Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)

Chapter 27 - (Thanks to the leader of the world Wu Neng, thank you for your support in the following)

“These two places ….” Lin Sheng didn’t think he could be fearless.

Generally speaking, terrains such as squares are places where it is easy to attract large numbers of monsters.

And the black feather city hall? Who believes that there is no senior blame in the most important place of such a city?

“Neither direction can go.” Lin Sheng cut off these two directions decisively, then looked at the other three directions.

All three direction signs have been obsolete, with only a little residual color, and the handwriting cannot be recognized at all.


Lin Sheng stood at the gate of the city and hesitated for a while.

“Forget it, let’s brush the rotting swordsman in the wild first.”

He felt that he was still too weak. Since killing the Rotten Swordsman can obtain residual memory, as long as he kills more and acquires some other martial arts memory, he may get more clues.

“It’s better than scurrying like this headless fly.”

Decided, Lin Sheng turned and decisively went out.

He is still too weak now, first kill more rotting swordsmen on the side, strengthen himself before talking.

Exit from the previous doorway.

Lin Sheng began to search slowly around the city wall, and soon after entering the right fence of the city, he encountered a rotting swordsman.

This rotting swordsman is much weaker than the previous two.

Lin Sheng only fought a few tricks, he solved it easily, and got a little bit of memory.

But to his regret, this guy is just a soldier who originally defended the city, except for a little basic sword moves, nothing else.

But there are other information about the black feather city terrain branch.

Although the sword cannot be strengthened, other information is needed by Lin Sheng.

He continued his search, and soon found two Rotting Swordsmen near the city gate.

One resolved easily, and the other counterattacked before dying, scratching his arm.

“Damn, I was wounded!”

Lin Sheng followed the cluttered memory and did not know who it was, hiding in the corner of the city wall, gagging a corner of his pajamas, and tearing hard.


The clothes were not torn, and slipped out of his mouth. Lin Sheng felt the pain of his gums …

“The TV shows are deceiving!” He held his wound in his hands with anger. But over time, the more blood bleeds.

The length of a slap wound is fatal if there is no way to stop bleeding.

No way, he can only take off his jacket completely, facing the artery at the upper point of the wound, is a bandage.

The pressure brought by the tight clothes gradually made the wound blood flow gradually smaller.

But Lin Sheng also felt debilitated at this time, and seemed to wake up at any time.

“It seems that the exhaustive actions of injury, tiredness, etc. will also reduce my time in dreams.”

He had some judgment in his heart.

Soon, an inexplicable feeling came to mind.

Lin Sheng slowly closed his eyes, his consciousness fell into obscurity.

Not long after, he opened his eyes again and returned to his bedroom.

Drop by drop.

The alarm clock on the side kept beeping.

Lin Sheng exhaled, reached out and pressed the alarm clock, and watched the time by the way.

It’s already over six in the morning.

The memory he had just absorbed was a little bit, and he felt his head a little swollen.

It’s getting late and it’s too late to sort it out. He hurried to wash at home, changed into school uniforms, and quickly rushed out of the door to get on the bus to Hui’an High School.

Last night, I continuously absorbed the memory of the three rotting swordsmen. In addition to the garbage information, the topographic map of the Black Feather City was probably plump in Lin Sheng’s mind.

After all, all the guards at the gates take advantage of the terrain.

In addition, what makes Lin Sheng a little speechless is.

Many of the guards guarding the city gates are in conflict with each other.

For example, what if the sword is caught by the opponent’s soft weapon?

Lin Sheng can find three solutions in his mind. These measures are okay in themselves, but they are too complicated. Even the two are contradictory.

The influx of memories in a short time made Lin Sheng dizzy all morning.

After lunch at noon, I lay down in the classroom for a while.

The first class in the afternoon happened to be the math test of the class teacher.

Lin Sheng stumbled over the entire paper, not even knowing when he handed it in.

God knows how many points this intuitive test can take.

Fortunately, this state continued until eight o’clock in the evening, and finally returned to normal.

The recovered Lin Sheng, the first time to do, is to find out the location of the previous small temple first.

He continuously hunts rotting swordsmen and completes the map of Black Feather City for two purposes.

First, find the small sanctuary and see if there is any way to contact the super knowledge.

Second, find Lhasabel and see if you can get a protective gear.

“According to Ravel’s memory, Lhasabel and that Warren Temple should be in Black Feather City.”

After thinking about it, Lin Sheng carefully sorted out in his mind the path nodes needed to go to these two places.

“The most effective way to deal with getting lost is to find landmarks as nodes. According to memory, this place, this place, here, here … there is a dark red clock tower.”

Lin Sheng used his notes to make several turns.

Soon, the two paths to different places became clearer.

“OK. Then miscellaneous information collation …”

Few consecutive pieces of memory are piled together. If not sorted, some key messages may be forgotten, and memory may be chaotic over time.

Lin Sheng took a pen on a new page of the notebook and wrote down: martial arts, terrain, and extraordinary.

“Only find the relevant content of these three points, irrelevant, leave the rest alone.”

He determined his focus.

Soon, from the memory of a group of soldiers guarding the city, Lin Sheng pulled out another useful thing.

“Limit-breaking method?”

“Can you break the limit from the second level and step into the third-level extraordinary method?”

Lin Sheng was surprised when he sorted out his memories.

Although these soldiers guarding the city gate have low status and weak strength, their knowledge and experience are really not comparable to ordinary people.

They are well-informed, and they can know a lot of surrounding news every day, even if they are unintentional.

People come and go, all kinds of rumors and rumors go around, and many of them pass through them.

Any important announcements posted in cities are posted here first. Because the gate of the city is the place with the largest number of people.

The hawker merchants who enter and exit are subject to their interrogation. Beggars and refugees are responsible for driving them out. What’s going on in the city is the easiest thing to know.

From the memory of a guard named Yi De, Lin Sheng pulled out the content about breaking the law.

Yi De is different from the other soldiers. He is the one who finally mortally wounded Lin Sheng.

He was originally a disabled veteran retired on the battlefield. When he was healthy before, he also had the potential to contact the training of soldiers.

That time was his proudest moment, so he has been remembering it for many years and repeating it.

In the end, it was convenient for Lin Sheng to understand this information.

Soon, he dug out a specific level of soldier content from Yi De’s long memory.

“The first-level soldiers only need to specialize in one weapon, be proficient in offensive and defensive operations, and practice several times a year, and they can train a batch a year.”

“Second-level fighters, veterans among soldiers, wandering swordsmen with a family tradition of martial arts, who can excel in one direction, work hard and exercise to the limit of the human body, may be rated as second-class.”

“Three fighters, people who push the limits. In a certain aspect, they have lethality beyond the limits of ordinary people. It is a state that mortals cannot reach by relying on exercise alone.”

After that it was gone.

This is the information Lin Sheng has compiled, but it is much more comprehensive than the previous intermittent clips.

And most importantly, he also heard a name from these memories-Twelve Shield Warriors, Head of the Black Feather Guard Corps, Ostan Rein.

“The third level is already beyond the limit, it is hard to imagine what the concept of a twelfth level warrior !!” Lin Sheng was shocked.

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