Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 88: Class Limit Reached

Lynn paused, his senses tingling with the sensation of strengthening coursing through his body. He stood still briefly, allowing himself to fully process the sudden change that had come over him.

As the surge of accomplishment and excitement washed over him, his heart pounded with exhilaration. However, amidst the euphoria and the rush of emotions, he swiftly regained his composure.

He was acutely aware that he was still in the midst of a lecture, standing before an audience. With a determined effort, he suppressed his internal celebration, focusing on the task at hand.

"There is still so much more I could share about the wonders of blood," Lynn remarked, his words echoed with enthusiasm. However, a faint hint of regret colored his tone as he acknowledged, "But I'm afraid our time grows short."

He made the decision to start wrapping up. He had successfully covered all the essential points necessary to instill seeds of curiosity and doubt among the audience regarding the four humors theory.

Pushing the topic further at this point would no longer be beneficial and could even risk overwhelming the spectators. The only reason he kept going was to gain more level of experience.

“I believe that understanding the intricate workings of the human body is an essential part of the development of medicine," Lynn declared in the end, giving them a direction to explore for further research. "It will explain countless phenomena and disprove many misconceptions rooted in folklore or superstition."

With a contented smile, he concluded his remarks, expressing his gratitude to everyone present. "Thank you all for being a part of these lessons. I sincerely hope that the knowledge shared today has been enlightening and has provided you with valuable insights."

The class immediately erupted into enthusiastic applause, the sound reverberating powerfully off the amphitheater walls. Lynn noticed numerous apprentices already engrossed in hastily scribbling down notes, trying to solidify everything they had just learned. Others exchanged animated discussions, their excitement spilling over.

As the clapping died down, the crowd present was eager to approach him and voice their appreciation. However, they maintained a respectful distance, not wanting to mob him. Instead, they stood and graciously bowed.

Amidst this display of appreciation, the attendees gradually started to disperse from the lecture hall, glowing with invigoration. Lynn noticed Director Nolan and Gregory waiting patiently nearby. Once the room had emptied, they approached and made their way onto the stage.

"Absolutely remarkable!" Director Nolan exclaimed, his voice brimming with excitement. His words carried a genuine sense of awe and admiration. "I cannot thank you enough for the profound way in which you have broadened our perspectives."

He clasped Lynn's hand warmly between both of his own. "Consider the hospital in your debt. Your insights are invaluable. I cannot express how appreciative I am that you took the time to enlighten us."

"It was my pleasure," Lynn responded graciously. "They were a remarkably receptive audience. I have no doubt that they will continue to build upon the lessons learned and further expand their knowledge."

Bathed in the director's profuse expressions of gratitude, Lynn gracefully acknowledged the kind words before deftly shifting the focus of the conversation. With a discreet smile, he interjected, "I am thankful for your generous appreciation, but it's time for me to take my leave now."

Director Nolan nodded understandingly, his expression conveying both comprehension and a touch of melancholy. "Certainly, we won't detain you any further. However, I genuinely hope that fate intertwines our paths once more in the future."

After exchanging a few more parting words, Lynn bid farewell and took his leave. Gregory, however, insisted on accompanying him, expressing his deep appreciation once again as they walked together.

As Lynn stepped outside, the sun greeted him with its radiant brilliance. He instinctively squinted, his eyes adjusting to the sudden brightness. He took a deep breath, savoring the fresh air.

The ambient sounds of the town enveloped him—the rhythmic clip-clop of passing horses, the distant calls of merchants hawking their wares. Despite the looming threat that he knew awaited at nightfall, the peace of this moment embraced him.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Lynn decided to take advantage of the solitude and check his personal information panel.

[Player: Wandering Doctor]
[Authority: F-Rank]
Class: [Doctor lv10 (MAX)]
Talent: [Gemini Soul]
[Strength 16] [Dexterity 17] [Constitution 16] [Intelligence 17] [Perception 16]
Class Skills: [Cell Proliferation] [String Threading]
General Skills: [Evaluation lv1] [Swordsmanship lv3] [Spiritual Vision lv1] [Quickstep lv1] [Meditation lv1]
Equipment: [Bloody Reaper (Soul bond)]
[Attribute Points: 9] [Skill Points: 14]

A wide grin spread across Lynn's face, illuminating his features with a radiant joy. "Finally, level 10 reached!" he exclaimed silently within the depths of his mind, liberating the suppressed emotion. After all the effort and calculated maneuvers to maximize his experience gain, this milestone felt immensely rewarding.

However, as Lynn reveled in his achievement, his moment of triumph was unexpectedly interrupted by a notification that appeared on his panel.

[Class limit reached!]
[Upgrade the authority rank to continue further.]

Lynn's excitement dimmed slightly. While reaching level 10 was a monumental achievement, he knew it was merely one step on the long path that lay ahead. Attaining the next authority rank was his next immediate goal.

"I wonder what are the other requirements for reaching E-rank," Lynn muttered, clicking on his authority status. A familiar notification popped up.

Requirements for the next authority rank promotion:
Requirement 1: Class level reaches level 10. (Completed)
Requirement 2: Absorb an extraordinary characteristic. (Completed)
Requirement 3: Complete a dungeon with a minimum evaluation grade of B (Completed)

There were three distinct requirements in total. After completing the first one, and reaching level 10, Lynn was finally able to see the remaining two, which were previously concealed.

However, to his astonishment, he discovered that the final two requirements had already been completed, unbeknownst to him. It was as if his efforts had been even more fruitful than he had imagined.

Reflecting on the situation, Lynn muttered to himself, "It appears that my class level was the sole obstacle hindering my progress."

The two hidden requirements were completed in his first dungeon, the hospital filled with zombies. This occurred before he even officially became a player in Nightmare Paradise. The trial dungeon was really a rare opportunity.

[Upgrade authority to E-Rank?]

Lynn didn’t immediately select yes, instead taking a moment to ponder the potential implications as he walked down the street of the town.

He remembered the disembodied, colossal eye that appeared without warning upon first unlocking his player identity and the according authorities. The unnerving sensation of being fixated under that piercing stare lingered.

Just the mere thought sent a chill down his spine, prompting him to postpone his actions until he reached the safety of his dormitory. If the authority upgrade caused a similar event, summoning such a thing in the middle of the street was unwise.

Finally reaching his room, Lynn closed the door behind him and leaned against it, his heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation.

"Is it time?" Lynn whispered to himself, his voice barely audible. He took a deep breath, steadying his racing thoughts. His eyes shifted to the notification on his panel once again.

[Upgrade authority to E-Rank?]

As Lynn mentally accepted to upgrade his authority, a sudden and intense pain surged through his mind with the force of a lightning bolt.

But as swiftly as the pain had arrived, it vanished without a trace, leaving no lingering discomfort or physical evidence behind. In that fleeting moment, the panel before him seemed to warp and distort, before returning to normal with some change in its menus.

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