Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)

Chapter 4

As Lin Sheng guessed.

On the third day, the nightmare came again.

This time it happened on the third night.

He had just finished supper with his dad, went back to bed, and just fell asleep for less than ten minutes, and that dream came again.

Footsteps outside that door approached faster this time.

But it seemed that because of the alert, Lin Sheng woke up almost like an electric shock this time. Forcibly before the master of footsteps opened the door, he woke up early.

But precisely because of this time, he was finally sure that this was not an accident.

That nightmare must hide something he didn’t know.

Just like the memories of his past life awakened for no reason.

In the next few days, the nightmare still came on schedule, as long as he fell asleep, it would definitely appear.

Lin Sheng also tried to control his body in the dream every time, but to no avail.

Every time, he was surrounded by the same fear. In the dream, the girl in a white dress sitting at his desk in the bedroom maintained the same posture and the same silence every time. The same weird twitches and weeps.

The footsteps also repeated the previous process continuously, approaching from the corridor.

Fortunately, in order to prevent accidents, Lin Sheng used the alarm clock in advance to avoid accidents.

Every time it just sounded when footsteps entered the door.

The harsh alarm just woke him up.

This was a precaution he had calculated in advance.

And this life has been going on for two weeks.

“According to my previous calculations, since I dreamed for the third time, the overall length of time was about 35 minutes.”

“The fourth to seventh time, the average fluctuation range is within five minutes, and we can see that the time span of this dream is not large.”

At night, sitting in front of the desk lamp, Lin Sheng carefully checked the dream data he had previously recorded.

“Maybe take an average, dream time is calculated.

Then comes the time from dreaming to footsteps entering the door. According to the previous summary, it has also been determined in the previous two dreams. “

With a pencil turning in his hand, his face was calm, if it wasn’t for the sweat left on his forehead, it would be hard to believe that he had just experienced a long repeating nightmare.

“Then what I need to do next is to control my body freely before footsteps enter the door.”

Lin Sheng knows himself very well.

He is not a hegemony or a high IQ genius. The only advantage is just being calm enough.

Therefore, only by grasping this advantage will he be able to win the tug of war in this nightmare.

Although he didn’t know what it would do to win.

But the body’s instinct was constantly warning him that he must not be caught by the master of the footsteps.


Lin Sheng erected his pencil and recorded several data in his notebook. Then slam closed.

Standing up from his desk, he looked into the distance through the glass window.

At midnight, the moonlight was gentle and quiet, but he felt a little cold.

Turning around, Lin Sheng was about to go to bed for a nap, but he just hesitated after just sitting on the bed.

“Forget it … still don’t sleep.”

He was silent and stood up again.

As soon as you fall asleep, you have nightmares, and it is the same nightmare.

This experience gave him a touch of astonishment on the bed.

But hesitate and hesitate, no matter what, don’t sleep. This way the body can’t carry it.

Lin Sheng was silent for a while. After all, he picked up the clockwork alarm clock, set the time carefully, and then lay on the bed with his clothes.

But the bed that was warm and comfortable in the eyes of ordinary people was like a sleeping needle in his heart.

Fortunately, there was no problem this time. Although the nightmare still appeared, the alarm clock seven times a night made it difficult for him to reach dawn.



“What are you doing these days ?!” Shen Yan looked at Lin Sheng with a horror.

This calm and healthy friend in the past has now lost his face fiercely, his eyes have darkened and sunken, and he has a serious lack of rest.

“Why is his face so bad? Young people need to know temperance.” Shen Yan’s unconcealed comfort.

Lin Sheng yawned helplessly.

Even in a busy and noisy classroom, he desperately wanted to sleep on his stomach.

The so-called noise around him is like a thick layer of sound-proof cloth, which is not harsh.

“It’s just that I didn’t sleep well these days.” Lin Sheng replied listlessly.

“It’s springtime at night?” Shen Yan leaned closer.

“Get out.” Lin Sheng was speechless. “It’s just a nightmare.”

“Doing nightmares make you like this?” Shen Yan was speechless.

“Just repeating a nightmare.” Lin Sheng whispered, there is nothing to hide, many people have had this experience, but the situation is not as serious as him.

“Do you have nightmares repeatedly … then you can go online to check. It is said that some people are free to control their dreams and make nightmares good dreams. It seems very magical.” Shen Yan thought for a while and reminded.

“Really?” Lin Sheng also checked, and inquired about this information online. But neither can distinguish between true and false.

“Really, I have had nightmares before, but this thing, you must not watch a horror story before you go to bed. There must be no fear or fear in your heart. Otherwise, nightmares must be allowed!” Shen Yansha said with a sense of mind.

“Really?” Lin Sheng nodded.

He has also checked this statement before. But no confirmation.

“Don’t believe it, I used to have nightmares especially. After discovering this method later, I never had nightmares again. The so-called thinking day by night and dreaming at night is the truth.” Shen Yan said seriously.

“Really?” Lin Sheng’s eyes flashed, and he stopped talking.

“I don’t think you have any energy at all, or will I take you to the gymnastics club for a while?” Shen Yan was serious for a few seconds, and immediately changed back to a wretched appearance.

“forget it….”

“Well, can’t even gymnastics suits and white silk legs arouse your interest now?” Shen Yan suddenly sighed.

“… I want to have a good sleep now.” Lin Sheng was helpless.

After school in the afternoon, when he got home, he unexpectedly found that his parents had returned early.

Mom Gu Wanqiu cooks in the kitchen. Daddy Lin was sitting in the living room reading the newspaper.

My sister Lin Xiao is absent and has already returned to college to continue her class.

Seeing Lin Sheng go home, Dad Lin Anniversary put down the newspaper and stared anxiously at his face.

“Why are you looking so bad lately? Are you sick? Don’t you kidnap, some diseases can’t be dealt with.”

“It’s okay, Dad,” Lin Sheng said while changing his slippers. “It’s just that I don’t have a good rest these days.”

“It’s okay, your kid …” Before Daddy finished, he saw Lin Sheng drop his schoolbag and turned to walk to the bedroom.

After a while, the bedroom door closed shut. Everything is calm.

“This boy …..” Lin Jiannian looked at his wife in surprise, and there was a hint of worry on both faces.

“Dad’s not good, but the two children can’t go wrong.” Gu Wanqiu worried.

“I’ll stare, leave it alone, and hurry to cook!” Lin Anniversary waved.

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