Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 92: Silent Intrusion

Lynn and Cooper stepped outside the building, greeted by the sight of a convoy of law enforcement carriages waiting for them. The horses, sensing the urgency in the air, stamped their hooves impatiently and tossed their heads, ready to embark on the imminent action.

The officers swiftly climbed into their respective vehicles, their faces showing determination and focus. They went through their final preparations, ensuring that every aspect of their equipment was in order.

Cooper, satisfied that his team was fully prepared, exchanged a nod with Lynn, signaling that it was time to depart. Lynn claimed a spot in the lead carriage next to the sheriff, who firmly gripped the reins. With a sharp whip crack, he gave the order to move out.

With a sudden jolt, the carriages sprang into motion, their wheels clattering loudly against the cobblestone road. The sound resonated through the surrounding streets, announcing their departure.

As the convoy progressed, the sun gradually descended below the horizon, its fading light replaced by the flickering glow of gas lamps that lined the streets as they passed through.

Lynn observed the scenic transformation occurring as the urban town with its busy streets gave way to open fields and dense woodlands.

His fingers absentmindedly traced the sleek lines of the AK-47 slung across his chest, feeling the faint reverberations as it was jostled by the bumpy ride.

Although Lynn maintained a stoic face, his mind raced, meticulously assessing variables and formulating contingency plans depending on how events would unfold.

After some time, the vehicles veered off the main road, venturing onto a narrower, less-traveled dirt path. Tall trees loomed overhead on either side, their dense branches blocking out the fading glow of dusk.

In the distance, through the foliage, Lynn could catch momentary glimpses of a meticulously paved road, intermittently illuminated by graceful iron lanterns that contrasted with the surroundings.

This hinted at the luxury that lay ahead, the true grandeur of Knott's expansive estate gradually unfolded before his eyes. Lynn finally understood the meaning behind the title of "wealthy merchant."

Towering pine and cypress trees stood proudly, forming a majestic row on either side of the driveway, creating a sense of order and symmetry. As the path unfolded, a formidable courtyard wall came into view.

Standing tall at a height of three meters, it served as an imposing shield, safeguarding from the prying gazes. Positioned prominently at the forefront of this formidable barrier, a pointed iron gate commanded attention with a dark hue, accentuating the sharpness of its edges.

As the convoy came to a halt outside the entrance, an unsettling stillness permeated the air, it seemed as though all signs of life had vanished, leaving behind an empty shell.

The absence of any guards to welcome or challenge them left Lynn and Cooper with a sense of unease and confusion. They exchanged wary glances, their instincts telling them that something was amiss.

"Are we going to break in?" Lynn asked, breaking the heavy silence that had fallen over the group. He casually rested his hand on the hilt of his blade.

Cooper furrowed his brow, his mind racing as he carefully weighed their limited options. After a moment of contemplation, he nodded slowly. "There is no alternate entrance," he stated firmly.

As the sheriff began issuing orders to his men, outlining the plan to retrieve the battering ram and prepare for a forceful entry, Lynn's voice cut through the tension. "Let me take care of it," he spoke up, his tone filled with a sense of quiet confidence.

Lynn gracefully stepped out of the carriage, his eyes looking at the imposing courtyard wall that stood before him. His body had reached the limits of its potential, and he was eager to test it.

His enhanced muscles throbbed, ready to unleash their formidable strength. Without relying on any skill, he propelled himself upward with an explosive force. For a brief moment, he seemed suspended in the air, the evening sky stretching endlessly above.

And then, with the precision of a seasoned acrobat, his feet found firm footing on the top of the wall, effortlessly clearing the barrier with a seamless display of agility.

From this elevated vantage point, he paused for a moment to survey the sprawling grounds of the estate with keen awareness. His gaze swept across every minute detail, absorbing the scene before him.

A captivating spectacle caught his attention—a magnificent fountain adorned with an intricately carved stone cherub water feature. Delicate streams of crystalline water gushed forth from the cherub's mouth, cascading down and pooling in the basin below.

Beyond the enchanting fountain, Lynn's eyes followed the garden path, flanked by pristine white pillars, extending into the distance and leading to the grand manor house that rested peacefully at its terminus.

"No one seems to be around," Lynn muttered silently to himself. He focused his perception but detected no signs of life within his immediate vicinity. The absence of any visible activity only added to the strange atmosphere.

He jumped and landed on the other side, his movements were so fluid and controlled that not a single sound escaped him.

As he turned his attention back to the thick iron gate, Lynn wielded his sword with precision. With a single swift strike, he severed the lock, causing it to give way with a resounding snap. The chains that had held the gate in place cascaded to the ground, creating a shower of sparks in the process.

Grasping the cold bars firmly, Lynn exerted his strength, pushing the gates outward. They swung open wide, revealing the awaiting cavalry of carriages stationed just beyond.

He gestured to the convoy, indicating for them to enter the estate grounds. As they proceeded, Lynn settled back into his seat, a sense of unease lingering in the air. It felt suspiciously effortless, raising doubts in Lynn’s mind.

Rolling through the open gates, the cars continued along the paved driveway, until they reached the entrance of the sprawling garden. It was at this point that their progress was halted, as the carriage could no longer continue.

There, the group cautiously exited their vehicles, their footsteps muted on the ground as they gathered in silence. The stillness seemed to penetrate their very beings, intensifying the already unsettling atmosphere. There was an absence of sound, except for the faint rustling of leaves, carried by a gentle breeze that whispered through the air.

Cooper, aware of the tension, addressed the gathered officers in a hushed tone, his words laced with caution. "Stay alert, and keep your guard up," he warned. "We cannot be certain of what may lie ahead. Spread out in groups and establish a perimeter."

The officers nodded in solemn agreement, swiftly dispersing to their designated positions around the sprawling grounds of the manor. With firearms raised, they took up strategic vantage points, ready to attack any potential threat. Lynn trailed behind Cooper, his steps stealthy and silent.

As they cautiously approached the manor house, his acute senses abruptly detected a faint sound emanating from the garden behind them. The sound hinted at something moving fast.

A frantic neigh pierced through the air, originating from the area where the carriages had been parked. The sound reverberated through the air, shattering the silence with its distress and sending a wave of alarm through the group.

Just after this equine cry, another peculiar noise reached their ears, further heightening their apprehension. It was a wet, visceral sound as if the flesh was being torn apart and forcefully consumed. 


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