Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 49: Central District and Outer District

Lynn discreetly exited the abandoned building he had slipped into upon first entering the abandoned district. Making sure his nondescript cloak kept his masked face obscured, he began wandering through the streets, observing his surroundings. 

In addition to the seedy bars, brothels, and shops, many people had also set up makeshift stalls on the ground. As Lynn familiarized himself with the layout of the district, he checked some of these stalls out of curiosity.

The stalls sold all sorts of dubious things - items of unknown origin, old books, strange objects with questionable effectiveness, medicinal herbs of uncertain quality, and illegal medicines…

Lynn used his [Spiritual Vision] skill periodically to sense the aura around certain items, and sometimes [Evaluation] to inspect them more closely. However, it seemed over ninety percent of the goods being peddled didn't hold much real value and were likely counterfeit or fake.

As he wandered deeper into the winding back alleys of the district, a frail figure suddenly emerged from a narrow side passage, interrupting Lynn's journey. 

It was an old beggar, clad in tattered rags. His voice quivered weakly as he spoke. "Excuse me, sir, do you need a guide?"

Lynn regarded the beggar pensively. The man's clothes hung loosely on his emaciated frame, his face gaunt and eyes sunken. He seemed nearly a skeleton, clinging stubbornly to life.

"A guide you say?" Lynn responded after a pause. "And what exactly would make your guidance valuable?"

The beggar gave a gap-toothed smile. "My name is Jack, and I lived my entire life in this district, I know it as the back of my hand. I even had a chance in my youth to enter the central district," he said.

"Central District?" asked Lynn. The central district was the location of the extraordinary black market.

"I'm sorry for jumping ahead. Let me provide further clarification.  This district is divided into two areas," explained the old man, Jack. 

"I don't know much about the central district, but there was a rumor that said that it was originally a place where wealthy and powerful men came from the city to exchange and trade forbidden items. But it gradually grew to become a thriving black market."

"With their protections, the exterior of the black market began to attract more and more people to settle in and increase the population until it became what is known as the outer district, a zone controlled by criminals and gangs," continued the old man.

"I see you know a lot," Lynn crossed his arms. "And what payment do you require?"

The guide said, "Enough to fill my belly for the night."

After contemplating for a moment, Lynn discretely pulled a bought piece of gold from the trading section. If he could avoid wasting time wandering, it would be worth the meager payment.

The beggar's eyes lit up at the sight of the gold. He quickly grabbed it away before beckoning eagerly to Lynn. "Right this way sir, I'll show you the rarest finds and secrets of the outer district."

Lynn followed the old man through a bewildering maze of alleys and derelict buildings. All the while, the beggar regaled Lynn with tidbits of history and rumors about the district.

"This alley here is where you can find the best deals on weapons," the beggar said, gesturing down a narrow passage. "But watch your back, as it's also a favorite spot for thieves and cutthroats."

Further on, they came across a dilapidated structure with boarded-up windows. Strange noises could be heard coming from within. 

Lynn observed the surroundings closely as they navigated the twisting backstreets. He spotted shadowy figures engaged in furtive dealings and overheard snippets of conversations in strange languages. This was indeed a dark reflection of the orderly world on the other side.

After some time, the beggar guided him out of the dense warren of buildings into an open area. In the distance, Lynn could make out a high concrete wall topped with razor wire with a closed gateway.

"There it is, the gateway to the central district," said the old man in a hushed tone. Even he seemed to regard the entrance with a mix of awe and unease.

"Once every month, the 15th, It opens for everyone who can afford it. If you have nothing to do inside, don’t enter it," the old guide warned in a hushed tone.

As they drew closer, Lynn observed a line formed at the entrance. 

"The folks here belong to the major criminal gangs that control the outer area," explained the beggar, indicating the first line. "They supply goods to the central district."

Lynn's eyes narrowed as he studied the entrance closely. 

Jack seemed to read Lynn's mind. "Don't go getting any funny ideas," he warned in a low voice. "The only way an outsider like you is getting inside when it is closed is in a body bag."

Lynn nodded slowly, conceding the point. As much as he wanted to access the black market immediately, recklessly trying to infiltrate now would be foolish. 

"Thank you for the guidance," said Lynn politely to the beggar. "It was most...enlightening."  

The old man flashed another gap-toothed grin. "Happy to provide my services, sir. You take care wandering these parts now."

Lynn made his way back through the winding alleys alone, pondering deeply all that he had learned. This foray into the infamous abandoned district had proven highly educational.

He now understood that the district was divided into two zones. The outer district, which he was currently in, was essentially a lawless slum crawling with criminals and poverty. The central district contained the true heart of this place - an extraordinary black market operated by unknown forces.

From the old beggar's information, Lynn learned that access was strictly controlled by whatever mysterious powers governed the black market. Only members of select major gangs could freely enter. 

For everyone else, the gates only opened once a month on the 15th day, allowing temporary access. Even then, there was no guarantee of safety once inside for ordinary folk.

Lynn slowly wandered through the winding back alleys alone, his thoughts whirling with speculation. "One short day of access per month," he muttered under his breath. "That means I have less than a week until the next open period."

For now, he would settle on establishing himself here in the outer district. Opening a medical clinic seemed an ideal first step. 

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