Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 67: Provoke Fear and Terror

In a state of tension and anxiety, Cooper made a decisive choice not to walk but instead escorted Lynn directly into a waiting carriage. The young officer who reported the information took charge of driving.

As the whip cracked through the air, the horse responded with a surge of energy, propelling the carriage forward with great speed. Their destination was none other than Central Square

Evergreen Street, the town's most prosperous street, thrived as a vibrant center of activity and commerce. Even at the break of dawn, the street hummed with life.

Though the hour was early, a handful of vehicles still traversed the roads, but upon encountering the carriage adorned with a prominent law enforcement badge, they swiftly made way, recognizing the urgency of the situation.

As the carriage sped through the bustling streets lined with dense shops, it swiftly reached the heart of Evergreen Street—Central Square.

Unlike the vibrant streets adorned with a variety of traditional and contemporary establishments, Central Square stood out with its expansive width. However, what truly captured everyone's gaze was the towering bell tower, standing tall at a height of 20 meters, undergoing renovation.

A chilling breeze swept through the place, carrying scattered cries and murmurs from the gathered crowd under the tower. Their alarmed voices formed a dissonant chorus, breaking the heavy silence that had befallen the open square.

All eyes were riveted on the tower, where a scene of horror unfolded. The expressions etched on the faces of the onlookers were a mixture of fear and panic

As the carriage came to a halt, Lynn and Sheriff Cooper disembarked from it. Their gaze naturally swept across the gathering of people, noticing the collective attention directed towards the towering structure.

The tower was a testament to architectural prowess, exhibiting meticulous attention to detail. Crafted from a combination of sturdy stone and robust brick, the structure seamlessly blended elements of traditional and classic design.

Yet, the beauty and grandeur of the tower were cruelly juxtaposed against the macabre scene that unfolded upon it.

An incomplete body hung suspended from its pillars, a horrifying arrangement. The head, inserted at the highest point, served as a depraved centerpiece, while the limbs were callously distributed along the lower pillars.

"Follow me!" Cooper exclaimed urgently, his voice cutting through the dissonant chorus of alarmed voices. Without hesitation, he took off towards the bell tower, with Lynn close on his heels.



As they approached the tower, the officers who had been maintaining order and keeping the crowd at bay turned their attention to Cooper, acknowledging him with respectful salutations.

With a quick exchange of nods, they stepped aside, granting Cooper and Lynn unhindered access to the interior of the bell tower.

The door stood ajar, swinging slightly in the breeze. The lock dangled from the iron gate, showing no sign of damage. The floor inside was cluttered and messy, scattered with bricks, building materials, and tools stacked randomly.

As Lynn's eyes scanned the disarray, Sheriff Cooper promptly provided an explanation to address his curiosity.

"In an effort to give the town a more modern appearance," he began, "the mayor had been considering the installation of a clock on this century-old tower. To ensure the preservation of the building materials, they were sealed inside."

Lynn silently nodded as he followed Cooper up the wooden stairs. Each step emitted a distinct squeak, emphasizing the age and wear of the structure. This heightened Lynn's caution as he ascended.

As Lynn reached the top of the bell tower, his eyes were immediately drawn to a notable feature—an intricately crafted opening designed specifically to accommodate a cloak.

From this elevated position, there was a panoramic view of the entire town. There were bustling construction sites and busy people everywhere. It would have looked like a thriving place if not for the arms, legs, and feet stuck on the pillars.

The limbs had been pierced with iron rods and driven into two of the four pillars of the bell tower. The head, devoid of its body, had been simply positioned atop the lightning rod on the roof. Its hollow eyes seemed to fixate on the sky above.

Sheriff Cooper's face contorted with a mix of anger and grief as he processed the situation. Through gritted teeth, he cursed, "Damn monster!" The weight of the situation bore down on him, evident in the tremble of his fists and the strained words that escaped his mouth.

Lynn's gaze shifted between the dismembered limbs and the haunting eyes of the head. It was clear that this act was not merely an act of violence but a deliberate message, intended to evoke fear.

"Did you think of anything?" the sheriff immediately asked, seeing Lynn in deep contemplation.

Faced with the sheriff's impatient stare and urgent tone, Lynn paused for a moment, connecting the pieces in his mind.

“We must have been deceived during the previous night's attack," he began, his voice laced with a mix of realization and frustration. "The attack on the patrol officer Jink was a bait. The creature I killed was meant to be a distraction, designed to divert our attention. Simultaneously, it was also a test… specifically targeting me."

Cooper's eyebrows furrowed. "Who else besides you knew about my presence here?" Lynn inquired, his tone probing. He couldn't help but entertain the possibility that there might be a traitor within their ranks.

The sheriff’s astonishment was evident. "Doubt my men? Impossible!" he retorted immediately. "They are all loyal and reliable individuals."

Sensing that the question had unsettled the sheriff, Lynn decided to shift the focus. "Were there any witnesses here that discovered anything?" He asked again. Since this place is under renovation, there would naturally be people here. Even if it's nighttime, there should be watchmen.

The sheriff shouted to one of his men who was nearby. Immediately, the young officer who had informed and driven them to this location hurried over.

The young police officer, dressed in his uniform, stood up straight, saluting the sheriff before acknowledging Lynn with a nod. It was evident that the officer respected the authority of Sheriff Cooper and held him in high regard.

Cooper wasted no time and straightforwardly inquired if anyone had witnessed anything unusual.

"No! The watchman was very drunk yesterday. In fact, if the people outside the bell tower hadn't noticed the anomaly after the first light of dawn, he would still be drunk," the young officer responded.

As he heard this news, the sheriff's breathing quickened, and a mixture of frustration and anger flushed his face. He tightly clenched his fists, showing his inner turmoil.

However, after a moment of internal struggle, he immediately returned to normal, realizing that this was not the appropriate moment to let his emotions take control.

Cooper turned to the young officer. "Let the investigation team take over the crime scene,” he instructed. “Assist them in taking the body down, we need to give Talus a proper burial," he added at the end.

The young officer nodded respectfully and replied, "Yes, sir."

The sheriff nodded and made his way downstairs. More and more people were gathering under the bell tower, it was clear that the situation required his attention. Journalists had also arrived after hearing the news, which also needed him to handle it.

Lynn chose to remain at the top of the bell tower, contemplating the significance of displaying the mutilated body in such a public manner.

"Displaying the mutilated body so publicly seems intentional," Lynn pondered in his heart. "But is it meant to instill terror? Provoke a reaction? Or something else entirely?"

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