Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)

Chapter 28 - Beginning 1

With awe, Lin Sheng finished organizing his memories, put away his pen, and quickly washed and fell asleep.

“This time, practicing outside, there is actually a twelve-level existence in the city of Black Feather, according to the previous inference. In case this twelve-level city guard commander also turns into a monster, then … “

Anyway, this time, Lin Sheng made up his mind and never entered the city.

He just got the map of the Black Feather City, and he urgently wanted to go in and see if he could find the shadow of the extraordinary power.

Lying on the bed, he closed his eyes, his consciousness slowly got confused, and then he kept sinking, sinking, sinking …


A gust of cold wind blew through him, so cold that he was agitated, and suddenly woke up.

Opening his eyes, there was a mess of grass around, and a rotten swordsman corpse that had been killed was lying in front of it not far.

Lin Sheng stood up with his sword in his arms, and looked around. He was still at the corner of the wall where he had escaped from the injury.

On both sides are the gray and ruined city walls covered with holes, all the way to the mist in the distance, the end is invisible.

He first inspected the injured area quickly.

“The wound is fine?”

The wounded area had returned to normal before, and even the damaged clothes were repaired together.

Lin Sheng patted **** the wound without pain.

“You can use this trick to restore your state in the future.”

Secretly remembering this, he looked up and glanced left and right.

On the left is the area he swept before. The rotting swordsman on the ground was found there.

On the right is the direction back to Shing Mun Gate.

After a pause, he decided to go back to the right first.

“If I don’t go in, I’ll just walk outside and look at the head office? Maybe this black feather city will change differently at different times.”

Lin Sheng’s mind had the memory of the goalkeeper soldier, and he had the bottom. For the entire Black Feather City, we have accurately judged where we are.

At this point it is no longer chaotic as before.

He moved his hands and examined his lower body.

The body was still wearing white underwear and trousers when it came in. No wonder it was too cold.

“Where to find a suit to wear, this dream perception is becoming more and more real. Don’t be left alive and cold to the back, it’s funny.”

My heart decided to pay more attention to the clothes, Lin Sheng glanced at the corpse not far away unconsciously.

The rotten swordsman wore rotten black clothes, and he could still see the original pale gray material.

Through the gaps in the clothes, you can also see a lot of dried black blood and broken pustules …

“Forget it …”

Lin Sheng decisively cut off his plan to grab the rotting swordsman clothes.

Holding the sword, he walked hurriedly towards the gate of the city gate.

After walking for a while, there was a sound of small footsteps from the front wall.

Da, Da, Da.

The steps seemed like metal boots stepping on a rock in the soil, and the sound was dull with a crackling noise.

Lin Sheng’s heart fluttered, and he stopped.

What he didn’t expect was that the other party also seemed to notice him and stopped immediately.

Both sides stop at the same time.

The wind blew past the feet, blasting with weeds not far away.

Lin Sheng felt colder and colder, holding the sword handle tighter with both hands.

He pursed his lips and licked his tongue on the cracked lower lip.


Suddenly a small stone fell from the wall on his head.


A small sound approached quickly.

Lin Sheng was attracted by the stone, and the reaction was slightly slower, and the sword body went upright.

Click for a moment.

The two swords collided fiercely.

In the black fog, a black sword leaped from top to bottom and slammed in the middle of Lin Shengjian’s body.

Lin Sheng then saw who the opponent was.

The opponent is also dressed as a rotten swordsman. The head was covered with white bandages, and no eyes, nostrils and mouth were exposed.

But different from other rotting swordsmen.

The bandage on this guy’s head didn’t leak blood, and his hands and feet were completely sound. There was no damage to his body in black.

There was no pustules on the exposed black skin.

Except for the old clothes, this is like a normal person with a head injury.

Too late to observe, Lin Sheng was pushed back by the huge force of the other side.

The two retreated quickly along the way.

The Rotten Swordsman stopped suddenly, only Lin Sheng continued to retreat along the inertia.


The two swords fought again.

Lin Sheng felt numb in his hands, and even his shoulders were shaken.

But he didn’t wait for him to recover, and the opponent Black Sword came again.

Continuous sword strikes were deafening. Lin Sheng can only respond to the block by the mercenary’s combat instinct.

Now he realizes that the best one to use in actual combat is the killing instinct that the wandering mercenaries have exercised in the battlefield of life and death.

“It’s so strong …” Lin Sheng bracedly supported, his heart was horrified.

This was the first time he had encountered such a powerful rotting swordsman.

Most of the previous ones were mules, or they had fewer arms and were always physically disabled.

But this time is different.

The opponent’s body is sound and his swordsmanship is superb, not even weaker than himself who has absorbed so many soldiers’ memories.

“No …. It’s not weaker than me! If it wasn’t for the mercenary’s instinctual response to danger, I would have been killed now …” Lin Sheng’s heart suddenly responded.

He couldn’t remember using any of the swordsmanship at the moment, and he blasted out before him again and again to make a lot of clashes. The body only retreats back and forth.

He couldn’t do anything else.

The black sword in his hand blocked in the direction of the chill.

At this moment, he knew the power of that mercenary.

If it wasn’t for the guy’s physical disability and no systematic sword skills, he wouldn’t even try to kill anyone.

The sound of the sound kept ringing, Lin Sheng was sore all over, feeling like he was hit by a heavy hammer on his body again and again, his hands were completely numb.

But no matter it is reason or instinct, he told him that he must hold on to the hilt, otherwise he would die!


Suddenly a muffled sound, Lin Sheng took two steps back and found that there was no sound in front, and the continuous black sword attack before it disappeared.

He knelt half-kneel on the ground, his body weak. Gaze was barely raised, looking forward.

In the moonlight, the rotting swordsman held a sword with one hand and stood two meters away from him, and stopped chasing.


Two consecutive sword marks flashed on the ground in front of the opponent, forming a cross.

The rotting swordsman turned and slowly left, slowly disappearing into the mist.

Lin Sheng gritted his teeth and stood up, supporting himself with a sword not to fall.

Large swaths of sweat flowed from his forehead. He was completely unaware.

“This guy … is exactly two ranks from the previous Rotten Swordsman! But, why didn’t he chase him?”

Lin Sheng glanced around quickly, immediately.

Where he stood, on the left side of the road, a large wooden pillar more than four meters high was erected, and a tattered black pennant hung on it.

In the middle of the banner, a winged black hawk pattern can be seen faintly.

“This is the boundary of the city under the control of the Black Feather City … It’s so far away …?” Lin Sheng felt incredible.

There is a range of at least two hundred meters from the wall.

He had just retreated so far under the pressure of the rotting swordsman! ?

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