Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)

Chapter 22 - (Thanks to the two big pineapple owners)

A dim mist pervaded the manor.

Lin Sheng held the black sword and slowly walked along the right side of the carriageway.

From time to time, he stepped on the gravel and the dried grass roots, and made a fine snoring sound.

On both sides, the leaves were shaking with the wind.

Lin Sheng glanced at both sides, and there was a dim dense forest on the left and right, with the black branches shaking, as if something might come out of the darkness at any time.

Directly in front of it, a solitary street lamp pillar stands at a y-shaped bifurcation, and a swaying black oil lamp hangs on the pillar.

Under the oil lamp, the two dead bodies were dried back to back, tilted their heads next to the street lamp.

The two bodies wore dark clothes and could not see their faces, only messy white hair covering their heads like weeds.

Lin Sheng paused, approaching slowly with his sword.

The street was empty, and the wind was blowing.

The closer he got, the more lonely Lin Sheng was. It’s like a person standing in the middle of an empty football field, empty around.

“It’s at least four or five hundred meters away from the manor. You shouldn’t meet that monster who killed me again?”

Lin Sheng knew very well that his speed and strength were far beyond his ability.

Now, although he has a part of Ravel’s memory, his real strength is still weak.

One is that his physical fitness has not changed, and the speed of strength is still the same.

The second is that he only got Ravel’s memory fragments and only mastered a straight-through technique, and this was only the most basic one of the basic tricks.

“On real strength, in the environment of Ravel, I may not even be a qualified reserve soldier.” Lin Sheng smiled heartily.

But the thought of killing the monsters himself might get the memory fragments, he was full of expectations.

Holding the sword, he approached slowly, step by step.

Walked to less than one meter from the body.

Lin Sheng poked at the corpse arm with the tip of a sword.


A corpse tilted to the ground, his head grunted and rolled off his neck. He revealed a dagger hidden in his arms.

“Deadly?” Lin Sheng narrowed his eyes and picked up the dagger with the tip of his sword.

With a click, the dagger rolled out and fell to the ground.


Suddenly a familiar hissing sound came from Lin Sheng’s right.

He opened his eyes wide, and immediately looked in the direction of the sound.

In the dark, a monster with a black sword in his right arm slowly limped towards him.

The monster’s head was covered with a white turban, and a little blood stains leaked out. The skin on the neck and arm was covered with ulcerated pustules.

“Come again …” Lin Sheng clenched his black sword, staring right.

With Ravel’s incomplete memory, he felt he could try to face the monster once.

“Sneak attack can’t solve the problem. I will have to face this dilemma sooner or later.” Lin Sheng sank, holding the sword in both hands, holding it up slowly, standing in his ear.


Rotting swordsmen are getting closer and closer.

Lin Sheng’s spirit became more concentrated.


Suddenly a gust of wind passed by.

Lin Sheng split it down instantly, and the black sword made a sharp cracking sound in the night, straightly chopping off the neck of the rotting swordsman.

If this hit is cut, it will definitely cause a one-shot kill. Although the Rotten Swordsman has great strength and good swordsmanship, his body is rotten and extremely vulnerable. Once hit, there was almost no rescue.

The rotting swordsman didn’t sit still, and the black sword in his hand drew upward, drawing an arc, and hitting Lin Sheng’s blade.


Lin Shengjian was swung open to the outside, originating from Ravel’s fighting memories.

He made a good move to the right, avoiding the attack that the rotting swordsman followed.


Lin Sheng held the sword down with both hands to take advantage of everything. Try to cut off the opponent’s wrist.


There was another muffled sound, and the blow was blocked again by the rotting swordsman with his black sword guard.

They both backed away.

In less than a second, Lin Sheng flew forward again, and the black sword in his hand was like a black snake, straight and sharp piercing the rotting swordsman’s chest.


This move was blocked again.

Lin Sheng took two steps back again.

The two resumed confrontation face to face.

This is the ancient sword technique of Naxi swordsmanship. Timing, angle, speed, distance and so on are all important. Once the two sides are almost the same in these respects, this situation will happen now.

The continuous clashes spread far. A distant hiss came near in the distance.

Lin Sheng once again entangled with the rotting swordsman, the goods on the opposite side and Ravel were completely two types.

This guy is not very aggressive, but he is very defensive. Several consecutive offensives were precisely blocked by the opponent.

Huh … huh … huh …

Lin Sheng gasped, his physical strength was approaching the limit.

Despite these weeks of continuous exercise, he was essentially the same high school student who did little exercise.

It’s strange to be able to fight the rotting swordsman for so long right now.

Every time the black sword collided, he felt his arms numb, and he needed to do his best to barely hold the black sword.

The Rotten Swordsman only issued a sword with one hand.

This means that the power gap between him and the other side is also large.

“Enough ….!” Lin Sheng felt sweat running down his forehead and his two fingers, and his body was like an exhaust fan about to fart, desperately exhaling fresh oxygen.

Until now, this dream has not been much different from the real reality.

He could even feel the cold wind blowing on his skin, and the pieces of goosebumps brought up.

“It must be resolved as soon as possible! Otherwise, let’s withdraw first!” Lin Sheng made up his mind, Lin Sheng stared at the rotting swordsman carefully, and then the corner of his eyes scanned the surrounding ground.

Soon, a humble plan came to mind.

He pounced again, and Black Sword stabbed at the opponent’s chest.

The rotting swordsman quickly blocked and countered. You two came to me, slowly shifted their position, and soon came to a darker area.


Suddenly Lin Sheng backed up and ran away.

The rotten swordsman stunned, immediately reacted, and followed closely. He did not see the tip of a stone protruding from the ground under his feet.

A snap, the rotting swordsman was stirred, and his body was out of balance. As soon as he was about to recover, he saw a black sword slashing in front of him.

Lin Sheng didn’t know when to turn around, clenched the black sword with both hands, and slashed severely from top to bottom.


In the dark, the rotting swordsman’s head was like a watermelon, which was severely embedded in the black sword, cut into a third and then stopped.

Lin Sheng urged to press down, but still couldn’t divide the opponent into two.

“It’s all deceiving!” He panted sweatily.

“Human skulls look much stiffer than other places. Those who split people into two pieces with one flutter are just kidding.”

He exhausted his whole body to cut a third, which is already a sword he feels very good.

Angle and power speed are impeccable. And the black sword itself is sharp and unusual.

But still only this result.

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