Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 93: Relentless Barrage of Gunfire

Lynn and the sheriff quickly spun around in unison as the disquieting sound of wet, visceral chewing echoed through the courtyard. The other officers quickly followed suit, their movements decisive and efficient.

Cooper’s instincts kicked in, and he immediately reached for his revolver. His hand closed around the cold steel grip, smoothly drawing the weapon from its holster in one seamless motion. 

Simultaneously, Lynn reacted even quicker. With a rapid movement, he firmly grasped the AK-47 assault rifle slung across his chest with one hand while his other hand rested firmly on the hilt of Flame Edge on his belt.

The sight that unfolded before their eyes was nothing short of a grotesque nightmare. Perched atop one of the carriages, was an abomination of a creature with a gaping maw filled with jagged teeth.

In a horrifying display of savagery, the monster mercilessly tore into the head of one of the unfortunate horses, using its mouth as a weapon of destruction. The sound of crunching bones and the sight of crimson blood spattering upon the ground created a grotesque and terrifying scene.

Despite the viciousness of the spectacle, Lynn remained calm as he recognized the monster's form.  It was an entity devoid of eyes or a nose, its mouth contorted into an unsettling, twisted grin. However, this particular one was noticeably larger and more menacing than its predecessor.

On the other hand, the officers witnessing this gruesome scene were unable to hide their disgust and fear. Their faces twisted in repulsion, their complexions paled, and their alarm became apparent.

Sheriff Cooper, though visibly also affected by the sight, managed to retain his focus and composure. His face may have drained of color, but his determined expression showed that he wouldn't let fear overcome him.

Maintaining a steady aim, he raised his revolver, pointing it directly at the creature engrossed in its feast. His authoritative voice sliced through the tense air, commanding his men with unwavering determination, "Take aim and prepare to fire!"

Thanks to Lynn's guidance, Cooper came to the realization that these monsters could be effectively defeated by coordinating a strategic assault using firearms. With this understanding, the officers were equipped with the necessary tools and were well-prepared.

In response to the order, they sprang into action without hesitation. With practiced precision, they swiftly raised their weapons, aligning their sights on the target before them.

Gone was their earlier apprehension, replaced instead by a steely determination that burned within their hearts. They stood as a unified force, ready to unleash a relentless barrage of gunfire upon their adversary.

Lynn, too, aimed his assault rifle, but he had a different plan in mind. Instead of joining the imminent shooting, he closed his eyes for a brief moment, activating his skill [Spiritual Vision].

When he opened them again, they started emitting a faint glow. His vision changed, perceiving the flow of spiritual energy in his surroundings. This ability allowed him to deeply survey the area for potential hidden threats

Having learned an important lesson about ambushes during his intense encounter atop the bell tower, Lynn meticulously looked around, searching for any signs of peculiar spiritual activity.

Thus far, only one monster had exposed itself but his intuition warned him that others lurked in the shadows, awaiting their moment to strike.

"Fire!" bellowed Cooper, his voice slicing through the thick, tension-laden atmosphere.

Following this command, The surrounding officers swiftly moved, unleashing a furious barrage of gunfire. The air reverberated with deafening cracks as a multitude of firearms were discharged—muskets, revolvers, and rifles all contributing to the cacophony. 

Most found their mark, tearing through the creature's ghastly, pallid flesh and sending sprays of dark viscera into the air. It let out an ear-splitting shriek as the impacts disrupted its savage meal. The men fired relentlessly, overwhelming the monster with sheer firepower.

Amidst the chaos of cracking sounds and booming explosions, Lynn's eyes picked up on a disturbance— a flicker of spiritual movement in the corner of his vision. His gaze shot upward, greeted by a sight that instantly aroused alarm.

Emerging from the thick canopy of trees in the surrounding garden, two elongated tentacles abruptly shot forth with an alarming velocity. Lynn's heart skipped a beat as he immediately recognized them as the distinctive tongues of the bell tower monster.

These menacing limbs surged forward, hurtling toward Lynn and Cooper with deadly intent. One seemed to be on a direct collision course with the sheriff, while the other homed in on Lynn.

Thankfully, Lynn's vigilance paid off. Activating [Spiritual Vision] allowed him to detect their concealed approach. While the others remained oblivious, their attention fixed on the menacing creature on the carriage, he was already in motion.

Without wasting a moment, he quickly shifted his aim to the tentacle hurtling toward Cooper.  He unleashed a rapid series of shots from his assault rifle, aiming to sever it.

The high-velocity rounds crossed the short distance in an instant, relentlessly pounding the moving appendage. Lynn's precise aim was evident as each shot tore through the oversized tongue, severing it completely and causing the dismembered portion to fall limply to the ground.

At the same instant, he adeptly drew his blade, Flame Edge, to confront the incoming one targeting him. Gripping the hilt with his other hand, he swung the burning steel in a graceful arc.

Razor-sharp and enhanced by his extraordinary strength, the sword sliced through the atmosphere. it emitted an intense heat, causing the surrounding air to shimmer and dance.

The moment the blade made contact with the accelerated tentacle, it effortlessly cut into the flesh, severing it with a single surgical swipe.

In a matter of mere seconds, amidst the deafening barrage of gunshots, a quick and surprise attack unfolded. It could have been deadly without Lynn’s intervention, but it was not the end.

The creature with multiple tongues let out a guttural shriek from the distance, a mixture of pain and anger as the injured limbs retracted. Lynn immediately used this opportunity to prevent the others.

He shouted urgently to the sheriff and officers who were still engrossed in firing at the carriage. "Be alert! More are coming!" His voice cut through the chaotic gunfire, immediately catching Cooper's attention.

The sheriff's eyes widened as he registered Lynn's warning and finally took notice of the two dismembered tentacles now lying motionless on the ground. His face paled at the realization of the narrowly averted danger.

"Take cover and keep watch for additional threats!" Cooper yelled, swiftly redirecting his men. The officers immediately ceased firing, turning their focus to scanning the surroundings. Their heads swiveled back and forth; senses heightened.

The smiling monster, riddled with bullets and leaking viscous fluids, was left forgotten for the moment. It was releasing gurgled shrieks of agony and was severely injured and weak. The only thing that was keeping it alive was its extraordinary vitality.

Lynn, with his eyes gleaming, followed the severed tongues intently, using the spiritual energy within them to trace their path and uncover the creature's hidden whereabouts within the dense garden foliage.

“Found you!” A smile formed on his face as he located the elusive creature. He swiftly raised his AK-47, its cold metal glinting in the dim light, and unleashed a torrent of gunfire.

The thunderous boom of the automatic rifle erupted once more, shattering the tense silence. Lynn unleashed a barrage of bullets, tracing the path of the retracting tentacles back to their source.

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