Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)

Chapter 23

Silently, a black line evaporates from the rotting swordsman, flew towards Lin Sheng, and quickly entered his chest.

Lin Sheng’s head sank suddenly, feeling a large amount of messy picture information, like stuffing a suitcase full of things.

He felt a splitting headache, sweat permeating like crazy without money.

For three full breaths, Lin Sheng reluctantly suppressed the headache and glanced around.

There were actually three rotting swordsmen slowly appearing on all sides, moving towards him.

“Damn !!”

He turned around and ran away.

Before I left, I looked at the street lamp. There were three directions engraved on the lamp post, one of which was the Black Feather City, the other was the Ravel Manor, and a black swamp.

After getting part of the memory fragments, Lin Sheng felt that the most convenient is in the language of words.

Now, at least, he will not scurry around like a headless fly, like at the beginning.

In the darkness, Lin Sheng ran all the way, and drove straight towards the road in the direction of Black Feather City.

He was stunned around him on both sides. He didn’t know how much danger, and he couldn’t care less, it was important to hold it until the memory was accepted.

After running for more than ten times, when Lin Sheng’s physical strength was about to be unable to support, the memory fragments in his head were finally received.

“A mercenary? Woman, fine wine? Gambling money?” Lin Sheng quickly glanced at the memories.

To his regret, the memory content obtained this time is not much about fighting. It’s mostly garbage memories of life.

The master of memory seemed to be a wandering mercenary, and he went there whenever the price was high.

The money you make is either gambling or looking for prostitutes. Otherwise, just go drinking and bragging.

The memory is full of this useless information.

Lin Sheng was still full of expectations, but now it seems.

“It’s not like meeting a good guy like Ravel every time …”

Fortunately, although there is not much memory in combat, but the mercenary’s memory still contains a little muscle memory. A little about the use of basic tricks and exercise methods.

“It’s not a busy day.” After Lin Sheng ran for a while, feeling that there was no sound behind him, he stopped slowly.

At this moment he was standing in a dark driveway.

A faint gray mist filled the surrounding area, and for a while he couldn’t even tell if he stepped on the ground.

There are hazy rows of wooden fences on both sides of the driveway.

These wooden fences were intermittent and tattered, and some of them were ragged with unknown clothes.

Lin Sheng clenched the black sword and continued to move forward while carefully sorting out the mercenary memory he had just seen.

Although most of it is dregs, very few details, if you dig deep, you can still get a lot of information.

“….. Sudden cold wind and fog? Everyone is infected with some unknown disease?” Lin Sheng frowned.

Soon, he found another familiar name—Lazabel.

“It seems to be the third blacksmith shop in Kurowa Castle?”

Lin Sheng quickly found the route to Lhasabel, but unfortunately the mercenary’s incomplete memory did not contain this content.

Along the driveway in the dark, I walked for a few more minutes.

Gradually, a large building with gray holes and black holes appeared in front of it.

“It seems to be a city gate?” Lin Sheng hesitated for a moment, “This should be the Black Feather City mentioned by Ravel.”

He looked straight ahead and was about to raise his foot and continue on his way. Suddenly a slight throbbing came to my heart.

“Wake up … it just so happens that I need to take some time to dig through the memory fragments of the mercenaries.”

Lin Sheng stood in place, and finally looked at the huge and dark city in front of him, suddenly dark before his eyes, and then lost consciousness.



Sit up slowly from the bed.

Lin Sheng ripped his wet underwear and felt helpless.

“I have to do my own laundry again …” There is no automatic washing machine these days, and I can only rub it manually, which is a lot of trouble.

He got out of bed, quietly went to the bathroom by moonlight, scrubbed his body with hot water in a thermos, and changed his clean underwear. Then I returned to the bedroom and lay down.

The big ear black pig alarm clock placed on the bedside table, the pointer only went to 3:40.

Lin Sheng still has enough time to sort it out.

“Let me take a good look …. take a good look …. you will find some useful information.”

Lying on the bed, he began to recall the incomplete memory of the mercenaries bit by bit.

Time passed by little by little, and the sky was getting brighter and brighter.

Lin Sheng lay down and fell asleep again, stumbled to hear parents washing their faces in the bathroom.

He was agitated and quickly woke up. But people are back to life, but their minds are still in their previous incomplete memories.

“Yes, today is Sunday. I don’t have to get up early, I can sleep more!” Lin Sheng suddenly thought of the date.

It’s a pity that he woke up, and he couldn’t sleep if he wanted to sleep again.

Lying on the bed, while listening to the movement in the living room corridor, Lin Sheng continued to study the mercenary’s incomplete memory.

Finally, an extremely small place was dug out by him and noticed.

“… In Black Plume, mercenaries generally receive their tasks at the Black Plume Union, which is located between the Warren Temple and the Tax Office. The Warren Temple?”

Lin Sheng sat up, got out of bed and sat in front of the writing desk, opened the drawer, took out the previous notebook, and carefully wrote down the name with a pen.

‘Warren Temple’

These four words recorded in Chinese are particularly striking on white paper.

Lin Sheng closed his eyes, and Rawell’s memory quickly emerged from his mind about the place.

Soon, combined with mercenary memory, he finally sorted out an amazing message!

“….. Temple of Warren … is where the temple trains trainee warriors and inherits the Holy Runes? Holy Runes?”

Lin Sheng combined all the memory fragments of Ravel and the mercenary and found only one sentence.

“Sacred Rune …” Lin Sheng’s face showed a strange look.

“Maybe you can try your luck in the past, maybe you can find some items and books with extraordinary power. This sacred rune is not easy to hear by name!”

The fragments of memory he has obtained so far are purely physics, completely irrelevant to the extraordinary.

If he can find an extraordinary way out of this small temple, then he will definitely go to try no matter how dangerous it is! This is a common dream of his past and present life!

Have a plan in mind.

Lin Sheng put on his clothes and put away his notebook. Out of the bedroom and walked to the kitchen.

There was a large meat bun in the kitchen and a glass of freshly warmed milk.

My parents have gone out to work, to work, to open a shop.

Lin Sheng pulled a chair and sat down. He grabbed the meat buns and started eating. After stuffing three meat buns in a row, he drank the milk in one breath.

Yesterday, I took a mentoring lesson at the Steelscale Clubhouse.

Lin Sheng first went to Rainbow Park, not far from home.

Rainbow Park is one of only three parks in Huaisha. Because it is close to the sea, and there are seaside scenery such as coconut trees and beaches, there are always many new people taking wedding photos during the day.

But Lin Sheng went to Rainbow Park not to play, but to collect money.

As an adult who has awakened the memories of previous lives, it is not difficult to find a way to earn some pocket money.

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