Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 167: Electric Muscle Transformation

After a few hours of deep, undisturbed nap, Lynn awoke feeling significantly refreshed. The fatigue that had burdened him was almost entirely gone. His mind was sharp, his body rejuvenated, and his focus more precise than ever.

"The rest did me well," he examined himself, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. Without the constant need to be on guard or the pressure of impending threats, he had finally been able to recharge.

Turning his gaze toward the window, he observed the growing activity outside. The streets were alive with the familiar sights and sounds of daily life - people hurrying to and fro, cars navigating the congested roads, and the occasional snatches of conversation drifting in.

The scene was a striking contrast to the eerie silence, the omnipresent tension, and the overwhelming chaos that always hung over the abandoned district. It felt as though two entirely separate worlds existed side by side.

"I can't quite grasp how the Special Investigation Bureau and the federation as a whole manage to keep a lid on the situation," he mused, his brow furrowing slightly. After all, the werewolf incident was merely a symptom of a bigger problem.

Spiritual Recovery!

The increasing emergence of extraordinary beings and the surge of spiritual energy was inevitable. If this was just the beginning, then the challenges they would face in the future were sure to grow ever more daunting.

Shaking his head to clear those troubling thoughts, Lynn turned his attention to the plastic bags on the table. During his lengthy wander through the streets, he had stopped by several shops to stock up on fresh supplies.

Unwrapping one of the packages revealed slabs of grayish-pink meat. The pungent smell of murky water mingled with a faint tingling tang immediately assaulted his senses. It was the flesh of electric eels.

"It took longer than expected to find this," he muttered, recalling the frustrating time spent searching for a seller. He had combed through nearly every wet market and back alley vendor in the city.

Though this particular aquatic creature was not uncommon in the region, it was not exactly a popular choice for human consumption. Most vendors suspiciously eyed him, but some persistence eventually got him what he needed.

The locals often dismissed it as "too bony," "too chewy," or even "unpleasant." As a result, the few sellers who did stock the meat treated it as a niche product with minimal demand, buried under more appealing wares.

Without hesitation, he reached and touched it, feeling a mild shock against his skin. His extraordinary physique made the sensation barely noticeable, more of a tingling than anything else.

"Fascinating," he quietly remarked, his eyes gleaming with interest as he examined the flesh more closely. Even in death, it retained a small electrical charge—a testament to its unique anatomy.

If Lynn were to integrate this ability into his [Mimicry Heart], the results could be unexpectedly powerful. Focusing on his consciousness, he delved into the intricate tapestry of genetic information.

The first attempts proved disastrous, transforming the slabs into a foul liquid. Forethought of this outcome, he conducted this experiment on the kitchen counter rather than directly on the couch where he had been resting.

He rapidly turned on the faucet, allowing the clear water to wash the viscous substance down the sink. Moment by moment, attempt after attempt, his understanding grew, and the information flowed into his mind like a gentle stream. 

When he finally sensed his target, he felt his muscles and tissues subtly shift and change. Peculiar sensations rippled through his frame, like electricity dancing just beneath the surface of his skin.

[Electrocyte Muscle Fiber: you imitate the specialized cells of electric eels and gain the ability to generate electrical charges within your muscle fibers.]

"Excellent," he murmured, a satisfied smile slowly spread across his lips as the new trait manifested in his heart, the runes seamlessly imprinting themselves upon his being. The successful and rapid integration was also a testament to his growing mastery over the [Mimicry Heart] skill.

Glancing down at his hands, Lynn could see the subtle changes in the musculature - the fibers had taken on a slightly denser, more defined appearance. With a single thought, he sent a signal from his nerves to his arm.

Instantly, electric discharges flowed out from his entire limb, crackling and snapping in the air before dissipating as quickly as they appeared. The sensation was incredible; each specialized cell functioned as a small battery.

"An adult electric eel can generate up to 600 volts of electricity," he mused aloud, recalling some facts he had read. "Enough to kill an ordinary human." But this was only the most basic use of this ability.

With some further modification, he was sure it could be shaped and applied for a broader range of applications. Stopping the mimicry, he turned his attention to the empty remaining spot in his extraordinary organ.

However, ordinary beasts with exotic abilities were not a common sight, and he did not have the time to search in the [Trading] section. A treatment session with his wealthy client, Mister Feng, awaited him.

After changing into a more professional outfit and preparing a medical bag, he exited the rental house and headed toward the grand manor. Another objective of his visit was to inquire discreetly about the situation in the abandoned district.

"With the old man's influence, he should know what is happening," he thought. He was no ordinary citizen - as one of the wealthiest individuals in the region, his reach and connections spanned far.

After all, his ornate estate lay disturbingly close to the lawless frontier zone. Something going seriously wrong over there would not escape his attention. With this in mind, Lynn gradually increased his pace.

As he ventured further into the outskirts, the lively evening crowd began to thin out, leaving only the distant hum of the city behind and giving way to neglected buildings and darkened alleyways.

Each turn brought a deep sense of isolation, with deserted houses and overgrown lots becoming the norm. Fewer people were out on the streets. Most seemed to have sequestered themselves indoors due to the unrest.

Only the occasional face peered covertly from behind the closed windows, showing that this area was still inhabited. The reason for this unease was the multiple police vehicles restlessly patrolling around.

"Another one...," he muttered, frustrated as his supernatural senses noticed the distance flashing red-blue light approaching. Their presence was making his journey take longer than it should have.

Not wishing to run into them and arouse suspicion, he immediately turned down a side alley between two dilapidated structures and took another detour. That was how his entire path went - a constant game of cat and mouse.

Finally, as the grand manor came into view, he slowed, stepping into a shadowy corner to take a moment and do something. With no one in sight, he took a deep breath and activated [Cell Distortion].

The familiar surge of power rippled through his body in response. His flesh started to ripple and shift in the dim light. His facial features trembled, melting and reforming like clay molded by unseen hands.

Since he forgot to remove the [Faceless Mask] during the sublimation ritual in the secluded valley cave, the item was partially damaged and destroyed, rendering it useless and beyond repair.

To recuperate the identity it previously provided and not lose all the connections and relations he had formed while using the mask, he tried utilizing his class abilities to improvise a solution.

His bones softly creaked as they morphed, becoming longer and thinner. The nasal cavity reshaped itself, adopting a different slope and size. Even the skin added some wrinkles carved into his forehead and cheekbones.

As the changes progressed, Lynn reached into his inventory and retrieved a small handheld mirror. Holding it up, he scrutinized his reflection, comparing the new look to the memories in his mind.

In the place of his youthful features, the weathered face of a middle-aged man emerged. He examined the alterations from different angles, carefully inspecting the details.

"Not bad," he murmured, pleased with the results. But this solution was a far cry from perfect. He could feel the constant drain of his spiritual energy reserves as he maintained the altered state.

Although the quantity consumed was barely noticeable, the steady trickle would eventually add up if he had to sustain the disguise for an extended period, making it not a viable long-term solution.

After slipping the mirror back into his inventory, he exited the shadowy corner onto the main street. With deliberate and measured strides, he moved toward the grand manor that loomed in the distance.


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