance in the region, and himself.

Simon likely anticipated that moment, waiting patiently for both adversaries to completely exhaust their strength and abilities, making them easy targets for apprehension and capture.

Lynn was determined to prevent that outcome. From the beginning, he strategically guided the battle, slowly inching closer to the location where he had initially detected their presence.

His plan was clear and straightforward. By luring the transformed Shade into a direct conflict with the Special Investigation Bureau, he aimed to create a diversion, shifting the focus away from himself.

As the intense clash between the two became a grim spectacle of destruction, spilling into the neighboring building, the attentive gaze of Captain Simon narrowed with keen focus.

Initially, he had intended to apprehend all three extraordinary individuals. The information they might possess and their formidable abilities made them valuable targets for the Special Investigation Bureau.

However, the abrupt mutation of one of them into a werewolf-like monstrosity forced him to reevaluate his plans. This new threat instantly replaced the initial objectives and required his immediate attention.

They had been investigating the series of werewolf apparitions in the region for several weeks, suspecting a hidden mastermind behind the incidents. After witnessing the metamorphose scene, Simon realized this could be the key to unraveling the mystery.

With a subtle gesture, he signaled his two subordinates, the young agent Ethan and the woman with the distinctive long ponytail, Amber. "Deal with the one escaping," he ordered calmly as the figure of Ghost disappeared in the distance.

The duo hesitated briefly, their eyes flickering with uncertainty. "But sir, what about the other two?" Ethan questioned, his brow furrowed with hesitation and concern.

The golden eyes narrowed, his voice taking on a steely edge. "I will handle them," he declared emotionlessly, leaving no room for further debate. "Now go, waste no more time."

Without another word, the two agents swiftly worked, giving chase after the fleeing silhouette of the mercenary. Their movements were a blur, effortlessly traversing the crumbling rooftops.

With his subordinates out of the picture, he refocused on the confrontation below and contemplated his next move. “It would be nice if the two could just incapacitate each other,” he silently mused, his mind racing through possibilities.

Deciding to let the duel play out a little longer, he saw it as an opportunity to exhaust their stamina, observe their tactics, and gauge their strengths and weaknesses before making his move. That would allow him to gather valuable information and ensure a more strategic intervention.

However, his plan did not seem to go well. As the fight raged on, it slowly approached his position. The structure he perched on started to tremble because the shockwaves of their battle reached it.

That caused the stern face to frown. "Is it just a coincidence or...," Simon quietly murmured, his expression deepening as he considered the chance that this movement might be intentional.

Before he could complete the thought, one of the combatants was sent directly flying toward the building underneath him. The body crashed through the walls, sending debris and dust billowing into the air.

The already fragile structure collapsed, and he reacted instantly. With lightning reflexes honed over years of experience, he leaped forward, jumping from the precarious perch. But this action completely exposed him.

Landing lightly on the rubble-strewn ground, he fixed the wolf beast with a penetrating gaze. "So, you are the one responsible for the werewolf infestation plaguing my city," he stated, his voice calm yet laden with underlying steel.

The monstrosity let out a guttural chuckle, glowing red eyes gleaming with malice. "Ah, the famous Captain Simon," he rasped, the distorted voice dripping with condescension. “I knew I sensed some federal lapdogs lurking in the shadows.”

Without hesitation, Shade fiercely charged, the massive bulk hurtling toward the lone individual. But the captain stayed steadfast, his muscles coiling in preparation. As the claws descended, he responded.

Crimson energy flared to life around his body, surging through his veins like lava. He met the attack head-on, slamming his fist into the onrushing limb with a roar. The collision resonated with a thunderous impact, sending shockwaves through the air.

"Now!" Lynn seized this long-awaited opportunity, using the distraction of the clash to his advantage. With a mental command, [Gemini Soul] was activated, entering the strengthened state.

In the same instant, [Cell Proliferation] was fully unleashed. The body started swelling as muscles exaggeratedly expanded like an inflating balloon. But that change was fleeting, and the bulging mass quickly contracted, becoming streamlined.

Before the other two engaged in combat could react to his situation, he pierced through the building rubble and debris cascading over him with blinding speed, instantly closing the distance.

The werewolf's attention had been entirely diverted by Simon's arrival, leaving him vulnerable. One swift punch, enhanced to the extreme, sent the beast staggering toward the captain.

This latter did not hesitate to use the timely occasion to his advantage, but Lynn did not witness that. Having already achieved his goal of acquiring the third sublimation material, he had no intention of lingering any longer.

His leg muscles rippled with power, leaping away from the entangled opponents and putting as much space as possible between himself and the fight scene. He covered a significant distance in a few seconds, leaving only a brief afterimage in his wake.

An enraged werewolf howl reached his ears from behind, revibrating through the entire central district. But he was not worried. The two powerhouses should be more than enough to occupy each other for a moment.

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