Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 46: Dusklight Shotgun

The werewolf let out a furious howl as the silver bullets tore into its back, causing it to spin around to face the young agent. Its eyes burned with feral fury.

As the creature turned, Lynn caught a glimpse of the smoldering holes left on its back where the silver had punched through. Before his eyes, the wounds began to swiftly close up, flesh knitting itself back together at an accelerated rate. 

The silver bullets were forcefully expelled from the werewolf's body as its muscles expanded, dropping to the ground with a clatter while the entry wounds sealed seamlessly behind them.

Snarling viciously, the creature charged at the young agent with explosive speed. However, the agent reacted swiftly, rolling to the side just as the deadly claws swiped through the air where he had been standing a moment before.

Getting up in a crouch, the agent quickly aimed his extraordinary shotgun and fired another shot. At this closer range, the silver buckshot fully impacted the werewolf's torso, tearing through fur, muscle, and bone.

Howling in pain and rage, the werewolf staggered back from the force of the blast, only to continue its assault mere seconds later, as if nothing had happened.

Lynn observed closely as shallow cuts and bruises rapidly formed on the young agent during the exchanges, noticing that the young agent, didn’t seem to use or have any extraordinary ability, and counting only on agility and the destroying power of the extraordinary shotgun.

“He is talented but still inexperienced," Lynn muttered to himself.

Although the young man was good, some small errors caused him to miss critical headshots or left him vulnerable to attacks. 

The deadly dance between the werewolf and the agent continued amidst the deserted construction site. The creature relied on its superior speed, strength, and resilience to overwhelm its prey. 

After a particularly brutal exchange, the agent failed to fully evade a swipe of the werewolf's claws. They raked viciously across his chest, tearing fabric and flesh. The force of the blow sent the young man flying backward, and he crashed into a pile of debris where he lay unmoving.

Seeing its opponent appearing immobilized, the werewolf turned, intending to flee once more. However, before it could make its escape, a voice called out, stopping it in its tracks.

"Leaving already?" Lynn emerged from the shadows, his voice cutting through the air. "How rude of you to leave unfinished business.”

As those words left Lynn's lips, his supernatural abilities surged forth. Razor-sharp threads erupted from his body, swiftly encompassing the area in an intricate and deadly web-like structure. The creature, desperate to escape, found itself ensnared within the trap, like a helpless fly caught in the clutches of a spider's web.

The creature, sensing the imminent danger, tried desperately to evade, but Lynn commanded the threads to move rapidly from every direction, slicing through the air with a menacing swiftness. 

The lethal strands, guided by Lynn's will, aimed directly at the werewolf's limbs, seeking to immobilize and incapacitate it. 

Howling in agony, the werewolf thrashed against its bindings but remained immobilized by the unyielding threads. Dark blood oozed from the gashes torn through its thick hide.

Lynn frowned, a bead of sweat trickling down his brow, he just tested another application of his newly added skill, although this utilization is a bit energy-consuming.

"Generating and controlling so many strings was consuming," he said to himself, analyzing its practicality and ways to improve it. "Without a sustainable way to replenish my spirit energy, I won't be able to maintain this type of use in real combat for much longer."

Another thread shot out from Lynn's fingertips, deftly grabbing the shotgun that lay discarded on the ground. With a flick of his wrist, he expertly maneuvered the weapon through the air before gently lowering it into his outstretched palm.

Lynn turned the shotgun over in his hands, inspecting it closely. The intricate pattern of glowing lines etched along the barrel immediately caught his attention.

"Let's take a closer look at you with [Evaluation]," he muttered.

[Dusklight Shotgun]
[Grade: Rare]
[An extraordinary shotgun created by an expert artisan in their field. Features an extremely low recoil, compatible with all types of conventional shotgun bullets. You can add effects to the bullets to create attacks with special effects.]

"Wow!" Lynn exclaimed aloud, his eyes widening with fascination as he became captivated by the remarkable features of the Dusklight Shotgun. He wanted to test it.

Lynn turned his gaze back to the snarling werewolf still bound by his threads. The numerous lacerations sliced across its body by the razor-sharp strings continued to ooze dark blood. However, before Lynn's eyes, the wounds slowly began knitting themselves back together as the creature's supernatural healing ability kicked in.

As the creature continued thrashing against its bonds, Lynn shook his head. "Unfortunately, much as I would enjoy unraveling the secrets behind you, I should end this quickly before the companions of that guy come here."

Lynn raised the Dusklight Shotgun, aiming directly at the werewolf's head. The creature's glowing red eyes glared back at him with feral intensity, snarling and snapping its jaws as it continued to struggle against the bindings. 

With deft movements, Lynn's thumb flicked the shotgun's safety off. His fingers curled around the trigger. Inhaling slowly, he steadied his aim, the barrel pointed unwaveringly at the center of the werewolf's misshapen skull.

Lynn's face remained stoic behind his mask as his finger gripped the trigger. He sensed a subtle drain of his spiritual energy. As the absorption ceased, he pulled the trigger. A resounding gunshot erupted, its thunderous echo reverberating through the desolate construction site.

Lynn's powerful grip absorbed any hint of recoil, but that was expected with his strength. This shotgun had the same recoil as a handgun, which is impressive if we compare the disparity of destroying power. The silver-infused buckshot obliterated the werewolf's head in a spray of dark blood and viscera. 

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