Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 152: Hunting Mark for Revenge

The sun continued to rise, its soft pink and orange rays gradually blending into the crisp azure of the morning sky. The world slowly began to stir, with birds becoming active and taking flight.

Inside a dilapidated apartment building near the periphery of the abandoned district, Lynn stumbled into a simple, modest room, his body weary and battered from the intense events. 

With great effort, he made his way to the worn couch, collapsing onto the tattered cushions. The faint sound of his ragged breathing echoed in the silence, intermingled with occasional coughs that escaped his lips.

"That was closer than I'd like," he murmured, his face a tapestry of emotions. The past few hours were a whirlwind, each moment more taxing than the last, leaving a heavy burden on his mind.

Blood slightly escaped his mouth, trailing down his chin and staining the collar of his shirt. He couldn't afford to relax just yet; he needed to tend to his injuries before they worsened.

Reaching into his inventory, he retrieved a second basic healing potion, took another generous sip, finishing it. The familiar warmth spread through his veins, easing the pain and discomfort.

Using this renewed vigor, he quickly grabbed the medical supplies carefully prepared for emergencies. Methodically, he started treating his wounds, hands steady despite the exhaustion.

He applied disinfectant to the multiple lacerations adorning his skin, hissing through gritted teeth as the stinging sensation spread. He couldn't afford to let any of these cuts become infected.

Next, he turned his attention to the damaged bones, splinting the fissured ones with practiced precision. The [String Threading] technique employed earlier provided some stabilization, but it needed proper reinforcement.

Grimacing, he pulled the bandage tight around his arm, the white cloth quickly staining crimson. If not for his timely retreat and the intervention of the Special Investigation Bureau, the outcome could have been far worse.

Securing everything in place, he sighed in relief. "This will have to do for now," he muttered, knowing the immediate danger had passed and his condition was finally stabilizing.

But the journey to full recovery would still require some time. The spiritual energy reserves were depleted, temporarily preventing Lynn from using extraordinary abilities to accelerate the healing process.

He shook his head, turning to what had transpired the previous night. The midnight rose exchange, the information he learned inside, the ambush at the exit, and the sudden involvement of werewolves.

All these events flashed through his mind like fragments of a chaotic dream. The adrenaline that had kept him going was now ebbing away, leaving only profound exhaustion and a deep sense of weariness.

"Shade," he quietly whispered, the name leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. The man's true nature and intentions remained shrouded in mystery, but one thing was clear - he posed a grave threat to him.

"But why targeting me?" he deeply pondered, his brow furrowing in concentration. He tried to piece together the puzzle, but the more he thought about it, the more questions arose.

Heavily sighing, Lynn forced himself to push those ideas aside for the moment. It was crucial to focus on regaining his strength, fully aware that the challenges ahead would become increasingly difficult.

He knew he couldn't remain in this safe refuge for long. With the werewolf conspiracy now exposed, it was only a matter of time before the Special Investigation Bureau would initiate a full-scale investigation.

"The abandoned district will become even more dangerous in the next few days," he calmly figured out, already thinking about potential plans and strategies. "But first, I need to recover my strength."

Closing his eyes, he allowed himself to drift into a light, meditative state, his body and soul synchronizing as he accelerated the spiritual energy recovery. The [Meditation] skill was essential for this purpose.

The empty apartment descended into a peaceful silence, broken only by the soft hum of his breathing. His mind became a tranquil pool, where all thoughts and concerns settled beneath the surface.

Gradually, his consciousness turned inward, immersing itself in the energy currents that flowed through him. Each breath became a rhythm, a conduit through which he drew in vitality and expelled fatigue.

Combining this state with the occasional use of [Cell Proliferation] and the two healing potions previously consumed, the damaged tissues and fractured bones started healing faster, discernible even to the naked eye.

Time seemed to dissolve as he devoted himself wholeheartedly to restoring his physique and reclaiming his optimal condition. Minutes blurred into hours, and the sun climbed higher in the sky.

However, plans did not always go as expected. Once Lynn regained sufficient energy, his eyes slowly fluttered open. The meditation session was interrupted because he noticed a change in the outside world.

The noisy commotion that had shaken the central district and even the abandoned district was slowly receding, the cacophony of explosions and gunfire gradually diminishing.

Rising from the dusty couch, he took a deep breath and satisfyingly assessed his condition. "Much better," he muttered, stretching his muscles and testing the newly healed limbs.

He then gazed through the grimy window, observing the changes unfolding in the distance. Plumes of black smoke rose into the air, obscuring the view, but his other extraordinary senses still detected what was happening.

The ferocious clashes beyond the fortified walls continued, but the sounds had grown less intense, indicating that the incident was possibly ending. But Lynn doubted Shade was eliminated or captured.

During the fight with him, a moment of inattention offered an unexpected opportunity. Seizing the chance, he closed the gap and made direct physical contact, triggering one of the effects of the [Magnifying Lens Pendant].

Hunting Mark: Leave a lingering spiritual mark on enemies and targets, making them easier to track and locate. Thanks to this trick, he noticed that the creature also started retreating after his escape.

Because the distance between them gradually increased, he could not locate him anymore. The signals from the Hunting Mark were now faint and weak, barely perceptible but still present.

Even if he had to get closer to track accurately Shade - this would be his advantage, allowing him to strike when the time was right. However, at the moment, the sublimation ritual was the priority.

The confrontation had just shown him how urgently he needed to grow stronger to surpass the current limitations. Once he completed the first sublimation, it would be time for his revenge.

"But this place is no longer suitable to hide or perform the ritual," he reflected. Without a doubt, the upheaval caused by such a significant incident threatened the very existence of this lawless realm.

It would not even surprise him if the abandoned district was eventually eradicated in the future, a casualty of the Special Investigation Bureau's crackdown. His brow furrowed at the thought.

Before the authorities could tame the turmoil in the central district, he understood that he had to escape the area immediately. Otherwise, he risked being caught in the impending storm.

As Lynn made his way through the familiar maze of dilapidated buildings and crumbling alleys, his sharp gaze noted the absence of anyone in the usually bustling outer district.

The beggars, gangsters, and other shady characters who typically populated these streets were nowhere to be seen. Their usual haunts now stood deserted as if they had collectively decided to vanish.

He knew better, though. Everyone was hiding inside, avoiding attracting attention to themselves. The recent chaos had instilled a palpable fear in the air, and self-preservation had become the priority.

Faces peered out from behind curtains and boarded-up windows, their wide eyes filled with fear, disappearing quickly at the slightest movement. An unsettling silence had settled over the area.

Only the distant echoes of explosions, gunshots, and the occasional rumble of heavy vehicles echoed. Lynn quickened his pace, getting around the strong military presence that started marching through the streets.

"I'll need to move quickly," he muttered under his breath, his eyes narrowing with determination. Luckily, with its crumbling buildings and labyrinthine alleys, the outer district provided ample cover and opportunities for stealthy movement.

Employing every skill he possessed, he navigated the narrow paths with speed and silence, ensuring he evaded the vigilant patrols. His destination lay in the exact opposite direction of H City.

Glancing toward the horizon, a vast expanse of untamed wilderness was visible beyond the boundaries. Lush forests and towering mountains stood in contrast to the urban decay in the surroundings.

It was a treacherous and unforgiving landscape with dense vegetation, hidden valleys, and networks of streams and caves. But for someone with Lynn's strength, it offered the perfect sanctuary to perform the sublimation ritual undisturbed.

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