Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 151: Breaking Through the Siege

With his talent activated, Lynn fled the battle scene with lightning speed, the world around him blurring. His movements were swift and fluid - each step and leap maximized efficiency and minimized wasted effort.

Simultaneously, the mechanical mind started assessing the extent of his injuries. "Multiple lacerations... Minor burns... Fissured bones... Degraded muscle fibers...," he silently cataloged without a hint of emotion.

The damage was already significant from the intense confrontation, and the activation of [Gemini Soul] to facilitate his escape only exacerbated the condition, pushing his body to its limit.

He desperately needed to rest, but the circumstances offered no such luxury. With no other options, he resorted to his other class skills. Hidden from external eyes, [String Threading] spread within him like an intricate spider web.

Several razor-sharp white filaments penetrated his internal organs, bones, and muscles, forming an internal makeshift brace. This operation provided support and stabilization to his damaged frame.

While not a definitive remedy, the technique allowed Lynn to maintain a precarious balance given his depleting energy reserve, preventing the situation from rapidly deteriorating and buying him precious time to find a safe shelter for recovery.

Seeking a more direct aid in healing, he grabbed a potion from his inventory - one of the alchemic concoctions he had purchased at the auction house earlier. The flask contained a green liquid pulsating with vitality.

[Basic Healing Potion]

[Grade: Common]

[Evaluation: A simple alchemical elixir that can provide moderate healing to wounds and restore a small amount of stamina. Prolonged use can lead to diminished effectiveness due to physiological adaptation.]

Without hesitation, he swiftly gulped down the potion. As the fluid touched his lips, it sent a rush of heat down his throat, a pleasant burn that was both invigorating and faintly discomforting.

The effects were not instantaneous or complete, but they were still noticeable to him. The fissures in the bones began to mend slowly, and the strain in his muscles eased slightly.

Glancing back toward the direction of the chaos, he could still hear the distant roars and thunderous impacts. Simon had engaged the monstrous beast, and the two powerhouses were locked in a brutal clash.

The sheer power of the fight resonated, sending tremors underfoot. With the extraordinary perception and unique talent, Lynn partially perceived and sensed the chaotic spectacle unfolding in the distance.

One crimson and fierce aura started to spread and dominate the battlefield, overwhelming the bestial and malevolent presence. From the growing enraged growls, he figured the werewolf was likely losing.

"The captain of the Special Investigation Bureau," he murmured, simulating the possible outcome of a fight with him. "Indeed, he possesses formidable strength." That only further confirmed the wisdom of his decision to retreat.

Shade's decision to expose his identity suggested he had a trump card up his sleeve. This presentiment was quickly validated when, moments later, a loud howl, distinct from all previous ones, shook the central district.

In that fleeting instant, the world around him quivered in response as though the sound had pierced the very fabric of reality. Thanks to his enhanced state, Lynn immediately detected something was amiss.

Suddenly, following the initial bellow, many other roars reverberated from every direction, setting off a cascading chain reaction that enveloped the entire area as if each one was responding to a signal.

Briskly weaving through the debris-strewn streets, he coincidently passed by one of the disturbance sources and caught glimpses of movement in the shadows of a crumbling building.

What greeted his sharp gaze was a surprising sight - a disheveled man, apparently hiding and seeking refuge from the turmoil and agitation outside, was violently trembling and transforming.

Unleashing bestial noises, the body grotesquely deformed, coarse fur sprouting across his skin and limbs, elongating and contorting. The metamorphose was incredibly swift, turning the guy into a snarling beast.

The glowing red eyes locked onto the approaching Lynn with primal ferocity and hunger for flesh. The mutating creature charged him with a rapid lunge, viscous saliva dripping from the gaping maw.

"As expected," he muttered under his breath, his mind quickly confirming a few ideas about the mastermind while continuing to move forward, unfazed by the threat blocking his path.

In his eyes, this werewolf was just a minor inconvenience. His blade briefly gleamed as it cleaved through the air, fast and precise. In a single stroke, the deformed head rolled from its shoulders.

“Seems like Shade possesses some form of control or influence over these weaker werewolves. He likely covertly infected the local populace with pollution, turning them into unwitting weapons.”

With the man behind the conspiracy now exposed, his minions emerged from their hiding places, eager to join the fray. Lynn needed to avoid getting caught up in the confusion that was about to ensue.

He darted down a narrow alleyway, his astonishing agility allowing him to ignore most obstacles. Yet, despite his swift progress, the clamor grew increasingly urgent and wild.

"His conspiracy is getting more extensive than I initially thought," he reflected, trying to piece together the bigger picture. "It must be starting now, but I am still uncertain of his ultimate objective."

The central zone of the abandoned district had descended into complete pandemonium. Werewolves emerged from every corner like ants swarming from a disturbed nest, transforming the streets into a battleground.

But the expected slaughter did not happen. As the horde of distorted creatures converged, Lynn quickly remembered that most of the people here were not random bystanders cowering in fear.

They fought with a desperate tenacity, wielding whatever weapons they had at their disposal. Firearms rang out continuously and incessantly, their muzzle flashes briefly illuminating the disorder.

His piercing eyes noticed a group among them who stood out from the rest – armed to the teeth with advanced weaponry, they operated with precision and organization, forming a tight defensive perimeter.

Upon closer inspection, he immediately recognized the distinctive black uniforms and tactical gear of the agents of the Special Investigation Bureau. They arrived to confront the threat head-on.

Avoiding direct involvement in these scenes, Lynn focused on conserving his rapidly dwindling energy. The constant efforts were taking a toll on him, and he knew he could not maintain this pace for much longer.

When the gates that marked the boundary between the central district and the outer region appeared in the distance, he decidedly changed course, abandoning his plan to escape from this direction.

“The area is under lockdown,” he calmly deduced, noticing the tightly closed entrance and detecting the heightened activity and tension in the surroundings. Other forces of the Special Investigation Bureau were probably in place, ready to intercept anyone attempting to exit.

The failure of this initial escape plan did not elicit any emotion, and his expression remained stoic, betraying no hint of frustration or panic despite the setbacks. His processing mind was already formulating another one.

Although he could brute force his way through, it would risk engaging in a confrontation—something he could not afford in his current state. A single misstep could break the precarious balance in his body.

Glancing around, Lynn spotted a section of the fortified wall that appeared slightly more weathered and neglected than the rest. Without hesitation, he made a beeline for that location.

Leaping up, he used the cracks and crumbling bricks as footholds, scaling the formidable barrier with practiced ease. As he reached the top, he momentarily paused, surveying the situation on the other side.

The outer district lay before him, its familiar squalor, a stark contrast to the chaos engulfing the central zone. His gaze narrowed when he spotted the armed guards who patrolled the area beyond the wall.

"Did they dispatch all forces to the abandoned district," he wondered, thinking about how to navigate the situation. Each option and contingency played out in rapid succession, evaluated with the precision of a seasoned strategist.

Fixing his eyes on the nearest decrepit building, he silently calculated the distance. It was certainly doable. He bent his knees, gathering momentum, muscles bulging with restrained power.

In a single, vigorous push-off, he exploded forward, utilizing the full power of his legs to propel himself upward toward the rooftop. For a split second, he was airborne, the ground below rushing past in a blur.

Reaching the apex of his leap, Lynn shifted his body, twisting gracefully to land feet-first. His enhanced agility allowed him to stick the landing effortlessly, but the impact still sent a jarring shock up his injured body.

Ignoring the discomfort, he crouched low and began dashing across, putting as much distance as possible between himself and the fortified walls. He needed to reach safety before his talent was deactivated.

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