Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)

Chapter 3

After hurriedly finishing the day’s lessons, Lin Sheng rejected Shen Yan’s idea of ​​asking him to have a snack together in the afternoon.

Not because he doesn’t want to go, he likes many snacks in the school snack street. Unfortunately, he can only spend an average of three dollars a day, so he must save.

Take the free bus back.

Lin Sheng was sitting by the window, looking at the old street passing by quickly out of the right window.

The crooked folk flowers and birds pattern carved on the edge of the store plaque and on the corners of the wall made him unconsciously remember the nightmare of last night.

‘Boo …. Next stop, the old city textile mill. ’The standard female voice in Celine makes Lin Sheng look back from her thoughts.

He lifted the off-white schoolbag, got up from his seat, and gave it to an old lady who just got on the bus. Then he grabbed the handrail above his head, squeezed the crowd slowly, and moved towards the door.

‘Squeeze! Damn it! ’

‘Young people pay attention! Don’t affect everyone. ’

‘My foot, you stepped on my foot! What the hell! ’

People crowded around made noises, like children’s toys called by touch.

Lin Sheng was unmoved. He was one meter and seventy-five in height, and he was neither thin nor fat. The muscles hidden under his uniform were healthy and strong. There are no disadvantages except that the skin is a bit white.


The door opened automatically, Lin Sheng jumped down, took a deep breath, and looked back inside.

Seven or eight people went up again in the bus. The whole vehicle was like an overdue can that was about to be blown out, slowly closed the door and started to leave.

About ten meters to the right from the bus station is his neighborhood, Huilian District.

The gate of the residential area is a round arched iron shelf, and the row of squares above it in the “Hulian Village” is slightly crooked.

On both sides of the gate are uncles who carry baskets to sell vegetables. Some residents and residents stopped to haggle in front of the vegetable stalls.

In the afternoon, the hot air temperature has dropped to over 20 degrees, not as hot as during the day.

Lin Sheng walked through some rusty red-painted iron gates and walked straight down the **** to the depths of the community.

Go to the fifth building and turn right. Entered the stairwell of Unit 11.

The walls of the hallway are covered with all kinds of small advertisements, unlocked, sewer repaired, moving companies, and so on.

He walked on the stairs and suddenly felt a little sticky under his feet. He looked up and didn’t know who had sprinkled the ice cream on the ground. The inside of the soles of white sneakers has been stained with a lot of creamy ice cream.

He frowned and scratched at the edges of the staircase, barely cleaned, before going upstairs again.

On the third floor, he took out the key, skillfully opened the security door of the first house on the left, and walked in.

“Daddy.” Lin Sheng shouted as he stood at the door.

There was no one at home, and there was no sound.

He changed his slippers silently and closed the door with his backhand.

Follow the hallway through the living room and into the bedroom.

Lin Sheng couldn’t help glancing at his desk. The chair in front of the table seemed to be sitting on the back of his dream last night.

He was silent, walked over, gently opened the chair, and sat up. Surround yourself with a soft cloth cushion and a hard seat back.

After a day of class, as soon as I sat down, a heavy drowsiness came up.

Lin Sheng stood up, some dare not lie on the table to sleep. Last night’s nightmare made him remember now.

After returning home every afternoon, he has the habit of taking a nap for half an hour. Although the nightmare last night shocked him, it was just a dream.

With such an idea.

He hesitated, still went to the bed, took off his coat and uniform, turned over and pulled the quilt, and put it on his stomach.

The sunset outside the window spilled into the bedroom like blood, fell on the desk, and fell on the floor tiles.

For a while, Lin Sheng’s consciousness slowly blurred.

Hun Xun Xia Xia did not know how long he slept.

Suddenly a small cry in his ear woke him from his sleep.

Whoo …

The voice was like a woman crying, and she was singing something.

Suddenly, desperate, slender. With occasional rapid breathing.

Lin Sheng slowly opened his eyes.

He was lying on the bed again, unable to move.

In the corner of my eyes, a white dress was still sitting at the desk.

Different from last time, this time the white skirt girl slackened her shoulders swiftly. It’s like a panic who frightens too much.




Footsteps came again.

Lin Sheng could feel that someone was approaching from the corridor step by step, through the living room, and approaching the bedroom.

The hazy footsteps became clearer and louder.

The woman at the desk was crying more quickly, and her shoulders twitched faster. The whole person seemed to rise up and flee at any time.

Footsteps were getting closer.


The door slowly opened.

Lin Sheng’s scalp tightened, and he didn’t know why there was thick fear in his heart.

Everything was quiet for a little while.

puff! !!

Suddenly the quilt was lifted.

Lin Sheng felt numb all over, his eyes widened sharply, and his pupils locked.

The man didn’t know when he had reached the end of the bed and flung open a thin quilt towards him.

what! !! !!

Lin Sheng looked up suddenly and got up from the bed. There was a horrible mess in my head.

Huh … huh … huh …

He was panting quickly, sweaty, and all his T-shirts were soaked.

“I … I …” He wanted to say something, but couldn’t say anything.

The brain is blank.

Just half-sat on the bed, motionless, for more than ten minutes.

He breathed as calmly as possible until his heartbeat slowed down completely, and he no longer murmured like drumming, and then looked around.

The bedroom was empty, and the silver meniscus outside the window was exuding a delicate halo.

Lin Sheng reached out and wiped his forehead, all sweat in his hand.

“Hell, you can even dream about that with a nap …” He leaned slowly against the bedside, breathing deeply.

“It’s the same dream as before … this time, it’s closer …” He felt a deep sense of panic in his heart.

But his consistent calm habit kept him from suppressing the beating heart.

“Fear of not being able to solve any problems, I must calm down …..”

From a very young age, he understood the truth. The more hesitant, the easier he is to make mistakes, and the easier it is to waste time and energy.

Only when you are calm can you find the fastest solution.

Lin Sheng kept breathing deeply, leaning on the bedside, calming his heartbeat again and again.

About five minutes later, he completely emptied his brain and returned to normal mood.

“This dream is approaching every time. The footsteps were just outside the door before, but now I actually entered the room and even opened my quilt!” Lin Sheng felt this was a kind of foretaste.

He had a feeling that if the owner of the footsteps opened his quilt first and grabbed himself.

Something unimaginable may happen later.

He had such a hunch, an unknown hunch.

“Look again, if the dream is next time, you have to think of a way …” Lin Sheng decided in his heart. Even things like memories of previous lives can be awakened, and there is nothing that cannot happen.

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