Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 86: First Medical Lecture

The following day, Lynn found himself standing outside, enjoying the tranquil ambiance of the warm morning sun. The golden rays cascaded upon his face, casting a gentle glow that accentuated the surrounding scenery. As a light breeze whispered through the air, it playfully tugged at Lynn's hair, creating a subtle dance of movement.

After a lengthy and intense discussion with Cooper the previous night, they had meticulously formulated a plan to confront the suspected culprit responsible for the series of monster attacks that had plagued the town.

Instead of taking immediate action that night, Lynn and the sheriff had made a strategic decision to wait until the following evening. Cooper explained he was expecting an important weapons shipment for his officers sometime during the day.

Lynn understood the crucial significance of properly arming the patrolmen before venturing into this perilous mission that awaited them. He anticipated that if the person behind the attacks was indeed the wealthy merchant named Knott, they would likely face multiple monsters.

Additionally, the temporary delay conveniently aligned with his personal agenda. He still had unfinished business at the hospital to complete the side mission of teaching the eager apprentices.

Lynn's primary objective during this period was to achieve the milestone of reaching level 10, as it would potentially unlock the next authority rank.

By attaining this rank, he aimed to gain access to advanced features such as the sublimation system, which would greatly enhance his capabilities and prepare him for the upcoming challenges.

Meanwhile, Cooper initiated a covert operation, assembling a team of officers to secretly gather intelligence on Knott's activities spanning the past few months. The objective was to uncover any information that could shed light on this inexplicable metamorphosis from a wealthy merchant to an individual capable of controlling monsters.

Lynn redirected his attention to the present, grounding himself in the bustling atmosphere surrounding the sheriff's office. The energy was electric as officers moved with purpose, their sense of urgency evident in every swift stride.

They diligently transported supplies, meticulously preparing for the imminent operation that lay ahead. The air crackled with a potent mixture of tension and anticipation, permeating the atmosphere and leaving no doubt that something significant was about to unfold.

"Guess I should head to the hospital and wrap things up there," Lynn muttered to himself, setting off at a brisk pace. As he navigated the busy streets, the rhythmic clacking of his shoes against the uneven pavement marked each step bringing him closer to his goals.

During his walk, he decided to check the [Missions] section of the panel, his eyes landed on the side mission titled "Medical Enlightenment."

[Medical Enlightenment]

[Side Mission: Director Nolan has requested you to temporarily teach at the hospital. Conduct three medical lectures/demonstrations 1/3]

Lynn had already completed one medical demonstration, showcasing the treatment of shoulder dislocation. However, to fulfill the requirements of his mission, he still needed to complete two more.

His mind was preoccupied with thoughts of the upcoming medical sessions. He pondered over what topics would be most beneficial to cover, considering the level of understanding.

“Hmm, it's going to be difficult to completely change their understanding of medicine in just two lessons," Lynn thought to himself, furrowing his brows in contemplation. "I need to be strategic."

He understood the delicate nature of the situation. The hospital staff and apprentices had built their entire medical education upon the four humors theory, and challenging such deeply ingrained beliefs all at once could potentially close their minds to new ideas. Lynn knew that he had to approach this with finesse.

"A gradual approach is needed," Lynn reasoned. "I should aim to plant seeds of doubt, highlighting flaws in current thinking while introducing improved concepts."

He realized that rather than attempting an immediate overhaul of their beliefs, incremental changes would be more effective. It was like slowly turning a massive ship; gentle, incremental adjustments to its course would eventually redirect it to the intended destination.

"For these two lessons, I'll focus on the concept of blood as the main subject," Lynn decided, formulating his plan as he continued walking. "It's one of the elements of the four liquid doctrine, so it would not encounter a lot of resistance."

He pondered further, considering how to structure his lectures to maximize their impact. Lynn wanted to challenge the notion that the four humors theory was the sole determinant of health and illness, gradually introducing alternative ideas and evidence to support his claims.

"I'll start by exploring the role of blood in the body," Lynn mused. "I can discuss its circulation, its connection to various organs and tissues, and how it carries nutrients and oxygen throughout the system. This will help lay the foundation for a more comprehensive understanding of the human body."

The plan gradually took shape in Lynn's mind, and he began to actively add more knowledge that might be involved in his medical lectures. He delved into his mental repository, recalling various topics related.

He mentally reviewed the possible questions and doubts that might arise from the hospital staff and apprentices. Lynn understood that challenging their long-held beliefs required not only presenting alternative ideas but also addressing their concerns.

As he walked, Lynn noticed the hospital rising in the distance. Its imposing façade grew larger with each step, beckoning him closer to continue sharing his insights. He quickened his pace, eager to commence the next phase of his side mission.

He immediately headed to the medical education wing upon arriving at the hospital. Along the way, cheerful greetings and nods of acknowledgment were directed at him from various staff and apprentices. It seemed his reputation had preceded him, and people still remembered his face vividly from the previous day's events.

Lynn headed straight toward the director's office. He didn't make an appointment to perform his lectures today so he needed to discuss it with Director Nolan.

As he rounded the corner, he spotted a familiar person approaching while struggling under a heavy stack of books that obscured his view. Quickly, Lynn reached out and took half the books into his own arms, restoring Gregory's line of sight.

"Sir Lynn! I didn't expect to see you back so soon," Gregory exclaimed, pleasantly surprised by the unexpected situation. His astonishment was evident in his voice as he spoke.

"Hello Gregory," Lynn replied calmly. “I have some spare time before my next work, so I thought I would take the opportunity to fulfill the director's requests."

"Perfect timing. If you don't mind, follow me. There's a vacant amphitheater lecture hall available at the moment," Gregory enthusiastically suggested, realizing that Lynn was ready to conduct his medical lecture.

Lynn followed the medical apprentice down the corridor to a set of large wooden doors. Gregory pushed them open to reveal a spacious lecture hall within. Rows of benches rose towards the back of the room, all facing a stage at the front where a blackboard stood ready. A few hanging lanterns provided soft lighting.

Pausing at the entrance, Gregory turned to Lynn. "If you don't mind, please sit in the empty classroom for a moment, and I'll tell every one of your arrival."

"Of course, take your time," Lynn replied.

With that, he hurried off while Lynn entered the hall, scanning the empty rows of benches. He moved up onto the stage and peered out over the space, envisioning it full of eager apprentices.



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