Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 153: Reflections in the Firelight

Traversing the wild and untamed landscape, Lynn moved further away from the abandoned district chaos, his senses remaining on high alert as he scanned the environment for any signs of danger.

The urban commotion gradually faded, replaced by the symphony of nature – the creak of branches, the rustling of leaves, and the occasional chirping of birds filled the air around him.

Dense foliage and uneven terrain presented formidable obstacles, creating a place forbidden for humans. However, his extraordinary agility allowed him to navigate the treacherous path with fluid grace.

In the past, people from the region adventured inside in search of resources. But, with time, the federation prohibited these practices due to the danger they caused and to protect the environment.

Many persons who relied on this method to live gradually abandoned the area, seeking alternative means of survival. The once bustling human activity dwindled, creating places like the abandoned district.

As he trekked onward, the landscape grew increasingly rugged. Ravines cut through roots and rocky outcroppings, and rivulets trickled over moss-slick stones, carving deep gullies over centuries of erosion.

Occasionally, he would catch glimpses of movement through the dense undergrowth, but a quick application of [Spiritual Vision] revealed them to be nothing more than small woodland creatures.

Pausing for a moment, he surveyed his surroundings. "I should be quite far away now," he pondered, his keen eyes scanning the area for a suitable location to complete his recovery and perform the long-awaited sublimation ritual.

His gaze finally settled on a small, secluded valley between two hills. A gentle stream meandered through the center, its banks lined with soft, green moss and thick underbrush, providing ample natural cover.

Nodding to himself, Lynn began to descend into the hidden glen, his movements agile and light, leaving barely a trace of his passing. He quickly set about securing the perimeter.

He built a series of simple traps and tripwires, layering them strategically around the secluded valley to ensure no unwanted intruders were nearby. These would serve as an early warning system.

But this action was unexpectedly interrupted when suddenly, a wild pheasant burst forth from a nearby bush, taking to the air with a squawk, its wings flapping loudly against the backdrop of serene nature.

The sight of the plump bird instantly triggered a pang of hunger in his stomach, causing him to pause the preparations. "It has been a while since I had a proper meal," he mused, eyeing the feathered animal.

Employing the [Cell Proliferation] skill to hasten cell growth drained vital nutrients from his body. Consequently, he needed to replenish them, and it had been quite some time since his last meal, exacerbating this need.

His mouth watered involuntarily at the prospect of roasted pheasant. The rich flavors and tender meat were a welcome respite from the monotonous rations he had been subsisting on.

After some time...

Using the nearby stream, he meticulously cleansed the carcass, washing away any traces of blood. Then, he started to butcher it, expertly separating the meat from any unnecessary parts.

Gathering dry kindling and fallen branches, he carefully arranged them to create and ignite a small campfire. The flickering flames danced and cast a warm, inviting glow around him.

He fashioned a sturdy stick into a spit and deftly skewered his meal, holding it over the flames to cook. The rich aroma wafted through the air, making his stomach growl in anticipation.

Unable to resist the tempting smell, he took a small nibble as the meat gradually cooked. The flavors exploded on his tongue, momentarily chasing away the fatigue and discomfort weighing him down.

Closing his eyes, Lynn savored each bite of the roasted meat, allowing the rich savors to linger on his tongue. He was not in a hurry, taking his time to appreciate the much-needed nourishment.

Even if he wanted to undertake the ritual - his current state made it impossible. Attempting such a profound transformation while the body and spirit were still recovering would be a foolish and reckless action.

That was not the normal process, where the performer slowly fused the sublimation material. It was a dangerous assimilation rite involving three powerful components - each imbued with formidable pollution.

One misstep could prove disastrous, undoing all the hard-won progress and even killing him. He just had to wait until he recovered his peak form, so there was no need to rush.

Slowly chewing the meal, he simultaneously browsed the [Forum] section of his system. He had kept a keen eye on the myriad of discussions and posts unfolding across the various groups and communities. 

However, the recent events he had experienced, combined with the unsettling gradual changes in the world around him, compelled him to seek out more information about the phenomena of spiritual recovery.

"The dawning of a new era, where the mystical and the supernatural were no longer confined to the realm of myth and legend but began manifesting in reality with increasing frequency," Lynn read quietly.

In that period, extraordinary resources, long believed to be lost or extinct, would resurface across the lands. Individuals and creatures with abilities beyond ordinary would emerge like mushrooms after spring rain.

Ancient ruins and secret realms that had been hidden for ages and eons would start revealing themselves again, yearning to share the secrets they still kept with those bold enough to seek them.

Even some dormant existences, forgotten in the river of time, could be roused from their slumber like spectral whispers from the history annals, adding an enigmatic allure to the ever-unfolding tapestry of this new age.

As he scanned the forum posts, each contributed a piece to the intricate phenomena. They painted a vivid tableau of transformation, offering diverse perspectives from worlds beyond his own.

"This is the true nature of what was happening," he murmured, his gaze hardening with determination. "The old order is crumbling, and a chaotic epoch is beginning. I must be ready to seize the opportunities it brings."

With the last juicy bite of roasted pheasant, he could not help but reflect. "The spiritual recovery does not happen overnight; there were always some precursor events hinting at it beforehand."

It was not a sudden change but rather the culmination of gradual shifts. Wiping the fingers clean, Lynn tossed the stripped bones into the crackling fire, watching the flames eagerly consume them.

From other players' descriptions, there were often hints and signs preceding the arrival of these transformations, manifesting as a series of strange occurrences and inexplicable incidents across the world.

His mind drifted back to the [Dark Eclipse] incident mentioned during the Midnight Rose Exchange. That ominous term had piqued his curiosity, and now he couldn't help but wonder if it was one of the precursor events.

He closed his eyes, reminiscing about a bizarre spectacle that had unfolded roughly three years earlier, catching everyone off guard without any prior warning or indication.

"An abrupt solar eclipse clocked the entire federation in an all-encompassing darkness for several hours," he remembered. This celestial incident was seen simultaneously in many far-flung locations.

Official statements claimed it was a natural occurrence, a rare astronomical alignment where the moon obscured the sun. But that explanation did little to quell the widespread unease.

Lynn could vividly recall the tense atmosphere that had gripped the nation during those hours of unearthly gloom. Reports of unusual animal behavior and inexplicable sightings at the time only amplified the anxious mood.

When the sun finally reappeared and normalcy gradually returned, the authorities sought to reassure the populace. They maintained that it was merely a celestial anomaly, nothing more, dismissing the more fantastical theories as mere rumors and fear-mongering.

Lost in introspection, reflecting on the past and contemplating the present changes, he gradually returned to his peak condition, the fatigue and injuries almost fully restored thanks to the combination of rest, meditation, and healing enhancers.

Methodically, he cleaned and tidied up the small campsite area, ensuring no trace was left behind to indicate the temporary stop. Even the firepit had its ash and embers dispersed.

During this pause, he examined the wooded valley and located a secluded spot suitable for initiating the lengthy and demanding sublimation ritual. In that place, he could isolate himself without the distribution risk.

After careful consideration, his eyes settled on a dark fissure nestled deeper within the foliage. Its entrance was obscured from observation by a tangle of vines and undergrowth that had firmly taken root.

Upon closer inspection, he realized it was a cave burrowing into the hillside. The natural formation would provide ideal shelter, seclusion, and some measure of protection against potential dangers.


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