Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)

Chapter 26

Back from the clubhouse, Lin Sheng still took the bus.

Although you have money in your pocket, it is still not easy to change the habits you have developed. It was as if he only planned to be low-key for two years at first, but it has been low-key for a long time, and now he has become a habit ….

“To put it plainly still lazy.”

Standing in the cold wind, Lin Sheng glanced back at the white bus shaking slowly away. Tightening his collar, he slowly moved along the blind road in front of the shop.

There are not many people on the street, there are no snacks in the neighborhood, and the night life is quite deserted.

Lin Sheng hurried back while recalling his previous fight with Russell.

“Actually, I almost solved each other without pulling my sword ….. The mercenary’s residual instincts are remembered, and I don’t want to be too good at this sudden approach.

“Using a metal sword support and accurate judgment, you can instantly break the opponent’s offensive. This technology should actually be considered in close combat.”

“It’s a pity that I’m weaker, otherwise I don’t need to use counterattack to win.”

Before he practiced with Russell, the reason why he could easily fly it was not by his own strength, but by borrowing Russell’s own momentum.

This is also a move in the mercenary’s memory instinct. This type of move is necessary in the face of opponents who are much stronger than themselves.

“In general, this is using the hardness and material of the sword itself as a lever principle to borrow the power of the opponent.

Theoretically, the greater the opponent’s strength, the deeper the damage. The premise is that the material of the sword body is hard enough. “

Lin Sheng recalled the previous encounters and had a deeper understanding of this type of skill.

If Ravel’s memory shards gave him basic skills, then the mercenary’s memory shards would enrich his other playing experience.

Although not many, in the environment of Ravel, perhaps not even an apprentice. But dealing with a Russell is nothing.

The guy said that he had been trained, but in fact it was a little chick who had never seen blood.

Entering along the gate of the spacious community, Lin Sheng walked all the way to the entrance of his house.

I don’t know who scattered a stack of advertising leaflets on the floor of the staircase, and scattered it all over the floor.

On it is printed a photo of a beautiful woman who does not know, the following line: heavy gold seeking children …

Lin Sheng kicked off an advertisement erected by the wind and slowly went upstairs.

The stairwell light was broken again.

He took three steps and reached the third floor in a few steps.

The anti-theft door was open at home, and Dad Lin was moving out of the store, all snacks and snacks filled with linen pockets.

Several large pockets were stacked in front of the house, not even a place to stay.

“Come on the handle and just move downstairs.” Lin Anniversary screamed when he saw Lin Sheng coming.


The two fathers and sons started working together, and the speed was much faster, and more than ten bags were shipped downstairs.

Lin Anniversary drove over his small tricycle and picked up the goods.

“Okay, you go to bed, I’ll send it over. People are anxious.” Lin Anniversary stuffed a roll of money into Lin Sheng’s hands.

“Your class teacher called and said it was to make up for lessons, and to talk about the type of key questions in the college entrance examination.

And your pocket money for the next few days. Don’t ask your sister to ask, she is not easy to be alone. “

After speaking, he waved his hand, and waited for Lin Sheng to talk back, then he rode on the tricycle and staggered away.

Lin Sheng watched Dad go further and further in the night until he couldn’t see.

He glanced down at the roll of money in his hand, one hundred and two twenty. The money was pinched a little crumpled, with a little sweat from his father.

Life is like this. In addition to small shops, Lin Anniversary occasionally encounters helping others to order large orders.

It is not uncommon to go out for delivery in the evening like this. He can make twenty or thirty in one trip, which is hard money.

After being silent, Lin Sheng turned back to the third floor and pushed the door into the house.

Put on slippers, wash regularly, change pajamas, and drink a glass of water before going to bed.

Finally quietly lay on the bedroom bed.

Lying on his back, he thought a lot.

“It really has to improve life.”

For a long time, Lin Sheng sighed and closed his eyes slowly.




As soon as he opened his eyes, Lin Sheng felt a chill straight into his head.

He instinctively tumbling and rolled left to avoid it.

puff! !!

A black sword fell heavily on the position where he had just stood, and smashed the ground out of a small pit.

The owner of the Black Sword is a bloated, decaying swordsman.

He was pulling the sword out of the ground and turned and rushed towards Lin Sheng again.

In the cold wind, the rotting swordsman was all black, and only a black shadow flew towards Lin Sheng.


Lin Sheng couldn’t see the figure at all, but could only roll over and avoid it, then got up and ran away.

Before, there was a little moonlight outside, and this trip came in, even the moonlight was gone.

It was all dark, and nothing was visible.

“Gotta find the light source first!”

Lin Shengshen dashed all the way. He didn’t dare to stop at all, for he was afraid that there would be any monsters around him after stopping.

He didn’t want to die somehow and go back, after all, after a single death, it would take a few more days to recover.

I don’t know how far. There was no sound behind him.

Suddenly Lin Sheng was tripped over by a stone under his feet, and a man nearly fell.

It was finally slowly shining.

Moonlight slowly emerged from behind the black cloud.

Lin Sheng gasped and stopped, distinguishing the surroundings carefully.

In front of it is a tall, gray and white, and the place of entry is all gray walls.

The city walls circle the whole town, like white cheese that is about to decay, and is full of rotten holes.

Lin Sheng took a few steps forward. His current position was only a few meters away from the city wall.

“Surprisingly came here in one breath …… is this Black Plume?”

He reached out and touched the gray-white wall near him.

Different from the surface, the wall material is extremely hard, and some sharp places even give him a metal touch.

“More and more real, this dream …”

Lin Sheng’s heart sank a little. In fact, to this point, he already had some doubts. Is he really dreaming?

Withdrawing his hand, he slowly grasped the black sword and walked in through the doorway of the main entrance of the city wall.

In the doorway more than three meters high, it was cold and silent, and a cold wind continued to rush in from behind.

Lin Sheng could not help shrinking his neck, trying to avoid heat loss.

Through the doorway, there was a decaying gray block.

There are scattered carriage carriages on the street. Some finely divided black fragments that do not know what were blown away by the wind from time to time.

Dilapidated shops and residential areas kept making creaking noises in the wind, as if they might collapse at any time.

Lin Sheng looked up and looked into the distance.

It was gray there.

In the depths of Black Feather City, he was still drowning in a mist and could not see anything.

“Not a living thing?” Lin Sheng kept alert at all times.

He did not believe that there would be no monsters in such a large city.

Holding the black sword, he searched left and right, and quickly found a direction sign on the right side of the door opening.

There are five direction signs made of ferrous metal.

The text in three directions has been completely blurred and cannot be seen clearly. The remaining two were barely recognizable.

“Els Square? Kuroba City Hall?”

Lin Sheng recognized the text in both directions.

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