Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 78: Side Mission Reward

As the carriage rumbled along, the atmosphere inside remained tense. John and one of his officers, remained alert and on edge, refusing to let their guard down. Their gazes fixed on the suspect who was securely bound and restrained.

Every now and then, the man would stir from his unconsciousness, his eyes flickering open as he attempted to loudly proclaim his innocence and violently struggle against the restraints that held him captive.

However, any attempts made by him to cause trouble were quickly quelled by the presence of Lynn. Positioned beside the criminal, each time he stirred, Lynn would swiftly subdue him with a precise and expertly executed hit to a pressure point on his neck, effectively sending him back into a peaceful slumber.

Upon reaching the headquarters, the officers quickly and efficiently extracted the now-awake but subdued suspect from the carriage. The man, having realized that his attempts at screaming and cursing were futile, remained silent.

Lynn followed behind at a leisurely pace as the suspect was led inside and confined to a holding cell, ensuring he posed no further threat.

With everything done, Deputy John approached him, his face reflecting a mixture of gratitude and apology.

"I apologize for involving you in this matter, Sir Lynn," he said earnestly. "However, I must express my deep appreciation for your invaluable assistance. Thanks to you, we resolved this case in a record time. When the sheriff returns, he will undoubtedly want to personally extend his gratitude to you as well."

Lynn, remained composed, nodding graciously at the deputy's words. "I was glad to assist. Don’t hesitate to inform me if you require any further aid with more cases like this.”

"By the way, I'm quite curious to know if there have been any recent developments regarding the sheriff's search," Lynn inquired, his tone filled with curiosity.

Hearing the mention of the sheriff, Lynn couldn't resist asking about the progress of his search for the monster’s location. As Cooper's trusted right-hand man, John would likely possess some knowledge of the matter.

“Since this morning, the sheriff and his team have been actively working on the investigation. They've been questioning people, and gathering various pieces of information.”

John continued, providing more details. "In their pursuit of leads, they've been reaching out to food suppliers, regulatory agencies, and other relevant sources. They're thoroughly collecting documents, records, and testimonies to piece together any clues that might help in locating the monsters.”

He couldn't help but chuckle as he mentioned the sheriff's tenacity. "The sheriff even paid a visit to the mayor. He's determined to leave no avenue unexplored in this investigation. Nobody is being spared from their inquiries."

Lynn nodded, impressed by the sheriff's dedication and thoroughness. "It's good to know they're leaving no stone unturned. I hope all these efforts lead us closer to finding the monsters and resolving this mystery."

As their conversation drew to a close, the sheriff's deputy excused himself, needing to attend to the remaining aspects of the murder investigation.

Apprehending the criminal was not the end. Identifying the victim and establishing the motive would require routine inquiry work such as gathering statements, examining evidence, and handling paperwork—tasks that didn't align with Lynn's particular skills.

Recognizing this, he politely excused himself, expressing confidence in the officers’ capabilities to handle the remaining tasks.

With a nod of farewell, he embarked on his search for Jink, intending to see if he found the map he asked for. However, he didn't have to wait long, as Jink himself was already on the lookout for Lynn.

A familiar voice called out, capturing Lynn's attention. "Sir Lynn!" he heard Jink's voice, and he turned to see the young officer hurrying towards him, clutching something in his hands.

As he drew near, Lynn's eyes caught sight of a large, rolled-up document that the officer held. Curiosity sparked within him as he awaited Jink's arrival, eager to discover the contents of the document

Anticipation filled the air as Jink caught his breath and greeted Lynn with enthusiasm. "Sir Lynn! I'm glad I found you. I have what you requested."

With a flourish, Jink presented the item he held, revealing an intricately drawn map of the town. The map, skillfully rendered on durable parchment, showcased the various streets, landmarks, and key locations within the town.

"It took some time, but I managed to acquire this detailed map from a local cartographer," Jink explained eagerly. "It should help you navigate and get better acquainted with the different districts and landmarks."

A smile formed on Lynn's face as he examined the map. "Excellent work, Jink," he commended. "This will be immensely helpful." He unrolled the map further, studying it intently, his mind already racing with possibilities. This would be an invaluable tool in his exploration of the unfamiliar town.

The officer's smile widened with satisfaction of fulfilling the task entrusted to him. However, curiosity soon overtook him, prompting him to inquire further. "If you don't mind me asking, I saw you from the building's window with Deputy John. What happened?"

Lynn paused briefly, considering how to summarize the events. He then proceeded to give Jink a condensed summary of the murder case, recounting the investigation and his role in assisting the officers in tracking down the culprit. As Lynn shared the details, Jink's eyes broadened in astonishment, captivated by the tale unfolding before him.

"Incredible!" Jink exclaimed, his awe evident in his voice. The admiration and respect he held for Lynn were palpable.

"You give me too much credit," Lynn dismissed with humility. "I merely made a few logical deductions that happened to prove accurate."

As the two engaged in conversation, Lynn noticed the sun drawing closer to the horizon, signaling the approaching end of the day. Recognizing that he needed to refocus on his primary task of investigating the mysterious creature attacks, he made his decision. He turned to face Jink and offered a polite parting nod.

"Thank you again for acquiring the map. It will be invaluable. But now I must be going," Lynn expressed with gratitude and a sense of urgency.

Jink smiled understandingly. "Of course, Sir Lynn. I wish you the best of luck with your investigation. Please let me know if you need anything else!" He was ready to provide further help or resources if required.

With an appreciative smile, Lynn bid Jink farewell and took his leave, making his way out. As he walked, he carefully secured the map inside his inventory, ensuring its safekeeping for future reference.

Once outside, Lynn paused momentarily. he decided to open his mission section and redeem the well-earned reward.

[The Murder Case]

[Side Mission: Help John investigate the murder case and catch the murderer.] (Redeem reward)

He clicked, eagerly anticipating the benefits. However, as he pressed the button, he didn’t feel any change. Perplexed, he quickly accessed his panel and verified the new notifications.

[+20% experience]

[+1 Attribute Point]

"Well, that was rather underwhelming," he muttered in a slightly disheartened tone. He couldn't help but feel a sense of anticlimax, but it was to be expected, considering how easy the mission was.

[Player: Wandering Doctor]
[Authority: F-Rank]
Class: [Doctor lv8] (94%)
Talent: [Gemini Soul]
[Strength 15] [Dexterity 16] [Constitution 15] [Intelligence 17] [Perception 15]
Class Skills: [Cell Proliferation] [String Threading]
General Skills: [Evaluation lv1] [Swordsmanship lv3] [Spiritual Vision lv1] [Quickstep lv1] [Meditation lv1]
Equipment: [Bloody Reaper (Soul bond)]
[Attribute Points: 7] [Skill Points: 12]

He had been steadily progressing through the levels, accumulating experience. Level 9 was just within his grasp, he needed just a small push to reach it.

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