Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 50: The Whispering Serpent


As time passed, the first rays of sunlight appeared over the horizon, signaling the start of a new day in the abandoned district. Lynn decided it was time to retreat from the streets for the time being.

The crowds of shady figures that had occupied the walkways and alleys during the dark hours gradually dispersed as daylight emerged. Lynn didn't want to linger out in the open after his covert nighttime excursion.

Making his way stealthily through side passages and empty buildings, Lynn returned to the small vacant house he had claimed as a temporary base upon first arriving in the district. It was in a state of disrepair but would suffice for a brief rest.

Slipping through the back entrance, Lynn secured the door and removed his simple face mask with a tired sigh. He ran his hand over his face, feeling the changed features.

The faceless mask was still on, but he didn’t feel anything. He experienced no discomfort whatsoever while wearing it as if the mask seamlessly became a part of his own face.

"I should try to get some rest before planning my next move," Lynn thought, stifling a yawn. The night's activities had left him drained, both mentally and physically. Even with his enhanced stamina, sleep was necessary.

When Lynn finally awoke hours later, feeling restored, the sun was already high in the sky. He sat up slowly, joints stiff from resting on the hard floor. Lynn took a drink of water and ate a nutritious ration bar from his inventory before donning his cloak once more.

This time, with the help of the faceless mask, he wanted to create a new identity for this face, an identity that Lynn could use freely in this district.

With the coming of the new day, an opportune window was opening for Lynn to begin establishing himself here in the outer district. Opening a medical clinic still seemed the ideal first step, but he knew preparations must also soon begin for the next Nightmare Paradise dungeon deadline that was fast approaching.

There wasn't much time left before the dungeon choices would appear, and Lynn knew he needed to utilize this period wisely to ready himself. As useful as medical knowledge and skills were, they alone would not ensure his survival when confronted by the deadly threats of the dungeons.

"Perhaps I should look into acquiring, while I still can," Lynn muttered to himself as he walked. Some additional protection in the form of firearms or explosives certainly wouldn't hurt. As that old saying goes, better to be overprepared than underprepared.

As Lynn contemplated this, his steps slowed as he realized his wanderings had led him back to a familiar location - the winding side alley where the frail old beggar had first approached him, offering guidance through the abandoned district.

Glancing around, Lynn's eyes were drawn to a faded wooden sign hanging crookedly above a door at the end of the narrow passage. The lettering was etched into the sign, spelling out "The Whispering Serpent."

Now that Lynn observed it in the light of day, the facade of the building was very run-down and neglected, with dirt and grime accumulated over years without cleaning. There were still many bullet holes and scorch marks adorning the walls and signs, evidence that this place had endured its share of violence.

Yet, Lynn recalled what the old beggar had mentioned about this place. According to him, The Whispering Serpent was a central gathering spot and information hub in the outer district. The owner was not only a barkeep but also a well-connected broker of information, adept at forging networks of contacts throughout the entire outer district.

"This seems an ideal place to begin putting down roots," Lynn murmured. Making his way to the entrance, Lynn pushed open the weathered wooden door and stepped inside the infamous tavern.

The interior was dimly lit, with sunlight strained through dusty windows barely illuminating the space. Despite the early hour, there were already a handful of shadowy patrons seated at various tables nursing drinks.

Their gazes turned cautiously towards Lynn as he entered, sizing him up. But they soon lost interest and returned to their conversations and drinks.

Lynn glanced around, quickly locating the bar counter at the back. Making his way over, he took a seat on one of the rickety stools. Behind the counter, the presumed owner stood cleaning a glass, his movements slow and methodical.

The barkeep appeared to be in his late fifties, with a receded hairline and heavy wrinkles lining his face. One of his eyes was covered with a black eyepatch, while the remaining eye studied Lynn with a piercing intensity. The man exuded an energy that commanded respect.

"I don’t remember seeing you around here, you seem new," the barkeep spoke first, his voice low and gravelly. "What brings a stranger like you wandering into my establishment?"

His tone was casual, but Lynn sensed the probing intent behind the words, searching for information. After a pause, Lynn responded politely, "I recently arrived in the abandoned district, and was introduced by Jack the guide that this was the ideal location to become better acquainted with the area."

The barkeep stared at Lynn. "That old man is still pretending to be a beggar to scam new people," he grumbled, shaking his head.

"But can't argue with that," he continued, shrugging his broad shoulders. "The Whispering Serpent's doors are open to all..."

Again, the barkeep regarded Lynn with his single piercing eye. After a moment, he slid a drink across the counter. "First one's on the house then. Consider it a welcome."

"Thank you," Lynn replied sincerely, lifting the glass in a small toast before taking a sip. The liquid burned sharply down his throat.

"Now then," said the barkeep, resting both forearms on the counter as he leaned forward. "What really brings you to this district?" His tone made it clear he expected a real answer this time.

Lynn sighed. "I'll be direct. I am a doctor and I am searching for work."

The barkeep raised an eyebrow. "A doctor is a rare thing in this district." He paused, considering Lynn carefully. "But are you sure you should be doing this here? Generally, a doctor here does not end well if a customer is unsatisfied."

"I am confident in my abilities," Lynn stated evenly, meeting the man's gaze.

The barkeep held his stare for a long moment before giving a grunt of acquiescence. "We'll see about that." He tilted his head towards a door behind the bar counter. "Follow me, you came at the right moment. I have a business for you."

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