Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 66: Three Different Incidents

Lynn's steps echoed softly in the silence as he followed the sheriff through the corridors of the building. As the two walked, his attention was drawn to the windows that lined the corridor, offering glimpses of the world outside.

Through the glass, Lynn observed a gradual transformation in the town. The thick fog that had veiled the streets throughout the night was slowly dissipating, revealing the faint glow of dawn on the horizon.

After a short moment, they reached their destination. As Lynn passed the open door, his eyes were immediately drawn to the scene before him.

At the center of the room stood a long wooden table, its polished surface gleaming under the soft illumination that emanated from an elegant chandelier overhead.  Surrounding the table were chairs, arranged with precision and care.

The walls were adorned with framed photographs and paintings—a gallery of the town's history. The captured moments depicted past sheriffs, their stern expressions embodying dedication and steadfastness.

Lynn's attention snapped back to the present as Cooper gestured for him to take a seat at the table. The sheriff then settled down across and placed the files he carried in front of him,

"As I mentioned, the previous attacks were devastating and savage," Sheriff Cooper remarked grimly. "I figured these reports and evidence would give you a comprehensive understanding."

The sheriff pushed three folders across the table, sliding them to Lynn. " These are more direct accounts than my description," he added.

Lynn's gaze shifted from the person in front of him to the documents on the table. The files, weathered and worn from repeated use, spoke of the countless hours dedicated to investigating the events that had unfolded. Each folder bore a date, carefully inscribed in black ink, marking the chronology of the incidents.

His hand instinctively reached for the folder labeled June 3rd, the earliest date in the collection. As he opened it, a heavy sigh escaped his lips, and his face contorted into a frown, mirroring the unsettling sight that greeted him.

The black and white photographs, carefully placed on top, depicted a scene of horror. The mutilated corpse bore the marks of a savage attack, with limbs torn asunder and a sense of grotesque violence inflicted upon it. The absence of color did nothing to diminish the graphic nature of the images; instead, it allowed Lynn's imagination to fill in the grisly details, conjuring up a visceral and blood-soaked tableau in his mind.

Multiple images from different angles depicted the carnage in full, stomach-churning detail. Lynn maintained a neutral expression as he meticulously inspected each horrific image.

"The first victim was Dylan," Sheriff Cooper explained heavily as Lynn examined the scenes. "He was scheduled to return here before dawn after his patrol shift but never showed up. We finally found him like this, dumped in an alley."

Moving on to the next folder, dated 6th June, Lynn braced himself for another disturbing revelation. Opening it, he was confronted with a sight that surpassed even his darkest expectations, the images portrayed a grotesque mound of flesh and gore, a macabre puzzle of human remains. 

"The second victim, Greg," the sheriff identified with a weary sigh. "We were only able to confirm his identity because his badge was found amidst the...carnage."

Cooper shook his head as if trying to dislodge the gruesome memories. "Then came Fowler. After the previous attacks, we increased precautions, but the result was the same. Fowler was killed, and his partner Talus disappeared without a trace."

The final folder, holding the reports of the most recent incident occurring again three days after the previous one, contained a collection of equally disturbing images.

Only the decapitated head of the dead officer was found. Half of the victim's face remained intact, while the other half had melted away to the bone. The one remaining eye reflected a profound agony.

"We desperately searched for Talus for three days, but there were zero leads," the sheriff said bleakly, his voice tinged with a sense of despair.

Lynn's frown deepened as his mind continued to swirl with questions and concerns, delving deeper into the investigation at hand. The level of brutality and savagery displayed in the acts suggested clearly that they were dealing with a killer far from ordinary.

A question popped into his mind: was it one creature or several different creatures that caused such a tragic situation? The possibility of facing multiple monsters, each hiding in the shadows, seemed far from favorable.

The danger and complexity of the situation would undoubtedly escalate if that were the case. The thought of contending with a horde of vicious creatures was daunting, and Lynn knew it would require a herculean effort to face them.

However, what if it was a single creature responsible for all of this? The situation wouldn't be any less dire. In fact, it might be even more distressing. The images of the crime scenes hinted at a level of intelligence and cruelty beyond what one would expect from a mindless beast. Confronting a single, cunning, and sadistic entity would pose its own set of challenges.

Of course, what Lynn was most concerned about were the reasons behind these attacks. Why would it specifically target the patrol officers? Is there a connection between them? To confirm, Lynn asked, "Is there anyone else among the victims? Apart from your people?"

"No!" replied Cooper firmly. "Only my men have been targeted in these vicious attacks. No one else has been harmed, at least not yet."

Lynn nodded, absorbing this information. The creature seemed to be specifically hunting the sheriff's patrol officers. But why? What was the motive?

His sharp mind churned through the possibilities. Perhaps the creature viewed the officers as threats encroaching on its territory. Or maybe it possessed some kind of personal vendetta against the sheriff's department. There were many potential explanations, but no definitive answers yet.

"Have there been any patterns to the attacks?" Lynn inquired further. "Specific locations or times when they occur?"

Cooper shook his head grimly. "If only it were that simple. The attacks seemed completely random, except for the three days between each attack and the identity of the victims."

Lynn tapped his finger on the table, deep in contemplation. All this information explained why the sheriff found the attack of the previous night strange.

Indeed, the situation was completely different compared to the preceding attacks. Especially since the three-day period had already passed without any new victims among the officers.

Just as he was about to ask another question, an abrupt sound of fast footsteps echoed through the hallway, catching everyone's attention. The door to the meeting room swung open without warning, and a young officer hurried inside, his face flushed with urgency.

"Sir, we found Talus," the officer stammered, his words choked and barely audible. It was as if an invisible force lodged in his throat prevented him from speaking freely. Only when Sheriff Cooper fixed his intense gaze upon him did the officer manage to force the words out. "He's...dead."

In an instant, Lynn noticed Sheriff Cooper's hands clenching into tight fists, the knuckles whitening under the strain. The sheriff's voice, though controlled, carried an unmistakable stiffness. "Where?" he demanded.

"Central Square!" the young officer replied urgently.

Without uttering another word, Sheriff Cooper strode purposefully out of the room, his entire demeanor exuding a rigid tension. Lynn instinctively rose from his seat and hastened to follow him, the atmosphere was heavy.

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