Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 85: Exotic Animal Collection

As Lynn continued his solitary walk, his mind was consumed by the captivating contents of the book [Thousand and One Strange Stories]. The enigmatic tales it held seemed to have taken hold of his imagination, replaying themselves on an endless loop within the depths of his thoughts.

"What an utterly intriguing book," Lynn whispered to himself, his voice carrying a mixture of fascination and curiosity.

He pondered the ominous introductory message, recognizing the gravity of the threat posed by spiritual pollution to all living beings, including even extraordinary creatures. The phenomenon at hand possessed the terrifying capability to corrupt and mutate all creatures, reducing it to a state of mindless monstrosity.

"And the worst part of it all," he murmured softly, "is that this problem appears to not be limited to only this world."

While Lynn didn't have a complete understanding of pollution and its processes. According to his experiences and the information disseminated in various stories in the book, he had already faced creatures suffering from this exact state.

For instance, he recalled the people confined in the hospital dungeon who had transformed into zombies due to the pollution emanating from the calamity source known as the [Distorted Flesh].

Lynn also remembered the werewolves in the outskirts of H City on Blue Star, creatures that seemed to also exist in this world. Furthermore, Lynn speculated that the two monsters he had recently defeated in this dungeon might have been the result of spiritual pollution.

Especially, the smiling monster, he stumbled upon a story that closely resembled the creature he had encountered.

In this tale, the illustrated depiction of the monster mirrored the one he had encountered—its unsettling and distorted smile and its featureless face. However, there was one notable difference: the monster depicted in the book appeared smaller and weaker and didn’t present the strange blend of serpentine and insectoid characteristics.

This discovery served to confirm his theory that the monsters attacking the patrol officers were growing stronger and were being artificially modified.

His sharp mind churned with thoughts and possibilities as Lynn pressed on through the foggy streets. He couldn't shake the mental image of the mark he had discovered on both monsters. The symbol took on an even more ominous significance now that he understood the concept of spiritual pollution.

"Could that mark be some kind of seal used to control these creatures after they have been transformed by the pollution?" he pondered, his brows furrowing. It was the only plausible explanation he could think of for why both monsters bore the exact same marking.

Fortunately, stumbling upon the strange story collection had ignited fresh insights. Examining the origin of the creature depicted in the book, which bore a resemblance to the grinning monster, might provide clues regarding the individual responsible for its manipulation.

Arriving at the sheriff's office, Lynn was greeted by the sight of the building brightly illuminated against the night sky. Several law enforcement carriages were parked outside in a neat row. Their exteriors gleamed under the lighting, proudly emblazoned with the insignia of the sheriff's department. The activity and commotion hinted that a considerable development must have occurred.

"Looks like the sheriff and his men have returned," Lynn muttered to himself as he entered through the front doors. His mind swirled with curiosity, eager to glean any insights the sheriff and his team may have gathered from their investigation out in the field.

Stepping inside, Lynn's senses were immediately overwhelmed by the clamor and chaos that had engulfed the usually orderly headquarters. Officers scurried everywhere, transporting stacks of files, boxes, and documents while calling out instructions to one another.

However, amidst this frenzy of activity, he spotted a familiar face that he was hoping to find. He noticed Sheriff Cooper emerging from one of the rooms, briskly directing his officers.

Despite the late hour, the sheriff's expression remained focused yet exhausted. It was clear he had spent the past day working tirelessly alongside his men.

"Sir Lynn," Cooper acknowledged him with a polite nod. Though clearly fatigued, his eyes still gleamed with determination. "We've uncovered some significant developments that may aid the investigation. But first, let me express my utmost gratitude for resolving that murder case so swiftly."

"Think nothing of it," Lynn remarked humbly. His mind swirled with curiosity, eager to glean any insights the sheriff and his men may have gathered from their investigation. Politely excusing himself from further small talk, Lynn inquired, "Regarding the investigation on the monsters..."

Cooper's expression immediately grew somber at the mention, his exhaustion momentarily fading. "Yes, come with me to my office. We have much to discuss."

"We've completed an initial sweep based on your suggestions," he began, speaking carefully as if still processing the events Lynn listened attentively as Cooper launched into a detailed recounting of their investigative process.

"We focused our inquiries on individuals who had made substantial purchases of meat or crops in the past month," Cooper explained. "This led us to several farms and butcher shops on the outskirts of town."

The sheriff sighed wearily. "It was an exhaustive process. We had to sift through purchase records, question employees, and examine storage facilities. Along the way, a few folks raised red flags, but our searches turned up nothing conclusive."

A spark of frustration flickered in Cooper's weary eyes. "We collected documents about the people who have purchased large amounts of food, however, we still have a long way to go. We must thoroughly investigate each suspect to determine if any are responsible."

Lynn nodded understandingly. He knew from the outset that finding the hidden person would not be an easy task. "You've made progress narrowing the search. Don't be disheartened," he reassured.

He contemplated the sheriff's words, pondering their next steps. A connection formed in his mind, piecing together clues from the strange stories book and the ongoing investigation.

A thought struck him: "If those monsters were once ordinary creatures, corrupted by spiritual pollution. Then it's likely that the mastermind behind all this possesses a collection of animals on which they conducted their experiments."

Recalling the smiling monster's anomalous blend of serpentine and insectoid traits. Such unnatural hybridization suggested extensive experimentation and manipulation surpassing the boundaries of normal evolution.

Suddenly, Lynn interjected with a question. "Do any of our suspects have a fascination with exotic animals?" he asked, his voice filled with curiosity. The two monsters he had defeated and dissected didn't seem to have originated from any common species, leading him to wonder if there was a connection to someone with a penchant for rare and unusual creatures.

Sheriff Cooper was startled at the unexpected question. "Exotic animals?” He hesitated momentarily, taken aback by the unexpected subject. However, he didn’t question Lynn because he was the special detective who was sent to deal with this supernatural incident.

Cooper resumed speaking after regaining his composure. "Now that you mention it, one individual did raise some peculiar interest during our investigation. His name is Knott - a wealthy merchant who travels abroad often and owns a sizable estate on the outskirts of town."

The sheriff pulled out a document from his desk, presenting short bios of the suspects uncovered. "According to our records, Knott has a documented passion for exotic wildlife. He's known to keep various rare beasts from distant lands in expansive menageries on his property."

Lynn nodded thoughtfully. "An avid collector of exotic creatures, with opportunities to experiment and hide monsters thanks to his secluded estate. He fits the profile."

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