Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 168: The Gathering Storm

Before long, Lynn reached the sprawling estate, its towering stone walls casting long shadows beneath the iron gate. Nearby, vigilant guards stood watch in rigid postures, surveying the surroundings.

Because he did not try to hide, they instantly detected his approach, prompting a cautious reaction. However, when they spotted the small token raised in his hand, the tense expressions quickly eased.

After completing the first treatment session, not wanting to leave any personal contact information that could potentially lead back to him, he received this item directly from the manor master.

The object served as an unspoken approval, a mark of trust and acknowledgment of their ongoing arrangement. It ensured that he would be recognized and granted entry without any scrutiny.

"Excuse us, esteemed guest!" one of the securities apologized. Straightening his posture, he reached for a communication device at his hip. "I will immediately inform Sir Alfred of your arrival."

Calmly nodding, Lynn watched as the man swiftly relayed the message, his words hushed and urgent. Within moments, the massive entrance creaked open, granting him access to the luxurious property.

Inside, he could not help but notice the eerie stillness that greeted him. The pristine gardens and immaculate pathways, usually bustling with working servants and staff, now felt deserted and desolate.

It was clear the alarming events transpiring in the abandoned district had cast an ominous shadow over this secluded domain. After all, it was situated far too close to the epicenter of the chaos.

"If something goes wrong there and spreads beyond control, this place will not escape unscathed," he thought, his mind already calculating the worst-case scenarios possible.

The wealthy client he had come to treat was undoubtedly aware of these growing dangers, and the heightened security and the missing workers were a testament to his precautionary measures.

Proceeding along the familiar path, Lynn soon spotted the diligent butler, Alfred, hurrying toward him with an expression of relief, his composed demeanor giving way to visible anxiety.

"Doctor, thank goodness nothing happened to you," he exclaimed, his voice tinged with concern. "We were so worried you might not make it. Please, come with me—the master is waiting for you."

"I apologize for the delay," he smoothly replied, flashing the anxious old man a smile before quickly following him. "There were some... unforeseen circumstances that required my attention. But I am here now and shall begin the second treatment immediately."

The shoulders of the steward visibly relaxed at his words, though the unease still lingered in his eyes. "We are just relieved you are safe. The situation in the abandoned district has everyone on edge.”

"I heard the terrible rumors," Lynn resumed speaking, feigning ignorance to get more information. "Fortunately, I was away during the incident. Otherwise, I may be stuck inside, unable to leave."

Alfred agreed with a serious expression. "Indeed, the authorities have sealed off the entire area. No one is allowed in or out until they deem it safe," he paused, hesitating for a moment before continuing. "I fear the crisis is more dire than the public has been led to believe."

Lynn's eyes instantly narrowed slightly, curiosity piqued. "Oh? What makes you say that?" he inquired, keeping his tone casual. With the connections of his client, he should know what was happening.

The butler glanced around furtively as if afraid of being overheard. “The Special Investigation Bureau is handling this matter…,” he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. “Whenever they are concerned, it usually points to something... supernatural.”

“My master should know more about the situation as this incident has disrupted and damaged the interests of several influential figures from across the region and drawn their attention.”

Lynn absorbed the information calmly but did not gain any new details. So, he subtly changed the conversation as they entered the manor and neared the grand staircase. “Speaking of Sir Feng, how is his condition?"

Sensing the topic shift, Alfred relaxed slightly, his face easing as a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "Thanks to you, Doctor, his body is improving by the day," he gladly replied.

"His recovery has been remarkable since your last session, and he can move about with greater ease now," he sincerely added, conveying a genuine gratitude and appreciation.

"Pleased to hear that," he responded, his tone calm and measured, but a faint sense of satisfaction was evident in his demeanor. "It was a delicate process, but I am confident we are on the right track to restoring his health."

The two stopped before a wooden door, knocking lightly. After a moment, a voice called out from within, "Enter." The gates swung open silently, and they stepped into the lavish bedroom.

At that moment, the property owner, Feng, rose slowly from his chair, his arms spreading in a warm, welcoming gesture. “Ah, my savior, you have finally arrived,” he announced, his lined face brightening with joy.

Indeed, the elderly gentleman looked completely different from the last time he had seen him. Gone was the sickly, pale appearance, replaced by a vitality that seemed to radiate from within.

His eyes, once clouded and distant, now sparkled with renewed vigor. The deep wrinkles that had streaked his face softened, and the subtle flush of color had returned to his cheeks, lending him a healthier glow.

Even his movements were more fluid and energetic as if a great weight had been lifted from his shoulders. Rapidly closing the distance, the man clutched him with surprising strength, his grip firm and steady.

"Words cannot express my gratitude for what you have done," he declared with thick emotion and feelings. "You have truly given me a new lease on life." Surprised by the sudden action, Lynn awkwardly returned the embrace.

When they parted, he cleared his throat, regaining his professional attitude. "Please, make yourself comfortable," the manor master gestured to a plush armchair. "I must admit, I was starting to worry with everything happening."

The gentleman settled back into the soft cushions of another one, his features etched with relief and lingering apprehension. “Thinking you might still be in the abandoned district, I tried to use my connections, but they proved fruitless."

"Even some old acquaintances with businesses and people still inside could not make a difference and faced the same problem. Instead, we were continuously warned to avoid getting involved and even to evacuate the city if possible."

Lynn could not help but frown at these comments, the implication stirring a sense of unease. "Evacuate?" he repeated, his tone laced with a hint of interest. "What exactly is transpiring in that place?"

"Yesterday, chaos erupted in the central district," Feng revealed, his brow creased with suspicion. "The details are still rather murky, but the local authorities have since sealed off the entire area."

He let out a weary sigh, his aged features etching with a look of deep contemplation. "From what I have gathered, the source of an extraordinary incident plaguing the entire region has finally been uncovered."

“However, the discovery seemed to have increased the threat and complexity of this enemy,” he explained. The news was troubling but not entirely surprising for Lynn, who experienced the central district event firsthand.

"Currently, the nearby branches of the Bureau are sending reinforcements, and the capital is monitoring the situation closely. By tonight, they will likely launch a decisive operation to contain it."

"I see," he murmured, his gaze shifting toward the window. In the distance, the crumbling silhouettes of the abandoned district loomed on the horizon. "So that is why they have sealed off the area."

He maintained a composed expression, but inwardly, his mind was racing as he pieced together the information. "They have decided to address the root cause once and for all," he silently mused.

"It seems they understand the dangers of letting Shade continue whatever his plans may be." But he was more interested in the mentioned reinforcement. That might be a chance to see the hidden power of the Special Investigation Bureau.

"Doctor Lynn, if you do not have a place to stay in the meantime, you are more than welcome to remain here," the manor master generously offered, suddenly interrupting his thought process with the unexpected offer.

He quickly raised a hand, assuaging his client's worries. "I understand your concern, but I assure you, I have taken the necessary precautions," he confidently said, his gaze steady and unwavering.

Feng opened his mouth, seemingly poised to argue further, but Lynn interjected, steering the discussion in another direction. "Now, shall we proceed with the second treatment session?" he asked with a more professional cadence. 

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