Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)

Chapter 29 - Beginning 2

The rotten swordsman chased out two hundred meters in one breath, Lin Sheng was surprised that his physical strength was so good, but also shocked the fierceness of the opponent.

At the same time, the emphasis on mercenary combat instincts is also higher.

“I’m also lucky. I can actually get this special instinct that can be exercised between life and death. This trip really helped me discover the efficacy of this ability.”

Lin Sheng stood still for a while and felt that in the dream, his physical strength would recover faster than reality.

He was tired enough before, but he recovered again in ten minutes.

He stabbed the black sword into the ground, and squatted down, reaching out and digging a handful of black soil.

The black soil is cold and hard, with many black silk threads like grass roots, and fine black stones scattered and dropped.

Lin Sheng squeezed it gently, the soil was loose, and then he smelled it on his nose.

A stink of fleshy flesh came on his face.

Picking up the black soil, he stood up, clapped his hands, and pulled out his sword.

“According to the memory of the soldiers who kept the city before, see if you can determine who this guy is.”

He remembered a few names in his memory. His face was silent.

“Try it …. Since you stop here and don’t chase, then the biggest possibility is one of these people.”

Holding the black sword, Lin Sheng slowly moved forward and took a step.

Just over the post with the black hawk pennant.

Puff puff….

There was a rush of footsteps in the fog ahead.

Lin Sheng’s pupils shrunk, the black sword pointed forward, and the droop pointed to the ground. Tense body strength, ready to exert force at any time.

This stance is called the central iron gate. It looks like an offensive stance, but it is actually the most commonly used main defense stance in the basic stance.

Soon, less than three breaths.

A black figure rushed out of the mist with a black sword slanting to the right, his steps like a mad bull.

Too late to think about how to deal with it, Lin Sheng only saw a breath from seeing the other side appearing to the other side.

He quickly lifted his sword up, swaying with all his strength.


The two swords collided instantly.

Under the moonlight, the black sword of the rotting swordsman was dealt with in advance by Lin Sheng’s move and swung out upward.

But he was not at all chaotic. He turned around, turned his body 360 degrees, and the black sword struck again.

Lin Sheng felt weak and weak, and stepped back quickly.

For a moment, the black sword of the rotting swordsman swept across a centimeter in front of him. From the top down, he fell into the black ground fiercely.

The sharp black blade followed the inertia and sank into the ground for almost a third.

“It’s now!” Lin Sheng’s eyes brightened, one stepped forward, and gathered all his strength, the black sword stabbed forward.

The rotting swordsman also wanted to pull out the weapon, but unfortunately the blade was sunk too deep, and it was not pulled out so quickly.

He missed the opportunity this time, and he didn’t have time to react, and for a moment, Lin Sheng was knocked on the spot.


The slender blade of the black sword pierced straight from the heart of his chest, and slammed the black blood all the way to the sword guard.

Most of the sword body pierced through the back of the rotting swordsman, and black blood dripped from the blade.

“Big profit!” Lin Sheng succeeded in making use of the soft black soil calculations. That is, the monster of the other party has no brains, and if you change it to a normal person, you will not win.

Unfortunately, it was not long before he was happy, and a sudden pain spread from the abdomen.

Lin Sheng slackened his sword handle, took two steps back, and looked down at his lower abdomen.

I don’t know when there will be an extra dagger there. A curved black dagger with a hilt like a snake.

The dagger penetrated deep into his abdomen, accompanied by pain, and a slight numbness.

Lin Sheng, who has the memory of multiple soldiers, immediately discerned that this was the feeling that a certain toxin was spreading.

“Let’s wipe …. Attention …”

He put up with pain, learned the method of the TV series, reached out and held the dagger, and pulled out fiercely.


The blood sprayed his hand, and a large piece of the ground was visible, wet and clear.

“Sink …… spray more !! Dying !!!”

Lin Sheng felt like a hole in his stomach, and he was constantly leaking air.

“Not feeling, it’s just a hole …..!”

He reached over his stomach and sat down on the floor.

One meter in front of him, the rotten swordsman crouched to the ground, motionless, apparently dead.

A trace of black smoke was slowly evaporating from the opponent, then condensed into a line, and flew towards him silently.

For a moment, the black line plunged into Lin Sheng’s heart precisely.

“Fortunately … no loss …” Lin Sheng immediately felt a familiar headache.

A large number of memory pictures got into the brain madly, and the pain in his head was superimposed with the pain in his stomach.

“Forget it, this trip will definitely not survive …”

There was no hesitation, he grasped the dagger he pulled out, and hit hard in his throat.

A choking pain quickly spread all over the body.

Lin Sheng only felt his eyes darkened, and quickly dimmed, and then blindfolded his eyes and completely lost consciousness.



Opening his eyes sharply, Lin Sheng’s eyes were dark and he had difficulty breathing. The quilt blindfolded him all.


He lifted the quilt and breathed hard.

In the middle of the night, he couldn’t breathe when he covered his body in the quilt. It wasn’t cold outside, and there was no sweat on his body. Instead it was scary.

“I still felt that the mercenary’s method of treating wounds was too outdated. I should use more advanced modern medical methods ….. I didn’t expect …. Mom will never watch TV again!

When Lin Sheng remembered the tragic state of the dagger, he became very angry.

No matter how you deal with it, that injury is definitely dead. Anyway, maybe we can stay a little longer?

Sitting in bed panting for a while.

Lin Shengshun picked up the alarm clock from the bedside and watched.


“It’s early and I can sleep.”

But to his surprise, he died this time, and seemed to be less energetic than before.

“Eh? I feel like my spirit is not affected?” Lin Sheng was puzzled, and realized the state carefully.

He quickly turned out of bed and turned on the lamp.

“The best way to test your mental state is to do a question!”

Without saying a word, he turned out a set of math study questions, opened it, and found a calculation problem.

Twenty-three divided by five divided by two, the calculation problem was solved at a speed similar to his usual.

“No change. It doesn’t seem to be affected.”

Lin Sheng did not believe in evil and quickly solved several problems.

The result is the same as before. Both the time spent and the problem solving process are smooth and without any lag.

“No, it seems I haven’t died for a long time …?”

Lin Sheng suddenly thought a little.

“Does it mean that you can adapt to things like death?”

He always felt that it should be regular.

“Or is it related to the black lines I absorbed?”

Mind for the moment, Lin Sheng turned off the lights and wandered back to bed.

Since it does not affect the spirit, it is best. Otherwise, the college entrance examination is imminent, and the state is affected is really not a general trouble.

Without worrying about being debilitated, Lin Sheng began to recall the memories he had just absorbed.

The guy who is completely different from the rotting swordsmen before should be able to give him something different.

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