Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 89: Sublimation Method and Ritual

"It was not as bad as expected," Lynn said, letting out a relieved sigh as he rubbed his sweaty forehead, thinking about the sudden pain that had appeared and disappeared moments ago.

Its origin was unknown, but there was a theory that was believed by the majority of players on the forum. When the giant disembodied eye appeared, granting the identity of a player in Nightmare Paradise, the body was probably marked by a certain mysterious existence.

Although Lynn didn’t find anything out of the ordinary when he searched for the mark, even when utilizing the heightened senses granted by the [Gemini Soul] state.

He still believed in the validity of this speculation. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was something significant present, but he considered the possibility that he was too weak to notice it.

Refocusing on the authority upgrade, his attention was drawn to the notification that appeared on the panel right in front of him.

[Congratulations! Your Authority rank was adjusted from "F" to "E", and the according authorities will be changed.]

The familiar menu that had previously only contained six sections - [Personal Information], [Information Reminder], [Missions], [Trading], [Inventory], and [Forum] - now had two more: [Private Message] and [Sublimation].

Lynn nodded as he noticed that these additions were consistent with what other players had discussed in the forum posts.

Based on the information he had gathered while browsing them, these changes included not only the introduction of the sublimation system and the ability to exchange private messages with other players but also an expansion of the inventory space. Additionally, before selecting a new dungeon, players now had access to a brief description of the mission.

However, Lynn knew that he would delve into these new features at a later time. For now, what piqued his interest was the [Sublimation] section. He was eager to explore and understand the mechanics and possibilities that this would offer.

[Start the sublimation process?]

As soon as he clicked on it, a notification suddenly materialized on his panel, arresting his attention and compelling him to halt his ongoing action instantaneously.

Lynn was taken aback by the immediate opportunity to start the process of sublimation. The proposition caught him off guard, leaving him with a blend of surprise and uncertainty.

He decisively turned down the offer, unwilling to proceed without fully understanding the implications. Accepting without any prior preparation would be imprudent and potentially risky.

Instead, he directed his focus to the [Forum] section, where he hoped to find someone who could elucidate the intricacies of sublimation.

Glancing at his balance, he possessed 1160 nightmare coins – a sufficient amount to immerse himself deeply in the knowledge available on this subject.

"There's probably some useful information from other experienced players," he reasoned. Lynn began slowly scrolling through the topics, searching for pertinent posts.

He stumbled upon a thread titled "Sublimation System Explained: Tips and Strategies." Written by Shadow Blade for 100 coins. Intrigued, he bought it, hoping to find detailed explanations and advice.

"Before we commence, it is essential to establish first a set of fundamental facts. The extraordinary phase that is composed of the three stages of awakening, first and second sublimation, represents the transformative process through which an ordinary organism evolves and transcends to the extraordinary realm."

"As one progresses through the initial stages and advances in their class, the life form undergoes a gradual metamorphosis and becomes stronger. However, every creature has innate limits that cannot be broken through normal means."

“In the case of humans like most other common beings, they encounter three distinct barriers, which consequently gave birth to three stages within the extraordinary phase. "

"In the awakening stage, if we use attributes as a numerical representation of the individual's transformation, humans’ maximum is at 20 for each attribute. While it is rare for individuals to reach this peak potential, such attainment is not necessary for the sublimation process.”

Lynn paused reading for a moment, contemplating the new information about attributes, he had never heard of such a thing before. Running his mind through previous posts he had studied on the [Forum] section regarding authority ranks and other information, not once was a limit mentioned.

"Luckily this won't be an issue for me," he muttered to himself. Lynn had been diligent about hoarding his attribute points and skill points, saving them for when he would truly need a boost in power. As a result, he currently had a sizable stockpile built up.

Reaching the attribute cap would be easily achievable by investing some of his accumulated points. Lynn nodded in satisfaction, a smile tugging at his lips. His prudent actions early on were now paying dividends.

After this abrupt pause, Lynn took a deep breath and continued reading the post. His eyes scanned the words on the panel, and his mind absorbed the information like a sponge.

“This is where the process of sublimation comes in, enabling individuals to transcend the constraints of the human body by incorporating external elements commonly called sublimation material."

“Nightmare Paradise offers two distinct methods of sublimation, each with its own characteristics and risks. The first method, known as [Fusion], is the more commonly chosen approach, and is the foundation of the extraordinary in numerous worlds.”

“The sublimation material’s essence is gradually integrated and merged with the individual through a series of specific rituals and actions. Although not as dangerous as the second method, the significant time necessary to complete makes it unpredictable and risky if someone interrupts the process of fusion.”

“The second method called [Assimilation] is a more advanced and efficient way of promotion. It requires reaching the attribute limits as a prerequisite because it involves the use of three sublimation materials. It bypasses the need for lengthy rituals and actions. This method is considered more dangerous. However, it offers faster and more significant advancements in power and capabilities."

“It is important to note that I lack personal experience with this method, and therefore cannot offer any specific guidance or tips regarding its implementation.”

"Additionally, there is a risk for both methods regarding the potential lack of compatibility between the material used and the individual, which could pose a long-term risk of spiritual pollution. However, I did not address this concern because the sublimation system of Nightmare Paradise effectively eliminates it."

Lynn continued reading the post, absorbing the valuable information within. Although he had already decided to utilize the second sublimation method of [Assimilation] when it was mentioned that this approach offered faster and more significant power, the tips provided could still prove useful someday.

However, a question lingered in Lynn's mind - where could he acquire the other two sublimation materials needed for the [Assimilation] process? The first was already available, obtained from the trial dungeon [Distorted Flesh].

"I'll need to keep an eye out for opportunities to obtain rare sublimation materials during my adventures," Lynn muttered to himself. "The trading section might also be worth checking."

Making a mental note, he continued reading over the intricacies of rituals, compatibility, and minimizing risks during sublimation. The complex details made his head spin, but he was determined to comprehend it all.

As Lynn delved further into the post, one detail, in particular, grabbed his attention - the mention of spiritual pollution. A spark of realization flashed through his mind as he drew a connection to his ongoing investigation into the strange incidents plaguing the town.

"Wait, spiritual pollution, sublimation, rituals, monster attacks occurring every three days..." Lynn murmured aloud, his eyes widening as the pieces aligned.

"Could it be that the mastermind behind the attacks is actually attempting to carry out some sublimation ritual?" The notion struck him suddenly.

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