Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)

Chapter 38 - Harvest 2

Light rain, covered by the sound of water dripping from the eaves, Lin Sheng moved forward quickly.

He quickly determined that he should be in the area of ​​the noble mansion of the Black Feather City. It was only two hundred meters away from the small temple of Waren he was going to.

“Good luck!”

He was glad. After making sure that no one was there, he said nothing and ran away in the direction of the Temple of Warren.

Poppy poppy …

The sound of small footsteps seemed to be alarming in the city. Under the echo of the echo, it was faintly felt that in the dark buildings on both sides, there was a rapid sound.

Lin Sheng didn’t care much, and died.

He was so cautious that his strength progressed slowly. Even if this trip into the city is dead, you have to see if you can try your luck and find the Temple of Warren.

The distance of two hundred meters soon arrived.

Lin Sheng made a sharp turn in the rain, turned around a street corner, and soon stopped in front of a gray-white spire church.

The appearance of the church is no different from that of an ordinary Catholic church. Just around the top of the building, there is an extra ring made of dark yellow metal.

A huge circle surrounds the church, enveloping the entire building and looks like a collar was worn on the house.

Lin Sheng also noticed that the huge ring seemed to be engraved with a large number of mysterious and special symbols.

He just stood at the door of the church and felt that the inexplicable movement behind him quickly subsided.

Soon, the surroundings were calm again.

“It’s like, everything is in awe here.” Lin Sheng suddenly thought for a moment.

But he was not afraid, and he was not afraid of death anyway.

He rushed in this time and he didn’t plan to go back alive. Let’s explore the truth.

No longer thinking about it, he strode towards the church with a sword.

From the open door, walked into the rusty iron fence and stood in the yard, Lin Sheng looked around to slow down.

Unexpectedly, when he entered the yard, he felt light all over and felt a faint sense of relief.

Under the silver moonlight, the church more than ten meters high vaguely filled with sacred and soft atmosphere.

The perimeter of the church is tens of meters, and all the areas within the dark yellow circle give a mysterious sense of peace.

Lin Sheng walked slowly forward to the door of the church and looked up at the lintel more than two meters high.

On the lintel made of black metal, a sad and helpless human face is portrayed. It is a stick figure used without much detail, but the sad mood is extremely realistic.

On the ground on the right side of the door, a small stone pillar was erected, and a word was engraved on the stone pillar.

‘Believe in light, cut out darkness! ’

On the round surface of the stone pillar, the text is carved into a ring, which is neat and neat, like printing and engraving.

Lin Sheng’s eyes narrowed slightly, he reached out his hand, pressed it against the door, and pushed in.


The door was quiet and separated inward from both sides.

A neat and quiet church hall appeared in front of Lin Sheng.

Standing in front of the gate, he glanced over the side seats and saw the prayer table at the end.

On the white prayer table was a thick book of large Phnom Penh books. The book cover is inlaid with diamond-shaped blue crystals, and the edges are filled with mysterious runes similar to the outer ring.

I don’t know if it was an illusion. Lin Sheng’s eyes fell on the diamond crystal, and he always felt that thing was shining.

He carefully stepped forward and entered the hall.

The moment he entered the lobby.

A layer of invisible waves flashed past him. Quickly disappeared.

“What !?” Lin Sheng was startled, and the fluctuations were extremely clear, like some sort of inspection.

For a moment he froze and did not move again.

After a few minutes, there was no more movement around him, and he moved again and walked towards the prayer table.

His shoes stepped on the dark red carpet, leaving stained black marks.

Soon, Lin Sheng stood before the prayer table. Facing the heavy Phnom Penh book.

“This thing … definitely isn’t ordinary, maybe it is the source of the anomaly here.” Lin Sheng stared at the golden book in front of him carefully. Slowly reach out and touch the cover.

The cover of the book is warm and soft, as if touching the skin of a person.

Lin Sheng paused and turned the first page slowly.


The first white page quickly appeared to him,

‘The city is getting more and more chaotic. I ca n’t waste time here. Outsiders, whoever you are, can pass through the holy ring, which means that you are not infected.

Here, I leave a gray seal as the foundation for future professors in this church. If you can, I beg you to leave a little seed for Black Feather City. Hill bless. ’

The ancient writings of this ancient Rennes are slender and beautiful, at first glance, women write.

Lin Sheng saw a red seal at the back with small prints engraved on it: Light of Hope, Anseria.

“Anselia? The light of hope?”

Lin Sheng frowned, stood on the prayer table, and slowly turned page by page to read most of the books.

As he read more and more, he realized that the book was completely different from what he had thought before.

The title Dawn of the Sun, is a prop specially used by the temple to train the Templars. It has no effect other than to pass on the heritage.

Lin Sheng’s quick glance page by page quickly revealed surprise.

In this book, a system of practice peculiar to the temple, the method of gray seal, is recorded.

The gray seal is a special mysterious symbol. As long as you keep the memory deep inside and meditate constantly, you can have wonderful all kinds of power feedback to strengthen yourself.

The gray seal method is the breaking limit method used by the temple for batch training of templar knights.

Recorded in the book.

This method can be used even by people of ordinary physical fitness. Meditation gray marks can quickly increase body strength.

This ascension depends on which gray mark of meditation it is.

According to the book records, there are many gray prints, and different gray print runes have different special effects.

Different meditations produce different feedback. The natural improvement is different.

The gray print looks like a shortcut to power.

But as Lin Sheng kept looking, he soon discovered that the person named Anseria had made a lot of marks in the margins on the side of the book pages.

Among them are the prerequisites for the gray mark of meditation.

‘The most important premise of Templar seed selection is spiritual. Only those with strong spirits and strong will can succeed in meditation. ’

The other end of the label is an indication of the fear in Anselia’s heart.

‘The inheritance of the gray seal must face the first version of the gray seal rune, but the book of the inheritance of the black feather city will not take long. Lisi, haven’t your previous applications to the Holy City come down yet? ’

“Another name, Lisse?” Lin Sheng moved his heart and continued to read.

Soon, the flipped pages had another paragraph marked.

‘My third application was still rejected. Lord Anselia, I have an unknown hunch in my heart. ’

Lin Sheng paused and continued to turn down.

Soon he found the page where the gray seal was located.

It was a very special page. On the white paper, in the middle was an extremely complicated and weird symbol.

It looks like a giant bird fluttering and a giant snake climbing the earth. Glancing at it, it looked like a solid church.

The whole symbol is dark red and eye-catching.

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