Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 79: Debating Medical Intervention

Lynn found himself deep in thought, contemplating his personal information. Ever since he had completed the trial dungeon, he couldn't help but notice a significant deceleration in his rate of improvement.

Observing the number of attribute points and skill points. He had been hoarding them, saving them for a crucial moment when he might truly need a significant boost.

However, as Lynn pondered his current stagnation, he began to question the wisdom of this strategy. Maybe it was time to actively invest these points, particularly the skill points, to enhance his existing abilities.

 As he weighed his options, a thought sparked in his mind, causing him to muse, "Maybe it would be wise to reach level 10 before investing my points."

The idea resonated with Lynn, as he understood the significance of achieving this milestone. He knew that reaching level 10 would not only bolster his own capabilities but also serve as a requirement to unlock the next authority rank, which would grant access to various other features, including the sublimation system.

With this realization, his determination intensified. In order to expedite his growth and enhance his experience level, there was only one specific place he needed to seek out.

He carefully studied the map retrieved from his inventory, his eyes tracing the intricate network of districts and neighborhoods that sprawled throughout the expansive town. The map revealed a vibrant tapestry of interconnected areas, each with its own unique characteristics and stories waiting to be discovered.

Thus far, Lynn's explorations had been confined to a relatively small portion of the town. He had become intimately familiar with the zone surrounding the sheriff's office, where law enforcement operations were centralized. He had a small peak of the polluted industrial district, with its towering factories and cramped residential houses. Additionally, he had ventured into the commercial sector, where the prosperous Evergreen Street was a vibrant center of activity and commerce.

With an attentive gaze, he immersed himself in the details, identifying familiar landmarks and tracing his fingers along the intricate network of roads and blocks. As he did so, he absorbed the scale and geography of the town, realizing that it extended far beyond the limited districts he had explored.

“Finding a hidden person in this town is like finding a needle in a haystack,” Lynn murmured with apprehension. Every road, every block, and every corner held the potential for the person controlling the monsters to be hiding, adding to the challenge and uncertainty.

His eyes lit up with joy as he finally laid his gaze upon the object of his search—a hospital. It stood prominently on the western edge of downtown, nestled amidst a cluster of elegant homes and civic buildings. Excitement surged within him as he recognized that this was a crucial destination on his journey.

It would be unlucky if this world didn’t have the concept of the hospital or similar establishments. Letting out a sigh of relief, he meticulously folded the map and safely tucked it away in his inventory.

Now equipped with a clear direction, he set off with determination, each step echoing resolutely on the ground beneath him. The vibrant energy of the surrounding streets enveloped him as he navigated through the bustling urban landscape.

Opting to forgo a carriage this time, Lynn chose to embark on this journey on foot, seeking a more immersive experience of the town's streets as he made his way to the downtown hospital. The distance was not excessively long, considering the hospital's location, and Lynn welcomed the opportunity to intimately explore the bustling heart of the town.

Commencing his walk from the sheriff's office on the outskirts of the central downtown area, Lynn found that it took him a mere twenty minutes or so to traverse the distance by foot.

His footsteps echoed rhythmically as they met the pavement of the sidewalk, providing a soothing soundtrack to his leisurely walk. He relished in the sight of the beautiful sunset gracing the sky, its warm hues casting a serene ambiance over the town.

Guided by his sense of direction, he took a right turn, entering the charming Evergreen Street that lay ahead. He continued straight, absorbing the sights and sounds of the lively surroundings until his gaze fell upon the majestic bell tower.

The body that previously occupied the top of the tower had been successfully removed, but traces of blood stains remained as a haunting reminder of the incident. Despite the removal of the corpse, the site remained tightly sealed off and inaccessible to the public. A barricade encircled the area, acting as a visible barrier to indicate that entry was strictly prohibited for the time being.

It seemed that the mayor's ambitious plans to revitalize the town by modernizing the tower would face a setback, as the renovation efforts would be postponed.

Leaving the central square behind, Lynn proceeded westward along the main road until he finally could see from afar the hospital.

The imposing four-story building stood tall, constructed with red brick, and adorned with tall, arched windows. Delicate white trim embellished the façade, accentuating each window and door. A set of concrete steps led up to the main entrance, framed by large white columns.

As Lynn neared the establishment, his heightened senses allowed him to perceive the faint but distinct sounds of a heated debate emanating from the entrance.

Intrigued, he quickened his pace to investigate further, and his perception concentrated on the source of the commotion. There, by the front steps, he noticed a small group of individuals gathered, their voices filled with tension.

His keen eyes focused on a man seated on the ground, his back propped against one of the pristine white columns. The man's face contorted in pain, evident from the grimace etched upon his features, and he cradled one arm protectively.

Standing near the injured individual was another man, dressed in humble attire reminiscent of a farmer's clothes. This man appeared visibly anxious, his gaze darting nervously between his wounded companion and the three figures clad in black who stood before him.

As Lynn approached, the voices of the individuals engaged in conversation became clearer to him. One of them seemed adamant about his point.

"No, it's truly unnecessary," the farmer emphasized, his head shaking in disagreement. "All we're looking for is to purchase some painkillers."

"Really, I think he hurt his bones; it's better to take him back to the hospital for an examination," one of the men in black said, looking very enthusiastic. "If financial constraints are a concern, you could consider volunteering for our medical classes as a means of payment."

Hearing this, the farmer refused even more firmly. "I'm grateful for the concern, but it's really just a minor injury."

The injured man on the ground, sweating abundantly, forced a pained smile. "Yes, I already feel much better," he said through gritted teeth. "Sorry for wasting your time."

"Nonsense, look at the swelling and redness of your shoulder," the enthusiastic man exclaimed. " You’re clearly in considerable pain. It would be wise to enter the hospital for a thorough examination. Perhaps a bloodletting procedure could provide rapid relief."

Another member of the group of three men, who were probably doctors, interjected, "What are you suggesting? Surgery is the appropriate course of action. Observe how his arm is in an abnormal position and clearly deformed. Only surgery can rectify this situation."

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