Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 64: Tense Confrontation With The Sheriff

As the figure approached, the details of the person's appearance became clearer. Their form was encased in a sleek black coat that clung to their well-defined muscles. Though not towering in height, their presence emanated a potent and rugged aura, especially when they tilted their head slightly, revealing a scarred face.

Despite the somber surroundings, the stranger's countenance bore a genuine smile. The harsh lines and weathered features softened as their eyes fell upon the lifeless body of the grotesque creature. The contrast between the grim situation and the stranger's momentary joy created an intriguing contrast.

It was as if the sight of the grotesque creature's lifeless form brought a glimmer of respite and satisfaction.

"Good job," the stranger's gruff voice resonated through the empty street, acknowledging Lynn's accomplishment. "As expected from the legendary special detectives."

Lynn's grip on the Bloody Reaper tightened, his fingers coiling around the cold steel of the weapon. The compliment did little to alleviate his vigilance and relax his guard. His gaze remained fixed upon the stranger, his eyes keen and alert.

"Are all the people from that place this vigilant?" the rugged man remarked, taking deliberate steps forward with his hands still raised, emphasizing his harmless intentions. "I'm Cooper, the sheriff here, and not one of those monsters," he introduced himself.

"Furthermore, I was the one who sent the request for help," Sheriff Cooper explained, lowering his hands slightly but maintaining a non-threatening posture.

The man’s words made logical sense, and the official attire worn under the dark coat seemed to align with the sheriff's claim.

However, Lynn remained unmoved, his aim unwavering. In this unknown environment, he trusted nothing blindly. The Bloody Reaper remained leveled directly at the sheriff's chest. One false move would trigger his reflexes, unleashing a deadly shot without hesitation.

Lynn understood he had to be cautious. Having just entered this dungeon, uncertainty loomed at every corner, and he couldn't afford to take any chances with his own survival. The previous encounter with an ambush didn’t help this situation.

Seeing Lynn's indifference, Cooper came to a halt, his body stressed and sweat forming on his brow. He knew that the rumored special detectives were not easy to deal with, but he didn't expect them to be so cautious.

"My men will arrive soon, and they can vouch for my identity," the sheriff continued, his voice strained. The tension in the air grew thicker, and he desperately sought a way to defuse the standoff.

The two figures remained frozen in a tense confrontation amidst the fog-shrouded street. The only movement came from the lazy wisps of mist drifting languidly through the gas lamp's feeble glow. Time seemed suspended as neither figure dared disturb the delicate balance.

After several seconds that felt like hours, the silence was abruptly shattered when a faint groan sounded from behind the parked carriage where Lynn had moved the patrol officer's body earlier.

The patrol officer's eyes snapped open, and his disoriented gaze darted around the dimly lit street. Panic laced his voice as he screamed, "There is a monster!"

"That's Jink, one of my men!" Sheriff Cooper exclaimed, concern filling his voice. He took a hesitant step toward the carriage where the faint voice had originated.

"Don't move!" Lynn commanded sharply, his tone brooking no argument. The sheriff froze in place, frustration evident on his face.

After a moment of tense deliberation, he made a calculated decision to allow Sheriff Cooper to approach the disoriented patrol officer. 

"Jink!" Sheriff Cooper cried out, immediately crouching down to check on the man. To his immense relief, Jink was unharmed but seemed only semi-conscious, groaning faintly as the sheriff helped prop him up.

Jink's eyes fluttered open, glazed over and unfocused. After a few moments, he seemed to regain some awareness. "S-sheriff? What...happened?" he rasped weakly, clutching his head.

But as if recalling a terrifying memory, he tightly gripped the sheriff's arm. "Be careful, there is a monster out there!" he exclaimed in a panic.

The sheriff tried to calm the frightened young patrol officer. "Easy there, Jink. The monster has been dealt with, you're safe now," he reassured.

But Jink remained agitated, his eyes darting around fearfully. The sheriff firmly grasped his shoulders. "Just take deep breaths. Tell me, why are you out here alone?"

The young patrol officer took a few gulping breaths, trying to steady his nerves before responding. "I-I'm not sure," he stammered. "I was on patrol with the others...but then I got lost in the fog. I couldn't find my way back. That's when I saw...that thing."

He shuddered involuntarily at the memory. "It came at me out of nowhere. I tried to run, but I was so disoriented. The next thing I knew, everything went black. I don't remember anything after that."

Jink lowered his head. "I'm sorry sir, I failed you and the others," he said dejectedly.

Sheriff Cooper shook his head firmly. "Nonsense. What matters is that you're still breathing.”

As the sheriff helped Jink slowly to his feet, supporting the shaken young officer, the sound of hurried footsteps emerged from both ends of the fog-shrouded street. Lynn's senses remained on high alert, his grip tightening around the Bloody Reaper as he monitored the new arrivals intently.

Within moments, nearly a dozen uniformed officers came sprinting down the street through the mist. Their shoes hammered loudly against the uneven brick pavement until they skidded to an abrupt halt, forming a half-circle around the sheriff, Jink, and Lynn.

"Sir!" The officers called out in unison, standing at attention and saluting Sheriff Cooper.

As their gazes fell upon the corpse of the monster lying nearby, many of their faces twisted in horror and revulsion. Some turned pale at the gruesome sight.

"Stand down, men," Sheriff Cooper commanded in his gruff baritone. "The threat has been neutralized. At least for now."

At his order, the officers relaxed slightly from their formal stances but continued stealing uneasy glances at the creature's remains. The sheriff gently handed the still-dazed Jink over to two of his fellow officers for support.

"Get him back safely," the sheriff directed. The officers nodded and slowly guided their disoriented comrade away.

"Let's continue with the previous team assignments and proceed to patrol the nearby area," the sheriff commanded. Immediately, the surrounding officers swiftly formed groups of two or more and set out on their patrol duty.

After watching his men all leave, the sheriff finally turned his full attention to Lynn, meeting his scrutinizing gaze directly.

"Well, it seems you've had a chance to verify my identity," the sheriff remarked. "Can we talk properly now without that weapon of yours pointed at me?"

"Is this the first time they’ve encountered a monster like this?" Lynn inquired as he slowly lowered the Bloody Reaper.

Sheriff Cooper nodded solemnly. "Indeed, they are skilled officers, but they haven't encountered this kind of situation before." He spoke up in defense of his team before adding, with a hint of self-deprecation in his smile. "Otherwise, we wouldn't have sent out a request for help."

Quickly, though he suppressed his smile, he redirected his attention to the gruesome creature's corpse. There was seriousness and vigilance on his face. Although it seemed that the monster was dead, who knew if it would come back from the dead?

The sheriff pointed at the corpse. "What should we do with it?" After a slight pause, he added dryly, "You're the professional here. I'll listen to your suggestions."

Lynn looked at the creature's corpse and responded calmly, "I'd like to take it with me for further study."

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