Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 45: First Appearance of Werewolves

But it didn’t take long before something unexpected happened, Lynn's heart skipped a beat as he witnessed a group of men from the Special Investigation Bureau, armed with bazookas, aiming at the abandoned houses. Intrigued by their targets, Lynn wondered if something dangerous was still hidden inside.

The deafening explosion that followed sent shockwaves through the night, accompanied by billowing smoke and engulfing flames. Amidst the chaos, three distinct silhouettes emerged from the wreckage, their forms towering and primal.

As the smoke cleared, Lynn's eyes widened in astonishment as his suspicions were confirmed. It was clear that the figures that emerged were not humans but werewolves. They stood on two legs, their massive bodies covered in fur that gleamed under the moonlight. Sharp claws protruded from their hands, and their snarling mouths revealed rows of menacing teeth.

"These werewolves... The situation is even more formidable than I anticipated," Lynn muttered to himself, a mix of apprehension and excitement coursing through his veins.

The creatures wasted no time. With a unique howl that reverberated through the night, each creature rushed in a different direction, attempting to break free from the blockade imposed by the special bureau force.

The werewolves used their humanoid hands to protect their heads as they completely ignored the barrage of gunfire. The bullets only slowed them down briefly before they continued as if nothing had happened

"They’re strong and possess incredible regenerative ability," Lynn murmured, his eyes analyzing the chaotic scene. "Their bodies can withstand the firepower without flinching. But it seems their heads might be their weakness."

Lynn's mind raced as he assessed the situation unfolding below. He observed as the three werewolves swiftly closed the distance between themselves and the Special Investigation Bureau force.

Just as the creatures neared striking range, Lynn's sharp eyes caught a glimpse of movement amidst the ranks of the special force.

Realizing that their bullets had minimal effect on the werewolves, the men in black suits abruptly ceased their assault. With disciplined precision, they swiftly retreated from the front lines, moving in an orderly fashion away from the approaching beasts.

In a matter of seconds, the majority of the special force had withdrawn, leaving only three individuals behind who stood their ground to confront the werewolves directly. These three remained fixed in their positions, standing firm in the three directions where the hulking creatures were charging towards.

Lynn's curiosity was piqued. Gripping the edge of the rooftop, he leaned forward intently, focusing his attention on these remaining figures.

Squinting through the darkness, Lynn's eyes widened as he recognized one of the individuals - it was the stern-faced man with golden eyes whom he had seen at the murder scene days prior, where he seemed to have sensed Lynn's spiritual observation even from a distance.

"He's one of the remaining people to confront those creatures directly," Lynn muttered to himself. "Could this finally be a battle between extraordinary beings?"

The man showed no hesitation, stepping forward to meet the werewolf that was heading in his direction.

With astonishing speed, the werewolf closed the gap, swiping its massive clawed hand toward the golden-eyed man. But with extreme reactivity, he tilted his body back just enough for the deadly claws to sail past his face by a hair's breadth.

And before the werewolf could react, the man's hand shot out, grabbing its extended arm. Lynn's eyes widened as he witnessed what happened next.

With a guttural yell, the man pulled the werewolf forward with explosive force, using its momentum against it. At the same time, his free hand began glowing crimson. In a blinding motion, he drove his glowing palm directly into the werewolf's torso.

A savage shockwave rippled through the air as the man's empowered strike connected. The werewolf was sent hurtling backward from the impact, its body crashing through a concrete wall. The man with golden eyes didn't stop there, he charged forward, closing the distance between himself and the creature.

Meanwhile, the remaining two werewolves, witnessing the fate of their companion, were determined to avoid facing the humans blocking their path. They tried to swiftly evade their pursuers.

But the two other members of the Special Investigation Bureau would not let this happen easily, they followed them closely. One of them was a youthful individual, a man, seemingly of similar age to Lynn, clutching what appeared to be a firearm. The other was the woman with a distinctive long ponytail who had been present at the crime scene a few days prior.

With the battle now split into three fronts, Lynn furrowed his eyebrows as he contemplated his next move. "Which one should I follow?" he pondered silently. "The man who nearly detected my presence before is not an ideal choice. That only leaves the remaining two."

Lynn observed the young man, realizing he was completely unknown to him. The man's youthful appearance seemed out of place in this situation, and the weapon he carried piqued Lynn's curiosity. "Perhaps," Lynn mumbled to himself, "I could gain something useful by following him."

Having made up his mind, Lynn leaped into action without hesitation, swiftly trailing after the young agent who had gone after one of the werewolves. Sprinting across the rooftops, Lynn maintained a safe distance, careful not to reveal his presence.

The chase led them into a deserted construction site. Half-finished buildings with exposed skeletal structures and piles of materials cast eerie shadows in the moonlight. The sounds of their running steps and shouts echoed through the empty structures.

Lynn followed stealthily, using the structures on the deserted construction site as a cover to get near without being noticed. He observed as the agent cornered the werewolf in a dead-end, and Lynn could finally observe the two from a near distance.

Lynn realized that the head of the werewolf was disproportioned. Its skull seemed swollen and misshapen, with bulging ridges of bone protruding at odd angles. The jaw hung open limply, strings of saliva dripping from jagged yellow teeth. Glowing red eyes darted around wildly, possessed only by feral hunger.

Before Lynn could analyze further, sudden and intense gunshots reverberated through the dead-end. His attention immediately shifted to the young man clad in a black suit, wielding a shotgun. But not any normal shotgun - this one seemed modified, with an intricate pattern of glowing lines etched along the barrel.

Lynn's sharp senses picked up a faint surge of spiritual energy being absorbed by the shotgun as the man squeezed the trigger for the second time, indicating the shotgun's extraordinary nature.

The ensuing blast surpassed the power of a typical shotgun shell. More than a dozen gleaming silver pellets streaked through the air with precision, aimed squarely at the werewolf's exposed back.

The creature let out a miserable howl as the silver bullets punched into its flesh.

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