Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 65: Dissecting the Strange Anatomy

In the end, Sheriff Cooper swiftly mobilized a team of his most reliable officers to handle the delicate task of transferring the motionless body of the creature. They transported the remains to a secluded chamber within the sheriff's office building.

Inside the designated room, the officers had prepared the space for the corpse’s arrival, ensuring that it was empty except for a sturdy table placed at its center. The table was purposely chosen to provide a surface on which the monster could be placed and examined.

As Lynn, accompanied by the sheriff, entered the secured room, the door closed behind them, isolating them from the outside world.

His gaze was drawn to the table, where the carcass lay. Its mouth remained frozen wide open, forever encapsulating the final silent scream. Beneath the entity's shattered skull, coagulated blood stained the surface of the table.

"What are your thoughts on the events that unfolded tonight?" Lynn asked, turning to Sheriff Cooper, breaking the silence.

The question was intentionally broad, lacking specific details, to initiate a dialogue that would provide Lynn with a better understanding of the overall situation.

With limited knowledge and no prior information about the strange occurrences plaguing the town, apart from the brief description of the dungeon, Lynn recognized the need for a comprehensive approach to gather insights.

Above all, Lynn remained focused on the main mission objective: " Uncover the truth behind the series of mysterious deaths and restore peace to the town." Solving the puzzle required meticulously piecing together every fragment of information available, and initiating a conversation with Sheriff Cooper was a crucial step in achieving that goal.

After hearing Lynn's question, the sheriff's brows furrowed, and he took a moment to collect his thoughts before responding. His voice carried a hint of unease as he began to speak.

"It's a little strange," Cooper replied. "The previous monster attacks have been devastating, causing substantial damage and panic, resulting in multiple fatalities. The crime scenes they left behind were horrifying to look at."

The sheriff’s expression grew heavier as he seemed to remember something, the weight of the past events was evident in his demeanor.

"But tonight," Sheriff Cooper began, his voice tinged with a mix of concern and uncertainty, "there haven't been any scenes like the ones we've encountered before. It's different this time."

Lynn, intrigued by this statement, maintained his inquisitive tone, urging him to provide further details. "Could you be more precise?" he asked, hoping for a clearer explanation.

"Of course!" Cooper nodded, realizing the need for additional clarity. "Describing those scenes in detail would be enough to haunt anyone's nightmares. However, I can show you the photographic evidence we gathered. It will give you a better understanding of what I mean, and provide a visual perspective of the stark contrast between previous incidents and the events that unfolded tonight."

"I will promptly retrieve the reports," he declared as he quickly turned around and exited the room, making his way to his office.

Lynn heard the sound of the sheriff’s footsteps gradually fading away. With the room now enveloped in silence, he directed his attention towards the lifeless body resting on the table.

"While waiting, let's start gathering information from this corpse," Lynn muttered, his eyes fixed upon the monster. "What can you tell me?"

Lynn began by utilizing his skill [Evaluation], which allowed him to gather basic information. However, to his disappointment, this time it failed to provide any valuable or additional knowledge that could be of use in understanding the nature of this lifeform.

Undeterred, he turned to his next ability, [Spiritual Vision]. Searching to perceive any traces of aura or energy that might be lingering around the corpse. Unfortunately, aside from fading residual traces, nothing substantial could be discerned.

Next, Lynn proceeded to conduct a meticulous external examination of the remains. This was the first time he had encountered an extraordinary being that didn't appear to have originated from a human form. As a result, he was particularly keen on unraveling its secrets.

Taking great care, he thoroughly inspected every inch of the body, his eyes scanning for any identifying marks or peculiarities. He eventually came across something that caught his attention—an anomaly that was subtly nestled on what appeared to be the monster’s elongated neck. The minutest details of this discovery would have easily gone unnoticed by an inattentive observer.

Upon closer examination, Lynn discerned several small spots on its sickly, pallid flesh that seemed to deviate from its overall appearance. These peculiar marks seemed out of place, drawing his focus and sparking a myriad of questions within his mind.

"Are these scars, distinctive marks, or simply a normal characteristic of this organism?" he pondered aloud. Lacking any frame of reference or prior knowledge about this particular being, Lynn found himself grappling with uncertainty, unsure if he was merely overthinking the significance of these subtle details.

He retrieved a pair of latex gloves and surgical tools from his inventory. Lynn prepared himself for a more direct investigation into the monster's mysterious nature. He carefully sliced into the cold, rubbery flesh, delicately peeling back layers to reveal the enigmatic interior anatomy.

Effectively, the inner workings of the creature mirrored the bizarre nature of its exterior. The organs and tissues he uncovered defied recognition according to his existing knowledge.

They appeared to amalgamate characteristics from multiple lifeforms in surreal and seemingly impossible ways. Serpentine features intertwined with insect traits, forming a grotesque fusion that defied the boundaries of what could be found in nature.

The sheer complexity and uniqueness of the creature's anatomy fascinated Lynn as he continued his dissection. With each new revelation, his curiosity intensified. He pondered the nature and origin of this extraordinary being. Where did it come from? And most importantly - were there more of its kind out there?

Lynn couldn't help but consider the possibility that this lifeform was artificially created, which would explain its unnatural anatomy.

After dedicating a full half-hour to the arduous task of exploring the intricacies of the lifeless body, Lynn found himself confronted with a frustrating problem: more questions seemed to arise than answers.

However, dissecting this creature was not entirely pointless. At least Lynn gained some experience from examining its strange anatomy.

[+15% experience]

He was taken aback by the significant amount he obtained from this particular entity, despite its apparent weakness. He couldn't help but wonder if the fact it was a creature he never encountered before played a role in the substantial experience gained.

The mere thought sparked an idea in Lynn's mind. If he could come across a dozen more of these unusual beings—fragile and effortless to defeat—yet yielding generous amounts of experience, he could easily reach the level 10 milestone.

Lost in his thoughts and contemplating the potential implications, Lynn's musings were interrupted by the opening of the door. Sheriff Cooper returned, holding several thick folders in his hands. The sheriff's nose wrinkled in response to the unpleasant scents emanating from the dissection.

Curious about Lynn's progress, Sheriff Cooper inquired, "Any revelations?"

Lynn shook his head. "More questions than answers at this point. But I'm hoping these files you brought can provide some clues."

"Let's go to another place more suitable for reading these documents." Sheriff Cooper suggested, glancing around the cramped room where the dissection was taking place.

Lynn nodded in agreement. "Good idea."


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