Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)

Chapter 5


Moonlight is like yarn.

Lin Sheng was still lying in bed.

He was stiff, unable to move, his arms and legs were frozen and stiff.

The only thing that could barely move was his fingers and head. This is also the result of his hard work these days.

Pop, pop, pop.

Footsteps came again.

Lin Sheng’s face was calm, and he tried to empty his brain as much as possible.

After so many nightmares, he knew he couldn’t go on like this.

The severe lack of sleep for two consecutive weeks has made his daily life and physical condition worse to an extremely low level.

“Lin Sheng …”

Suddenly something seemed to be calling him.

Lin Sheng looked stiff.

“Lin Sheng …”

The sound seemed to be drifting from a distant distance, sad and inexplicable.

But here is obviously just a bedroom, an ordinary bedroom less than six square meters.

“Lin Sheng …..”

That voice came again.

Lin Sheng gritted his teeth and tried to stabilize the heart that was gradually accelerating.

After so many experiences, he has found a pattern.

Once panicked in a dream, the footsteps will definitely get faster and closer. And his control of his body will become worse and worse.

‘do not be afraid. ’

Lin Sheng turned her face and glanced at the girl in a white skirt sitting at the desk on the left.

Then close your eyes.

Take a deep breath.

Open your eyes.

call! !!

A pale woman face face to face, almost touching the tip of his nose, facing him.

The two are no more than one palm apart.

The woman’s horrified eyes opened wide as if she saw something of extreme fear.

But suddenly a flower bloomed in front of him, Lin Sheng looked carefully again, but found that the woman’s face in front was gone.

And the girl in the white skirt was still facing her, sitting still at the desk.

He was trembling, trying to control his body, which was suddenly frightened.

Pop, pop, pop …

Footsteps were getting closer.

“Lin Sheng …” The shout was getting closer.


Suddenly, the bedroom door was slowly opened.

Lin Sheng tried to control his body and his inner emotions.

Slap, slap, slap …

Footsteps were getting closer and closer, slowly walking into the door and stopping at the end of his bed.

Lin Sheng felt very clearly that the other party was watching him with a mysterious smile, a kind of cold and silent emotion.

Inexplicably, he suddenly felt that the other hand reached out and was slowly approaching his quilt.

Little by little.

Getting closer…..

“Lin Sheng!”

Suddenly a scream rang in Lin Sheng’s ears, shaking him all over.

“To die together!”

Before he could think about it, he looked pale, madly aroused all his strength, and lifted the quilt.

puff! !!

In the dull sound, Lin Sheng got up and reached out to grab the person at the end of the bed.

what! !! !! !!

There was a harsh scream.

Lin Sheng’s eyes bloomed, and before him he could see nothing.


He seemed to have hit something, and nothing seemed to be caught.

Huh … huh … huh …

I don’t know how long it took, Lin Sheng gasped slowly, and his eyes slowly recovered.

He didn’t know when he was out of bed and stood at the desk, his right hand was steadily grasping on the right shoulder of the woman in the white skirt.


Suddenly, the woman in the white skirt, whose back was like a leaky skin, dried up instantly, leaving only a set of dresses falling on the chair.

Lin Sheng grabbed his hand, and suddenly hesitated, staying in place.

He lowered his head and wanted to look at the dress carefully, but the dress looked like melting white wax, and within a few seconds, it melted and disappeared.

“I … I succeeded?” Lin Sheng’s heart burst into inexplicable ease.

He gasped, looking around.

I am still in the bedroom, but this bedroom is a bit wrong.

The details in some corners are blurred, but most of the desks, beds, floors, ceilings, chandeliers, etc. are very clear and detailed.

Lin Sheng reached out and touched the chair. No touch came, as if he was wrapped in a thick layer of gloves before touching other things.

“I’m still dreaming?” He suddenly came to his senses.

According to the information he had previously queried, one way to judge whether he was in a dream or not was to observe the details.

He thought for a while, leaned down, and looked carefully at the pattern on the wooden chair.

The curved wooden pattern on the black wooden chair does not look like wood grain at all, but more like some weird animal simplified painting.

That pattern belongs to an animal that Lin Sheng feels familiar with, but can’t name.

“It seems I’m really in a dream …” Lin Sheng was inexplicably excited.

The fear just disappeared.

He tried, and he was completely free.

The bedroom is exactly the same as in real life.

A bookshelf, a bed, a desk and a wooden chair.

It’s just that the details in some corners are still blurry, just like a mosaic, which cannot be seen clearly.

Lin Sheng stabilized his emotions and slowly looked towards the end of the bed.

There should have been a master of footsteps, but now it is empty.

The bedroom door is half open, and through the gap, it is a long and narrow corridor bathed in dark red halo.

Lin Sheng paused, moved slowly, opened the door, and slowly went out step by step.

He felt like he was walking on cotton with every step, thick and tactile.

Out of the bedroom, Lin Sheng slowly stepped on the corridor.

Obviously it was the corridor of his own home, but gave him the illusion of stepping on a soft blanket.

He turned his head and looked out the glass window on the left side of the corridor.

Outside the window was a flowing dark red.

It’s like some thick fluid, silent and slow.

Reached out and touched, still no touch.

“This should be the peculiarity of dreams. I remember when I was dreaming, I felt something when I touched things in the dream.”

Lin Sheng’s mind flashed. But he did not stop, retracted his hand, and continued to walk along the corridor.

The home in the dream is exactly the same as the home in reality, with the same structural terrain.

The corridor is just over ten meters, and at the end, the kitchen is on the left and the living room on the right.

Lin Sheng walked step by step to the middle of the living room and kitchen, looking at the left and right probes.

“Where should I go?” In the dream, his consciousness was not very clear, and there was a blurry sense separated by a layer of fog.

And he had a feeling that he had to concentrate to stay in this dream, otherwise he might wake up immediately if he was relaxed. Leave completely.

Hesitating for a few seconds, Lin Sheng walked to the left, which was the direction of the kitchen.

He wanted to see if the kitchen still had dishes, food plates, etc. that were eaten during the day.

The leftovers in their house can’t be eaten and placed on the table, just put a fly-proof cover.

He reached out and gently pushed open the kitchen door, Lin Sheng’s eyes narrowed slightly.

The kitchen, the sink, the dining table, the chopping board are all in place, the white tiles on the wall are neat and tidy, the floor is covered with black and white grid floor tiles, and a corner of the floor tile is still put today vegetables.

Several bright red carrots were scattered out of the pocket, fine green drops of water remained on a bunch of green Chinese cabbage, and two tomatoes were round like apples. It is said that this is a new type of tomato, which is more nutritious.

“These are the same as reality …. but, what is this?” Lin Shengyi crossed these things, and his eyes fell on a crack in the right wall of the kitchen.

There should be no cracks.

Now, on the wall on the right side of the kitchen, a dark crack that is more than one meter high and half a meter wide is cracked.

There was a faint dark mist rolling in the crack, deep and gloomy. Like a channel.

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